I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 14 Food Hunter

During normal training and battle preparation stages, just maintaining "Strongness" with all your strength will consume 1 qi every second - this is also the basis for Jing Yang to judge his total mind power before;

However, after the actual battle, because you need to repeatedly switch to use "Condensation", "Flow", "Zhou" and other derivative skills that consume more, the qi consumed every second will increase exponentially, depending on the combat experience and qi resistance. The control power will consume 6 to 10 Qi per second;

"Hey, did you hear what I said?"

Coupled with specific telekinesis abilities, especially some special moves, it consumes a lot of energy...

"Hey! Didn't you see me?"

For example, Jing Yang's "Finger Flick Magical Power" consumes a lot of energy every time it is charged and fired, and as the charging time gets longer and the lethality increases, more energy is accumulated and consumed.

I only have a total of 1,000 Qi at the moment. How many times can I go through this?

This made Jing Yang reflect deeply. It seems that in the future, when you are not absolutely sure of hitting, you must not charge for more than three seconds!

Otherwise it's just a waste of gas.

Thanks to the fact that this encounter didn't last long, I still had plenty of energy left. Otherwise, the last "finger snapping magical power" that had been charged for 10 seconds would probably have drained me...

This reminded Jing Yang of a member of the Phantom Troupe named Finks. His enhanced special move "Return to Heaven" is that for every additional turn of his arm, the power of his fist will increase by one round...I'm afraid It is also based on a similar principle to his own "Finger Flicking Magical Power", so it will naturally have similar disadvantages: the more turns it takes, the more Qi it gathers. If this punch fails to hit the enemy in the end, it will be pure. A waste of energy, the worst case scenario is that a bad person empties one's own thoughts, but it is even worse...


The green-haired girl with a bad temper yelled, interrupting Jing Yang who was deep in thought, "You little brat, don't ignore me!"

Jing Yang raised his hand to her and signaled her to wait, and the girl immediately stopped talking.

Jing Yang reached out and touched somewhere on the wolf corpse. The star mark disappeared and the wolf's head, which was slowly moving towards the broken neck of the wolf corpse on the ground, also completely stopped.

At the same time, a ray of death struck Jing Yang's heart.

He secretly thought: "It seems that when this wolf's head was knocked off, it was already half dead, but it is really dead now... Moreover, this time it has been confirmed that as long as the star mark is not destroyed, it will be considered dead." Even if it falls off, the head is rotten, or the heart is removed, it will not really die. It’s just that this kind of fatal injury will be repaired very, very slowly.”

Just when the green-haired girl was waiting impatiently, Jing Yang stood up and pointed behind her.

"Back there?" The girl asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Jing Yang said solemnly: "Take a few steps back."

Seeing how cautious he was, the green-haired girl stepped back without knowing why, "Is this so?"

"Just take a few steps back. That's it."

Jing Yang felt relieved and walked to the poachers scattered on the ground and squatted down. The strong man whose head was half eaten by Wu Er had already penetrated Jing Yang's heart before his death breath, so it was naturally cold to the core. One of them was beaten unconscious by the other two who were manipulated by him. The other two were shot in the head by Galo's two shots... Jing Yang glanced at the gunshot wounds between their eyebrows. The wounds themselves had been closed under the healing of the stars, but there was some kind of vague squirming sound coming from inside the skulls...

It seems that the posture when he fell to the ground was wrong. Although he recovered, the bullet remained in the brain. The two of them were repeatedly experiencing unimaginable intracranial orgasms. This is... Jing Yang shook his head and put his hand on their cheeks. With a touch on the neck, their respective star marks were erased, which was considered to be a relief for them. Immediately, two more death energy penetrated into the heart...

He is an operating system, and for a qualified operating system, the best situation is of course that no one knows the information about his own abilities.

Jing Yang decided to pretend to be a telekinesis user as much as possible from now on.

The green-haired girl didn't notice that Jing Yang was cleaning up the star marks, and thought he was just "touching the body." She couldn't help but worry that he would also touch the last Garo, and reminded her from behind: "Hey, the guy over there hasn't done it yet." Damn, be careful."

"Of course I know he's not dead." Jing Yang clapped his hands and stood up, but there was no death energy coming from Garo's body.

He looked at the green-haired girl and asked doubtfully: "Why are you still standing there?"

The green-haired girl said angrily: "Didn't you ask me to stand here?! I haven't figured out the situation yet!"

"Oh." Jing Yang nodded and walked towards Wu Er on the other side. Another Misery Moon Tiger was revealed in the bag. It seemed to have been given a strong anesthetic. It was still dazed after being dragged out by Wu Er.

"Oh what?" The girl strode over unbearably, "Why don't you explain?"

She reached out to grab the boy's ears, but he dodged her.

She was not convinced and reached out to grab it again.

Swish, swish, swish... Jing Yang couldn't hide anymore when he saw it. He grabbed the opponent's wrist and accused him: "What are you doing? Bullying me. You just finished the battle and you're tired now, aren't you?"

The girl choked, why did she make me feel so unreasonable?

She took a deep breath and said calmly: "My name is Men Qi, and I am a new professional hunter! I was attracted by the sound of gunfire here. These poachers are the criminals we recently set out to arrest. The two miserable moon tigers next to them are protected animals in this first-level protected area! Let go and I can show you my hunter's license."

Jing Yang looked at her carefully. She was wearing a tank top, heated pants, and a black breathable mesh jacket on her upper body. What kind of Mitarashi red beans... Oh, it's Men Qi. It turned out to be the examiner for the second hunter exam that the protagonists in the comic took, the female food hunter.

Jing Yang let go of his hand.

"Look!" Men Qi took out a hunter's license from his hot pants pocket and waved it in front of Jing Yang.

"Stop it. Isn't it just a license? It doesn't look like anyone else!" Jing Yang sneered and took out a hunter's license, "Well, when it comes to the Miserable Moon Tiger, no one knows it better than me! Do you think I don't know this place? Is it a protected area? Didn’t you see this miserable moon tiger obediently following me to fight against poachers?”

Men Qi was calmed by him and looked at Jing Yang suspiciously, "Blanchett Company hired other hunters? No, you are so young, you are also a professional hunter?"

What the hell is Blanchett Company... Jing Yang concentrated his energy in his eyes and took a look at the energy on Men Qi's body. It was loose and loose, not very condensed, and the amount was not much. It was probably not as good as his full strength, so he spoke earnestly and thoughtfully. He said: "Young people, don't be so narrow-minded. The world is big, and in the world of reading, there are many possibilities! Why do you mean I'm so young? I--how old are you?"


"Haha, I'm already 20 years old! I'm really a little girl." Jing Yang said, "It didn't take long for you to learn Niandu, right? Have you mastered the training of Nianjue? Have you developed your own Nian ability?"

Men Qi was a little confused when he asked in a senior tone, "It's true that I just learned it not long ago...but I have a reason! I was delayed for several months in order to concentrate on preparing for the food competition! In terms of ability, I have only recently learned it. Reluctantly, there seems to be some inspiration, but there seems to be no..."

"Actually, it just hasn't been developed yet."


"Keep working hard. The future of the Hunter Association depends on motivated young people like you!" Jing Yang said sincerely, "I am very optimistic about you. You will definitely become a one-star hunter soon."

"Okay, that's it, I'm leaving first. Wu Er, follow me!" He patted his butt and was about to leave, "I won't take credit from novice hunters like you. These poachers, you Contact the people in the company to handle it yourself."

"I...this..." Men Qi was even more dizzy, "Why am I staying here alone to contact other people? Aren't you waiting with me?"

Jing Yang waved, and Wu Er saw that Men Qi didn't look like a bad guy, so he safely handed over his kind to her and walked over to Jing Yang.

"You don't want the poacher you finally caught to wake up and run away, right?" Jing Yang asked.

Men Qi nodded.

"That's it." Jing Yang turned over and jumped on the tiger's back, "Wu Er, charge!"

The Miserable Moon Tiger roared, and flew away with him, along the original direction, through the woods, and headed towards the towns along the east coast.

Men Qi stood there stupidly. It wasn't until Jing Yang left on the tiger that he realized, "That's wrong! What's your name?"

"Hey! Come back..."

The angry voice of the young gourmet hunter came from the distance behind him. Jing Yang was riding Wu Er, followed by a flock of birds high above his head, laughing wildly. It was really interesting!

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