Chapter 17: Newborn 18+

Content Warning: Birthing, Non-consensual sex acts.
And here it is, folks, the start of the second arc. Enjoy this chapter.

"And give or take a few details. That's How I got here in this world.”

"Shit, paul"

"Diva, It's diva now."

"Ah, Sorry"

"It's fine."

We had been walking for the past couple of minutes. During that time, I told her just about everything. Honestly, it felt nice to get it all off my chest. However, there was one thing that was bothering me.  

"I'm surprised you believe me about being from another world."

"Yeah, in any other circumstance. I would call you crazy. But seeing how our contract prevents lying and you are still alive. It must be true. To think there are other worlds out there, and they are just as shitty as this one."

I laughed. "That’s why I have to make this world mine. That shit has been around too long; someone has to clean it up. And that cleanup starts here” We burst through the tree line and into the camp.

“Welcome to my home. What do you think?”

“What do I think? Only the insane would choose to live here. What the hell happened here? Why is there pools of blood everywhere?”

“Details, details, Apollinaris.  Oh, that reminds me.”

<Children, come out and meet momma’s new friend.>

Suddenly a wave of flies flew out from nowhere and surrounded themselves around me.

<Mother, your back!>

<Where have you been? It's been several hours.>

<Yeah, we thought you were hurt or worse.>

<Please don’t ever leave us for that long>

I petted one of them on the head. <Im sorry I made you worr- WAIT, what do you mean hours? I was only gone for 2 hours at most>

<Mother, look up.>

I did, what I was told, and was met with a burnt orange sky as the sun was close to setting. Had I really been gone for that long? How far had I walked from the hive? I pondered the questions for a bit before throwing them away. It didn't matter anyway. I was back, and that's what matters.  My hand started petting each and every one of their tiny beedy heads. They have no reason to be this cu-


My face soured as I turned to face Apollinaris.

“You’re interrupting a lovely family bonding session ya know.”

“Mind explaining what you were umm…. What were you doing.”

“These are my children,” I spread my arms apart so she could get a better look. “All 150 of them that I left to defend the hive.”

Her eyes bulged, and her mouth dropped open. “150!” She yelled.  “You're barely a week old. How could you already be a mother with 150 kids.”

“Actually, I have 400 with another 15 on the way. They live inside of me.”

Her eyes bulged even wider before she started rubbing her temples.

“I'm too tired for this. Can you show me a place where I can rest? ”

I nodded, and all my children flew inside of me. More sounds of disbelief came from Apollinaris which I ignored as we headed into the cave. We headed toward my room first.

“Welcome to my room. What do you think.” I said as the heavy steel doors opened into my room.

“Oh, diva. I have so many questions,” She said, eyeing up the room.

“But let's start with the elephant in the room. Why is there a beaten and bruised pregnant human in here.”

 “Oh, that,” I said, giving Ali a quick glance. “She is the human who is carrying more of my children.”

“Riiiiiight, And she agreed to carry your children willingly?”

I looked at her dryly. “Look, It doesn't matter whether or not she had a say in it. My hive must grow no matter what. I will do whatever I need to make sure that happens. It's important to you and important to me.”

“I'm sorry; it's just that. The thought of you doing that kinda reminds me of what happened to mom.”  Tears started to appear in her eyes. My hand approached her face and wiped away her tears.

“I get why seeing this would be tough for you. But I'm not going to stop. IT IS going to happen again and to more people. We will never achieve what we want if we aren't prepared to get a little bit dirty.”

She wiped another tear away. “Your right. I can't afford to be emotional right now. It won't help me in the long run.”

I nodded. “Good, Just keep your goal in mind. Just remember everything we do. Is for the sole purpose of achieving what we want.”

Suddenly, a loud moan came from behind me. I quickly turned around to see Ali slowly raise her head up. I swiftly moved to the side of the bed and placed my hand on her belly. It had grown immensely during the time I was gone. There were Stretch marks all down the sides of her stomach. The occasional Twitch of skin could be seen as the children moved and squirmed in her body. It won't be long now. My hands kept rubbing her belly. It won't be long until my newborns arrive.

Ali started to wake up some more. I moved up to the top of the bed and whispered into her ear. “Rise and shine, sleepy head”, I said as my hand gently caressed her face. A smile appeared on her face as she slowly opened her eyes.

“Andrew?... is ..that you,” She said sleepily.

My lips curled into a sadistic smile. “Why don’t you open your eyes and find out.”

She slowly opened her eyes. As soon as they saw me, her smile disappeared.


“Oh, don’t say that. Didn’t you enjoy our time spent together?”I said as my lips pursed and went in for a Kiss. She started panicking and moving her head to stop me from kissing her.


I looked over at Apollinaris; Her face was a mixture of uncertainty, fear and doubt.  She made eye contact with me for a few seconds before walking up towards the bed and holding her head still. She nodded towards me. I smiled and planted my lips on hers. Mine and her tongue wrapped and twisted around each other. She tried to pull away, but Apollinaris held firm. Finally, after a few minutes of making out with her, I pulled away. Apollinaris immediately let go and instantly left the room.

“Baby steps, diva, baby steps. She will get over it eventually….. she has to.”

I looked away from the door and back at her. Her chest was still panting up and down, trying to get as much air in to her lungs as possible.

“PLEASE DO aughhhhh-“

Before she could finish, I grabbed one of her boobs, making her yelp in pleasure. I kept massaging and Groping them, causing an endless barrage of moans to stream out of her. Suddenly, I felt something wet on my hands. I looked down at her boobs, and I saw white fluid slowly bubbling out of her nipples.

“Oh, This is too good. You really are ready to pop, aren't you? But let’s double-check to make sure.” Then, without warning, I dove down, wrapped my lips around one of her breasts, and started sucking.

*Unghhh ahhhh!*

She let out an ear-piercing moan as thick, sweet milk filled my mouth.

+ 10 resources.

+1 resources (efficient processing bonus)


I ignored the notification and continued sucking. More and more sweet milk filled my mouth. God, I never knew this stuff tasted so good; no wonder babies have a hard time stopping. My hand moved up to her other breast and started squeezing and groping. The more I did this, the more I could feel her breast start to tremble. Suddenly, a jet of milk shot out of her nipples, several feet into the air and landed on my back.

“Don’t be so wasteful, you stupid cow,” I yelled as I started sucking her breasts harder. My tongue started doing circles around her erect nips. Trying to coax as much milk out of them as possible. It worked a treat as she let out a loud moan, and a thick creamy jet of milk shot into my mouth. I pulled away, leaving a red mark around her nipples.

My sight shifted to her other breast, every part of me wanted to milk her dry, but I resisted the urge. The children need to be able to have their share as well. I stood up and looked down towards her. She was panting heavily; the bed sheets and her body were covered in milk. My hand lifted the remainder of the bed sheets and pulled her legs apart. Her pussy was dripping, yearning to be filled. Dammit. If only she wasn’t too far down the line. I moved my head towards her pussy and stuck it in as deep as I could, and immediately stuck my tongue. She let out one last earth-shattering moan as she came all over my face.

“Did you enjoy that?”

She didn’t respond. She just looked around the room, completely unaware I was there.

“I'll be back later,” I said as I left the room, making sure to leave one of my children to watch over her. Outside the room, I saw Apollinaris sitting at the foot of the door.

“Did you hear all of it?”

She nodded. I let out a sigh and sat next to her. We didn’t speak for a while. We just sat there and stared into the distance.

“Did you……. Ya know?” She asked me.

“No. It was just some fun foreplay. And besides, she's too far along now. If I were to put any more in her, It would damage the others.”

“Oh. I see.”

I sighed again.

“She's not innocent, you know?”

She looked up to me with a confused look. “What do you mean?”

I leaned back against the cold stone walls. “She was a bandit. This entire place I call home used to belong to bandits. On my first day here, Ali and her goons tried to kidnap me and sell me for money. Of course, I wasn’t going to let myself become enslaved, so I fought back and killed 2 out of the 3 of them. However, during the fight. She used some sort of explosive paper that killed several hundred of my children.”  I clenched my hand and stared directly at Apollinaris’s eyes.

“She murdered my children out of greed, Apollinaris. She Burnt my children alive for money. They weren't even a day old.” my body started to tremble with anger just talking about this.

“So if you think I'm being too cruel. Remember, not everyone is as innocent as they first appear.”

“Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

“you should know the full context. I hope telling you this story might help you deal with your feelings. Don’t misunderstand. I'm not trying to justify what I did. I don’t need to or want to. I raped that girl, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I will do it again and to other people. people who were probably innocent.”  I stood up and gave her my hand.

“Come let me show you around the rest of the hive.” She stared at my hand for a few seconds and then took it.

“You know, diva, The more time I spend with you. The harder I find it to believe you were human once.”

I sniggered. “Dying and changing races does that to you.”             

We didn’t talk much after that. Instead, I gave her a quick tour of the place, showing her the room with all the cages, storeroom and internal sleeping quarters.  She was extremely shocked and a little bit jealous of the wealth I had built up in the storeroom.

“So, where do you wanna sleep?” I asked her.

“Well, the sleeping quarters are a complete NO NO.” She gave me a look as she said. I just shrugged.

“And your room is kinda full at the moment, so I guess ill take the storeroom. Got any blankets I can use?”

“Not down here. But you can check the camp outside. If you look through the tents, you may find something you can use.”

She nodded, and we quickly made our way back to the camp, where Apollinaris immediately started rummaging the camp. Meanwhile, I sat down and gazed up into the now-setting sun. How much time did I really spend with Apollinaris? There was no way I was gone tha-

“FUCK!” I jumped straight to my feet

“What! What's going on!? Are we under attack?!” She said, darting her head out of a tent.

“No, I completely forgot something important.”

“What was it?”

“To find some food for my children. Unfortunately, I got distracted by you.”

“Oh,” She said, climbing out of The tent. “Sorry, I didn’t mean-.”

“I'm not mad at you. It's my fault; they are my children. Feeding them is my responsibility.” Suddenly, green energy came from her right hand.

“If it helps, I can make thi-“ Her legs immediately buckled. As quick as a flash, I was by her side, holding her.

“Heh, sorry I keep causing you trouble. It's that contract. It's taken all the mana out of me.”

“Stop apologizing; it's fine, anyway; what did you want to give me.” She smiled at me as She lifted her hand. In her hand was a small brown mushroom.

“You said you need to feed your kids. Maybe they can have this. Try it.” She dropped the mushroom in my hand, and I instantly popped it into my mouth. It was soft and had a smokey, nutty aftertaste.


+300 resources.
+30 resources (efficient processing bonus)


300 resources! My eyes bulged. How could this tiny mushroom have 300 resources?

“They were a special type of mushroom I was working on, high in nutritional content and very low resources needed to grow them. I was making it for the moon spirit district, where nutritional food was hard to come by, But that doesn’t matter anymore. I feel like you will find a good use for it.”

“Apollinaris, This is….” I turned her around and gave her a hug.

“ACK….DIVA…STOP….” She started gasping and attacking my back. I slowly let her go.

“Your hugs are worse than my mother's. you nearly suffocated me to death!”  She said whilst trying to catch her breath

“I'm sorry, but I'm so happy. With this, I can grow my hive to unbelievable levels. How many can you make?”

“With mana alone, around 100 before I run out and have to recharge; however, Keep in mind They are still mushrooms, so you can always just grow more. “

“I see, and can you improve them to make them more nutritious.”

“Given resources and enough time, yeah. I would need a whole load of corpses, though. Mushrooms tend to like the decay.”

A smile crept onto my face. “I have just the place.”

She looked at me and grimaced.

“Oh “that” room. Why do you even have that?”

“I had to put the previous owners somewhere and besides. I still need to eat.”

She grimaced again and pulled away from me.

“Thanks for catching me earlier.”

“No problem,”

She nodded and went back to rummaging through the tents whilst I sat down and pulled up my system.


Diva: LVL 15



MP: 400





(outworlder) (herald of the end) (Fanatic Xenophobe) (sadist) (Silent assassin)



MIND: 30







Living nest (LVL 2)

Bestial call (LVL 1)

Venomous constitution (LVL 1)

Enhanced reaction (LVL 1)

Insect Vision (LVL 1)

Insect speech (LVL 1)

Hive link (LVL 2)

Efficient Processing



Cindi (Servant)







Hmmm, no new changes. I sighed and looked over to Apollinaris. She is a very intelligent girl, but she is too weak; physically. She will need to get much stronger than she is now to have even a shot of getting revenge. What she needs is a system like mine. But how? Cindi nor the system ever mentioned if it was possible for me to even share the system, let alone how. Asking Cindi could work, but she’s resting right now. I closed my eyes and searched my soul for her presence. It took a while to find it because it was so weak. But eventually, I did stumble across her. Her presence was so incredibly weak. She’s not resting, as in she’s sleeping. She is practically comatose. I couldn’t feel any sort of conscious thought from her at all. I opened my eyes and found myself in the camp. No way I'm risking hurting her by waking her up.

I sighed and opened up the ability shop looking for any new abilities I might have unlocked, but sadly there was nothing. However, there was an ability that looked interesting.

Conversion process

Conversion Process

See someone with skills you like, Knowledge you want. With this skill, you can turn them into one of your own and make them your subordinates.

Cost: 35 points.


If I remember correctly, I can view the statuses of people who are my subordinates. To have a status implies that you also have a system as well. So, could I give them a system if I make them one of my subordinates? I have to try this on her at some point. If it works or fails, it's still a net positive. If my body is anything to go by, she will definitely be a lot stronger than she is now.

The only problem is that it cost 35 points. That’s 7 or so levels I would need to get this. That’s a lot of hard work, but luckily, I will have plenty of hands to help me.

I closed my menus and brought my attention back to Apollinaris, who had just finished rummaging through the last tent.

“I think this will do. I spent a lot of time trying to find sheets that weren't covered in blood. Luckily I was able to find enough to make a sort of bed with. And just in time, too, the sun is about to fully set.”

“Good. I'm guessing you're calling it a night?”

“Yeah, and thanks.”

“What for?”

“Just for everything ya know, saving my life, giving me a place to stay, complementing my mushrooms, nobody except my mom has ever done that. So thanks”

I smiled and pulled her into a hug.


I chuckled as I let her go And started shaking her hand instead.

“No problem.”

She gave me a wry smile as we left the camp and returned to the cave. Apollinaris broke off and entered the storeroom whilst I headed into my room.

“Honey, I'm home.” I yelled as I pulled open the heavy door. She looked up towards fear painted all over her face.

“Relax. I'm not going to do anything….yet.” I  walked over to the side of the bed and climbed In. She immediately tried to shuffle away, But I instantly pulled her in close and wrapped my arm around her belly. She wasn’t going anywhere, and she knew it. Her body started trembling as I petted her head.

“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on hurting you. You carry something very important to me.” My hand started rubbing circles on her pregnant belly.

“W-whats I-In there?” She said with a tremble in her voice. She never once looked at me. All she did was focus on her belly as tiny twitches, and movements happened all over its surface.  

“You'll find out soon, in a few hours, in fact. But for now, let's get some rest. You will need it.”

I pulled her in close and held her. She never stopped trembling the entire time. It was kind of relaxing so much that I found myself drifting off to sleep.

A Few hours later……


My eyes snapped open. “What the hell is going on.”



My hands snapped to my ears. Trying to block the ear-piercing wail that came from the girl. Oh god, finally, the time has arrived. I lept off the bed, pulled her down towards the end, and spread her legs wide open.




My hand flew to my ears again as she let out another scream. I looked down into her pussy, and I could see something white start to poke its head out. Fluid dripped out of her and onto the floor.

“PUSH!” I yelled. She let another ear-piercing wail and started flailing her legs all over the place, Nearly hitting me in the head in the process.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!” I snapped my head behind me. Apollinaris had burst into the room wearing some sort of pyjamas.

“Good, you’re here!” I ran over to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the bed.

“Hold her legs still and as wide open as possible. She might injure the larvae on the way out. If she keeps kicking her legs like that.”

“The What!?”

“No questions! Hold leg now!” I placed her arms on her knees and moved back down to her pussy. Fluid was gushing out of her Like a waterfall as the head of the larvae started poking through.

“You're doing great! KEEP PUSHING.”


She pushed harder, causing The larvae to slowly inch out of her stretched pussy. My heart raced in anticipation. Apollinaris held her legs firm whilst also reassuring Ali that she was doing great.

I peeked my head over her legs and yelled, “KEEP GOING! ONE MORE PUSH,” She kept screaming in pain. The bed was drenched in sweat and other bodily fluids. Her hands were covered in blood from digging in so hard into her palm. I moved my hands to the base of her pussy ready to catch the larvae



The larvae finally slipped out and landed in my hand with a squelch. It squirmed and writhed in my hand as the cold air in the room got to him. Dammit, no blankets. I quickly pulled him to my chest and cradled him.

<It's okay, it's okay. I'm here.> He let out tiny roars and screeches as I cuddled and cradled him. He was around 1 foot in length, and his body was completely white with little crevices running all the way down it. He had a tiny set of pincers and a very small set of antennae. He didn’t have eyes yet, but a part of me knew that they would develop very soon.

<You are the cutest thing I've ever seen.> My hands wrapped tighter around his body and brought him closer to my chest, He is the single cutest thing I've ever seen.

“Congratulations, it’s a…… what is it exactly?”

I turned to face Apollinaris. “It’s a Boy; they will always be boys.” My heart fluttered at the sight of him moving and squirming in my hand. It had only been a day, but it felt like I had been waiting for this moment all my life.

“W-w- what is that thing?” Ali chimed in.

I walked over to her so she could get a better look. “This is what we made together.”

Her face twitched and twisted as her mind tried to wrap around what I had just said.

“No- No- That can't be. That thing can't be AUGHHHHH”

She held her stomach as the contractions started again.

“Apollinaris, Keep an eye out for the next one. There is something I need to do!”

Before she could protest, I was out of the room, larvae close to my chest, running towards the sleeping area. He started roaring again.

<Don’t worry. Food is coming.>

I kicked the door of the living quarters and charged over to one of the bodies. In a flash, I tore his clothes off and, using one of my pincers, excavated a tiny cavity into the corpse. I then gently placed my newborn child inside the hole. Almost immediately, he started devouring the soft tissue of the body.

<I'm sorry, it's not the most incredible food around, but please do try to enjoy it.> I summoned 200 of my children, and They all immediately gathered around the newborn.

<He’s so small>

<Welcome to the family, little bro>

<Was I that weird looking as a larvae?>

<ENOUGH> I yelled. They all snapped their attention back to me. <I know you are all as excited as I am, but we must stay focused. Your job now is to defend this room with everything you have. These children must not come to harm. Do you understand>


<Good, now excuse me. I need to go help deliver the next one. Keep this place safe. I'm putting all my faith in all of you.>

Without a further word, I turned and ran back towards my room.

New title added:


A bond between mother and child is unbreakable. (The bond between you and your children is so strong that they are now immune to anything that could possibly attempt to affect that bond, such as mind control)



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