I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 21 How to lift up Xiaodi’s sweater

After many tests by Jing Yang, his star ability can be used in another way under the first operation, that is, after his consciousness occupies the target body, he can free up some "brain capacity". A place is given to the controlled target to achieve the level of communicating with the target in the brain...

But essentially, this still belongs to the first operation. It's still Jing Yang who controls the target's body from the first-person perspective.

And once Jing Yang wants the target to take over the body, Jing Yang's consciousness will immediately go offline... This is exactly what Jing Yang expected, so that the controlled bird still behaves like a normal bird, while his own consciousness The beautiful image of lurking in a bird's mind, spying on its enemies through its senses, doesn't fit.

Jing Yang, who was controlling the body of the Miserable Moon Tiger, strolled around and said to himself at the same time: "But since I can communicate in my head, I should be able to 'update' the instructions before I 'go offline', right?"

Jing Yang canceled the first operation on the Miserable Moon Tiger and looked up at the other white bird that obeyed his orders and acted as a wingman for the Miserable Moon Tiger in the sky. He directly used the third operation and shouted: "Fly on the trajectory of ∞ .”

The star on the white bird's beak fluctuated. After the command was changed, Jing Yang immediately switched to the first operation, and his consciousness immediately occupied the bird's body in the sky.

Jing Yang was only "online" for a few seconds without doing anything, and then immediately "offline".

Sure enough, the white bird still carried out the "third order" just now, hovering in the sky with an ∞ trajectory... Jing Yang occupied the bird's body again, leaving room in his consciousness, and said to the white bird in his mind: "After I leave, , fell onto Wu Er’s tail on the ground.”

After the explanation, Jing Yang immediately "offlined" again.

This time the white bird no longer circled along the ∞ trajectory, but immediately folded its wings, dived into the forest like a crash plane, made a circle, and flapped its wings deftly to land on Wu Er's tail.

Wu Er tilted his head. Of course he couldn't figure out what Jing Yang was doing.

"It's a bit cumbersome." Jing Yang assessed himself, "In a roundabout way... it would be great if the ability to telepathically communicate with the star holder could be directly evolved. However, the essence of the star seems to be 'control' , If I want to forcefully reverse this, I will either continue to practice with concentration and increase my proficiency in the operating system, or I will add more 'restrictions' for new abilities..."

Jing Yang instinctively felt that it would be better to let Xingbiao maintain the essence of his control ability.

If you make your abilities confusing, not clear and intuitive enough, and end up with insufficient memory capacity and being confused by the ability rules you designed, then you are not done.

"That's it for now. That's enough!"

Jing Yang took a long breath and clenched his fists, which were wrapped with a layer of Qi. "You can't reverse priorities. The focus of your recent training is to improve your mindfulness and consolidate your basic skills."

"Wu Er, let's go, show me the treasure land you found for me that is suitable for practicing Feng Shui."

Jing Yang turned over and jumped on the tiger's back, taking the rock bird and two other white birds with him, and flew away.

On the way, Jing Yang caught many more birds. This time he was very patient and tried to reduce the size of the birds at different locations such as the abdomen, back, and under the claws to ensure that they were the five-pointed star symbol, and gave these ten or so birds The birds attached stars one by one, and after giving them instructions, they let go and threw them into the sky.

Flying and fluttering...the birds flew into the blue sky and divided into three groups toward the depths of the distant woods.

After this whole meal, Jing Yang was a little tired and panting. He estimated that applying a star would cost him approximately 66 qi. The dozen or so birds just now were a big project for him, who only had a total energy of 1,000 qi at present. Fortunately, Jing Yang took a break while "signing autographs", otherwise he would have been bored at this moment.

As for the dozen or so birds being divided into three groups, it was because the people led by the Ochima officials who stayed at the West Town Hotel last night had already gone out early this morning and started to separate.

The Ochima official Sluohe, who had gone bald at a young age, took Kang Zai, who was suspected to be one of the twelve branches of the Hunter Association, and drove directly around to the south of the island. Jing Yang looked at the map and saw that in that direction, It seems to be the main entrance of the peninsula’s Misery Tiger Reserve.

The few civilian amateur hunters hired by Xiaodi changed into their casual clothes and quietly sneaked into the outermost edge of the reserve from another direction.

The Misery Tiger Reserve, which Blanchett Company is responsible for, is divided into three levels: the outermost zone, the buffer zone, and the core zone where no one is allowed to enter.

Jing Yang controlled the following green bird and did not follow Sluohe's car rashly, because he always felt that the look that Kang Zai looked back at before entering the hotel last night made him feel a little nervous. This "Yin Hu" who doesn't seem very bright seems to have a keen intuition like a beast... Yes, he is also a member of the top twelve branches of the Hunter Association!

If I let this green bird hang around Yin Hu again, the risk of being noticed would be too great.

Jing Yang then divided a group of birds, about six, and went to find the car where Kang Zai was sitting. He guessed that they went directly into the reserve to talk to people from Blanchett Company, so it wasn't difficult to find them.

Speaking of which, Jingyang had nothing to do with either Kang Zai or Ochima officials, but after all, this Kang Zai was a member of the "Twelve Branches of the Hunter Association" that he knew, so he was inevitably a little curious.

Jing Yang divided the six birds, but not all of them got together. The order he gave was that only two of them should be at the front to observe the target at a time, while the other four were responsible for taking turns and disrupting each group from time to time. to try to ensure that the birds would go unnoticed by the intuitive guy.

The other two batches of birds have the same arrangement.

The green bird that stayed on the cruise ship on the north coast could no longer bear it anymore. Although Jing Yang felt that he had retreated far enough, he only dared to quietly observe Babi Mayina from the treetops 200 meters away. He was waiting for someone to move, but he always felt that the guy who seemed to be a high-ranking wife, Ryota Miyagi, might have noticed him - he might not have seen through him, but he, who was very alert and observant, might have noticed this one that always appeared nearby. The green bird had an impression.

It’s better not to send the first pair of green birds to keep an eye on them.

The "green bird" that landed on the treetop looked at the coast 200 meters away. It seemed that he had discovered the bodies of Babi Mayina and others under the offshore water... He looked back and glanced at the sky The six "new birds" have flown in, and it's time to change shifts.

Jing Yang's body was already riding a tiger and walking around, and arrived at the so-called good training place with water and open space that Wu Er had found. He got off the tiger and touched the tiger's back to indicate that it was doing a good job.

At the same time, from his other perspective, instead of following Kang Zai, Jing Yang quietly observed the bodies of the green birds in the sky following Xiao Di who had sneaked into the outskirts of the protected area. Watching these people - of course, Mingren didn't say anything secret, Jing Yang was mainly observing Xiaodi.

The medium-long black hair is slightly messy, and she wears a pair of big eyes that don't know whether they have a degree, and they are still sliding down the bridge of her nose. She doesn't know if it's hot or not, so she wears a slightly slim-fitting black sweater...

Jing Yang focused on the black sweater she was wearing.

After Xiaodi and the others entered the reserve, they seemed to discuss it for a while, and after agreeing on a time to meet, they separated and dispersed into the woods of the reserve, as if they were looking for something but they couldn't figure out exactly what they were looking for. ...However, it was convenient for Jing Yang to separate these people. He controlled the green bird, lowered it, landed on a branch, and then continued to stare at Xiao Di's black sweater.

Each member of the Phantom Troupe will have a numbered spider tattoo tattooed on a certain part of his body.

If I remember correctly, Xiaodi's spider tattoo is on the left side of his abdomen, and the number is 8.

Although according to my own impression, Xiaodi should not have joined the Phantom Troupe this year, but who knows if she has? What if those crazy guys from the Phantom Troupe are on this island...

"We have to find a way to lift up her sweater and take a look."

Jing Yang, who was possessed by the bird on the branch, thought to himself. He swore that he had no unhealthy thoughts, but simply wanted to confirm whether this girl had joined the thieves gang.

It is urgent, my friends, to save a girl who is about to go on the road to crime!

Of course, Xiaodi didn't know that a bird on the roadside tree had such strange thoughts. She happened to be walking in the reserve as if taking a walk, and was very curious about the rumored Moon Tiger, hoping to encounter one.

Return to Jing Yang's body.

Thanks to the fact that the brain of each target he controls is equivalent to his external "CPU", Jing Yang can multi-task so smoothly. While he was keeping an eye on the progress of Cajin's Babi Mayina and others from a distance, he was thinking about how to lift up Xiaodi's sweater, and went to find Kang Zai and others to join in the fun. At the same time, he was also looking for Wuer Patrolling around the "treasure land of cultivation".

This place is exactly what I requested, with open space and water.

There is just one drawback, the water is not drinkable.



Facing Jing Yang's gaze, Wu Er lowered his head guiltily.

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