Immortal Cultivation Is So Scientific

Chapter 757: success

A month has passed, and Venerable Hongfa arranged a space reception formation improved by Li Yuanba in the Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion.

Venerable Hongfa's attire in Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion is to add a hooded cloak on top of the monk's robe, which is tightly wrapped from head to toe.

The fact that he was accepted as a servant by Li Yuanba had already been communicated by Jian Lao to the monk of Daleiyin Temple.

Although the monk was very angry, but the matter was already like this, and with the appearance of Jian Lao himself, Venerable Hongfa was not an important person, just a lucky one, so the matter was settled.

The monk's only request was to let Venerable Hongfa not reveal his previous identity, and it was best not to let people know that he was a monk.

Only then did he have the attire of the Great Master Hongfa, and became the most mysterious monk in the Sword Intent Chongxiao Pavilion.

Although many sword cultivators were curious about Venerable Hongfa's attire, no sword cultivator dared to ask him about the great cultivator's aura of Venerable Hongfa.

Within a month, with the materials provided by the Sword Intent Chongxiao Pavilion, the first receiving formation covering a space with a radius of one million miles in the Immortal Cultivation World was completed.

In fact, it would take less than a month. With the Great Venerable Master Hongfa's realm, although the formation has been changed, he has the experience of arranging the formation before, and he has arranged the formation with a radius of one million miles in about ten days. Space acceptance array.

The time after that was to study and make spiritual objects that solidify the space to accept talismans. Li Yuanba did not participate, and it was completely done by the Great Master Hongfa himself.

Li Yuanba discovered that Venerable Hongfa is a technical talent, and he may be extremely lacking in combat, but he does have unique skills in refining talismans and space formations.

Venerable Hongfa refined ten space acceptance jade tokens in one go, these ten space acceptance jade tokens are certainly not enough.

But with this refining experience, Venerable Hongfa even summarized the refining method into a jade slip, which was handed over to Li Yuanba, who handed it over to Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion.

After that, Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion wants to refine more space to accept jade tokens, and then it can organize monks to refine them by itself.

On this day, Li Yuanba and the great venerable Hongfa came to the space to receive the formation. At this time, Jian Lao and many great monks were here.

"Master, where have you been?" Li Yuanba took out his identity jade plate and asked into it.

"I've arrived at the designated location!" Jian Wuwei's voice came back from the identity disc.

"Jian Lao, the master is a million miles away from Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion, which is also the farthest distance for the space to accept the formation!" Li Yuanba reported to Jian Lao.

"Wuwei activates the space to accept the jade token!" Jian Lao ordered in a deep voice.

Li Yuanba's identity jade plate has been in the communication state, and the old sword's order has been passed on.

"Understood!" Following Jian Wuwei's response, the space reception array in front of everyone flickered with light.

Jian Wuwei's figure appeared in the space reception formation, and he shook his head vigorously, as if he didn't feel good.

"Wuwei, how do you feel?" Jian Lao asked in a deep voice.

This experiment was requested by Jian Wuwei himself. This will be the first time in the world of cultivating immortals to actually use an ultra-long-distance space reception formation. This is an honor.

Once the experiment is successful, the space reception formation will become a life-saving talisman for sword cultivators in Zhongzhou Continent, and will greatly affect the survival status of all sword cultivators in Sword Intent Chongxiao Pavilion.

This meaning is extremely far-reaching, and Jian Wuwei has a special role in participating in it as a direct descendant of the Jian family.

"Traveling through millions of miles of space, I feel like I've been thrown back and forth hundreds of times in an instant, and I'm a little dizzy, but there's nothing wrong with other aspects of my body!" Jian Wuwei carefully checked his physical condition and replied seriously.

"Master, this feeling can be resolved by teleporting it a few more times!" Li Yuanba said with a smile on the side.

He definitely has a say in this aspect. As a monk who has mastered the magic foot power, when he first used the magic foot power, he just felt dizzy and the space was reversed.

But after using Shenzutong for a period of time, the monk's body is extremely adaptable, and he quickly adapted to this state, and then he didn't feel dizzy anymore.

"I'll try to teleport more later!" Jian Wuwei nodded and said.

Today's experiment is of great importance, and any point will affect many sword cultivators.

"Okay, Hongfa, you have made great achievements in this matter, but I have to trouble you to go to other continents to set up spaces to receive formations after handling the matter here!" Jian Lao said to Venerable Hongfa with a smile.

"I will obey my master's orders on this matter!" Venerable Hongfa replied after a moment of hesitation.

"Hongfa, just go there!" Li Yuanba waved his hand and said.

He also knew that even if the great venerable travels, if he goes to several continents this time, it will take at least two years before he can return.

On several other continents, Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion only has intelligence bases, and these intelligence bases are located in extremely hidden places.

After the space reception formations are arranged in these hidden bases, in the future on these continents, the sword cultivators of Sword Intent Chongxiao Pavilion can also use the space reception jade token to return to the hidden base instantly.

"I discussed with the master craftsman who made the identity jade plate. The function of accepting jade tokens in space can be integrated into the identity jade plate. I am currently making a new identity jade plate!" At this time, Brother Lou said.

"It seems that the identity jade plate will be completely replaced in the pavilion soon!" Li Yuanba looked at his own identity jade plate and shook his head.

It is extremely rare in any sect to change the identity of the jade plate.

Each identity jade plate needs to be refined using special techniques, and there are many hidden designs in it, which can only be mastered by the inheritors who refine the identity jade plate.

Every sect in the world of cultivating immortals has its own method of refining the identity jade plate to ensure that its own identity jade plate will not be cracked.

It is not a small project to completely replace the identity jade plates of all monks, but solidifying the space acceptance talismans into the identity jade plates is currently the best solution.

The biggest advantage of solidifying the space acceptance talisman into the identity jade plate is that the space acceptance function can be activated only with identity verification.

This makes it impossible for monks who are not Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion to use the space acceptance function even if they have obtained the identity jade plate of Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion.

It will take some time for Venerable Hongfa to leave, to wait for the identity jade plate to be successfully updated, and then conduct a few more rounds of experiments.

During this period of time, Venerable Hongfa still has another important thing to do, which is to accept the alchemy commission for Li Yuanba.

Only then did he know that Li Yuanba's alchemy ability was so strong that he could easily refine a fourth-grade high-level elixir.

"No wonder the master rewarded them casually, it's such a generous gift!" He thought of the fourth-grade spiritual tea and the great monk's elixir, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

With the agency of the Great Master Hongfa, Li Yuanba's affairs are reduced. Li Yuanba only needs to spend a little time every month to send the alchemy entrustment to Li Shiming, the main body, and then go to get back the refined alchemy after a while. up.

The experiment of the space reception array is very rigorous, and various experiments have been carried out, from the distance to the monk's realm, experiments have been done one by one.

Until the new generation of identity jade discs were successfully refined, a series of experiments were carried out again.

It wasn't until the third month that Venerable Hongfa completed the matter of accepting the array in the space on the Zhongzhou mainland.

He bid farewell to Li Yuanba, accompanied by a group of sword repairmen, and started a long journey with the token of Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion.

Li Yuanba woke up from his practice. He walked out of his room, looked at the empty tables in the hall, and shook his head slightly.

There was Venerable Hongfa before, and every time he finished his cultivation, Venerable Hongfa would prepare a cup of fourth-grade spiritual tea.

He has long been accustomed to a person's cultivation life, and it has only been a few months since Venerable Hongfa became a servant that his living habits have changed.

For subsequent alchemy commissions, he needs to receive them himself.

Li Yuanba sensed the effect of his cultivation, and couldn't help but smiled wryly.

He had been in seclusion for ten years before, and his ten years of practice had improved his spiritual power a lot, but sword repair required combat experience, and those previous battles were not enough to digest his ten years of hard work.

"Master, I'm going to accept the mission and go out!" Li Yuanba came to Jian Wuwei's cave and bid farewell to Jian Wuwei.

"You can't go out again for at least five years. Although Daleiyin Temple has been dealt with by Jian Lao, you have offended too many forces. In addition to Daleiyin Temple, Wuliangzong, Baidizong, Yuqingzong, Beidouzong and so on, just look at the superpowers alone, there are so many families trying to find you!" Jian Wuwei shook his head distressedly.

This disciple is good everywhere, but it is too easy to cause trouble.

But as a master, he couldn't stand up for his disciples, which made him a little ashamed.

He could only make clear the stakes so that Li Yuanba would not act rashly.

"Master, I'm not afraid. Even if I'm a top monk among the great monks, I have the confidence to escape, not to mention that there is still space to accept the formation. If there is any danger, I can activate the space teleportation on the identity jade plate." !” Li Yuanba explained.

Recently, I have exchanged a lot of experience in performing supernatural powers with Venerable Hongfa.

Although the divine foot powers cultivated by the two are not the same, the foundation is the same. The experience gained from the great venerable Hongfa has strengthened Li Yuanba's understanding of the divine foot powers a lot.

This also reduced the consumption of his 'Access in One Move', and made the activation speed of 'So Far Away' a little faster.

Don't underestimate this slight increase in casting speed, perhaps this slight speed is the difference between life and death.

"Do you really think Da Neng won't make a move?" Jian Wuwei said in a low voice.

"Isn't Da Neng unable to leave the cave for too long?" Li Yuanba asked in surprise.

The knowledge he got from various places, Da Neng is extremely dependent on Dongtian, and he cannot stay away from Dongtian for a long time, so the super powerful Da Neng stays in the sect almost every day.

According to Jian Wuwei, Da Neng might leave the sect.

"Many powers have the ability to split into clones. Just one clone is much stronger than the top monks. The clones of the powers can leave the cave, and the combat power of the clones depends on the power injected by the powers. Energy limit!" Jian Wuwei explained.

Li Yuanba immediately gave up the opportunity to perform the task and hone himself.

He won't be easy to deal with just because he's just a doppelganger.

In fact, when one reaches the level of a great monk, in terms of combat power, it is not a complete competition of spiritual power and spirit, but a mastery of the rules.

Although the avatar of Almighty can carry not much spiritual power and spirit, its understanding of the rules is at the level of Almighty.

The most important thing about the power of the Almighty Clone's attack is the comprehension of the rules.

It wasn't just Jian Wuwei who persuaded Li Yuanba, Jian Lao also approached Li Yuanba, telling him to avoid going out recently.

Many monks in Zhongzhou mainland have discovered an extremely strange thing.

Since the sword cultivators of Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion often participate in various battles, the number of casualties of Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion's sword cultivators remains relatively high.

But recently, the monks discovered that the sword cultivators of the Sword Intent Chongxiao Pavilion have more life-saving means.

Once in danger, the sword repairer will use the long-distance space movement ability to disappear.

It's fine if it's once or twice, maybe these two sword cultivators have life-saving talismans in their hands.

However, after more than ten times of long-distance space movement and disappearance incidents, all forces understood that Jianyi Chongxiaoge had mastered some kind of long-distance space movement means.

After that, a large amount of intelligence resources were invested, and the space reception formation of Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion was passed on.

Elder Jian received news from the monk of Daleiyin Temple, scolded him, and wanted to ask Venerable Hongfa back.

At this time, how did the monk not know that he had been tricked by Jian Lao and let go of a person who could arrange an ultra-long-range space to accept the formation.

The benefits have been obtained, the old sword will not let go, and the monk is too embarrassed to force too much, who told the monk to agree before the matter is over.

It has been confirmed by many super forces that Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion has successfully arranged an ultra-long-range space reception formation and applied it to the mountain gate. The longest reception distance is at least hundreds of thousands of miles.

This acceptance distance is only calculated based on the distance between the sword cultivator with the farthest space teleportation and Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion.

This is of course inaccurate, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com But even knowing that the acceptance distance is hundreds of thousands of miles, it is amazing enough.

The distance of the previous space reception array was only ten thousand miles. When it is increased to hundreds of thousands of miles, it means that this technology has moved from the research stage to the practical stage.

After confirming this information, many superpowers came to Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion to discuss with the high-level leaders of Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion, hoping to exchange for the technology of space acceptance formation.

But all of them were rejected, mainly because this technology involved the rules of space, which was only studied by Venerable Hongfa and Li Yuanba in the Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion, a force completely composed of sword cultivators.

Venerable Hongfa has already left Zhongzhou Continent, and it is even more impossible for Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion to let Li Yuanba show up.

Therefore, Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion rejected all the superpowers who accepted the formation in exchange for space.

Time passed slowly, except for the Zhongzhou mainland, other continents sent information one after another, and the sword cultivator of Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion had the ability to move in long-distance space.

(end of this chapter)

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