I’m the Owner of the Breeding House In the World of Elves

Chapter 66: interview

   Regarding the fact that the system update benefits are reduced, Yujia is lost, but it hasn't been tangled for too long.

   Owning a gold finger is much better than others. There is no need to force too much. People have to be open to them while they are alive. The mentality is very important.

   The next day Suzuki Garden came to the feeding house as promised.

   Yuka invited Suzuki Garden in and brought him to the dining room table. He pointed to the stool next to him and said:

   "Miss Suzuki, please take a seat. I'm very sorry, the shop is so simple that only Panini can come here."

   Suzuki Garden smiled, sat down, and said indifferently: "It's okay, it's nice here."

   Seeing that she really didn't care, Yuka went straight to the subject and said, "I don't have a lot of things in my shop. I usually receive customers and then sell elf eggs.

  You should also understand that the breeding house is a relatively special industry. Although the elves and the elves are not luxury goods, they are not as crowded as supermarkets.

   So there are not many customers in the shop, and it is not too busy.

   The only requirement is probably to have a certain understanding of common elves, otherwise there is no way to introduce our elves to the guests. Do you have a problem with this? "

After hearing this, Suzuki Garden nodded and said, "No problem. I also graduated from the trainer school before and received a formal trainer education, but later did not embark on the road of trainer, but there is no problem with the basic knowledge of the elves. It is also one of the reasons why I want to work here, to make up for the regrets of the past."

   Yuka didn't expect Miss Suzuki to have such an experience, but she is still happy to hear about her familiarity with elves.

  Yuga: "Okay, let's talk about working hours.

   I used to be more free to open and close shops when I was alone, and the time was often not fixed, but after you came, we had to make a rule. "

   Suzuki Garden nodded to express understanding: "This is what it should be."

  Yuga: "Good, then we will open at 7:00 in the morning and close at 11:00, and open at 2:00 in the afternoon and close at 6:00. What do you think?"

   Suzuki Garden nodded without the slightest opinion.

   Yuka saw that Suzuki Garden had no objection, she struggled a little bit in her heart, and asked: "I heard you say that you live here alone with your children, right?"

   Suzuki Soon was wondering why Yuka mentioned this, but he nodded.

   Seeing Suzuki Garden nodded, Yuka said, "The shop is not too busy. If it is not convenient for you to bring your children, you can also bring them to the shop."

   Suzuki Garden did not expect that Yuka just asked the question for this. She wanted to say: There is no inconvenience. The family has invited an aunt to take the child.

   But after thinking about it, Suzuki Garden still didn't say, since the boss has agreed, why do you mention it too much! But in my heart, I still feel that I, a prospective boss, can take care of others, and how can ordinary people take their children with them at work?

   Suzuki Garden smiled and nodded: "Then thank you Mr. Manager."

  Yuga: "Then let's talk about the treatment issue at last.

   I give you three thousand Union Coins every month, because we are also a sales industry, and you are alone in the shop. I don’t specify a day off for you, but you can ask me for leave at any time without deduction of salary.

   To save you, you can run back and forth. You can also stay for dinner at noon. If I'm not here, you can make it yourself. Everything in the kitchen is available.

   When I was here, I cooked by myself, so I did it for you by the way. Of course, if you are willing to do it for me, I have no objection. "

   Suzuki Garden: "Okay, I have no objection."

   In fact, with the consumption level of Luyin Town, the salary of three thousand salespersons in a shop is already quite high, and Suzuki Garden is not dissatisfied.

Besides, Suzuki Garden does not come here to work for money. She is not short of money. She just wants to find something to do after staying in Luyin Town for a long time. In addition, this work is not tiring, close to the eye, and has a little feeling for herself, so Just made this decision.

  Yuga: "I have said everything I should say, do you have anything to add? If you have a request, I can mention it, and I will consider it as appropriate."

   Suzuki Garden thought for a while and said: "I have nothing to add, you are very thoughtful."

  Yuga: "You have to think carefully, don't mention the expiration now."

   Suzuki Garden didn't say anything, so the matter was decided.

   Yuka stood up and stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome to join Yoyo Feeding House, please give me your advice in the future."

   Suzuki Soon shook Yuka back, "each other, each other."

   Yuka: "By the way, when can you come to work?"

   Suzuki Garden: "Tomorrow will be fine."

  Yuga: "Okay, then you can start working tomorrow."

After   , Yuga took out the pre-prepared employment contract, and the two happily signed the contract.

   After signing the contract, Yuka took out a bunch of keys and handed it to Suzuki Garden, and said, "Here are the keys in the store. Give it to you first."

   Suzuki Garden took the key and said, "Then I will go back if there is nothing wrong. I will come to work on time tomorrow."

   Yuka sent Suzuki Garden out the door and just came back when he saw the wind chimes flying over in a hurry, his expression was very flustered.

   Seeing this familiar scene, Yujia Lima understood what had happened, and hurried to the eco-park.

   When Yuka arrived not far from the giant climate tree, he saw several small heads in the small nest under the tree sticking out.

   Just as one of them was about to fall from the nest~www.NovelMTL.com~Yuga hurried up to catch it.

   Picking up the elf, Yuka stared at each other with big eyes to small eyes. After a while, the elf became impatient and yelled at Yuka.

   At this time, the two little Ibrahimovic who were born before are standing together under the nest and looking into the nest, they look very cute.

   Yuga counted, the nest, plus the one in his hand, this time a total of four elves hatched.

Three kinds of elves were hatched this time, two water leaping fish, one wooden gecko, and one vine snake that is only found in Hezhong area. I don’t know how this elven egg appeared in Fuyan Town. Incubator's.

   This one who crawled outside was the rather naughty-looking rattan snake.

   hatched four Yusanjia in one go, which made Yuka's mood quite good.

   You must know that the cultivation of precious elves like the Yusanjia is basically monopolized by the alliance, and there is very little outflow.

   There are no elves like Yusanjia in most of the privately-run feeding houses.

  Some large private breeding houses may have their own special elves specially cultivated, but they cannot cultivate a large number of Yusanjia. It is not ordinary difficult to have suitable breeding seeds.

   It can be said that the Yusanjia in each area is the pinnacle of alliance elves cultivation and research, and they are their iconic elves.

   The novice Yusanjia distributed by local doctors in various regions every year is also handed over to the offspring of the alliance's direct line training. The Alliance Yusanjia is not easy to flow out.

  Of course, every year the alliance exports a large number of other high-quality elves that are not Yusanjia through the official breeding house. Many types are not inferior to Yusanjia. Therefore, most trainers and people have no opinion on the alliance's behavior of not distributing Yusanjia to the outside world.

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