I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 98 Participation

Chapter 301 Participation③

"Is that the second prince?" Kurapika frowned and said, "The way she looks at people is condescending. It's really... annoying."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "If you think about it from another perspective, His Highness the Second Prince treats everyone as inferior to her, even her brother and father. Isn't this a fair treatment?"

Kurapika was noncommittal. Xiaodi was concerned about other aspects: "That Camilla = Hui Guoru, she is obviously a princess, but she is also called a prince. Cajun customs are really interesting."

"What are you talking about?"

In the rest area, Men Qi had already taken off her chef uniform and was lying on the sofa with her long legs to rest. When she saw them coming back, she asked casually and without waiting for an answer, she waved to the other side. Madge said expressionlessly Went to get a tray with a few glasses of cold drinks.

Men Qi smiled and said: "Ma Qi's homemade drink, let's see what the results of her studies are like?"

"It's not poisonous, right?"

As Jing Yang spoke, he brought a glass of fruit or some kind of drink and took a sip. "Hey, it tastes really good." Then he drank it all.

Men Qi also sucked and snorted after hearing this: "What the hell are you talking about? She learned cooking from me and dared to poison the food, plates and kitchen knives. I have to clean up the house."

Kurapika took two sips and found that the taste was not much inferior to Men Qi's.

Xiao Di bit the straw and saw that Ma Qi didn't care at all. She just raised her eyes and looked at Jing Yang. Jing Yang also shook the empty cup and said with a smile: "Why are you thinking about what kind of poison can kill me?"

Madge said coldly: "I was wondering when I would leave to take the hunter test."

"Have you signed up?"

Ma Qi pulled out a form from her arms, which Jingyang and the other three also had. When the registration was successful, the fax automatically printed the basic details of the hunter test, including the time and place of the competition.

Specifically, the time and place of this test is: you must arrive at Broken Sakura at 10 noon on January 4, 1997.

Men Qi said: "Today is the 24th. In a week at the latest, you will be ready to leave."

Jing Yang asked, "Miss examiner, do you have any inside information that you can provide?"

Men Qi smiled and said, "Yes. For example... I am one of the examiners."

Jing Yang rolled his eyes, ignored her, sat down, closed his eyes and digested the two death auras that had flown inexplicably during the past few days in this grand hotel.

The six series of qualifications have already been upgraded, so Jing Yang can only add points to the total amount of thoughts.

A few days passed like this, and 1996 was over.

On January 3, 1997, Men Qi ended his task of serving the princes and nobles of Cajin and left first. On the 5th, Jing Yang, Xiao Di, Kurapika and Ma Qi also opened the Internet to inquire about the purpose of going to the hunter test. Transportation routes to Broken Sakura.

Unfortunately, the nearby train stations, airship airports, and all trains and flights to Broken Sakura were all fully booked, making it impossible to buy a ticket, let alone four.

Kurapika said: "There are probably millions of people who sign up for the hunter test every year..."

Jing Yang clicked his tongue and said, "Why don't you put on your armor and horse and we can gallop all the way there?"

He checked and found that it was less than 1,000 kilometers away from the city where the destination was located. With the superhuman foot strength of each of the four of them, it wouldn't be too hard to run all the way there.

"Ah, there is a long-distance bus available." Xiaodi pressed her cell phone and suddenly said, showing the ticket purchasing page on the screen to several people, "The direct train, the nearest one...ah, in 14 minutes."

"What's the distance between the stations?"

"It's 32 kilometers away from our current location."

"That's in time." Jing Yang pressed his fingers back, making a crackling sound, and asked from side to side, "Is it in time?"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Jingyang, Xiaodi, Kurapika and Maqi turned into four afterimages, shuttling through the modern road traffic network, speeding towards the passenger terminal that Xiaodi had found. Pedestrians and vehicles along the road were in their peripheral vision. It almost turned into countless horizontal lines and hurriedly passed by. If there were no reflexes beyond ordinary people, the only result of this ultra-high-speed running would be that I didn't know what I hit and killed myself, or maybe killed the other party. .

Nine minutes later, the four people arrived at the ticket hall of the target passenger terminal.

Xiao Di's black hair has become slicked back. While waiting in line, she was smoothing her hair with her hands.

With sweat on his forehead, Kurapika ran 32 kilometers at a sprint speed, making various turns and crossing obstacles... Fortunately, he caught up. He didn't have the nerve to ask Jing Yang for the Jie Feng Talisman. Otherwise, he would probably be much more relaxed at this moment and would be able to arrive a few minutes earlier.

Except for her bangs being a little messy, Ma Qi's aura did not change at all. She just followed Jing Yang. She didn't know if it was an illusion. On the way here, she always felt as if the aura on this man's body had disappeared.

When this man runs, it seems that he is not riding the wind, but riding the wind and waves, saving more energy as he runs...

Soon, the tickets were obtained, and Jing Yang and the four of them boarded the bus smoothly before the new long-distance bus started.

The noisy atmosphere in the car became quiet for a while when the four of them walked up one after another, and everyone looked at them. There is no doubt that the people in this car are all colleagues of Jing Yang and others, and they are all preparatory candidates for this hunter test.

The reason why they are preparatory candidates is, of course, because only those who successfully arrive at the test venue can be counted...

Kurapika and Machi both turned a blind eye to the various looking eyes and sat down in the empty seats on both sides of the aisle.

"Give me a moment," Xiaodi said to Madge.

Madge spread her legs without saying a word, allowing Xiaodi to go inside and sit by the window. Seeing that Jing Yang was standing still in the aisle, Xiao Di turned her head in confusion and followed Jing Yang's line of sight to the back row of the long-distance bus. From her height, she could only see rows of heads and hair of various colors, and she didn't know what Jing Yang was. Who are you looking at?

Kurapika had moved to the window seat, and Jing Yang sat down outside.

The driver had already set off, and the bus filled with 42 people slowly drove out of the station and headed to its destination thousands of miles away, the venue for this year's hunter test.

There are noisy people in the car and there are all kinds of smells. As a mode of transportation, it is really not a very comfortable experience, especially for a billionaire like Jing Yang - Jing Yang finds that he often forgets that he is actually rich. a little.

Machi and Kurapika had already closed their eyes to rest, while Xiaodi was holding a book and reading as if nothing had happened.

Although Jing Yang was sitting in the car, his mind was on the bottom of the car - he was used to the mind beast outside his body, and now it was like a black shadow hiding in the shadow of the bus, following the bus. Synchronized speed.

Jing Yang can now subconsciously let the Nian Beast Taoist Sister "automatically follow". He thinks that his goal in the next stage is to allow the Nian Beast to fight automatically? Hang up script?


The bus suddenly braked, and all the passengers in the car heard a sound of their heads hitting the back of the front seat. Jing Yang sat still and looked up to see the trembling driver in front of him looking towards the front door of the car. The muzzle of a submachine gun stuck out of the door.

The muzzle of the gun signaled, and the driver tremblingly raised his hands and was carried off.

Not long after, a scarred woman with a sinister face walked into the car. She had a submachine gun in one hand, a machete in the other, a bullet sling on her body, and a ring of grenades around her waist. She looked coldly at the 42 passengers in the car.

Everyone looked at her. Most of the people's faces were pale and their foreheads were sweating. What's the situation? They just took a long way to take the exam. How did they encounter such a gangster?

The female gangster said: "You have three choices. Either leave the application materials for the Hunter Test, and then roll out of the car and disappear. Or, you can be killed by the submachine gun in my right hand, and then leave the application materials for the Hunter Test, and then be killed. Throw it out of the car..."

"What about the third option?" someone asked nervously.

The female gangster shook the machete in her left hand and sneered: "Or, you can be hacked to death by me, and then you can leave something behind and throw it out again."

Is co-writing the only way to survive?

How could these people in the car have the courage to reason with such a gangster who was covered in grenades? They tremblingly took out various materials for applying for the hunter test. Some even left a wad of money because they were worried that it was not safe. , got out of the car together rolling and crawling on the ground.

Soon, the carriage became empty. The female gangster kicked away the half-drawn drink bottles rolling in the aisle, shook the machete in her hand, looked at Jing Yang and others remaining in the car, and pointed her submachine gun at them: "You guys, have you thought about it?"

Naturally, none of Jing Yang, Kurapika, Xiao Di, and Ma Qi had any fluctuations in their eyes.

The female gangster grinned and put down her submachine gun: "There are 5 left, which is not bad."

She turned back, strode to the driver's seat, threw the machete aside, twisted the key, and started the ignition.

"So, the hunter test has started, right?" Kurapika asked from behind.

"Smart." The female gangster driver started the long-distance bus without looking back.


Xiaodi was thoughtful. She half stood up and looked back. Looking across the empty seats, she saw a girl with twin tails sitting in the last row... This girl's eyes were empty, as if she had no human vitality at all. He was sitting there, but it was like a large doll placed on that seat, completely unresponsive to the outside world.

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