I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 16 For someone as handsome as me, it’s better to keep a low profile first

The main reason why Jing Yang chose a crowded playground was that it was located on the outskirts of the urban area along the east coast, and he was closer to the playground.

As Jing Yang observed with the aid of birds, this amusement park occupies a large area and does not charge tickets at the gate. It is estimated that tickets are counted separately for different amusement areas inside. And around these various amusement areas, there are large and small commercial streets, restaurants, shopping malls, small hotels, coffee shops... Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

"I'm not talking about you." Jing Yang touched the chirping gray bird on his shoulder, the little guy he named Yanque.

He looked up at the sign of the store in front of him on the street, "Elf Hotel".

Stepping into the grand hotel, you will see the spacious and bright restaurant, the aroma of the food blowing towards your face, half of the diners seated in the room, and many men, women and children chatting and laughing at the dining tables. At first glance, they look like they are tired from playing in the amusement park. After arriving, we went into the hotel to have something to eat and take a rest. There are also some people who seem to be here specifically for tourism, holding up their mobile phones to take pictures of the food on the table and the scenery of the amusement park outside the window.

Jing Yang was wearing a pair of ill-fitting short-sleeved shirts and large pants that were rolled up around his legs. He looked like a wanderer begging for food. He walked in swaggeringly, ignoring the strange glances from around him from time to time. He chose He found an empty seat and sat down on it. With his bare feet covered in dust, he raised his hand and said loudly: "Is there a waiter? I'll order some food here!"

A waiter came over suspiciously, holding a pen in one hand and a menu board in the other. He looked at Jing Yang and then at the door, "Kid, where are your parents?"

Jing Yang was speechless. In his current appearance, it was indeed difficult for him to communicate. It's not that the other party doesn't understand, it's that the other party doesn't take the words of his "child" seriously.

"I said, I want to order food. I'm starving to death!" He then took out a hunter's license with one hand and a few cash bills with the other and put them on the table. "Do you have many questions? Hold on, I won't hang you. .”

The waiter choked and took the hunter's license from the boy in surprise. He looked at it repeatedly and found that it really didn't look fake. In fact, no one could copy the hunter's association's license - the one standing behind the hunter's association, but The five most powerful countries in the world. Considering that those mysterious hunters couldn't reason with common sense, the waiter immediately changed his attitude, returned the hunter's license to Jing Yang, and said politely: "I'm sorry, what would you like to order?"

Jing Yang didn't pretend. The total cash he seized from Muser's wallet was less than 200,000 jinni. Converted into soft girl coins in his previous life, it was estimated to be just over 10,000. He was not old enough to exchange money lavishly. So I randomly ordered some dishes that were large in size and not very expensive, plus a local seafood fried rice, and the total cost was only 1,699 ringgit.

The food was served quickly. Jing Yang returned the favor and put some rice on the table. The little rock sparrow happily lowered its head and pecked at the rice, making a loud bang on the table. It was not polite and jumped into Jing Yang's soup. He was about to take a drink from the bowl, but Jing Yang made a somersault with his chopsticks. Jing Yang took a cup and poured some soup into it. The little rock sparrow tilted its head and looked at him. She didn't know whether it was because she was confused or because she didn't dare to hold a grudge. She pecked the soup in the cup loudly, seemingly harder.

After eating and drinking, Jing Yang paid the bill and left. He touched his tattered clothes and decided to find a shopping mall to change his outfit first.

In a shopping mall in the amusement park, it was almost the same story. After Jing Yang showed his hunter's license, he successfully bought two sets of short-sleeved shorts, several sets of underwear and a pair of sneakers - finally he had shoes to wear. Is it easy!

While Jing Yang was crying, he went to buy a few more disposable toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo and shower gel.

After leaving the mall, Jing Yang went directly to a public restroom in the amusement park. The decoration was relatively clean and formal, and there was no peculiar smell. He wore his newly changed underwear as if no one else was around, stood in front of the sink, took a simple shower, and rubbed his hands. The shampoo foam on one end made the men, women, boys and girls coming out of the men's and women's restrooms on both sides stunned.

As the saying goes, as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

After Jing Yang rinsed his hair, he went into the men's bathroom and changed into a pair of dry underwear and newly bought short-sleeved shorts. He felt refreshed.

"Why are you all looking at me?" He waved his hand, "Okay, let's all disperse."

Until Jing Yang walked away, everyone was talking about it. The most mentioned question was, should we call the police? He doesn't look like a serious child! This is too wild!

Jing Yang's stomach was full, he was refreshed, and he felt relaxed. He whistled and called back the little rock bird that had been placed in the sky. This guy was bullying a little boy who was licking ice cream in the playground. With his flexible wings, he also He is not afraid of getting hurt, he is really willing to do anything to death, and he almost crashed the plane after being slapped by his big father.

In this way, Jing Yanglioniao went shopping, walking through the crowds of people in the Hunter World amusement park, listening to the unfamiliar yet understandable languages ​​from another world around him, and feeling as if he was traveling abroad.


The little rock bird stood on Jing Yang's shoulder, looking at the flow of people behind Jing Yang, while flapping its wings and scratching Jing Yang's cheek.

"Okay, I've noticed them a long time ago." Jing Yang flicked the gray bird with his finger, "These few garlics have been following me since I came out of the mall. They probably saw my hunter's license."

The little rock bird pecked Jing Yang's fingers dissatisfiedly, as if to say, I reminded you so cleverly, shouldn't you praise me and get something delicious?

What Jing Yang was thinking was, should he deliberately let a few blind tails follow them and then rob them of their wealth?

"Let's settle down first. I don't know yet whether there will be a follow-up pursuit on the other side of the ship..." Jing Yang thought for a moment and resisted the temptation to take advantage of the autumn wind. "For someone as handsome as me, I'd better keep a low profile first." point."

The few local gangsters following behind felt that the target they were following had disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Where are the people?"

"Damn it, I thought I could get a 'black license' for free if I got lucky!"

"Consider this kid lucky. It's actually a good thing that he was robbed by us... He holds that precious license. Sooner or later, he will be eaten by a real evil person, and no bones will be left..."

A few gangsters were indignant and found a fountain along the way, but in the end they found nothing and dispersed sighing.

Behind the fountain, Jing Yang looked toward the pocket of his shorts, his ears gathering Qi, which strengthened his ear power and could clearly hear the murmurs of the followers.

"Black license?"

He jumped from behind the fountain.

It is said that nearly one-fifth of the people who pass the hunter test every year cannot keep their licenses at all. It seems that these licenses that flow into the black market are called black licenses.

"The authentic 'Blue Moon Orb'! The Blue Moon Orb can only be found in the habitat of the Miserable Moon Tiger! Don't miss it when you pass by!..."

The keyword "Bi Yue Hu" in the noisy shouts attracted Jing Yang's attention.

Around this large amusement park, there are many tourist souvenirs related to the Moon Tiger for sale, including rag dolls, piggy banks, pendants, stickers, tattoo services... everything is available.

Jing Yang walked up to the little vendor and took a look, and found that the so-called Blue Moon Orb, looking at the glossy material, was not even as bright as the fur patterns on Wu Er's body, and it shone like sapphire under the moonlight at night. As soon as he looked pretty, he immediately lost interest and ignored the stall owner's attempts to stay. Jing Yang turned around and left.

He quickly stopped at a fork in the road, where there was a sign showing a map of the entire playground.

What caught Jing Yang's attention was not the map itself, but a line of text in the corner.

"Blanchett Company·Ghost Island·Elf Playground"

Jing Yang is really a question mark.

What kind of ghost ghost island, what kind of ghost playground...

If he hadn't already developed the ability to read, he would have thought he had traveled to the world of Pokemon.

"Blanchet Company, isn't this the company they mentioned in the reserve?" Jing Yang said to himself, "This reserve is also the company's business?"

"You're right, kid." There was a voice approaching from the side. Jing Yang turned around and saw that they were two playground security guards.

The security guard knelt down and asked kindly: "Children, where are your parents? Have you separated from them?"

Jing Yang said: "I was eaten by a tiger in the reserve."

"Uh..." The two security guards choked at that moment. How could they answer the question?

"Chichi!" A gray bird suddenly fluttered in front of them. When they stepped back and waved their hands to drive the bird away, the little boy who had just been there had disappeared.

Ghost Island?

Jing Yang thought about this place name, and couldn't help but think of the ghostly shadow of a pale boy that flashed past in the woods outside the reserve a few days ago.


The little rock sparrow flew back, with a brisk tone of voice that said, "I've done something good," and swayed in front of Jing Yang.

"When I finish surfing, I'll buy you some feed."

Jing Yang found a shop that looked like an Internet cafe. As he walked in, he muttered, "I'm here to use you as a tool, why do I have to spend money? It's really the opposite!"

What kind of island is this Ghost Island? Where is it located in the Hunter World? What country is it in? What year and month is it today...

Jing Yang had too many questions.

Fortunately, Hunter World is a modern society that has entered the Internet age, and there are no problems that cannot be solved by surfing the Internet.

If so, it’s because you’re not professional enough.

"Network manager, turn on the computer!" Jing Yang took a picture of the hunter's license at the front desk of the "Internet cafe".

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