I’m the Only One With a Different Genre

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 – How to Make One Crawl on The Floor

Before meeting Lian, Iris’s spirit was completely shattered; she had to block out all her senses to protect herself, curling up in the pitch-black darkness, unable to tell today from tomorrow as time just slithered by.

It was Lian who pulled her out with a gentle touch.

Like a kid learning about the world for the first time, Iris held Lian’s hand tightly and stepped forward into reality one little foot at a time.

The brutal world she lived in before meeting him felt like a dream, while her life with Lian was so sweet it could give you a toothache.

Iris gradually went from just being aware of her surroundings to actually understanding her situation.

She came to realize that Lian, who showered her with kindness for no reason at all, was her brother! Discovering that they were family made even her once-despised white hair feel pretty cute.

Just when she was submerged in a happiness that tingled at her toes, the cruel reality slammed down on her like an anvil.

Always smiling, but with scars and the odor of blood that got worse every time she was alone. Watching him be called over and over by ‘important guests,’ coming back doused in the horrendous smell of blood…

The reality she had been blissfully blind to suddenly choked Iris.

‘It’s alright! Lian said it’s alright! So…’

Iris tried desperately to wipe her personal thoughts from her mind. She wanted to live like a doll—completely oblivious and carefree.

But no matter how much she wished for that blissful ignorance, at some point, Iris started to discover that she couldn’t keep avoiding the harsh reality.

With her head bowed low, she thought:

‘Why is he being so nice to me? Is this how families are supposed to be?’

Iris was confused about what family even was—having never had one before.

‘Why doesn’t he ever say it hurts? Why doesn’t he get mad?’

Lian always smiled, as if it were the most natural thing, suffering all alone whenever she wasn’t around. He bore all of it just because he was ‘big brother.’ Iris just couldn’t wrap her head around it.

She lifted her head to see Lian stroking her hair gently, filled with love and concern.

“Iris, are you hurt somewhere?”

The concern that poured out of him so effortlessly was like syrupy sweetness to her. She wanted to cry out in his arms, clinging to him while saying she was in pain. The hand that tickled her forehead to check for fever then gently brushed her cheek.

“No fever?”

The words that danced on her lips got swallowed right back down. She was terrified that if she revealed the secrets that Lian held so close to his heart, their barely-there bond might shatter completely.

What if his lips curled with resentment? What if those loving eyes overflowed with tears?

Iris didn’t want to be hated by Lian. So, once again, she wiped her mind clean and turned away.

“No, I’m fine.”

“Really? Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I want to eat more.”

“You do? Eat as much as you want.”

There we go, that would work.

Ignoring Lian’s hunger, the overwhelming smell of blood and the wounds that seemed to have never existed, all she had to do was act the way he wanted.

After all, she couldn’t live without Lian, so it was a choice she had to make.


A peaceful afternoon.

I was chatting with an old man trembling on the floor, his bony body rattling like crazy.

“Huuff, huff, huff…”

“Are you okay? Sorry, this is… a bit embarrassing for me…”


The old man who had called for me after several days was now skinning me like I was a piece of fruit!

As I felt the cold blade slide against my skin, my skin peeled off like that of an apple—along with my clothes and organs piling up on the floor like discarded peels!

You know how when you peel fruit, you try to make clean cuts and not break the rind? The old man managed that perfectly with me, so here I was, looking like a skeleton!

Everything else was fine, except I had holes all over me, making it pretty embarrassing. So, I asked for some clothes, but the old man just flopped on the ground, inching away further and further.

‘Is he scared of skeletons?’

Even in this comedy world, there were people like that. You scream at the sight of zombies or skeletons; this old man seemed to fit that bill.

‘Who knew he was not only weak in body but also had a delicate heart?’

I thought to myself watching the old, shivering man as he curled up. His pants looked suspiciously damp… I quietly averted my gaze.

“Is that all for today? Can I leave now?”

“Eek..! Get out!”

Well, since I had that permission, there was no reason to stick around any longer. I exited the white room and strolled down the hallway.

‘Huh? No traps set off this time? Maybe it’s ’cause I’m a skeleton?’

Unlike last time, I zipped out of the white space without a hitch. I rummaged through a closet and threw on a shirt and pants.

‘It’s that old man’s fault I had no clothes. He’s got to understand that, right?’

Honestly, I had no other options to get out. But since my body had returned to normal pretty much, I could leave the old man’s room without any fuss.

While walking to the elevator, I bumped into a familiar face.

“Oh, hello?”


The guy who had treated me to a big meal last time was standing right in front of me. He looked a bit flustered for a sec but then put on a friendly smile to say hi.

“Speaking of which, I never told you my name. I’m Angsho. Just feel free to call me that.”

“Sure, Angsho.”

His expression morphed into something odd with my response. It was like he was shaking as if the ground had quaked beneath him. I had no idea why.


Angsho thought to himself.

‘Is this guy for real?’

Even though Angsho had given permission, this was the first time he’d met a slave who didn’t even add a respectful title!

‘Could it be he wasn’t taught properly? But I heard he’s been in the arena for quite a while…’

Angsho mentally noted down Lian’s irritating behavior.

‘I guess I’ll have to arrange for some proper education.’

As he thought that, he tried to hide his crumbling expression.

‘And by the way… I would have assumed he’d come out looking like a wreck after being summoned by Bansook. But he looks surprisingly okay. Even his clothes are intact.’

Angsho slowly scanned Lian up and down, more irritated by how well he looked after supposedly meeting Bansook.

‘Tsk, he should’ve been tortured as usual.’

Right when Angsho heard Lian had been called by Bansook, he came up with a plan. People are most vulnerable after experiencing great pain.

Whether it’s heartbreak or physical agony… comforting them afterward usually leaves a strong impression.

Angsho had planned to care for Lian once he came out of torture to boost his affection level. But Bansook, uncharacteristically, didn’t leave any marks on the slave, derailing the plan.

“Thanks for last time. Because of you, my sister enjoyed a delicious meal.”

“That’s good. But—why are you here today?”

Angsho tried to pry out any juicy details about what had happened with Bansook.

“Oh, a guest called me for a chat. Seems like he’s a tender guy and frail, too.”

“Tender-hearted and… frail?”

Angsho stammered in shock. Lian, oblivious to Angsho’s reaction, kept rambling on.

“Yes! He gets shocked easily and seems to be hurting all over. Not sure why he called me… maybe just lonely?”


Lian was rattling off, thinking he’d hit it off with an easy-going conversation partner.

‘What? Did he meet someone other than Bansook?’ Angsho felt more confused.

“What… did you do today?”

“Well, today I got my skin peeled.”

“…Excuse me?”

“It was unexpected, so I felt a bit embarrassed. I mean, when everything’s out there, right?”


At this point, Angsho totally lost his poker face. He looked like a lost student listening to a professor drone on.

“Anyway, so—oh, the elevator’s here. I’ll be off.”

After Lian left, Angsho was left standing by the elevator, his mind completely blown. With a vacant expression, he pondered:

‘What in the world is he talking about?’

His brain, usually oil-slick smooth, felt jammed up as if he’d encountered something truly ‘unknown’ for the very first time.

“Ha, hahaha… this just keeps getting… more interesting.”

Angsho filled the fear bubbling up inside him with anger and stubbornness, something people naturally do to steer clear of their fears.

He was treading the exact same path as the two who had met their downfall before him.

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