I'm in the world of One Piece Fool ya Fool

Chapter 8: Unknow feeling and Long awaited meeting

Uta continued to sing not noticing Jason, as for Jason he was lost in his very own thoughts. 

'W-what is he doing here? Isn't she suppose to be at Elegia, in the New World?' Jason's mind was in a frenzy as he had a hard time understanding the current situation.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Jason hearing a voice from behind him turned around to see a man who he recognized as Gordon from the movie Red. "That girls voice is beautiful won't you agree?" Gordon asked to Jason again who nodded as his reply.

"It is. Is she a famous singer? Though I don't think I've ever heard her voice before." Gordon shook his head.

"No, she is not but she will be. No matter what others will say I'm sure Uta will become a famous singer known across the whole world." Gordon spoke quiet proudly.

"I can see where you get that kind of confidence from; the way she sings, it's as if the angels themselves are singing." Jason commented. As the two men continued to watch Uta finally finished singing and finally noticed Jason and Gordon.

"Gordon!" Uta happily called out while approaching the two. "Huh who are you?" Uta noticing Jason paused and asked.

"Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. Marine Commander Jason at your service!" Jason then saluted to the two.

"Marine!?" The two shouted out surprised

"What would a marine being doing here?" Gordon asked suddenly worried

"Are pirates targeting this ship?" Uta asked alongside Gordon

"No no, it's nothing like that. I'm just making sure that the passengers would arrive safely to Turtle Neck Island." Jason's words clearly calmed the two down. "Also didn't you hear about the pirates chasing this ship? I mean they were shooting cannons." Jason asked as he couldn't quite get how they couldn't hear the sounds of cannons firing. 

"Pirates were chasing us!?" Uta shouted out surprised

"Hmm, it seems like we couldn't hear anything because we were in our rooms. We specifically asked for sound proof rooms so that Uta won't have any problem singing indoors." Gordon replied after thinking for a second.

"I see know, but no worries now the pirates have been dealt with and I'll be staying to make sure nothing will happen." Gordon looked at the sky and saw the sun falling then faced Jason.

"It's getting late we'll be making our way back to our rooms now. I'm sure we'll meet again another time Jason, good bye." Gordon after saying his farewell started making his way to his room with Uta following right behind him.

"See you next time Jason!" Uta waved her hand at Jason and smiled happily before leaving. 

Jason after seeing the pair leave made his way back to his room and quickly closed the door. Jason then leaned on the door while covering his mouth. "W-what is wrong with me?" Jason muttered as he looked at the small mirror on the wall and looked at his now red face. 

In both life he had never felt such emotion before his heart was pounding like crazy and his face was all hot. Jason tried to calm himself down taking in deep breathes but failed as he now laid on his bed. His mind in a turmoil. "Is this what they call love?" Jason asked to himself before he quickly slapped his cheek. "Get yourself together Jason, you can't be distracted like this!" 

When Jason tried to order himself to stop, the look of Uta smiling passed Jason's mind and he immediately became embarrassed again. Jason continued to scream orders at himself and immediately getting embarrassed afterwards.

After few more minutes Jason finally calmed down and brought out the Rokushiki manual.

Jason opened the manual and started to read out loud. "Rokushiki, a super human fighting style created to give normal humans unbelievable strength. There is a total of six technique one must master to become a true master of the Rokushiki. Shigan, Soru, Geppo, Tekkai, Kami-e, and Rankyaku." Jason paused as his mind immediately started planning on which technique he should master first. "Tekkai is out for now, against weak opponents it maybe useful but against truly powerful people it's not really worth it." Jason went through his memories and couldn't remember a moment where Tekkai was actually useful in battle.

Jason after bit more thinking decided to master Geppo and Rankyaku first. Jason then noticed that the moon has risen decided to stop for the day and laid on his bed. He closed his eye and let the tiredness overcome him. 

Jason laying on his bed twisted and turned uncomfortable on his bed and when he opened his eye and stood up straight he noticed. He was no longer in his room, he noticed that he was laying on a floor, surrounded by tall grey walls. "What is this place?" Jason asked to himself not recognizing where he was at. Jason stood up straight and looked around the large area before noticing that one of the walls had a small door with several chains blocking the door.

When Jason approached the door he saw several unrecognized words spread around the door. Even though Jason didn't understand the writing he did recognize what it was. "Words?" Jason curiously said reaching his hand towards the door to get a better look. But when his hand reached the door, the chains suddenly disintegrated and the unkown letters and words disappeared. Jason seeing this quickly backed away and looked at his hand in surprise. 

"What the?" Jason then looked at the door again to now sense something dangerous. Jason then immediately knew that whatever it is the thing behind that door was strong. Very, very strong.

But Jason knew this was the only path he could take. Jason after taking a deep breathe opened held the doorknob and twisted it. When Jason opened the door fully it only revealed an empty room confusing Jason further. "Empty but I thought-" when Jason was about to speak the floor suddenly disappeared and Jason started falling down. 

But before Jason could react properly a purple tentacle caught Jason and prevented him from falling. When Jason noticed this he looked up and saw.



A.N: If you guys enjoyed please leave me a rating.

Tell me which you would prefer more for me to all it as, the Rokushiki or the Navy Six Style.

Or you guys can just ask me to write both.

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