I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 38 Ancient King Kajin

On both sides of the corridor, brackets placed at intervals began to appear, connecting the isolation belts, showing the posture of a museum protecting precious cultural relics.

Look at the words on the isolation tape again, "Blanchett Company" "Blanchett Company" "Blanchett Company"...

Obviously, this company has already included this place in its business projects, but it has not made it public.

"There are writings on the wall." Xiaodi said.

Jing Yang and the others looked at the stone wall through the protective facilities. The light of the flashlight illuminated the criss-crossing scratches on the mottled walls.

Men Qi said: "It's not like words, it's more like the traces left behind by someone slashing with a sword."

"Since I specially pulled the protective belt, it shouldn't be that simple, right?" Jing Yang said, concentrating his eyes and carefully observing the messy carvings on the stone wall, "Sure enough..."

"Is there gas in these marks?"

"I have only seen similar phenomena on some valuable antiques..."

Da Gao and the other amateur hunters couldn't help but be stunned. It was just a few scratches on the wall, but they didn't expect there to be traces of thoughts left.

Some highly skilled artists, although they have not truly awakened their telekinesis abilities, can sometimes unconsciously leave their own chi on the works they create. Often, in the eyes of antique connoisseurs who do not have telekinesis abilities, these creations are It is a priceless treasure that contains a unique charm.

Men Qi held up his mobile phone to take pictures of these wall scratches.

Jing Yang said: "Men Qi, please use photos instead of videos."

"Why?" Men Qi wondered.

Jing Yang said: "If Nian Qi is captured in the video, it would be nothing for ordinary people to see such a video, but people who know how to 'condensate' can see Nian Qi in the video."

In the Sky Arena chapter of the manga, Gon Killua and the others used "Condensation" and saw Hisoka's telekinesis ability on Hisoka's battle video.

"Can't you see it in the photo?" Xiaodi asked curiously.

Jing Yang said: "I don't know either...but we have to take something to report back, right? Video is not convenient, so it can only be a photo, otherwise the bald man will easily default on the bill."

"Haha, bald man?" Men Qi smiled and took a few photos at the wall, "You are really in trouble."

The group walked, watched and took photos.

In addition to the puzzling carvings, some patterns began to appear on the stone wall one after another. They looked like paintings, but they were too abstract and it was difficult to determine what the hell they were.

The only thing that's the same is that the carvings and abstract patterns all over the walls still have some air left in them.

The tomb was not big, and there were several corridors connected to each other. Jing Yang and the others finally came to the main tomb, which was much more spacious. They shined the light of the flashlight on the surrounding walls, and everyone gathered their energy in their eyes and looked at it intently.

Countless cursive characters with flying dragons and phoenixes, like knives and axes chiseling, are densely spread all over the four walls.

Jing Yang's literacy level in Hunter World characters was originally "stolen". He cannot be said to be a master of Hunter World culture, it can only be said that he can barely recognize the characters. He stared at the wild carvings on the stone walls for a long time, and could only barely recognize some words, such as "world", "why", "hahahaha"... etc., which made him worried. The mental state of the person who wrote this pile of madness was at that time.

However, just like the carvings and patterns seen before, the densely packed scrawls carved on these walls also retain a lingering aura.

"It's unbelievable. Who could leave these things behind?"

"The energy that has been left for hundreds of years?"

"What are these written about? Is it really that...that ancient king of Cajin?"

Da Gao and others held up their mobile phones to take pictures, looked at each other, and swallowed.

The light of the flashlight flickered, and Da Gao and the others suddenly exclaimed "Ah!"

Jing Yang immediately looked over and saw a small glass room in the center of the entire dark main tomb chamber. The walls are made of transparent glass on all sides. When the flashlight light shines in, you can see many debris scattered on the floor of the glass room, and in the middle, there is a white fox! Da Gao and others accidentally spotted this white fox and exclaimed.

"What's it called?" Jing Yang said angrily, "It's just a bunch of toys."

"Toy?" Men Qi leaned over curiously.

Xiaodi also saw clearly, "The white fox is also a doll."

Suddenly, there was a "pop" sound, and the entire tomb lit up with lights, and it was like daylight for a moment.

"Why don't you turn on the light?" On the opposite side of the glass room, a middle-aged man with blond hair in a suit opened the glass door and was closing it. It was Alandriel Blanchett, and Babi Mayina who came in with him. The latter was observing the entire tomb with a solemn expression, his eyes obviously condensed, and he carefully watched the dragons and phoenixes dancing on the stone wall. Text.

Jing Yang saw the light switch installed behind the glass door.

Men Qi and Da Gao were a little nervous and a little confused when they asked about Alandriel's identity. The latter introduced himself to Babi Mayina again, and then pointed to the unidentifiable figures on the surrounding walls. He scrawled text and said, "These are all the handwritings of the ancient king of Kajin 400 years ago."

Babi Mayina's expression remained unchanged, and Alandriel continued: "When we first found this place, we thought it was the tomb of King Zhenwu, but we were wrong. I think that although it was built in the style of a small mausoleum, it was destroyed by him. I regard it as a place of seclusion and meditation. When I encounter a problem, or I can't figure it out and get angry, I hide in a place like this by myself, write and draw on the wall, and vent my anger. Hundreds of years passed in a blink of an eye, and King Zhenwu It has long since become history, and this place remains as it is.”

It seems that they are right to worry about the mental state of the person who wrote this thing. Who in the right mind would build a tomb as an autism room?

What kind of problem are you encountering? How confused are you? How can you hold your child back like this?

Jing Yang asked: "King Zhenwu?"

Da Gao explained on his behalf: "The legendary king printed in the textbooks, Wei Huguo, the true martial king of Cajin hundreds of years ago, is Hui Guoru. There are records saying that he almost unified the entire Aizhen continent..."

Babi Maina remained silent, seeming to only focus on observing the authentic relics left by the ancient Zhenwu King on the four walls.

Xiaodi also listened and watched with great interest. But Jing Yang doubted how much she would remember after going out.

"What is past is past." Alandriel loosened his tie, "I think you have also seen that although most of the carvings and pictures left by King Zhenwu on the stone wall are difficult to decipher, there are still some thoughts about the past. Descriptions related to abilities. Therefore, this place cannot be open to the public."

He looked at the silent Babi Mayina, "What I can guarantee is that Xiaobai, the hidden danger you are worried about, Nasti=Hui Guoru, the resentment he left behind will not intrude on Hui Guoru again. The royal family of Guo Rou. Of course, the premise is that Hui Guo Rou doesn’t bother him either.”

Following his words, in the glass room next to everyone, a pale boy's shadow flashed away. The white fox doll among the toys on the floor suddenly came to life. He walked to the glass room and played with it. Holding a bouncy ball toy, he looked at the people outside with the eyes of the doll. Jing Yang estimated that he was mainly staring at Babi Mayina.

"What did you do to him?" Babi Mayina looked at the white fox doll in the glass room warily.

"Just do something within your power." Alandriel said, "How can the reincarnation of life and death be so easy to realize? The consciousness named Nasti=Grey Guoru has long existed in name only, and what is left is only a fusion of a certain mind beast. A piece of abnormal thoughts. We finally made this carrier for him to live in, and he will no longer go all the way to embarrass Hui Guorou."

The doll white fox bit the elastic ball and then let it go. The elastic ball bounced on the floor of the glass room.

Babi Mayina was silent for a long time, and the senior people felt a little embarrassed for a long time. Isn't it not good that we have heard so much about these secret private affairs of the royal family?

"How do I leave?" They quickly asked Alandriel, who pointed them in the direction where there was a similar divine word as the exit.

Men Qi put away her phone and said, "We should leave soon."

Jing Yang said, "I have no objection. Where is Xiaodi?"

"Oh?" Xiaodi was still looking at the scrawled words on the wall, "I listen to you."

"Then let's go." Jing Yang waved his hand.

Babi Mayina stretched out her hand and pressed the divine word on the exit, and soon her whole body turned into a ball of white air and disappeared.

Jing Yang was about to do the same thing when he suddenly felt his trouser leg being pulled by someone. When he turned around, he saw that it was a doll white fox, humanely grabbing his trouser leg with one front paw.

A cloud of white air appeared on the doll white fox, and the shape of the pale ghost was vaguely visible.

Alandriel was a little surprised, "It's really rare. It seems that Xiaobai has a good impression of you."

"That's right, I'm loved by everyone. Right, Men Qi, Xiaodi?" Jing Yang was not in a hurry to leave now. He turned back and touched the head of the doll white fox, and suddenly asked, "Mr. Alandriel, You just said 'us' to 'us', and the other person who found this ancient tomb with you was that Jin Fulis, right?"

As he said that, he had already taken out the hunter's license from his arms. Men Qi did the same, holding the hunter's license between two fingers and shaking it with a smile.

Alandriel smiled and said, "That's right. Mr. Jin is my teacher."

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