I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 11: Isn’t this just a matter of having hands?

An air ball the size of a raisin detached from Jing Yang's index finger, floating quietly in the air like a pocket vitality bomb.

Jing Yang basically mastered the basic skills of entanglement, jue, and condensation in the past, and he became familiar with them in a while, and he could use them freely once he became familiar with them.

But this time when he tried to release the energy, Jing Yang really spent a lot of effort, and it took him a full ten minutes to successfully "release" such a small ball of energy from his fingertips.

The release system, as the name suggests, is a type of telekinesis ability that allows you to attack and use qi out of the body. And only those with the ability to release qi can exert 100% of its power when the qi is outside the body. .

Jing Yang is an operation type, and the upper limit of his release type is only 80%. It is probably for this reason that it is so difficult to practice.

Moreover, in terms of actual power...

Jing Yang flicked his index finger towards a tree in front of him as if he was throwing something, and the suspended small ball of thoughts was immediately thrown out in a parabola. It flew precariously for about ten meters before it even touched the tree. It will dissipate on its own.

Naturally, Jing Yang would not be satisfied with this effect.

After trying several times and fiddling for more than half an hour, he finally released a grape-sized ball of energy from his fingertips. Just as he was about to throw it towards the tree in front of him, Jing Yang felt something in his heart.

"...try it."

He turned his palm over, clasped his index finger with his thumb, and the bullet released from his body floated gently in the air like a bullet falling into an invisible slingshot.

After aiming at the tree and accumulating power for about three seconds, Jing Yang fired with one finger.

call out!

The grape-sized bullet was like an arrow, and it shot out twenty meters in the blink of an eye, "Bang!"

The trunk of the tree was hit by the teleportation bomb, and a hole half the size of a palm was created. In the center of the hole was a slightly deeper round hole... It was just a small amount of energy, but it had such an effect. The destructive power of thought ability is evident.

"Successful." Jing Yang smiled. This is the advantage of being familiar with various settings.

The development of the mind ability, whether intentionally or unintentionally, will bring some strong or weak "restrictions", that is, restrictions on the person with the mind ability, in exchange for stronger power.

For example, Xiaojie's "Guessing Fist", he believes that since it is Guessing Fist, he must stay still and make a charging posture, and shout "Rock, Paper, Scissors" in his mouth, so as to be powerful. This is a de facto restriction achieved unconsciously by Xiaojie, but it also doubles the power of the guessing game.

In the comics, the first person to mention the "oath and restriction" of nen ability was Izanabi, the teacher who guided Kurapika in his training.

According to Izanabi, if general moves are considered to be "additional" in terms of how much energy is allocated, then if a particularly strict and cruel oath restriction is set, the power of the energy will be exerted. The bonus to abilities will be at a "multiplicative" level.

Oaths and restrictions are like fire cooking oil, which will increase the power of moves dozens to hundreds of times. But correspondingly, if the oath is violated, the ability user himself will also suffer severe backlash.

It was precisely after thinking of these "hidden rules" in the practice of mindfulness that Jing Yang deliberately "restricted" himself. Although he did not strictly make a vow to his heart, he also deliberately made an obvious gesture of pointing with his fingers, and deliberately A few seconds of force, on a practical level, restricts the action of throwing the teleportation bombs. Judging from the current results, the power of the telepathy bombs has indeed been significantly improved.

Of course, even if the power is increased, it still has to be discounted by 20%. After all, Jing Yang himself is not a release type, but an operation type.

"Come again!" Jing Yang was very happy. He released a bomb with a snap of his fingers, clasped it with his fingers, aimed at a leaf on the branch, and popped it out after a second.


Because the charging time was shortened, the power was indeed greatly reduced, but it finally succeeded in hitting the leaf and knocking it off the treetop.

"Isn't it just a matter of having hands? The development of telekinesis ability turns out to be that simple."

Jing Yang wanted to play a few more times, but he felt weak. The energy in my body is almost gone.

"The amount is too small and will not last long..."

Complaining to himself, Jing Yang fell down and sat down.

While resting, he grabbed a piece of his hair, released the remaining energy, used "Song of the Earth" to wrap the hair, and floated it in front of him.

The hair was entangled in the air, moving up and down, left and right, stopping suddenly, retreating quickly...

Jing Yang belongs to the operation system. On the hexagon composed of the six major systems of telekinesis, the change system is directly opposite. It is the category that people with operation system abilities are least good at. The upper limit is only 40%. Therefore, Jing Yang cannot He can control the shape of the thought energy wrapped around his hair very well, but this group of thought energy that contains the ability to operate "Song of the Earth" can easily twist the hair into a pentagram, a crescent moon, or a dancing figure. Waiting for various shapes...it is really at your disposal, without any sluggishness.

After completing the practice of releasing and operating the "hair", Jing Yang's stomach growled, so he went to look at the tiger and took food and water from the bottles and bags, and ate them on the spot. stand up.

"By the way, Brother Hu, you haven't eaten either, have you?" Jing Yang stuffed his mouth with dry bread and biscuits, drank a few mouthfuls of mineral water, and pointed towards the depths of the woods, "I don't think I have enough for you. If you have a gap in your teeth, fine, you can go hunting by yourself."

Wu Er did not leave immediately, growling something in his mouth.

"Don't worry about me, buddy, I'm a superman now!" Jing Yang smiled, gathered his strength with his fingers, and popped out two seconds later. A small teleportation bomb exploded into a palm-sized shallow crater on the ground nearby, "You still have to use it. Are you worried? Haha - go early and come back early."

Wu Er then cupped Gong Jingyang's head, turned around and leapt away, diving deeper into the dense forest.

Jing Yang wanted to continue practicing in the afternoon...but he had just filled his stomach and felt a little sleepy. He was really lazy and he didn't want to move.

"Jing Yang, Jing Yang, how could you do this?"

Jing Yang lay flat on the ground. After resting for a few minutes, he directly ordered to himself, "Get up and continue practicing. First, ten sets of entanglement, absolute, condensation, and practice, and finally 'concentration' until you run out of breath."

As he finished speaking, the rose gold five-pointed star on the back of his neck activated his telekinesis!

Like a seed, it was thrown into the ocean of Qi in Jing Yang's body... er, a small puddle.

With one move, his whole body was moved, and Jing Yang, who was lying on the ground, stood up like a zombie...

After controlling himself, Jing Yang experienced this strange feeling, which was both a real feeling and a feeling of being unable to control himself, mixed with the experience of a detached bystander.

It's just as mysterious as it is mysterious.

After completing mysteries, it’s boring practice...

Wu Er didn't come back until dusk, and Jing Yang had already gone through countless sets of repeated exercises. Despite the recovery effect of the star, the amount of Qi released by Jing Yang every time he practiced "Strong" has become less due to the fatigue of the whole day. Wu Er held the no longer struggling hare in his mouth and looked around. There were many broken branches and leaves on the ground, and the trunks of many trees were also pitted.

At night, when darkness fell, only the hare's skeleton was left on the fire. Jing Yang rubbed his belly and sat on the tiger's body, feeling extremely comfortable, but he seemed to have forgotten something.

"What about the wolf?" He remembered and turned to look at the dark woods around him. "It's been a whole day and you haven't caught a single bird? This unlucky thing..."

The instructions I gave the wolf didn't seem to include foraging. It wouldn't just patrol the various bird-catching devices and starve to death, right?

It shouldn't be...

Jing Yang was thinking this when he suddenly felt a strange feeling from behind, as if he was being stared at by something.

He sat up suddenly and looked over. After a day of practicing basic skills, he naturally and skillfully focused his energy on his eyes. In the dark forest, there seemed to be a vague figure quietly observing him. But when he looked intently, the figure suddenly disappeared.

"Why does he look like a pale child..." Jing Yang murmured to himself, rubbing Hu's back, "Brother Hu, are you guys haunted?"

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