chapter 184
184. Alternative
Of course, the snowy field was cold.
“Ouch more. It’s cold, it’s cold.”
“You, you say you are a friar dwarf. He, just hang on.”
“Mmm, I think my head is going to break.”
Since Erzest was colder and colder, the dwarves hadn’t left the tower since they were kidnapped.
In the first place, they didn’t even live in cold regions, so they had almost no immunity to cold.
“Even if it’s a bar, it’s only been made for winter clothes.”
Even before preparing for the cold, Berger had all of them frozen, so it was even more so because there was nothing for winter clothing, except for things to make magic bombs and traps.
“Is it my fault?”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“That self-proclaimed friar dwarf did that!”
Are these dwarves special in passing responsibility to each other?
Ttt, Berger with his tongue lit up a few small flames. The pure flames from the phoenix and dragon’s mana were enough to drive away the cold.
“I will live…”
“Uh-huh, it’s going to be released…”
“Yes, my lord.”
Berger opened the map. It was a map with a snowy field drawn on it from Reina. Berge pointed out a few of them.
These were good terrains for digging the traps that Reina had pointed out.
“Place suitable traps in these places.”
“There are 12 places. What level do you want?”
Although he was simply helping Reina, Berge wanted her not to die. I also wanted to do as much damage as possible to the humans.
That was then.
“It’s a monster!”
“Mom, monster!”
The dwarves trembled. The earth vibrated. Dozens of drakes were approaching this way in groups.
“Calm down those dwarves. Are you afraid of a monster when the Demon King is by your side?”
are you jerks?
“It’s because I’m confined to a workshop and only make things.”
“As you?”
“Am I still not quite used to the Demon King?”
“Hey, it was quite impressive to see him swinging a hammer at Hillen Cargill because he couldn’t break the tower.”
“Hey, I want you to forget about that!”
Moments later, a group of Drakes arrived. Above the head of the largest Drake, the Frostma tribe jumped lightly.
“I see you, the Demon King of Berge. My name is Klein, a Seorima tribe serving the Demon King.”
“nice to meet.”
“Yes, thank you for helping Demon Lord.”
“I got what I got, so I just give it back.”
“There are a lot of people who don’t even do it properly among demons.”
“Well, it is not.”
“They are really dwarves.”
“No one must die.”
“Yes. of course.”
After Berge poured out all the supplies he had brought from Subspace, he summoned the Dwarves.
“From now on, make a sled and carry these supplies. The sleds will be pulled by drakes, and through them set traps at key points on the map. Any questions?”
“there is.”
A dwarf raised his hand.
“If you finish this, really…”
“The Demon Lord doesn’t lie.”
Logger struggled to resist the urge to jump out. Good job. Just saved my life.
“Are you safe?”
“You will all be protected by me. As vassals of Demon Lord Reina, those who help him will never be harmed.”
“Have you heard?”
“The faster you do it, the less time you have to spend in the snow. Then go.”
The Dwarves found their motivation when they heard that the faster they go, the faster they will return to the tower. I quickly started making dozens of large sleds.
“Make it fast!”
“Your hands are playing! Even my grandmother would be faster than that!”
If you have a logger, you’ll be fine.
After throwing some flames into some magic reservoirs, Berge ran to the Tower of Frigidity.
Toph was busy. Thousands of monsters were roaming around the tower, and the monsters and demons abounded.
“Berge. See you again.”
“Did I say Nina?”
“Waiting for you from above.”
climbed to the top Reina, who was giving instructions to the demons, welcomed him.
“The dwarves will build traps according to the map you gave them. But what exactly is your plan?”
“I guess there will be many of them.”
“Perhaps it is.”
“That’s why I think we shouldn’t just meet inside the tower. I’ll have to use the wide snowfield like you did. Sometimes you are helping.”
“Are you planning to surprise people who are confused by traps?”
“Because that’s the most effective. But the monsters you brought with you all changed something. What did you do?”
There is no such thing as a chimera in the demon world. Chimera is a science created by humans to deal with demons and monsters.
The queen of the noble Frostmas was ignorant of such things.
“It was just a little revamped.”
“Is that possible?”
“Gordon studied that.”
I couldn’t even say that I was making a human princess.
“Dark elves are excellent wizards.”
Fortunately, Reina understood.
“But your lieutenant is not a wizard, but a sword…”
“Oh, have you heard of them?”
“I am keeping my eye on it. The scale of the bravery has been decided.”
When Reina prepared for the bravery, the humans quickly prepared for the bravery.
The failure to subdue the Tower of Chloride came as a great shock and raised the hostility and vigilance towards the Demon King to the climax.
Because of this, even though it was a simple heroic act, the scale grew beyond imagination.
There were several reasons.
Cover failure with success. Countries that had tasted the bitter taste of failure for Berge had to show everyone that humans still had the upper hand.
For this reason, he actively agreed to the subjugation of the Tower of Frigidity led by Ballaf Dislord. It was also to calm people’s anxiety, and even the extreme public opinion that all demon lords should be annihilated played a role in pushing their backs.
Of course, there were not only positive factors in subjugating the Tower of Cold.
In particular, the Empire. The people of the Empire insisted on unconditional Berge priority.
Because the first prince, the symbol of the empire was kidnapped. However, perhaps because of Balaf, the Empire prioritized subjugating the Tower of Frigidity.
“Ballaf Thissrod, Aina Diafrin, Roselle Chartres, Ralph Schmidt. These four are the stars to join the raid.”
“How did know?”
“There is a way to know everything.”
I heard from Hillen Cargill. Although he did not participate in this bravery as Berge intended, he was able to access information fairly quickly using Argan’s position.
“I completely sharpened my sword in the Empire. It is estimated that about 30,000 troops will be mobilized. Three hundred warriors alone.”
“Compared to you, I’m a long enemy.”
“Is it 30,000 troops in the Empire and 50,000 if you include the alliances of other countries?”
By nature, an empire is closed and does not tolerate foreign troops roaming its territory.
However, citing the fact that the Union is still in existence, this time, he showed a surprise and reached out to the Union.
A large force was mass-produced to subdue the tower of the frigid cold.
Although it was less than the 110,000 people who were mobilized to find the tower of Berge, it was more than those who headed for the fake tower.
“. . . is desperate.”
“I can’t give you an optimistic story that you can stop it.”
“Even if I did, I wouldn’t be happy to accept it.”
Reina laughed bitterly.
Berger, who was looking for an opportunity, secretly floated his luck.
“It’s not that there isn’t a way.”
“Is there a way?”
“Before that, there is one thing I need to make sure of. Keep in mind that I am not saying this to look down on you or to ignore you.”
“What are you waiting for?”
After a moment’s hesitation, Berge opened his mouth.
“Just before Vivian’s Tower disappeared, what did I say to you by sending the communication?”
“I asked to be saved. Ugly and vulgar, not like a demon king.”
Reina thought for a moment. In fact, I hadn’t really thought about the last conversation with Vivian.
“Take it into the family…”
Reina shut her mouth. The snow fell coldly.
“I hope what you are trying to say to your mother is not what she thinks.”
I think I’ll be really disappointed with you.
“I’m sorry, but I think you’re right. I don’t want you to die. But if you didn’t like it, I apologize.”
“For the Demon King, sometimes it is more valuable than death. Did she see you wrong?”
A chill has passed Berge explained his position as calmly as possible.
“At least, as I thought, that’s the only way.”
“…the real woman is the Demon King. I have never heard of a demon king becoming a member of another demon king.”
“You’ve never heard of it, there’s no standard saying you shouldn’t.”
“Well, there is no such thing. What kind of demon lord is a member of another demon lord?”
“Vivian Blunt.”
“…does it mean that you were accepted into the family to help?”
“Vivian wanted it. And now she is alive. Death as a demon king is good, but isn’t it better to live and get revenge?”
“Maybe it is.”
Surprisingly, Reina meekly nodded her head.
“Each demon has different values. She thinks Vivian is ugly and vulgar, but she doesn’t think that her superiority is ever diminished. Because life is precious. However.”
“As much as Vivian values her life, her dignity as a demon king is important to her. As the Demon King, I will face my enemies proudly. That is the duty that the real woman who descended to this dimension on behalf of the Demon Realm should bear.”
“I respect your will. but···.”
“If that’s the case, I don’t think I will be able to grant your request.”
“What do you mean?”
“If, I don’t want you to, but if you die, didn’t you ask me to accept the Surima tribes into your family?”
“It was.”
“If you are dead, will they really become my family?”
Reina, who was silent for a moment, struggled to answer.
“If the real woman gives an order…”
“Then that’s good, but would you know more about them?”
“I also think it is right to face the enemies with dignity as a Demon King. But it doesn’t have to be a jade, right?”
Are you going to drive them all to death because of the same duty and responsibility?
“The Demon Realm does not take responsibility for them.”
The stone thrown by Berge caused a ripple in Reina’s heart.
* * *
“We need the help of the Dwarves.”
The tower of chloride was in the sea. Normal boats could not get there.
“Any help?”
“Wealth. Their national treasure.”
Wealth was the national treasure of the Dwarves. It was a huge ship that could carry more than a thousand people, and it was a ship that could fly in the sky with floating stones and their technology.
However, if it had simply stopped in the sky, Balaf would not have said that he needed the help of the Dwarves.
“Wealth can be covered with a thin underwater membrane and swim in the sea. If his tower is in the sea, we need that ship.”
“Can’t the dwarves put it out?”
“It’s your job to make it happen.”
“Jason Cockmundo. As you intended, everyone’s anger was directed at the Demon King of Fire. What is the result?”
“It’s the worst at the worst. Anger mingled with fear, and those emotions must have fueled his stomach. We must kill him as soon as possible.”
Ballaf knew that negative human emotions were a strength to the Demon Lord. Because of that, I knew that the next time I met the Demon King of Chloride would be stronger.
There was such a reason for insisting that the demon king of the cold should be killed. Time was not on Balaf’s side.
“You must not fail this time. For that to happen, wealth is essential.”
There was nothing wrong with Ballaf’s argument.
“I have no affiliation with Werft.”
“Instead, there are several strings in the Empire. enough to be able to move.”
“All right.”
Jason raised his one-eyed glasses.
“I will try to convince the dwarfs somehow. So, I hope that you too will succeed in beating your head in the cold.”
“Are you doubting me now? I···.”
“I know who you are. But there are some things people say.”
Once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence, and three times is inevitable.
“You have already failed three times. No, it’s twice as long as we take the dragon instead of the demon king out of the discussion.”
“It’s fun.”
Ballaf’s lips twisted.
“Don’t show me. Why am I called a great warrior?”
“You guys, don’t fail again.”
“of course.”
The Demon King and the Hero smiled at each other.