Immortal Wanderer

Chapter 16: 16: The Royal Family (d)

The King tapped the table with his index finger, looking at Trojan. The King had an expression that could be described as a mix of cheerfulness and impatience. Trojan held his breath, knowing what he had just implied.

By implying that he wanted to speak with the Princess and not the King, Trojan was implying that he wanted to make the marriage a personal matter and not a political matter. By doing so, to the King, Trojan was willing to marry into the family without the political restrictions that were brought along. Basically, Trojan was implying that he wanted the Royal Family's name and alliance, but still be able to do anything he wanted.

At least, that was what Trojan wanted the King to assume. Looking at the King's expression, it would appear to be effective.

Even if he was the King, he would still have to respect Trojan's decision, especially since he has requested it. Should the King deny Trojan's request, not only would he make his own daughter look like a tool, he would basically be forcing Trojan into the marriage. Both options could easily lead to problems, but the King had an idea.

"Of course you may." The King agreed with Trojan.

The King signalled a butler over and told him loud enough for Trojan to hear, "Please, lead my daughter and Duke Trojan to somewhere private."

Trojan stood up, and so did the Princess. Trojan adjusted his coat and started walking when the King continued, "Would the balcony be an acceptable place for your discussion?"

There was no choice, Trojan simply replied, "Certainly."

Trojan was suspicious of the King's actions. The King, of all things, had suggested a location. Under normal circumstances, it would have been normal, but the situation he was in was special. Trojan could guess what the King intended to do, but he went along with it anyway.

The Princess walked formally, very obviously brought up as royalty. Compared to Trojan, who walked much more loosely, though still formal. Trojan had been trained up to his early teens on how to act like nobility, but everything else was taught by his staff members.

"Shall we?" Trojan asked, facing the Princess, who did not seem too cheerful.

"Of course," The Princess replied, forcing a smile.

Trojan knew the Princess disliked the idea of marriage more than he did. She was most likely forced into the marriage. Perhaps she already had feelings for another man before she was forced into the whole situation. Trojan was assured that with how they both felt, he could predict how the conversation would go. But he needed to be careful, for he did not know how the King would act.

On the way, Trojan decided to start a conversation, trying to act natural while trying to find out how the King was going to handle the situation. He asked her, "Is it alright if I know your name, Princess?"

"Eve," The Princess replied. "My name is Eve."

"That is a lovely name, Eve," Trojan said, glancing over his shoulder.

Noone was pursuing them, so Trojan could guess that the King was definitely not doing anything in person. Trojan saw the Princess quicken her pace, not looking at Trojan in the slightest. She simply said behind her, "Do not flatter me."

Trojan quickened his pace as well, catching up to Eve and the butler. Not long after, the butler stood at the door, signalling towards an open door. Beyond the door, there was a beautifully designed balcony looking over a beautiful night sea.

Trojan stepped forward with Eve before he looked back at the butler, asking, "Is it alright if we have privacy?"

"Of course," The butler nodded, walking away.

Trojan closed the door. There was a chance that someone eavesdrops through the door, so it might be better for him to speak softly. However, considering how easily the butler left them alone, the King likely had another plan prepared.

Trojan tried to think hard about the possibilities. Eavesdropping through the door was a possibility, and extremely easy, but it seemed unlikely. Trojan looked out at the dark sea, feeling the breeze, the salty smell of the ocean engulfing the two figures on the balcony. The balcony...

Right, there was a possibility that they were eavesdropped on. They were on a balcony, and there were several floors. The wind may carry their voices up, if they were careless, it was easy to eavesdrop on their conversation. Trojan wrecked his brain, surely, there was another way which the King would try to find out what Trojan and Eve were speaking of.

There was one. Alastor, their mage. Magic was a wild card, Trojan did not know the extent of the mage's ability. Being able to eavesdrop or even watching them was possible.

"What do you want?" Eve asked, walking towards the edge of the balcony, leaning against the railing.

"I would like to speak with you," Trojan simply replied.

"About what?" She asked, obviously not interested.

"May I know your personal opinion on the matter?" Trojan started. "From your attitude, it does not seem like you are too keen about the idea of marriage."

The Princess remained silent for some time before replying, "You think?"

Trojan surveyed his surroundings. The balcony was actually relatively large, and there was quite a bit of space. There was a light behind Trojan, lighting up most of the balcony except the corners. Trojan stepped up before stopping roughly in the middle of the balcony. Trojan wished he had prepared more, but he only had one trick to counter eavesdropping.

"I don't have anything against you, but really, this entire situation is just terrible!" Eve complained, punching the air in front of her.

"Princess Eve, could you look my way?" Trojan asked her, adjusting his glove.

Eve turned around. The angle of the light was behind Trojan, so his expression and anything in front of him were dark. His shadow stretched long, covering Eve too. Trojan removed his glove and showed her something, his hands around his waist.

Trojan simply hoped that Alastor was not able to see anything if he was spying on them.

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