I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 72: Slumber

According to Zhang Jue's memory, Site-17 is a Foundation site that specializes in containing low-risk humanoid entities, which contains SCPs like SCP-073 (Cain), SCP-105 (Iris), SCP-239 (The Witch Child), 343 (God), 600 (That Guy), and other 'relatively friendly' anomalies to humans.

Of course, SCP-239 has triggered a series of problems, and it can't be considered that she did it. The reason was that her ability is too powerful to control, so It's more of a curse rather than ability. If Zhang Jue remembered correctly, she currently had fallen into a coma.

Although the timeline of this SCP world was different from what Zhang Jue remembered, the general situation of Site-17 hadn't changed too much. The fact that Shirley would be placed here actually surprised him a bit.

Shirley's cognitohazards, although not as great as those items that could destroy the world at ease, are quite dangerous for those ordinary staff members. By definition, she should not meet the criteria for the Site-17 containment procedure.

When SCP-682 and Shirley were transferred together, it was unclear why they were moved. He didn't care at first, but now that he thinks about it, he really should find someone to ask.

Zhang Jue pinched his temples. This SCP world and his knowledge about the SCP Foundation had a lot of differences. He can only use some of the information he knows to aid him in some situations.

Zhang Jue followed Hael all the way to the site, receiving several check-ups along the way. It seems that the guards here are a bit stricter than at Site-14.

But it's understandable. When you think about it, all of the humanoid anomalies contained at Site-17 are highly intelligent and have a more significant emergency failsafe alarm system than Site-14. If they ran into trouble, nuclear warheads are out of the equation.

There was no welcoming ceremony, let alone a personal welcome from the Site Director, and Zhang Jue arrived at the site as if no one knew about it. Zhang Jue couldn't wait to see Shirley right away. Seeing his unpleasant expression, Hael dared not delay and told him to wait in the lounge area before immediately going to the relevant personnel to complete the formalities.

Zhang Jue sat in his seat, thinking that he was going to see Shirley soon, and he had mixed feelings.

Not long after, Hael returned with a sour face.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Jue asked, "Where's Shirley, and when can I see her?"

"She is..." Hael wanted to say something but couldn't.

Zhang Jue narrowed his eyes, "What's going on?" Zhang Jue had been in this world for half a year, and most people who knew him thought he was easy-going and nice to talk to, sometimes cracking harmless jokes at most. There were almost no people who had ever seen him angry or even furious.

Hajjar was fortunate enough to be one of them. If O5-2 had relied on his aura to intimidate people, then Zhang Jue was like a sharp dagger, stabbing Hael in the eye.

"No, please don't get the wrong idea." Hael was afraid that Zhang Jue would kill him and hurriedly said, "SCP-053 just fell asleep."

"Asleep?" Zhang Jue frowned and retracted his killing aura emanating from his body.

"Yes, she's asleep." Hael nodded in a hurry.

"The person in charge of SCP-053 said that ever since I left, Shirley has frequently fallen into a deep sleep. At first, it was only a day, then three days, five days, and this is the newest one we got. It will take around seven days or more from the current condition. The staff had tried to wake her up, but if she was disturbed, she would be upset and wanted to harm herself. The only way is to wait for her to wake up on her own."

Zhang Jue cupped his chin with his thumb and forefinger, pondering the reason for Shirley's abnormal behavior. Normally, one slumbered to relieve fatigue, but that was not the case with Shirley. It seemed that she was fighting something, just like SCP-3844.

"And…" Hael paused.

Zhang Jue said, annoyed, "Can you finish your sentence at once."

"Moreover, according to the staff. Every time SCP-053 woke up, she was asking about your whereabouts and wanted to see you very much." Zhang Jue felt it in his heart that words made him fiercely shrink.

He had no more relatives in his two lives except for his father, whom he had only seen a few times, and Shirley, whom he treated as his sister. The feeling of being missed is a mixture of good and bad feelings.

"Can I go and see her?" Zhang Jue's voice was a little hoarse that he didn't even feel it.

"Yes." Hael nodded, "But the Site Director is out for a meeting and won't be back until tomorrow. So my authority will only allow you to see her at the door."

Zhang Jue nodded, "That's enough."

At Site-17, Hael's authority was not considered high, and the area he could access was very limited. He was assigned to the CN Branch to seek Zhang Jue's help, probably because Harvey said he was "flexible" and "sociable".

In order to persuade Zhang Jue, the Site Director gave him access to the SCP-053 containment room. Site-17 was much larger than Zhang Jue's Site-17 and had better facilities inside.

Shirley's place was decorated like a small playground, with all kinds of entertainment facilities, and Zhang Jue even saw a huge cotton candy machine. It could be called a children's paradise. But it was clear that Shirley didn't like it.

At this moment, Shirley can be seen inside her pink room. She was sleeping quietly. Several huge dolls were beside her. Instead of holding them, she was curled up in a corner by herself.

Zhang Jue watched the scene through the window and felt a little sad. Hael sighed softly.


In the evening, Zhang Jue went to the roof of the building and looked up at the stars. A habit he had picked up during his time at Site-14. Whenever he needed to organize his thoughts, he would find a high point and look extremely far into the sky, which seemed to help him think better.

Shirley is a child, but not just any child. She is smart, introverted, not capricious, and not someone that would lie about herself. If she wants to meet him, she must have a reason for having Zhang Jue come to her.

Now that she had fallen into a deep sleep, it was probably for the same reason. She was having trouble with something serious. About what the problem was, Zhang Jue couldn't guess it. He could only wait until Shirley woke up.

Zhang Jue let out a sigh.

"Young people should be as energetic as the rising sun; if they always sigh, they will lose their fighting spirit like an aged horse." An old voice came from just behind Zhang Jue.

If it were usual, Zhang Jue would have had a good debate with that person about 'whether the sun is vibrant' and 'whether an aged horse must lose its fighting spirit.

But now, he was not in the mood.

Looking back at the old man with the long golden hair, Zhang Jue said rudely, "Old Man, who are you, and what is your name?"

The old man smiled faintly and patted his shoulder, "Young man, my number in the Foundation is 343, and you can call me 'God' if you wish. Just like everyone else."

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