Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Make Yourself Better

Lin Yuan looked at the braided egg head with a bee headgear, and he smiled suddenly.

Lin Yuan’s laugh immediately caused the stream in the cloud to explode.

“You must not think about this girl’s hair! I also don’t want to be stung by ghost ghost spiders!”

said, the braised egg head took off his little bee headgear and pointed to his head to Lin Yuan.

“You look carefully, my hair is already growing!”

Lin Yuan only felt that this braised egg head was a pair of not-so-smart Yazi.

Exit Xingwang shop.

Lin Yuan immediately contacted Aneng to deliver the goods.

A Neng remained the same as last time, and soon helped Lin Yuan to install five elite-level epic-quality spray-web spiders in the trapped spirit box.

Lin Yuan praised Anen Qin’s quick and brisk look.

“The last time the goods were delivered was great. They were delivered in less than two hours. Like you!”

Lin Yuan knows that newcomers always need some encouragement.

Perhaps a simple encouragement is trivial, just a very common sentence.

But invisible can bring another person’s little caper and joy.

Sure enough, A Neng’s face immediately showed a shy smile, which was full of spirit and spirit.

“Thank you Mr. Lin, I will continue to cheer!”

These days Lin Yuan is like playing a snowball game.

In the spiritual pool of the Ling Ling space, there are batches of sucking goldfish.

At the same time, in the Xingwang store, Lin Yuan has also begun to hang elite elite goldfish in the store for sale.

Lin Yuan did not think about setting a purchase limit, so that everyone who came to the Xingwang store can only buy one.

But after a lot of thought, Lin Yuan rejected this idea.

The price of the Lingling Goldfish itself is not cheap, that is, the actual market price.

Because the varieties are all butterfly tails, even Lin Yuanhang’s price is a bit higher than the market price.

things are rare, and elite-spirit goldfish are rarely sold in stores.

Not to mention the butterfly tail goldfish, which is the most beautiful in elite appearance.

Therefore, as soon as the soul goldfish hung up, they were immediately scanned.

Lin Yuan thought, sweep the goods and sweep the goods, anyway, he did not lose.

Such a sales method can actually increase the sense of competition of shop buyers.

Lin Yuan bought another 30 pots of Qingluo. This time Lin Yuan did not evolve Qingluo into an elite level, so he hung it up for sale.

but evolved Qingluo to the bronze rank.

Bronze-scale Qing Luo is a wonderful flower on the road of evolution.

Other spirits are strengthening their survivability or fighting ability, and Qingluo is trying its best to make itself more delicious in the evolution of the species.

Qing Luo deserves to be called high-quality energy food called herbivores.

This is to make myself better to eat up my brain, it is really worth learning for all production creatures. .

As a kind of production spirit, Qingluo is undoubtedly very successful.

The unique characteristics of the copper-level awakening can increase the digestion speed of herbivorous spirits.

Let herbivorous spirits absorb energy from Qingluo faster, thus speeding up the eating rate.

This will undoubtedly also increase the upgrade speed.

The exclusive feature “grey green leaves” will make the appearance of Qingluo become unsightly, but it will increase the content of chlorophyll in the leaves.

The increase of chlorophyll content is also increasing the nutritional content of Chlorophyllum chinense.

Qingluo’s exclusive characteristics are almost all about how delicious they are, or they can grow more Qingluo vines and increase the production of Qingluo vines.

Qingluo is talking arrogantly to all creatures.

“I can produce food and I am delicious! So you have to take care of me and be kind to me! Carefully cultivate me!”

Lin Yuan did not pay attention to the quality of Qingluo when he evolved this Qingluo, but focused all his aura on Qingluo to break through the bronze rank.

The moment the elite Qingluo broke through the bronze rank.

seems to have been meticulously cared for by nature for more than ten years, and the leaves have more than doubled in size.

Chlorophylla vine grows longer, the larger the leaves at the lower end of the vine.

The upper leaves are very tender, and they are all new leaves that have not yet grown, so they look extra delicate.

Lin Yuan pinched the blade underneath in his hand and immediately felt that the weight of this blade was not light.

The vines hanging from the green vines are no longer as green as before, but are coated with a layer of wood.

After the shell was unscrewed by hand, the nutrient-rich juice immediately poured out.

Every time I watched the evolution of spiritual creatures, Lin Yuan could always feel the magnificence of the evolution of the long river species of life.

Lin Yuan looked at Tongjie Qingluo and said wisely to the side.

“Smart, if you were you, would you choose to make you evolve better to escape danger?”

screamed cleverly and looked at Lin Yuan puzzledly.

Just want to tell Lin Yuan what he learned in those books about the evolution of Qingluo and listen to Lin Yuan to continue.

“If it were me, I would still let myself evolve to be unpalatable, the more unpalatable, the better.”

cleverly looked at the cat’s head, a look of doubtful expression.

Is it because I am too smart, so even if I see Lin Yuan, UU reading still feels that Lin Yuan is not a very smart Asian child?

thinks so cleverly, I don’t know, in this room I think I’m the cleverest who is singing cheerfully.

Yinyin looked at the tens of thousands of fans who appeared in the live broadcast in just a few days, and only felt that he had stepped onto the peak of bird life.

The screen on the screen almost covered by the five words of “Adult Sparrow”.

After a few days of busyness, Lin Yuan wanted to go out for a walk.

I couldn’t stay at home one day in the previous life, but how did I become more and more home in this life?

turned around twice in the alley, and Lin Yuan simply went to the mall to buy a suit for himself.

Then sat in the restaurant of the mall and made a set meal.

The    course is a braised pork, a grilled fish nugget, and a rice.

For Lin Yuan, who loves meat, vegetarian dishes are never within the first choice.

After taking a bite of braised pork and taking another bite of grilled fish, Lin Yuan felt that the set meal in the mall was not as delicious as Uncle Li’s.

I don’t know how Aunt Zhang took Uncle Li to treat the legs, how long it will take this time.

Last year, it seemed that I had gone back for three months.

The news is in the mall.

The main theme of the news is mostly about the match of the ladder competition in the star network, as well as some real-world situations.

Listen to the news and eat a set meal.

Lin Yuan felt as if he had escaped from the previous busyness and enjoyed the rare tranquility.

This comfort makes Lin Yuan feel very comfortable, and it is this comfort that removes Lin Yuan’s fatigue that has been busy all day and night before.

Suddenly, a news message on the radio made Lin Yuan’s hand holding a spoon.

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