Imp to Demon King: A Journey of Conquest

Chapter 241: Demons in Foliaris

As Adam embarked on his two-week training under his idol's care, Luna patted off the dust covering her long coat.

The midday sun shone overhead as she glanced at the humans queuing before the city gates and pulled her hood down to obscure her face.

With a displeased snort, she pointed at the guards collecting travelers' entry fees and inspecting their goods, observing how some shamelessly stole items. Her blood burned when she saw those bastards' disdainful sneers and the nonchalance with which they treated others.

"Do you see him, Shadow?"

Her shadow stirred in answer before it turned into an arrow pointing at a guard on the left.

"You do the talking, Garduck, or I'll kill him before we step inside Foliaris."

With a nod, the hooded demon led the march as she followed behind with Bart.

She observed the mana barrier protecting the city for an hour before the greedy guard who had inspected Adam's carriage a few weeks prior approached them.

"Names and purpose. Faces, too. Now."

Garduck hunched his back and stepped forward, rubbing his hands like an old merchant. Yet she rolled her eyes when his guttural voice echoed.

"Gooday, brave city protector. I'd rather not show my face, but I'm sure we'll find a solution when addressing such a dignified person."

The guard's eyes narrowed, but Garduck pointed at Luna and Bart and continued before he could interject.

"Let me introduce these two. They're members of a renowned mercenary association. I hired them to escort me back to our kingdom's glorious capital."

He smirked under his hood as he saw the guard's eyes lit up like lanterns and a greedy smile curve his lips. Continue reading on empire

"I see. A rich merchant travelling incognito, right?" The guard nodded.

Convinced of his deduction, he crossed his arms, a meaningful glint flashing in his eyes.

"Ay. You got me, but please do not question my identity further."

He retrieved a bulging pouch and made it dangle at his fingertip, the clinking noise of coins filling the air. With a respectful bow, he presented it to the guard.

"For your trouble, my brave."

Smirking from ear to ear, the guard gripped the pouch, wondering how many silver coins it contained. Judging by its weight, it had to be worth at least ten gold. He peeked inside and froze—pure gold. His grin widened as he barked orders to let them pass.

Meanwhile, Luna heard Bart chuckle.

"This human must have been a demon in another life." He turned to Garduck. "Good job with the acting. I almost laughed out loud with your brave shenanigans."

She rolled her eyes as Garduck chuckled.

"Undeserving fools who receive a little power love nothing more than to hear flattery. Take note, it might be helpful one day."

She shook her head and left them to their discussion to focus on the road. They had much to do and a few individuals to visit—the thugs who had scared Litia and her sisters taking the first spot on her list.

Her steps hastened as she entered a deserted alleyway. The putrid scent of the uncleaned place made her clog her nose with her demonic essence. She avoided the detritus littering the ground, unwilling to even think about what could produce such a stench until her eyes landed on six devious-looking men leaning against a run-down wall.

"Wow, boss! We don't even need to lure prey anymore. They jump in our arms nowadays." One said, her knuckles whitening at his disgusting laughter.

"Did you follow a cart pulled by an armored man and transporting three women?"

"A woman! Did Hestia bless us?" The oldest licked his lips. Though he couldn't see her face because of the coat, her voice and forms made him drool already.

A knife glinted in his hand the next second as he gestured for his companions to surround her.

Before they could, Luna's lips twisted and her hand uncontrollably blurred.

"No one will miss thrash like you even if I got the wrong ones!"

Her palm opened, green flames crackling to life and taking the shape of six hissing snakes.

Her eyes narrowed into fiery slits as they trembled and their mouths snapped to scream in horror. How many powerless men and women had screamed when they plundered or abused them?

Before they could produce a sound or flee, she hurled the blazing snakes in their open mouths.

Their tongues turned to ashes, the horrible taste making them cry in despair. Even worse, they felt their vocal cords dry. Deprived of the ability to wail, they squirmed on the ground, producing disturbing gurgling sounds as they burned inside out.

Meanwhile, Luna shrugged at the scent of burning flesh as the men slowly turned to ashes.

"Don't bother Adam in your next lives, dogs."

Without gazing back, she left the alley, Garduck and Bart not caring about her doings. Instead, they joked about how Ifrit would have tormented them for days to teach them not to mess with their lords.

As they discussed, they passed through the market's boisterous maze of stands, the fragrance of exotic spices washing their nostrils.

Then, they reached the city center.

Shops lined the street, each promoting shining articles more fabulous than the last. But Luna ignored them and followed her shadow until she pushed Jean's adventurer shop door.

As the bell clinked, she glanced at the silver swords, spears and axes glinting on the walls and displays before the noise of ruffling clothes drew her attention to a man draped in elegant white and golden robes behind the counter.

"Welcome to my adventurer shop! Anything you might need, I have it, and even more." Jean started before his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Who are you guys, and why do you hide your faces in broad daylight?"

"Mercenaries." Luna planted a hand on her hip and shoved her finger at him. "I know you possessed a demonic map, so I suggest you close your shop, sit down, and listen to us before rumors reach the wrong people."

Blood drained from Jean's face as he cursed Adam for selling him. But passiveness would get him killed. He took a deep breath, his brows twitching as he leapt over the counter and locked the door.

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