Imperial Uncle

Chapter 9 - Start reading

On the second day, I went to the palace and told the emperor and queen mother about the disposal of the princess.

I was going to see Qiyu first, and the **** told me that the emperor was discussing in the royal study, so I turned to see the queen mother.

After listening to my treatment of the princess, the queen mother said nothing, and half-closed her eyes closed and said, “Well, the sad family made a match for you that day. I think Li Zhi is a square person, and her daughter must be educated with heart. It is a good character. Every lady, Wang Qin and Yun Tang also entrusted Ai ’s family at that time, and they wanted to marry their daughter. The Ai ’s family considers among these three girls. Wang Qin ’s daughter is also a good-looking girl, but she ’s not as good as Li ’s family. This one is good, Wang Huai is worthy of a good talent. Yun Tang’s daughter is good, but I heard that her temper is not good, Xiao Yunyu is so sharp, she is afraid of his sister at home. And Yun Tang is The emperor’s elder brother is your peer, and his daughter will marry you again. Isn’t this a messy life, so I picked and chose Li’s family. Who would have thought so. I was wrong. “

I sat down and smiled and said, “How could it be the queen mother’s fault, the princess is like this, most of my fault is on me.”

The queen queen opened her eyes and said, “Nonsense, how could it be King Huai’s fault that the princess was not good with the guards when she was in her maiden house. Li Ye was a loyal minister in the court, so why is her daughter so confused?”

I said, “Master Li is busy with government affairs and neglects the family. There is no excuse for it. Moreover, when the princess was at her maiden house, she was raised in a deep boudoir, and it was vulgar. How could a girl not be pregnant, she was young and sensible at that time. Several poems of talented women and beautiful women secretly promised Fang Xin when they saw a young man. This is a common thing, and I definitely haven’t done anything. When I get married, I can forget about it. After she married … “I sighed,” I left her alone, she was … so I don’t blame her too much. “

The queen queen took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes: “Wang Huai, when you say that, the sad family suddenly feels sad. Also, Princess Huai has no blessings. You are broad-minded, big-spirited, and so considerate, but it ’s also true for women … … Why … or so, Ai ’s family will do another match for you, and I ’ll definitely choose a good one for you. My mother has a little cousin, like Wang Huai, who is young and senior. Seventeen years old this year, I have n’t decided yet. Most of the kids grew up with me before, and they are both obedient and smart, but they are a little shy. The horoscope is also compatible with you, or I will let someone take a picture to carry the king ’s palace, you have a look first. “

I sighed in my heart, the queen mother really did not let go of her at all, in the years I married the princess, there were always two or three times a month, the princess would be taken into the palace to speak. Now that the princess had just entered the nun, she had to give it to me as her little cousin.

I intentionally remained silent for a while before I said, “The cousin of the queen mother, it is fortunate that she would marry the minister and the three ministers, but my queen-obsessive habit is also known to the queen mother … Which lady did not marry me in vain …”

The Queen Mother insisted resolutely: “The family of Ai feels that King Huai’s hobby is just a little young and romantic, and Wang Huai is also assured. My cousin is the most gentle and never jealous. There must always be a woman to support and take care of you. Some things must be done by a woman. King Huai is the only child, and he is of this age, so he should also consider him. “

This queen mother’s abacus was so loud that she married her cousin to me, watched it day and night, and gave birth to a child for me. In the future, she will also have a share in my mother’s house.

I said, “Well, I care about my queen mother, and I have to worry about it again.”

The queen queen’s greatest strength is perseverance. If I shirk again, she will endlessly stir me up and down. The simple nature should be said later.

Sure enough, after I said this, the expression of the queen mother was clear again, and she told me all about her little cousin, and it took me about half an hour before I could get away.

When I went to the Royal Study Room again, Qi Ye had finished his discussions. The **** officer led me in, Qi Ye met me, and said in the first sentence, “The King of Huai is really fierce. I dealt with this matter yesterday morning.”

I said, “What kind of treatment is to find a quiet way to take care of all the faces.” I smiled again. “The queen mother really cares for the minister, and then she has to match the minister and give a cousin to the minister. . “

Qi Yun’s look stayed for a while, then he said, “You promised?”

I said, “The minister shirk, saying that I can’t change this problem, and it delays people for nothing, but it is difficult for the queen mother, but I …”

Qi Yan looked at me side by side, his mouth slightly raised: “It turned out that you are here to come and tell the mother, do you want me to help you retreat.” The raised corner of the mouth gave a meaningful look, The princess went to the nun, and you were actually relieved. “

I said nothing.

Qi Hui rounded the chair after the case and sat down, took a pen from the pen holder and played with it: “I can talk to my mother, but how can you thank me?”

I bowed down and said, “The emperor is sympathetic to his courtiers.

Qi Ying’s pen in his hand lightly touched his chin: “Just this sentence? You’re too embarrassed.”

I wondered: “Yes, the minister didn’t invite the emperor to eat casually. Recently, Qi Tan borrowed money to make me almost ruined, and there is nothing good to offer to the emperor.”

Qi Zheng turned his pen and said, “I was in your house the day before yesterday, and I saw a set of eight immortal feasts carved by peach kernels in the hall, which is very chic and interesting.”

Oh my god, my emperor’s nephew’s eyes are really sharp. He was surrounded by eunuchs in the front hall a few floors in and out that day, and he could even see such subtle things.

I said, “The emperor’s eyesight is so good. I can’t get such a wonderful thing by myself. It was sent by someone else.”

Qi Zheng said, “Why, Uncle Huang is reluctant to give it? It will not be given by Uncle Huang’s friend.”

When I heard the words “Uncle Huang”, I knew that things were not so good, and hurriedly said, “How is it possible that the minister would seal off and return to the palace for the emperor today.”

Qi Zheng just smiled with satisfaction.

After a while, I resigned and resigned, and turned around, and heard Qi Zheng said behind me, “Cheng Jun.”

I turned back and Qi Yun leaned back in my chair and looked at me: “You can rest assured that there will be a new princess in the door when you are there.”

I bowed again: “Thank you, Emperor.”

When I was out of the Imperial Study Room, I walked slowly along the road. I don’t know why. The “Cheng Jun” sounded by Qi Kai made me feel strange in my heart.

I remember Qizheng called me Chengjun for the first time. It was the day he just took power and it was Qiluan ’s fifteenth birthday. I entered the palace with a handle of Yu Ruyi to celebrate the ceremony. , I heard Qilu said, “Cheng Jun, please straighten.”

All the ministers gathered in the hall, and his words came out. The hall was silent.

I slightly raised my head and froze.

After being silent for a while, the sitting queen queen stood up and said, “How can the emperor call the king like this? He is the emperor’s uncle. How can there be a reason to call the elders’ names!”

Qi Yan said nothing, and his bright eyes stared at me.

I busily smiled: “The Empress Dowager said a lot. The Emperor’s name of the minister is a kind favor to the courtier. Although the courtier is the emperor’s cousin, he is even the emperor’s minister. Grace is. “

I nodded again, “Thank you, Emperor.” When I stood up, I saw Qi Yun still looking at me, but there was a smile on her lips.

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