I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 11: Her reasoning


I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 11


「Her reasoning」


Class 1-6. 


I scroll through my phone, bored out of my mind. It was the 4th period, one more before lunch break. However, our 4th-period maths teacher had an emergency, leaving us with a free period. There's nothing I could do instead of mindlessly scrolling through my phone, searching for anything mildly interesting. 


When I found nothing of interest, I heave a sigh and shut off my phone, stuffing it into my pocket. I should finish the assignments distributed today, they won't take much time. Just as I was about to take out my notebooks, someone called out to me. 


"Hello~" (Stella) 


Oh. It's her. I didn't bother hiding the annoyed expression on my face. She didn't contact me yesterday. I thought she gave up. Not that I mind, in fact, please ignore me as all my classmates have. Your persistence is waning my patience down.


"Ignoring me isn't going to work, you know? I'll keep pestering you~" (Stella) 




Ignoring her, I take out my science notebook. I started scribbling, all my concentration focused on the written essay assignment we were given. 




It seems that most of the questions provided are asking about our understanding of the topic. Questions like these are more interesting since I didn't have to write mindless, repetitive formulas to solve the answer. 




Although it was science, the topics were mostly about the biology of monsters, active/passive skills, and properties of MP. The last 2 were easy for me because of my experience, but the first was slightly difficult. Things such as physics, chemistry, and normal biology exist, but the school's priorities are the two aforementioned above. 




Monster biology covers a monster's skills, vital points, and innate properties. They're crucial to know what to do and how to act in a given situation. It was vital since, in a dungeon, information is tantamount to your life. 






I slam my notebook shut, invoking a powerful thud that ran across the entire classroom. My lips pursed when I notice I'd put more strength than intended. I didn't expect it to be so loud. 


Because of my blunder, everyone's eyes landed on Stella and me. I was used to their gazes but still felt bitter at making such a mistake. I look at Stella, who still had her fingers poked into my cheek, with a sharp glare. 


"Will you let go?" 


"Oh, Sorry." (Stella) 


I said sternly. Thankfully, she withdrew her finger. I sighed, one filled with irritation. It didn't go unnoticed as the class' glare — mostly from the boys — sharpened. 


"What do you need?" 


"Thank you for the other day." 


"I don't know what you're thanking me for." I replied, feigning ignorance. Despite that, Stella still held her sweet smile and innocent aura, unaffected by my words. 


"Sure you don't. But even then… Thank you." 


Her voice, laced with genuine gratitude momentarily surprised me. Momentarily. I controlled my facial expression, trying to mask my reaction. If she saw it, she would use it to better anchor her position to being my 'friend'. 


"Fine. Let's say I did do something to warrant your thanks, then what? Is that all you're here for?" 


"No… Uhmm…" 


She stiffened. Then, she took a long, deep breath, almost like she was encouraging herself. What the hell is she doing? 


"Do you want to join my party?" 




Confused cries and audible gasps resounded. Frankly, I was the same. What made her think to ask me out to her party? Looking at the hero party, they look equally confused. It seems she did this on her own. With that in mind, I answer her request. 




"Haha. I kinda expected that…"


She chuckled dryly. Bitterness flashed across her face before blooming back to her iconic smile. If you expected it, why did you ask?


"Anything else?" 


"I want to be your friend."






A grimace left her lips this time. Hey, this is pretty fun. I'm not a sadist by any means, but even I find it fun teasing people — Although my idea of teasing is very loose here. Seeing Stella grimace, which never happened in the game by the way, was funny to watch.


"I won't give up…" 




"I won't give up. I'll be your friend. No matter what." 


"Is that so." 


"Even if you ignore me, I'll continue pestering you."


"So you do know you're pestering me." 


"A-anyways, I'll continue doing this. I'm pretty stubborn." 


"I can see that. Too bad I'm not willing to be friends with you, much less be in a party." 


"Why? Why do you hate being friends with me? If it's the rumors, I know they're not true. So, tell me. Why? 


'Why?' you ask. I have plenty of reasons why. You're annoying and stubborn. You're too kind for your own good. You pester me, the most hated guy in class, with a smile on your face. And, most of all, you're friends with Rose. Those are all the reasons why.


"I just don't like you. That's why." 


"Stop lyin—" 




I pack my things and leave quickly, ignoring all the stares. I heard Stella call out to me but I dismiss it. I don't hate you, Stella. But if this makes you leave me alone, then that's fine. 


I don't need your pity. 



Stella Wilson's POV


Staring at his disappearing back, various emotions stirred my heart, leaving me perplexed and dazed. His back continued to dwindle, slowly vanishing before there was nothing left.


The aura of coziness and warmth that came with him also vanished, leaving behind a cold residue that did nothing more than remind me of his departure. 


I closed my eyes, remembering his blank, uninterested look, his aura of solitude, empty, dead eyes, and his sharp, harsh words. 


Despite all that, I couldn't find it in me to hate him, nor could I keep myself away from him. All his actions, however harsh and crude they were, only fueled my interest in him. 


You see, I had an ability. 


My parents knew of this, telling me it was the combination of both my unique bloodline and inherent skill. It allowed me to see the good and evil in people, to see the truth in their nature. Good would make me feel cozy and warm, like being in a house or on vacation. Evil; however, would make me feel nauseated and lethargic. 


Depending on a person's disposition, the intensity would rise or fall. Truly kind-hearted people, like my parents, would make me feel tranquil and peaceful unlike no other. The worse I felt against someone vile was the urge to vomit and feel sickly. 


Andrew and Rose made me feel at home, at ease. Troy was also the same, albeit his aura was far weaker than the other two. 


But Lukas… He was different. It wasn't anything like Andrew and Rose. It was untainted and pure. He evokes a feeling of comfort, serenity, and mellowness the likes of my parents. It was shocking. Behind every action, a hidden intention was buried within.


My first question was why? Why would he hide his feelings? However, my question was shortly answered. A rumor about his past. That he had harassed Rose and used her. To me, it didn't make sense. Could Lukas, who radiated such warmness, be capable of doing such a thing?


So I asked Rose. I asked her about the rumors, about why he had harassed her, and if it was true or not. I didn't get much, but Rose's answer stuck to me. 


'It's true. That bastard used me. I'll never forgive him for that.'


It puzzled me yet again. I saw how Lukas looked at Rose, with deep regret, sorrow, and complexity. Also, despite her words, I could see the worry in her eyes when she saw Lukas ostracized. Was it a misunderstanding? They were childhood friends. What caused them to drift apart so bad? 


The rumors were false. I knew that. Even if Rose said they were true, it was nothing more than a one-sided ordeal. Lukas never once gave his own opinion or side of the story. There was something deeper to this. A bigger picture. 


If Lukas truly harassed Rose, why would they look at each other with such complex emotions? If he did do it, why would my ability give off such tenderness when I'm around him? If he did do it… 


Why is he so different from what others make him out to be? 


"You good? Geez, that asshole should have at least acted politely." (Andrew) 


Before I knew it, Andrew, Rose, and Troy surrounded me, asking if I was okay. I dismiss their concern with a smile. Rose was quiet, seemingly in thought. 


"What's up with him? He's always acted rude to you." (Troy) 


"Haha, it's fine. It's my fault I kept pestering him." 


"It still doesn't give him the right to snarl at you." (Andrew) 


"Yes. I don't see why you concern yourself with him." (Troy)


"Don't worry guys, I know what I'm doing." 


I vaguely dismiss their concern, trying to change the subject. It didn't take a genius to see how much these two disliked Lukas. I didn't want to bother them with my involvement. It was purely out of my curiosity and interest. 


My eyes met Rose's. A muddled mix of emotions flashed in her sharp eyes. It was brief, but I kept it in mind. Rose doesn't seem willing to give up information. Lukas was no good either. Rumors were always unreliable. 


Even then, my determination only rose. I wanted to be friends with Lukas. I want to find out the truth between the two of them. And, if possible, I wanted to see his true nature, one where he didn't mask it. 


The closest I've gotten was at Rose's house. When he smiled when eating the cookies and talking to her parents. I felt like I'd gotten to see the real him… The real Lukas. 


Unknowingly, my sugary, gentle aura came back, relieving all the students. My smile widened as I promise myself to try harder. 


Lukas may ignore me. That's fine. I know that despite his annoyance at my antics, I was slowly, steadily cracking down his walls. I remember just earlier when I thanked him, his eyes flashed with surprise before turning back to their usual dull, stagnant look. 


Once again, I thought I saw the real him. 


Call me stubborn, persistent, or annoying all you want. I won't give up on you. Not now nor in the future. I'll be the pest by your side when no one wanted you. 


So until you feel like opening up, I'll be here, waiting. 



Lukas Gasper's POV




I feel bad. 


My attitude towards Stella was a calculated move. It wasn't out of spite or anything. The harsher I act toward her, the greater the likelihood she stops being friends with me. Being friends or even acquaintances was too much trouble for me. 


As I said, she's friends with Rose. I want to avoid any interactions with her as much as possible. Also, she was in a party with the hero party. I'm bound to have a connection with them if I'm friends with her. I'll be completely honest, I don't think I can hold my sanity if that happens. My position in the class is already as precarious as it can be. 


But that doesn't justify my actions towards her. Let me reiterate, I don't like Stella, but I also don't dislike her. My opinion of her, as hard as I want to admit, is slowly changing. She would purposely unify the class with her aura, talk to the less sociable people, and lighten the mood of the class with her actions. 


Mind you, it has only been three days since the entrance ceremony. In three days, she was able to create this cooperative atmosphere in the class alone. Despite our incompatibility, I still respect her actions in unifying the class. It's hard to do that alone. Yet, she had done it. 


Heaving another sigh, I take a bite of my steak. It was quite luxurious for a lunch in school, but Vanitas High was one of the most well-funded institutions in the world. Lunch here was as good as in restaurants. 


I take a sip of my mixed fruit juice, cleansing my palate and quenching my thirst. In here, there were no glares, no mutters to annoy me. I'm irrelevant enough to not be pestered with. 


My mind started drifting to my current plans. My top priority was getting stronger. However, the speed at which I'll level up starting from the 5th floor will be increasingly difficult. If I max my efficiency, I should be able to get a level per day. 


There were various factors leading to this. The main one is the difficulty. Like I said before, monsters would start using skills from the 5th floor and above. The 5th floor has goblins. However, instead of the usual goblin soldier I've been fighting, it would change into a goblin with beginner classes. 


If a goblin fighter spawns, you might be attacked with the「Slash」skill. It's fine since most beginner skills are easy to counter if you know what you're looking for. Also, if you were in a party, the difficulty becomes easy enough since you could trust your back to your teammates. 


However, I was solo. I had to be careful about the beginner class goblins. I do know all the counters of each beginner class skills, but I can't fight 3 or more goblins because of their skills, thus reducing my efficiency. 


My stats were also lacking. I would constantly be in a position where my opponent was stronger than me, stat-wise at least. The odds were stacked against me more than ever. 


But I didn't feel disheartened. In fact, I felt the contrary. I was excited. A challenge was something I always craved, especially in my time in the game. I wouldn't back down just because it was slightly difficult. I was only bitter at the slow efficiency but I had the time.  

It's not like I angered some random noble out of nowhere. 


I swallow another bite-size piece of steak, relishing the taste. I tasted butter and herbs, suggesting that it had been basted. I didn't know how to cook, but I knew of the well-known technique.


My meal set didn't only contain steak, there was also a side of mashed potatoes. Dessert was also served, I picked a chocolate cake. They sadly didn't have any honey cake. Hah… Anyways, the cake tasted great.


Let's just enjoy it for the time being. 



5th floor of the labyrinth of Vanitas. 




Arriving on the 5th floor, my eyes greeted the same sight as the past 4 floors. However, there were some notable differences compared to the other floors. The corridors were wider and much more spacious, allowing easier movement. The ceiling, which usually contained rough formations but an even surface, now hung dripstones. The slight ticking drips of water echoing in the still cavern felt eerie, alerting me. 


Moss and weed, as usual, grew but the numbers were fewer than on the 3rd and 4th floor. Grass didn't exist, probably from the constant splashes of water flooding them. Small puddles of water formed on the uneven pavement, making movement slightly difficult. 


Because of the constant dripping, the 5th floor was creepier, more spine-chilling to traverse. My vision was dull for the same reason and my hearing was impaired from the constant echoes of water. In short, the terrain was horrendous to fight in. But I can make do with this. 




My senses were immediately alarmed. I drew my sword and took an appropriate stance. In the corner, a goblin holding a longsword emerged. He looked to his left, noticing me. Then, out of the blue, he let out of a guttural shriek, before pouncing at me. 


I dashed at him too, creating small splashes in every puddle I stepped on. My two most crucial senses may have dulled to a certain extent, but the same applied to him. 




I redirect his sword to the side. I slightly flounder from the force of his swing and the dampness of the corridor but held my ground. Then, rotating my entire body, I aim a strike at his head. 


The goblin fighter managed to pull back his sword fast enough to parry my strike, forcing me to retreat. Shallow breaths left the fighter's mouth, eyes bulging in fury. Then, we both clashed. 


A string of sword strikes was made, rattling in the corridor. Splashes of mud and water scattered in each exchange. Despite his superior stats, I overwhelmed him in every way, forming small cuts and lacerates to the fighter's skin, dyeing the puddles of water in green blood. 


A scream of protest left the goblin's mouth. Then, his sword started glowing to a steady dark red hue. It was the skill 「Slash」 unlocked at class level 2 fighter. He slashed at me downwards, aiming to kill me in one hit. I didn't bother parrying it but instead side-stepped, narrowly missing the edge of the blade. 




Mud, water, and stones flew and fanned out. 「Slash」was a pure motion-based skill. As long as you know the general direction of the skill — whether it be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal — the skill becomes easy to dodge. Its only threat was the damage.


Following the goblin's usage of skill, I assault with a sequence of sword strikes. Slashes and stabs hurled toward the green humanoid's body without mercy. Finally, a horizontal slash to its neck decapitated the goblin, spewing blood like a fountain. A slightly larger golf-sized magic stone materialized from its corpse. 


I stuff it into my backpack and continued walking. I still felt eerie in this place. Subconsciously, my mind was on high alert, eyeing every detail without fault. Then, 




Pain receptors signaled a sharp, sizzling sting to my left forearm. I check to see the damage. An arrow impaled itself deep into my triceps, oozing out red blood. 


'What the…' 




I had no time to think. Instinct came over me, telling me to duck right now. I did as told, barely dodging the arrow that struck the wall… where my head would have been. A shiver ran down my spine. The thought of my immediate death being inches away just now left me with feelings of dread and cold fury. 


I followed the sight from which the arrow flew, my gaze heavy and imposing. My eyes settled on a goblin, equipped with both a bow and quiver in his back. A cloak spanning down to his feet, concealing most of his body. Silent rage seeped through my iris as I stare at the goblin ranger, straight in its eyes. 


You'll pay for this. 



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