I'm an almighty star

Chapter 214 Chopsticks Brothers: Old Boys

Chapter 214 Chopsticks Brothers: Old Boys

After a brief introduction, Mo Bai began to sing softly.

There is no arrangement, only Mo Baiyi's usual guitar.

【That is the person I miss deeply and love day and night

How should I express it, will she accept me?

Maybe never say that to her
I am doomed to wander the world, how can I be concerned]

For many, a song is just a song.

But for the songs sung by Mo Bai, people know that there are more stories besides the songs.

In other words, in fact, the songs Mo Bai sang before are one story after another.

Whether it's Ugly, or Wukong, or the darkest star in the night sky, or the current father and son...

When every song moves people, people can understand the story contained in this song.

This also makes people unable to extricate themselves from Mo Bai's songs every time Mo Bai sings.

This song is the same.

It sounds very folk style, expressing the yearning for a certain person.

But this song is not a love song.

The name of this song is "Old Boy", one of the masterpieces of "Chopstick Brothers" in the previous life.

[Dreams are always out of reach, should we give up, flowers bloom and fall is another season, spring, where are you...]

Missing her is just a short section of the song, and the real climax is also the so-called love love.

【Youth is like a rushing river. Once you go and never come back, you can’t say goodbye. Only the numb me is left, without the blood of the year.Look at the flowers falling all over the sky, withering at the most beautiful moment, who will remember that he has been in this world...]

Listening to the old boy sung by Mo Bai, countless listeners fell into incomparable memories following the song.

[In the blink of an eye, the years have passed, how many joys and sorrows

Once aspired to the Quartet youth, envious of the geese flying in the south

The silhouettes of each going their own way, drifting away in a hurry

Where is the future ordinary, who will give me the answer
Those who accompanied me then, where are you now?
The person I once loved, what is it like now?

Has the original wish come true?

Do you have to pay homage to now?

Let the years dry and ideal

I can't find the real me
Look up at the starry sky

The one that accompanied me at that time

Do you still remember the story here]

The melody of the old boy's song is not classic, but the lyrics are resonant enough.Looking back on the past, my youth is gone.After experiencing the ups and downs of the world, the joys and sorrows of separation and reunion, the original ambition was wiped out, and the original ideal was lost.The childhood playmates have long lost contact, and I don't know where they are wandering at this moment, and the people I once loved have gradually forgotten their appearance.

As time goes by, our years have passed, and we have experienced all kinds of vicissitudes. Seeing that things are right and wrong today, looking back on the past, we start to sigh and shout.Miss the indelible memory of youth in the past, and bless all my dearest friends.

In fact, the whole song does not have a special climax, or in other words, the whole song is a climax.

Because every sentence in the lyrics is so aftertaste.

"Dream, where is my dream?"

"Unexpectedly, Mo Bai sang another song about dreams."

"Yes, but I admire Mo Bai even more. Although he has sung many songs about dreams before, the dreams expressed in each song are different. Just like this song, for those of us who are 30 For those who are older, it is even more empathetic."

"Yeah, we've passed the time of chasing our dreams. We thought we didn't have any dreams, but this song evokes dreams in our hearts."

"Did the wish come true at the beginning, and now I have to pay homage to it? It seems like a kind of irony, but it is the most powerful spur."

Countless audiences looked at Mo Bai on the stage, as if they saw their own shadow.

Some people shouted loudly.

Some people scratched their fists.

Some didn't say anything, but at this moment, their hearts were firmer than ever before.

"The song is called Old Boys."

After singing a song, Mo Bai once again thanked everyone: "Sing to myself, and also to all the old boys like me."

Bowing deeply to everyone, Mo Bai left the stage.

And at this moment, I am afraid that everyone will never forget the person who gave them dreams on the stage.

"Next we invite Han Hong."

After Mo Bai finished singing, it was Han Hong.

It's just a pity that the protagonist tonight is destined to be Mo Bai.

Although Han Hong sang very well, even Qi Qing, who came on stage later, performed exceptionally well.

But unfortunately, tonight's Mo Bai is too shiny.

Whether it is strength or talent, Mo Bai has both, even these singers who have been famous for decades are unmatched.

"Then, next we will conduct the final voting session. However, this time the voting is different from the previous ones. Before, it was voted by the public jury, but this time it was voted by all the audience in front of the TV. Mo Bai is No. 1, Han Hong is No. 2, Qi Qing No. 3, audience friends in front of the TV, which star do you support, hurry up and edit the text message..."

The most exciting scene has begun.

Tonight, I will be selected as the overall champion of the singer, and I am the singer of the year.

Did Mo Bai win the championship, or Han Hong won the king of singers, or was it the return of king Qi Qing?
At this moment, no one can predict until the answer is revealed.

"I'm so nervous, I don't know who will win the championship."

"Yeah, I'm so nervous, I really hope Mo Bai wins."

"I hope too, but I feel both hopeful and hopeless."

"Me too. With Mo Bai's super strength, it is possible to win the championship. However, as Mo Bai has just debuted, and all the audience in front of the TV voted, I am worried that Mo Bai's popularity will not be able to match Han Hong Qi Qing them."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether Mo Bai wins the championship or not. With his talent, the entertainment industry will engrave his name."

"Yes, but, no matter how you say it, you still need the title of champion in order to truly take the real title."

With a sound from Zhong Tao, the voting began.

Tens of millions of text messages from all over the country poured into Jiangsu TV Station.





For the three singers, the number of votes for each singer broke through the 100 million mark in an instant.

Seeing the ever-increasing SMS data of the three singers on the electronic display screen, countless audience members were even more excited.

"Damn it, the vote counts of the three singers are so terrifying."

"Yes, the three singers are very good. Of course, Mo Bai is the one I admire the most."

"That's right, as a rookie singer who can still get so many votes, even if he loses, it's an honor to lose."

"Mo Bai will lose, that's not certain."

"Come on, Mo Bai..."

Countless fans cheered for Mo Bai.

The number of SMS votes is still skyrocketing.

150 million.

170 million.

200 million.

When the votes of the three singers reached 200 million, the overall data slowed down a little.

However, even so, the votes of the three singers are still very similar.

Han Hong 220 million.

Qi Qing 218 million.

Mo Bai 225 million.

The number of votes is still increasing, but the increase has been extremely slow.

After Zhong Tao announced the deadline for voting, the votes of the three finally stopped.

At this time, look at the votes of the three singers.

Han Hong 257 million.

Qi Qing 255 million.

Mo Bai 260 million.

With a slight advantage of 3 votes, Mo Bai won the first place.


"Mo Bai is the first."

"Mo Bai is the first."

Bai Yutang's fans screamed.

The members of Mo Bai's pretentious fan group who have been broadcasting live simultaneously on Doumao.com are also attracted by countless airplanes and cannons.

On the web side, Longkong became Mo Bai's special session.

The editors with countless starting points have become Mo Bai's fans at this moment.

Similarly, Ye Peng, who was extremely excited, ordered all servers: "One more treasure chest mission."

"What did you say, it was opened before."

"If you drive it, can't you drive it again? Brother, I'm happy, I'm excited, I'm self-willed, can't I?"

Of course, there are also those audiences who are not fans of Mo Bai, but who are also happy for Mo Bai to win the first place.

No matter how.

Even if they are not Mo Bai's fans, they can see the shadow of the emperor superstar in Mo Bai.


The next emperor superstar is Mo Bai.

It has been predicted before.

But now, this prophecy is getting closer and closer to Mo Bai.

"Congratulations, Mo Bai."

Zhong Tao announced loudly that Mo Bai won the first place.

"Congratulations to Mo Bai for winning the championship of I am a singer and becoming the king of the fourth episode of I am a singer."

The audience erupted.

(End of this chapter)

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