Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Red Thorn

The killing under the moon night was accompanied by a little bit of cold, and there were no leftovers of the worms slaughtered by the giant blue wolf with the purple ghost.

After the killing, the people left, leaving the worm corpses alone and handing them to the Bauhinia Guard to clean up the mess.

At this time, an unremarkable black crow looked at the worm corpses everywhere and so quietly stayed on the treetop.

It’s just cruel and cruel in the eyes of the crow, as if with a slight contempt.

stood quietly for a moment, and the black crow suddenly shot towards the entrance of the dimensional crack.


Lin Yuan found that he got another rune of will when he returned.

Isn’t the rune of will difficult to obtain?

Why does it seem so simple to get the Rune of Will?

Is it because you are too smart?

Lin Yuan vomited in his heart.

This rune of will is Lin Yuan’s heart when he sees the Zerg being slaughtered.

The killing of the worms is completely destroyed, but for the people of Xia County, it is hope.

The contradictory existence of destruction and hope may have been intertwined.

It’s just that the positions and directions are different, so the definitions of hope and destruction are also different.

The true will of this rune of will is the hope that blooms in the killing.

This is a truly offensive rune.

The source species Lin Yuan did not use it immediately after returning, but spent a considerable amount of money on Xingwang to buy books about the source species.

It turned out that there is only a very simple introduction to the source books.

only introduces that the source species is a kind of source article, but the use of the source species is just a pass.

Although there are many dimensional cracks, there are also many dimensional cracks destroyed by the seal.

However, there are many kinds of source items, including only two source species.

The winner of the previous source seed contract only said that a drop of blood was needed to complete the contract with the source seed.

Then bury the source species in the energy ore and wait for the source species to germinate.

However, shortly afterwards, the source species winner was just an ordinary person, and he was not spared by the disaster of a three-dimensional rift.

Therefore, the research on the source species can only come to an end. The previous research also allowed the source species to be defined as the weaker one of the source items.

Otherwise, the merits of Lin Yuan’s own parents and the merits of Uncle Zhang’s uncle cannot add up to exchange only one source.

After reading the few relevant materials of the source species, Lin Yuan gained more knowledge about the original species.

At this time, Lin Yuan also decided to sign a contract with the source species.

Taking out the source species, Lin Yuan looked at the crumpled appearance of the source species only to feel ordinary.

But through this unremarkable look, Lin Yuan saw four hot hearts.

Lin Yuan cut his finger and squeezed a drop of blood onto the source seed.

Lin Yuan found that his blood was quickly absorbed by the source species.

also found that a contract that seemed to originate from the bloodline was born between himself and the source species.

After signing the contract, Lin Yuan was ready to stop bleeding on his hand.

hasn’t come yet and hemostasis. As a result, a drop of blood at the wound was dropped on the source seed again.

Lin Yuan was preparing to wipe it, but found that the source had already absorbed this drop of blood cleanly.

At this time, Lin Yuan only felt that the contract between him and the source species seemed to deepen a bit.

Simply Lin Yuan continued to try to drip blood on the source species.

Five or six drops dripped Lin Yuan as if he could feel the emotion of the source species faintly.

At this time, the source species is sending out a feeling of longing for the blood of this contractor.

Now Lin only feels that the source and the information on the books purchased online are inconsistent.

According to what is written in the book, it must be that after the previous contractor put a drop of blood on the source seed, he felt that the contractual connection stopped.

But since Lin Yuan now feels the desire of the source, he gritted his teeth and opened his palm.

The blood of the column falls on the source seed, and the source seed is not afraid, and it is quickly absorbed.

One minute later, until Lin Yuan felt that he was weak and dizzy due to blood loss, Yuan Zhong finally stopped absorbing the blood.

Lin Yuan quickly used Lily Lily to heal herself.

Lily Lily’s healing skills will not allow Lin Yuan’s wound to heal immediately, but it will stop bleeding for only a few seconds.

The elite class 10 lily lily can already be regarded as a qualified healing spirit.

Lin Yuan carefully looked at the source species that had sucked blood, and found that the source species at this time was slowly fading away the scab on the surface.

That layer of scab has now turned into a soft dark red.

This dark red scab was moved back into the seed by the original species, and at the same time, the front end of the original species also grew a sprout about three centimeters high.

At this time, Lin Yuan could clearly feel that the source seed was waiting for his direction and shape.

Lin Yuan has already made plans for the evolution direction of the source species in the past few days, and he has spoken directly.

“Two sprouts grow a mouth like a predator.”

Lin Yuan is going to cultivate this source species into a predator plant.

Then take the predator as the direction. A little bit evolved in other directions.

After listening to Lin Yuan’s instructions, the two sprouts soon grew into two cylindrical leaf stems that were 40 centimeters high after vigorous growth.

The middle of the leaf stem was like a stomach pouch, Lin Yuan felt it should be hollow. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Above the leaf stems are two red flowers like roses.

Lin Yuan carefully observed the flower and found that although the upper end of the flower was just a simple rose.

But there are sharp barbs on the petals, the petals are unscrewed, and inside is a large serrated mouth.

Lin Yuan didn’t expect that one command of his own would allow the source species to evolve a complete predator.

It seems that the source species is far from being as weak as the data says.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan feels that the source species is very strong. Now the source species is not ordinary.

But Lin Yuan thinks that it is an ordinary level of attacking spirits. For example, the gray-haired dog must not be the opponent of the source species, and will only become the food of the source species.

Lin Yuan injects aura into the source species, and finds that the source species does not absorb the aura he conducts.

It seems that there is a good point in the information. The only way this source wants to evolve is to absorb energy.

As a fighting plant, Lin Yuan does not want the original species to rely too much on absorbing energy from the soil.

Because plants rely too much on land, they are more restricted in combat.

Now the source species can increase their energy and promote their own evolution by eating, and they do not need to rely on the root system all the time for energy absorption.

So Lin Yuan intends to change the root system of the source species.

is of course not to prevent the roots from absorbing the energy in the soil, but to use the energy in the soil as a means.

For example, it can absorb the energy in the soil to supply itself, or at the same time strengthen the ability to fix the root system.

Of course, these are only Lin Yuan’s ideas at present, and the specific evolution has to wait for the source species to evolve to the copper level awakening characteristics and make detailed decisions.

Looking at the source species in front of him, Lin Yuan gave it a name, Red Thorn.

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