I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 157

Sword Shop Alone (156)

I can’t wait.

Three days later.


Slash Headquarters.

Dowol sits on the couch and stares at the target.

There are three of them.

“Did you enjoy hanging out with Myeong-dong? ”

The three were Sanada Akira, Mori Yuki and Kudo Ayaka.

They were involved in civil wars in Japan.

The three of them escaped from Japan and fled to Korea together.

I was caught playing in Myeong-dong openly.

Ayaka, the oldest, said.

“First of all, it’s not illegal entry. We entered the country with a legitimate visa. ”

“What did Trio the Criminal say? Do you want me to deport you? ”

He crouched his chin and sighed.

Neither of these three would have thought that they could escape from Korea.

This is how you planned to meet.

Sanada bows her head.

“I’m so sorry. But we also made a big decision and we said, ”

“He ran away with a big decision about not wanting to go to school. ”

Dowol looked at Ayaka.

Why are you running away with him? ”

“Kurdo’s sister seduced me. ”

“ ……. ”

Maury’s snitches, Ayaka groans.

The bounty shook his head.

“If the Japanese government asks for India, I don’t really feel like denying it. Did you hear what I just said about responsibility, Sanada? ”

“…… I remember. ”

Sanada was a miserable face.

“After the civil war, I wanted to clean up my mess. But…… the Japanese government did not allow it. ”


“The government is trying to bury itself in the fact that it happened. A giant snake appeared in Osaka, and you and Kudo Lyka joined forces to defeat it. So Japan is safe. That’s what they’re trying to propagate. ”

I said, “Let’s get Mori back.”

“We can’t even apologize. because if we apologize, the Japanese government has to admit that there was a civil war. It was never a good thing for the administration. Everyone was tearing them apart. ”

“ ……. ”

“This is how Japan always looks when the past is flooded. ”

He folded his arms and listened.

Ayaka said.

“So am I. I was threatened by the fact that I was ruled by a machete, by a machete painting, by all the information. No…… to be more precise. ”

Ayaka said indignantly.

“My existence is a political burden on my sister. ”

“I said, kill them all. ”

“It’s not that I haven’t thought about it. But in the end, someone has to fill it. And… Surprisingly, our politicians are doing a little better. ”

Ayaka said to write it.

“After all, the three of us can do nothing but increase the political burden of the pension situation, of the Japanese prosecutors. Instead, I decided to disappear. ”

“Why are such noble people sharing sausages in Korea? Everything you guys eat on the street stall is on CCTV. ”

“That’s because Sanada is hungry…. ”

“No, you’re the one who said you were hungry. I don’t like sausages. ”

Sanada and Mori hugged each other.

Ayaka looked at Dodge provocatively.

“…… I think we have work to do when we come to Korea. ”

“You’re here for a job? ”

“Yes, once I resigned from the Cudo group’s administration, I still have the resources. And next to me, Sanada and Mori are the swords and the swords and the swords and the extraordinary skills. ”

He scratched his neck.

“Are you serious? Sanada doesn’t have Amano Murakumo anymore. In fact, if you’re as good as Sanada, you can get a level 40 exam. ”

“ ……. ”

Sanada lacks practical experience and, above all, lacks a sense of agility.

Not as good as level.

Ayaka said, looking directly at the escape.

“Then we’ll train them in the future. Isn’t that right?”

“After you’ve fed them, put them to sleep, trained them? Are you going to do as I say? ”


“Even if I told you to kill the Japanese? ”

Ayaka said without hesitation.

“Yes, of course. ”

“Can you really do this? ”

Dowol looked back at Sanada and Mori.

Ayaka said strongly.

“If they refuse, I’ll make them listen. In that case, I will take responsibility. ”

“With breasts?”

“Of course, each…… Yes? ”

The bounty was on his tongue.

“I saw you memorizing the script before I met you, so I was just talking nonsense. And as long as they’re both underage prosecutors. If you’re a bloodworker, you decide on your own. ”

“…… I’m ready. ”

Sanada said in a stiff voice.

“I am determined to atone for the flood I failed to recover, for the rest of my life. And in order to do that, I want to empower, and I want to give people insight into the world. ”

“ ……. ”

“The Leap Lord is the one who ended the war. I believe there is a will, and I will follow any order. ”

Sanada’s angst.

Mori helped.

“Well, I can’t leave this fool alone. I have to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t do anything stupid. ”

I thought about it and replied.

“We have to prove it by action, not by words. First of all, Sanada Akira and Mori Yuki, you two are going to treat each other as Korean veterans. Decide whether to accept it as a formal inspection in the future…… and Seo Yura will guide you when you leave. Tell her I sent her to give her her contact information. I’m going to take care of a place to stay or something. ”

“Thank you for accepting. ”

Sanada, Mori bows politely.

“All right, get out. What you just said, prove it by your actions. I’ll keep an eye on him for a while. ”


Sanada and Mori are out.

All that’s left is Kudo Ayaka.

It was a nervous face.

Sanada and Mori accepted, but they knew you were different.

They were drawn to the sword and tried to kill each other.

Surrender was recommended.

“Why don’t you just go home quietly? ”

“…… I came prepared. There is no going back. ”

Kubo Ayaka bows his head deeply.

“If you accept it from Korea, I will do anything…. even at night. ”

“I’m sorry, my lower half is concrete. ”

The bounty was on his tongue.

“Well, I know you’re desperate for a precious girl, but you’re running away from your sister. ”

“ ……. ”

“You refused to visit Lyka. Have you been talking to him since? ”

“…… ”

“I don’t like to waste my time. Did you really tell me the whole story you’ve been telling me? ”

When he was possessed by the map, Ayaka spoke ill of Lyka.

But was it really something I didn’t like at all?

“If that’s true, there’s no reason to even bother visiting…. ”

“ ……. ”

“Tomorrow Lyka is coming to Korea. Look at you two. Stay in the twin room with Lyka and talk for 12 hours. My decision is next. ”

“W-what……. ”

Ayaka tried to protest, but she said she was cut off.

“We use a clumsy human being everywhere. You can get deported if you don’t want to. How about a French asylum? ”

“ ……. ”

“Then I’ll tell Lyka when I arrive tomorrow. Ayaka flew to France saying she didn’t want to see her sister. It’s worth seeing the Sisters on Earth in the pursuit. ”

Ayaka replied in conflict.

“Al, I understand. Spend 12 hours and a night in the same bedroom as your sister. I understand.”

“I’ll decide whether to see it or not. ”

Ayaka lets out a deep sigh.

Even the salutation was a troublesome struggle.

Anonymously said.

< Ayaka is still a total massage?


< Kudo Ayaka is the prosecutor. It doesn't take a reading, but there's a level. It's level 45.

As Dowol said, Kudo Ayaka's name appeared.

Level is cloaked.

“For some reason, I was drinking Korean. You're getting a translation service on the inspection net. ”

Seeing that it's not detected, it looks like it's a bit deformed in the extreme stagnation. Should I say half-man? Anyway, it's weird.

“You're still a prosecutor now that you don't have a slap on the face? ”

< The sword usually disappears when the prosecutor dies. But the black map was a special sword, and the Japanese saber could transfer swords to each other.

“Do you still want to play? ”

< You should know that, body specs and swordsmanship are in the 60s. What kind of scam is this?

“But I'm not good at fighting. I'm gonna need a security detail. ”

If Kudo Ayaka was a strange species, he could use it later.


Seo Yura came in.

“Excuse me, Chairman, I have an urgent matter to report. ”

“Yes, what is it? ”

“Tomorrow at dawn, the Chinese prosecutors will raid Riolong. ”

“ ……. ”


Doubtful asked.

“Is it true? Riolon isn't usually that good. ”

“So it looks like they're trying to assassinate you. There is no winning in a frontal battle. ”

However, if it doesn't seem like a frontal battle, an ambush will be fine.

< Testing also requires sleep, and while you sleep, no reversal detection is triggered. You don't get ambushed because of your supercapitalism, but it's a very special ability.

Dowol asked again.

“Are you sure? ”

“Hotel accommodation in Riolong, where the Chinese are staying right downstairs. and they gave me a lot of money to borrow. And there was information that explosives came through the smuggling routes. ”

Seo Yura explained.

“It looks like the hired Chinese are planning to detonate a bomb under Riolong's room and have the prosecutors finish it. ”

The same was expected for the leap forward.

Even Seo Yoo now had a look to know his own sword.

“If a bomb explodes while you sleep, you'll be distracted. Plus, when the public does, it won't read through the prosecution's readings. ”

The bounty shook his head.

“But…… these are going to be swords on Korean soil. Even though I told you not to. ”

This is an act of ignoring the sovereignty of Korea.

Besides, he ignored the Declaration of Resistance.

Seo Yura said.

“I think the Chinese think it's their own business. ”

“This is Korea. Besides, when a bomb like that goes off, no one else gets involved? ”

The hotel, the public, where the bomb goes off and gets chopped up?

It's just that their position is important.

The surplus was calculated.

‘Even if it's an assassination, you have to be a swordman to try it with Riolong. Now, the Chinese gummas in Korea were four, Zhoudan, Lyncia, Kaifeng and Jinbao. ’

It doesn't matter who comes out.

We just have to push it all away.

The overtaking took place.

“We can't let foreigners fight freely here in Korea. In the face of the war against the state, the trick is to disrespect my authority, Korea's sovereignty. Then you need to make it respectful. ”

“Yes, then the prosecutors……. ”

“No, I'm going in alone. ”

He said firmly.

“Council, sir? ”

“If you move a lot, you'll notice. Please keep my work secret too, Seo Yura. You have to.”

Seo Yura caught me turning.


Sticky arm.

When Dozenship turns around, she takes off her hands in shock.

He said as if nothing had happened.

“A five-star hotel in Riolong, right? If you have a resident prosecutor, tell him not to conflict, but to leave. And get me a medical examiner near the hotel. Immediately after the incident, the hotel staff and guests are evacuated. ”

The medical examiner was a special rescue unit created by Dowol.

Emergency services made up of tests only.

A prosecutor of level five or higher only dies with a knife, and if you put your mind to it, you could accomplish rescue activities that ordinary people couldn't.

After experiencing Skytree terrorism, Dowolwol commanded South Korea to create an army.

“Get the bomb squad ready. Oh! And find out more about Taochen. You said you didn't see any contact between Taochen and Riolong. There's a complicated story about being in the same city and not seeing your face. ”

“…… Yes. ”

“Seo Yura, let me see your face. What's wrong with someone who's always been so clumsy? ”

When Seo Yura said depressingly, Dowol patted her on the shoulder.

“Yes, I will……. ”

Seo Yu said nicely and left.

Dowol, who became alone, called out the blind spear.

Korean oath level 4.

Promise Point: 42,500.

Hospitam: 4,000 points.

???: 50,000 points.

Identity: 20,000 points.

“That's a lot of points. ”

< That's how much your fame is going up. because they're internationally reputable now. There won't be a prosecutor in three countries who hasn't heard your name.

Before ‘??? A special ability was indicated as.

Lion alternate S.

Your swordsmen gain 1.5 times more Health and Defense in their territory.

“Stronger in the living room. ”

Perfect for use now.

And the Hospitams are getting more aggressive.

He bought the lion's identity and the Hoshitam.

“It's… night now. ”

We're ready.

I don't intend to let the Chinese prosecutors who cheat on my land.

Let's take care of all the people who are doing this.

You can judge Riolon by his haste.

“Or……. ”

On the contrary, we work with Riolong to wipe out the Chinese prosecutors.

Either way, the decision is overturned.

The night is coming.

The night to clean up the fools.

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