
Here is the glossary. it contains the CURRENT abilities/titles of Diva. if anything gets added. it will be updated here. and if I mention a skill or title you can t remember hopefully this will stop you having to shift through a bunch of chapters.   



Abilities are similar to magical spells but are race specific. Unlike abilities, they do not require any mana to use. Abilities can be earned by experimenting, evolving and via the skill shop


Living nest

A queen and her nest are one and the same. Wherever she goes, her nest must as well.


(Inside your body is a small personal nest that can store certain types of insects. You can summon from this nest at any time. Current capacity 200. See hive management for more details.)


bestial call

 call the beasts to be your ally in battle. or force them to flee. 

(With a single shout, animals will turn tail and run or come to your aid if you so wish it. Limited to certain animals.)


A simple yet extremely versatile appendage. No hive queen should ever be seen without one.


(You can sprout 4 pincers from your back to use however you please)


Venomous constitution


From head to toe. Your body is a dangerous weapon.

(You produce a very toxic venom inside of you, this venom can be secreted from any place and used in any way you see fit)


Enhanced reaction


Faster than fast, quicker than quick.

(you have supernatural reaction speeds)



Insect Vision


See the world how it was always meant to be seen.

(with this ability, your peripheral vision increases, and you can see the world in much more detail; additionally, you can see heat and have better vision during the night.)



A civilised tongue for a civilised race.


(enhances your ability to speak to your hive by adding pheromones to help convey your message across)



Tired of eating? Well, send your delightful children to do the job for you.


(You can now send your royal flies to eat on your behalf. Anything they’ve eaten will be transferred to you as resources as soon as they return to the hive.)


Hive Weave

A web of knowledge and information that binds us all.

(You can now perceive the hive weave. A web that binds you all, allowing you to better control the hive. And share any information learnt.)




Titles are awarded when unique or great feats are accomplished. Titles have the ability to add bonuses to you but can also add negative effects. Once a title has been achieved, they belong to you forever. You can focus on any title you have to get a detailed explanation.




You have travelled a long distance to get here traveller and as such, here is your award.


(People with this title earn 50% per cent more XP on everything they do.)


Herald of the end


Your presence in this world marks the beginning of the end of all things.


(People with this title have vastly increased mental fortitude. This title makes dealing with the atrocities you commit much easier and rewards you with 15 per cent more xp for it. It also has the small bonus of making people fearful towards you.)


Fanatic Xenophobe

The idea of other races living in the same world as you and breathing the same air as you fills you with disgust and extreme hate


(This title awards you with 20% bonus damage to races that aren’t your own. You also harbour extreme Prejudices towards other races. This effect of this title is shared with your Hive)



Inflicting Physical and psychological pain on others. Fills you with joy


(The pain you inflict on others is amplified by 15%, and any psychological damage you inflict lasts longer.)



Silent Assassin

You prefer the more clandestine approach to killing your enemies.


(Enemies you kill stealthily award 15% more XP)



A bond between mother and child is unbreakable. (The bond between you and your children is so strong that they are now immune to anything that could possibly attempt to affect that bond, such as mind control)


Delivering children is second nature to you. (The delivery of children is much more quickly and more efficient for you and your nurses)





Royal Fly


Whilst almost identical in appearance to a regular housefly. Internally they are completely different. Royal Flies possess both impressive speed and agility compared to regular flies. Additionally, Royal flies also boast a large amount of intelligence. Royal flies work as an extension of their queen and, as such, will be able to share certain abilities that she has. Royal flies can only exist inside the Queen's living hive and will reproduce automatically.

Gestation: 10 per 1/hr 

Resources: 100


Worker unit.


The backbone of any functioning hive. The role of the worker is to build, repair and maintain the hive. They can also fulfil simple logistical roles for the hive as well. Workers have the ability to create a form of wax that they can shape and mould into whatever the queen or hive desires.

Gestation: 3 days

Resources: 500


Basic combat unit

These are the basic combat drone. They exist as the sword and shield of the hive and will make up the vast majority of a hive's combat forces. The basic combat unit may be the weakest combat unit that the hive can have, But what they lack in offensive power, they make up with quantity due to their incredibly short gestation period

Gestation: 1 day.

Resources: 250


Nursing Unit

Nurses are responsible for raising future generations of the hive by looking after and raising the larvae after it hatches. Nurses have specialised organs that allow them to do so

Gestation:  5 days

Resources: 750






Titles are awarded when unique or great feats are accomplished. Titles have the ability to add bonuses to you but can also add negative effects. Once a title has been achieved, they belong to you forever. You can focus on any title you have to get a detailed explanation.



Magical spells you acquire will appear and be listed here. Magical spells cannot be bought via the skill shop but have to be learnt. Currently, you do not have the ability to cast magical spells.



Abilities are similar to magical spells but are race specific. Unlike abilities, they do not require any mana to use. Abilities can be earned by experimenting, evolving and via the skill shop



Resistances are listed here. Having a resistance allows you to take reduce damage or weaken a negative status effect. Resistances can only be obtained when you are exposed to an effect for a long enough time or often enough for a resistance to develop.



Your underlings are listed here. From here, you can check their statuses and even pick abilities and evolutions.


Hive Management.

Manage your hive from here. Go to hive management for more details.

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