I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 24: No comparison, no harm

"Compared with her, at least I don't pretend to be young. I am as old as I am in my heart. I am upright and magnanimous!"

Seeing Jing Yang speaking such words seriously, Yinda, a strong man with an afro and stubble on his face, fell silent.

Men Qi asked suspiciously: "An old woman in her fifties who looks like a doll? Is there really such a person?"

Yinda interrupted with a slight cough and said: "I guess he is talking about Bisiki = Kuruka, right? Jing Yang, do you know her?"

Jing Yang said seriously: "I know her, but she doesn't know me."

Yinda: "..."

Men Qi was shocked, "Is there really such a person?!"

Yinda said: "Bisiki is President Netero's most outstanding disciple and also my senior. It's hard for me to comment." After a pause, "I suggest you don't speak ill of her in front of me."

"What are you talking about?" Men Qi cried out, clenching her fists and saying, "I envy her very much. Isn't this eternal youth? I can even do this kind of thing with my mind! When I get old, I really want to have that ability..."

Jing Yang: "...Do you have anything else to do? I'm going to continue my practice in the afternoon."

Do you want to practice in the afternoon? Men Qi was deeply shocked, and his fighting spirit was ignited by Jing Yang, and he decided to practice together.

In the boring life of cultivation, it would be nice to have a hot girl to entertain your eyes, and Jing Yang did not refuse. It was Wu Er who seemed to have some objections to the female cook, so he was temporarily retained.

Yinda looked at Jing Yang, "Is this good?"

For a person with telekinesis, the department to which his ability belongs is relatively important information and secrets, and is usually only known to close friends.

"Oh, it's okay!" Jing Yang replied.

After Men Qi learned this, he was very moved. Did Jing Yang trust him so much?

Jing Yang continued: "I have already practiced the practice of "fading" my ability in the morning, so I can practice something else in the afternoon that does not involve the secret of ability."

Yinda: "..."

Men Qi: "...What about me?"

Jing Yang said, "You haven't even fully mastered your telekinesis ability, haven't you? I want to peek into the secrets but I can't even see anything!"

Veins appeared on Men Qi's forehead, and he couldn't help but want to reach behind his waist and pull out the kitchen knife...

"And haven't you already admitted that you are a manifestation type?" Jing Yang added, "Little sister, you have no secrets in front of me."


The sword flashed!

"Stop! If you look down on people so much, don't hide away if you can!"

"..." Yinda narrowed her eyes and shed a cold sweat.

After a fuss, Men Qi angrily began to practice. She had already completed entanglement, jutsu, and practice, and she had barely mastered the words of condensation. She should have started the practice of "fa" naturally. With the help of Yinda, the novice instructor issued by the Hunter Association, she officially developed a unique As a result of his ability to manifest thoughts, Yinda heard the news about the poachers committing crimes, and hurriedly took Men Qi to the island to catch the criminals.

Since Men Qi passed the hunter test in January this year, she first delayed herself for several months to participate in the food competition, and then the Yinda incident happened. It has been delayed until the end of December, and her "hair" has not been clear yet. ideas. She has no idea what kind of abilities she should develop based on the characteristics of the materialization system...

"Wouldn't it be better to just start 'fa'? The most important thing for me right now is to practice this, right?" Men Qi maintained his "absolute" state on the spot, "Why do I still need to practice these contents that I have already mastered?"

Yinda said: "The basics are very important. If you ignore the basics in order to practice 'Fa', then you are putting the cart before the horse."

Men Qi was doubtful. She felt that the so-called telekinesis abilities were all kinds of magical superpowers, so "fading" was the core.

Yinda could only say: "Look at him."

Men Qi turned around and saw Jing Yang, a boy who looked only 5 years old but claimed to be 20 years old, standing in an open space not far away, with his fists clenched and his eyes closed, keeping his body tense. And the Misery Moon Tiger, who was close to him, was lying not far away and watching quietly. There were two birds perched on its head and tail. Everything was harmonious and natural, as if this scene had happened many times before. .

"What is he doing?" A question mark appeared on Men Qi's forehead.

"Use 'Condensation'." Yinda reminded.

"Oh." Men Qi quickly tried to gather energy in his eyes.

Slowly, she saw clearly that Jing Yang, who seemed to be just standing still, was actually wrapped in a layer of Qi.

Men Qi was shocked and confused, "Is this 'practice'? But why didn't I feel any momentum from him just now?"

Practicing is to release the Qi of the whole body with maximum power.

Based on Men Qi's previous experience, once the qi in the body is fully released, even if others do not understand the ability to read, they will definitely notice the change in the atmosphere. If the person releasing Qi is full of murderous intentions or malicious emotions, they will be clearly sensed. Some sensitive and alert animals will immediately run away or be frightened into submission.

Yinda said: "Because he did not use 'practice', but 'hardness'. And the level of 'hardness' is very good, so there is no unnecessary leakage of aura."

"'Strong'?" Men Qi had never heard of this.

"To put it simply, on the basis of 'practice', you need to seize the right opportunity and use the 'winding' technique to maintain the energy." Yinda explained, "This is a more advanced derivative application technique. Men Qi, you still have We haven’t reached the stage of learning this yet. You need to become more proficient in using Tangjue Lianfa before you think about this.”

"Oh..." Men Qi nodded, closed his eyes, and went through the basic training honestly. "practice!"

She released her energy with all her strength, but quietly tried to see if she could also use the trick of "tangling" to maintain this released energy.


Men Qi made a mistake in his operation and did not grasp the timing of "tangling" well. The energy released from his whole body was chaotic.

Yinda just looked at her like this, it would be nice to let her suffer a little.

Jing Yang was tired from practicing, so he went to watch Men Qi.

Men Qi has already entered into the "fat" attempt. She is of the materialization system, so her ability naturally has to be considered in the direction of "materializing some kind of convenient object". And since she is a chef, she naturally thinks of "kitchen utensils". And if you associate "kitchen utensils" with telekinesis, you will naturally think of "kitchen knives"...

"If it's just a kitchen knife, why don't you just go to the market and buy the best quality one?" Jing Yang complained while watching, and caressed the big cat and the little bird.

"You're so annoying! What I want is not an ordinary kitchen utensil!" Men Qi exclaimed angrily, "It's a kitchen knife that can easily cut any food! Such a kitchen knife can both cook and deal with enemies. Perfect?"

Jing Yang was speechless, then beckoned, "Give me the kitchen knife."

"I haven't developed it yet!" Men Qi said.

"That's the one you cut me with before."

"Oh." Men Qi handed the kitchen knife he carried to Jing Yang.

Jing Yang held the handle of the knife.

Yinda's eyes moved and she saw the air flowing around Jing Yang's hand wrapping around Men Qi's kitchen knife...

Jing Yang held the kitchen knife and found a stone on the roadside. He casually cut it open like cutting vegetables, and the stone was cut smoothly without leaving a trace on the blade of the kitchen knife.

"'No matter what kind of food you eat, you can cut it easily.' Even an ordinary kitchen knife can do this." Jing Yang said to the stunned Men Qi.

"What is this?" Men Qi pointed at Jing Yang and turned to ask Yinda.

Yinda sweated coldly, but answered truthfully: "This is called 'Zhou', and it is a technique of wrapping Qi around an object."

After a pause, he added: "Same as 'Hardness', it is a derivative application of telekinesis. You first--"

"First, let's get proficient in using Tang Jue to train our hair." Men Qi answered depressedly, and asked Jing Yang reluctantly, "How long did it take you to learn 'Jian' and 'Zhou' respectively?"

"Separate? No, we learned it together." Jing Yang returned the kitchen knife to her and asked in confusion, "Is it really that difficult?"

Men Qi: "..."

Yinda believed more and more that this person who looked like a boy might really be in the same situation as Senior Bisiki...

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