Chapter 5: What is right?
I wake up well before dawn, my internal clock surprisingly accurate. According to my calculations, it's been almost exactly 24 hours since my first encounter with the Omniversal Observation System.
The reconnection should happen within the hour.
The apartment is quiet and dark, the only light coming from the digital clock reading 5:17 AM. Gotham's perpetual cloud cover blocks even the pre-dawn glow that might otherwise filter through my windows.
After a quick shower and a strong cup of coffee, I settle into the living room to wait. No need for formality when speaking with interdimensional observers at 5:30 in the morning.
At exactly 6:00 AM, the air in front of me shimmers. The familiar translucent blue rectangle appears, hovering at eye level:
"Right on schedule," I say, setting down my coffee cup.
The rectangle expands, splitting into four equal sections.
My image appears in one quadrant, while the other three fill with the now-familiar faces: Azula, princess of the Fire Nation;
Light Yagami;
and Sōsuke Aizen.
I maintain a neutral expression.
There's a moment of tense silence as we all regard each other, perhaps each wondering who will speak first this time.
Light breaks the silence. "It appears our mysterious observer has decided to reconnect us as promised."
"How delightful," Azula says dryly. "Another interruption to my important duties."
Aizen's smile doesn't waver. "I find these exchanges quite illuminating, actually. A rare opportunity to converse with minds from entirely different realities."
All three turn their attention to me, and I realize I'm the only one who hasn't spoken yet.
"I'm still trying to decide if this is an honor or an imposition," I say carefully. "Though I admit to being curious about all of you."
A new message appears in the center of the display:
"How specific," Light comments, his tone carefully neutral. "I suppose our observer has a particular agenda for today's conversation."
Azula scoffs. "I have no intention of sharing my personal challenges with strangers."
"Perhaps," Aizen suggests smoothly, "we might interpret the directive broadly. After all, challenges can be philosophical as well as practical."
I nod, seeing an opportunity to learn more without revealing too much. "I'm dealing with adaptation to new circumstances. Finding my place in an unfamiliar environment."
This is vague enough to be true without giving away my actual situation.
Light studies me with analytical eyes. "An interesting choice of words.
I too find myself contemplating adaptation - specifically, how to navigate a world where justice seems increasingly absent."
"Justice is a luxury," Azula says dismissively. "Power and order are what truly matter.
My challenge is dealing with incompetence among those who should be executing my nation's will."
"And what is your nation's will, Princess Azula?" Aizen asks with polite interest.
Her eyes narrow slightly. "The Fire Nation brings progress and civilization to a chaotic world. Those who resist merely delay the inevitable."
I keep my expression neutral, though internally I note how perfectly her response aligns with Fire Nation propaganda.
"And you, Aizen?" Light asks. "What challenges occupy your thoughts?"
Aizen's smile remains unchanged. "I find myself contemplating the nature of authority - specifically, whether those who hold power truly deserve it, and what responsibility the truly capable have to reshape flawed systems."
And isn't that perfectly what encapsulates Sosuke Aizen's view on the universe?
The man who decided to go against the one his world consideres god - a man willing to reshape the Heavens and Earth in his image.
"An interesting dilemma," I respond, leaning forward slightly. "The question isn't whether power should be sought, but whether the current wielders of power are using it effectively.
A truly capable leader might need to seize control to implement necessary changes."
My response is one that I have contemplated many times in my previous life.
I have always been a person interested in the essence of existence. The essence of truth and justice.
The world has always been too corrupt for my taste. Having always wanted to change it.
Yet, I was never arrogant enough to think I could do it or if capable of bringing the nations to their knees like the conquerers of old that I could bring absolute justice.
Though recently, in the back of my mind after gaining this power...
Aizen's eyes flicker to me with new interest. "Indeed. Sometimes the existing order must be... restructured for the greater good."
"Power should belong to those with the vision and strength to use it effectively," Azula interjects. "Bloodlines matter. Heritage matters. Some are born to rule."
Light shakes his head slightly. "I disagree. Intelligence and moral clarity should determine who leads, not accident of birth. A truly just world would recognize merit over heredity."
I watch this philosophical clash with fascination. Three brilliant, dangerous minds from different realities, each approaching power and justice from their unique perspective.
"What about you, Samael?" Aizen asks, turning the conversation back to me. "You've spoken of adaptation, but what are your broader views on power and justice?"
I consider my response carefully. "I believe the world often requires decisive leadership to create meaningful change.
Those with the vision to see problems clearly and the strength to implement solutions have a responsibility to act.
Compassion is important, but so is the willingness to make difficult decisions for long-term improvement."
"Finally, someone sensible," Azula says with a hint of approval. "Though I question the emphasis on compassion."
"Compassion isn't weakness," I counter. "It's strategic. A leader who understands their people's needs can inspire loyalty that fear alone never achieves.
But I won't deny that sometimes harsh measures are necessary."
Light studies me with renewed interest. "You believe the ends justify the means?"
"I believe results matter," I reply carefully. "Good intentions mean nothing without effective action.
But one must not lose himself on the path of good, for as the saying goes, some roads to hell are paved by good intentions."
Aizen's smile widens fractionally. "An interesting discussion. It seems we represent quite different philosophical approaches to similar questions, though perhaps with more common ground than initially apparent."
A new message appears in the display:
"Now it wants specific examples," Light says with a slight frown. "This system seems determined to extract personal information."
"I see no harm in discussing general situations," Aizen replies smoothly. "For instance, I recently had to address insubordination from someone under my command.
I chose to redirect their energy rather than punish them outright, recognizing their potential usefulness despite their momentary lapse."
Azula straightens imperceptibly. "I've been tasked with an important mission by my father. My approach has been to select a small, elite team rather than rely on the military's standard protocols.
Efficiency through precision rather than overwhelming force."
Light hesitates before speaking. "I recently witnessed a criminal act and found myself frustrated by the system's inability to deliver appropriate consequences.
I'm still considering the most effective response."
They all turn to me expectantly.
"Yesterday I intervened when I saw three men threatening a woman in an alley," I say, deciding to share something true but not revealing.
"I could have ignored it, called authorities, or handled it myself. I chose direct intervention because it seemed the most immediately effective option."
"And were you successful?" Aizen asks.
"Yes. The woman was unharmed, and the men won't be bothering anyone else anytime soon."
"You employed violence, then," Light observes.
"Only as much as necessary," I reply. "I don't believe in excessive force, but I won't hesitate to act decisively when the situation demands it."
Azula looks unimpressed. "Three common criminals hardly represent a significant challenge."
"True," I acknowledge. "But principles apply at all scales. How we handle small situations reflects how we'd approach larger ones."
A new message appears:
This question takes us all by surprise. We've been focused on protecting our own information, not on what we might gain from this exchange.
After a moment, Aizen speaks. "I'm interested in understanding how different realities shape philosophical perspectives.
Our worlds clearly operate under different rules and values, yet we face similar fundamental questions."
Light nods slowly. "I find value in testing my reasoning against different viewpoints. Echo chambers lead to intellectual stagnation."
"I have little to learn from any of you," Azula says dismissively, though her eyes betray a hint of curiosity. "Though I suppose observing different approaches to power has some academic interest."
Again, they turn to me.
"I'm interested in methodologies," I say thoughtfully. "Each of you seems to have developed unique approaches to achieving your goals.
There's value in understanding different paths to power and influence, even if our ultimate objectives differ."
What I don't say is that I'm gathering information about their current states of mind and their positions in their respective timelines.
"This system is quite persistent," Light remarks dryly.
Azula shrugs. "I expect to continue my mission without significant obstacles. Success is inevitable."
Aizen's smile remains serene. "I anticipate some organizational changes in my near future. Nothing particularly concerning."
Light adjusts his position slightly. "I expect to continue my studies while observing how justice functions - or fails to function - in my society. Perhaps an opportunity for meaningful change will present itself."
"And you, Samael?" Aizen asks. "What challenges do you anticipate?"
I consider my response. "I'm still establishing myself in my current situation. Learning the rules, understanding the players, finding my place.
My immediate challenge is to build influence without drawing premature attention to my capabilities."
"A measured approach," Aizen comments approvingly.
"You're being deliberately vague," Azula observes with narrowed eyes.
I smile slightly. "As are we all, Princess. Some cards are best held close until the right moment to play them."
We know not how we came to this connection - nor the true consequences of not following them. It would be foolish to reveal too much. Yet, it is as well not wise to take risks not able to be calculated.
Each of us is waiting for one to make a mistake - to challenge the system and see what happens.
Light's eyes reflect a hint of respect. "Strategic ambiguity has its uses."
The floating rectangle collapses in on itself and vanishes, leaving me alone in my apartment once more.
I exhale slowly, processing the conversation. The System seems to be deliberately fostering both connection and tension between us.
That final recommendation about alliances and conflicts feels almost like it's encouraging us to form teams or rivalries.
Based on what I've just heard, I can place each of them in their timelines with reasonable certainty.
Azula is hunting Zuko and Iroh, which places her early in the Avatar timeline.
Light hasn't found the Death Note yet but is already disillusioned with the justice system.
Aizen is actively planning his betrayal of the Soul Society.
All three are on trajectories I recognize from their fictional counterparts, which suggests the worlds they come from align closely with the stories I know.
That's valuable information - it means my knowledge of their futures may be accurate.
The sun is rising now, pale light filtering through Gotham's perpetual haze.
I have another day at GSI ahead of me, more research into cross-dimensional energy transfer that might actually help me understand how I got here.
As I prepare for the day, I can't help wondering what Azula, Light, and Aizen are doing now. Are they also contemplating our conversation?
Planning how to use the others for their own purposes? Dismissing the whole experience as an irritating distraction?
One thing is certain - all three are dangerous in their own ways.
If the Observation System is pushing us toward alliances or conflicts, I'll need to tread very carefully.
Their goals and methods align with mine in some ways but diverge dramatically in others.
I might need their knowledge or even their assistance eventually, but I won't be manipulated into becoming anyone's pawn.
For now, though, I have a more immediate concern: navigating day two in Gotham City without drawing the attention of its most famous resident.
The last thing I need is Batman investigating the white-haired, red-eyed teenager with mysterious abilities who appeared out of nowhere.
I finish my breakfast, tuck my GSI keycard into my pocket, and head out to face another day.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
Do tell me how you found their discussion?
I personally find it fascinating.
So yeah, I hope to see you all later,