I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 54 Let me tell you what a fiasco is! "

After the second class in the morning, the original lunch time was postponed for half an hour.

Because there will be a long-lost battle between a lion and a snake on the Quidditch pitch today!At least [-]% of the teachers and students at Hogwarts are looking forward to this game.What is worth noting is that Professor McGonagall, the dean of Gryffindor House, is actually dressed up to attend today!

The witch's robe that looked low-key and not exquisite made her look particularly domineering.It was as if she was telling everyone that she was here to celebrate her victory today!

In the teacher's stand, Snape was still wearing the same black robe. After glancing sideways at Professor McGonagall, he mocked: "Are you planning to attend Slytherin's celebration party?"

Flitwick, who was sitting on Snape's left seat, laughed strangely and interrupted: "Oh, come on, Severus."

Snape parted his black hair in the middle and turned to Flitwick: "What do you have in mind?"

Flitwick stood on tiptoe dissatisfied, waved his hand to conjure two books, and then stuffed them on the stool under his butt. After finding that his line of sight was finally not blocked by the stands, he continued happily: "You just wait to participate. Ravenclaw’s party~”

"You know, this year we have..."

Before he could finish speaking, Professor Sprout, who quickly walked upstairs from downstairs, finally arrived belatedly and climbed to the viewing seat on the top of the building.

She smiled and said hello to Professor McGonagall, then looked at Snape and Flitwick, who had evil eyes, and said with a smile: "This year's champion must be Hufflepuff!"

After hearing this, the other three professors sneered at this, and all said "cut" in unison, and then looked at the center of the arena without saying anything.

Mrs. Huo Qi, who was the official referee of the Academy Cup, strode to the center of the field. She waved her wand and began to check the ball box prepared in advance on the ground. After confirming that the ball box had not been enchanted, Mrs. Huo Qi nodded towards the commentary stand. , stretched out his right hand and gave a thumbs up, indicating that the game could start normally.

The commentator's seat is next to the teacher's seat, and the current commentator is Lee Jordan, a sophomore from Gryffindor House.

It has to be said that Li Jordan was able to fight his way through so many students to win this valuable position as a commentator, which shows his professional commentary level and strong language skills.

After receiving the signal to allow the competition, Li Jordan immediately shook the golden microphone in his hand, raised a small hammer and knocked the small clock on the table of the commentary box, and shouted into the microphone: "Okay, everyone is very welcome to be here today. I can take time out of my busy schedule to gather here!”

"Watch Hogwarts' second Academy Cup match of the new season!"

"Today is the second game of the group standings, between Gryffindor and Slytherin!"

"Now let's invite the players from both sides to come on stage!"

"First of all, let us warmly invite the defending champion of the last Quidditch Cup - the Slytherin House team!"

Accompanied by cheers like a tsunami from the audience (of course, many of them were amplified by magic), seven members of the Slytherin Academy team wearing dark green uniforms held brooms.He walked towards the court waving his hands proudly to the audience.

Seeing the Snake Team on the stage, as usual, Lee Jordan began to explain the Snake Team's 'great achievements' last year: "Okay, we saw that the players from Slytherin Academy have already played. With all due respect, last year, if it wasn't for Marcus' tricks, A dirty trick..."

Professor McGonagall interrupted: "Jordan!"

Li Jordan curled his lips in displeasure: "I'm sorry, Professor."

On the other side, in the Gryffindor dressing room...

After changing into team uniforms and protective gear, Wood was conducting final pre-war mobilization for all players. He coughed twice, cleared his throat, signaled everyone to quiet down, and then shouted loudly: "Okay! Boys! "

"Hey, where are the other two girls!?" Angelina, the chaser, shouted dissatisfied, pulling Katie, who was also a chaser.

"Oh, sorry, there are girls." Wood nodded apologetically and added.

"it's time!..."

As Wood was getting ready to continue with his excitement, George suddenly jumped in and said, "This is an important moment!"

Fred immediately answered: "The moment we have all been waiting for!"

The two brothers looked at each other, smiled and said, "We heard what you said last year, Wood."

"It's just that I know everything by heart, and there's nothing new~"

Wood rolled his eyes at the two brothers angrily: "Shut up! You two!"

Wood, who was interrupted twice in a row, did not punish the Twins for extra practice after the game. It seems that he is in a good mood today.

Wood looked at the twins with warning eyes, and after receiving their gestures to promise not to interrupt, he continued with satisfaction: "Okay, everyone!"

"I dare say that this year we, Gryffindor, are definitely the best-equipped team in so many years. At the same time, we are also supported by the strongest broomsticks in history! Today we not only have to defeat Slytherin, but also Avenge the shame! Beat them so hard that they can't hold their heads up!——"

"Gryffindor must win!"

Encouraged by Wood's passionate ambition, Harry and others were so excited that they immediately shouted in unison: "Gryffindor must win!"


On the court, Li Jordan, who had completed the introduction of the Snakes, gave the Snakes who had already taken their positions on the court an unlucky look, and then shouted cheerfully: "Okay, now let us welcome you with even warmer applause, Gran. The Fundor Academy team is here!”

In the passageway of the waiting area of ​​the stadium, as soon as Harry followed George and Fred out of the locker room, he heard the cheers of people on the stadium outside. At this moment, he felt that his legs were a little weak! ?

Seemingly sensing Harry's embarrassment, Wood smiled and came to Harry's side to comfort him: "Are you nervous, Harry?"

Harry nodded truthfully and was embarrassed to say that his legs were weak.

But Wood didn't laugh at him, but recalled: "Don't be nervous, it's nothing."

"It was the same when I first played, but when you actually play, it will be different."

"You will find that you don't care about these sounds at all, and will pay more attention to the direction of the ball than ever before. Until the moment the game ends, all your fears will be transformed into the desire for honor and victory-"

"Don't listen to Wood's bragging, Harry." George had eavesdropped on the conversation between the two of them at some point. Suddenly, his head stuck out from behind Harry and poked Wood's tire mercilessly. : "When Wood first played, not long into the game, he was hit by a Bludger and then lay in the infirmary for a week~"

Fred laughed and came over: "But don't worry, we will try our best to protect you. Today is different from before. We have new weapons! Let them see what real speed is, Harry!"

Wood, who had been told a dark story, angrily chased the two of them and started fighting. Seeing the three of them laughing and joking in the passage, the original tension in Harry's heart suddenly disappeared.The corners of his mouth turned up into a smile, and at the same time he strengthened his determination to win the championship for Gryffindor!

Accompanied by Lee Jordan's words "Invite the Gryffindor House team to the stage" and the cheers of teachers and students in the audience, the seven Harrys also came to the court, on the other side of the Slytherin team.

Looking at the gold and red Lions uniform, Marcus, the captain of the Slytherin team, suddenly taunted: "Hey! Wood! How long do you plan to stay in the hospital this year? Hmm!"

Wood glanced at him disdainfully and replied loudly: "Okay, Marcus, everyone knows that you won the championship through despicable means. But today! We will let you know what it means - a disastrous defeat!"

After the harsh words from both sides were over, Mrs. Huo Qi motioned the players from both sides to get on their brooms and take their positions. Finally, she added again: "Listen, I hope everyone can participate in the game fairly and honestly. I don't want to see any violations." Behavior, do you understand it!?”

After saying that, Mrs. Huo Qi stretched out her foot and kicked the opening button of the ball box, and blew the spoon on her chest.

"Beep!——" A crisp sound of a spoon sounded, and fifteen broomsticks rose into the air and quickly took off.

In the ball box, the Snitch and the Bludger were the first to attack. The Quaffle was helped by Mrs. Hooch and hit the sky with a fist.

The game is on!

As a professional commentator, when the game started, Lee Jordan did not hesitate to start his 'professional' explanation: "Oh! Look, the four players on the Gryffindor team this year have adopted brand-new broomsticks! "

"My God, they're so fast!"

When Professor McGonagall heard Jordan reveal their secret weapon, he immediately interrupted him dissatisfied: "Jordan! Don't comment on things that have nothing to do with the game!"

Jordan smiled awkwardly and silently apologized to Professor McGonagall. There was nothing he could do about it. Rudy and the others gave him too much. He simply couldn't refuse this heavy advertising fee!

At this time, a golden-red figure riding a silver-white broom on the court flashed past the two Slytherin players holding the ball, and got the Quaffle very easily!

Upon seeing this, Jordan immediately exclaimed: "Oh! The Quaffle was snatched by Gryffindor's Angelina Johnson! It's incredible! While her opponent was still in a daze, she was like a silver lightning bolt. 'I snatched the ball away with a bang!"

"Oh my god, this girl is really an excellent chaser! And the most important thing is that she is very charming. Look at those long legs..."

"Jordan!" Listening to the increasingly crooked explanation, Professor McGonagall resisted the urge to beat the kid to death with a stick and interrupted unhappily.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Professor, you know, she is indeed very attractive..." Jordan scratched his head sheepishly.

After being stared at by Professor McGonagall's death gaze for less than two seconds, Jordan immediately resumed his serious explanation: "Okay, now the ball is still in Angelina's hands, she is flying all the way, and it passed the opponent's ball in an instant. Interception by two chasers!”

"Oh! A beautiful pass, the ball was passed to another chaser, Katie Bell! The two teamed up to pass through the Slytherin team's defense! - The ball returned to Angelina's hands! She dodged Received a sneak attack from the opponent's Bludger!"

"The goalposts are close!—Come on! I believe you can do it! Angelina! Shoot!"

"Okay, we saw goalkeeper Blake rush to defend! - but he missed it!"

"The goal is in!! - Let us congratulate the Gryffindor team for scoring the first goal of the game!"

"A good start for Gryffindor!"


In the audience, Rudy had no interest in the competition that was in full swing. He was holding a recipe book depressedly and was teaching himself how to make the 'Starry Sky Pie'.

This morning, Master Meow squatted on his chest and almost suffocated him to death.After he woke up, he saw a cookbook that Miaomiao had obtained from somewhere. It recorded in detail the preparation method of the dark cuisine 'Stargazing Pie'.

Seeing Master Meow's glowing little eyes, he immediately understood. He fulfilled his duty as a shit shoveler very self-awarely, and began to teach himself this magical dish.

Next to Rudy, Hermione, who said she was not interested in Quidditch, said that she was not interested in Quidditch. However, after dragging Rudy to the stadium, the little girl was lying on the fence and cheering excitedly. What did Rudy think? She didn't even seem to be interested.With a slight blush on her face, she followed the group of little lions around her, waving the small flag issued by Professor McGonagall, and shouted "Gryffindor must win!" with all her heart and mind. In that way, she didn't know that the competition was between them. Who shouted louder?

But this is all normal, they are a group of children after all...

But, who can tell him why cats are also interested in Quidditch! !

What puzzled Rudy was that not only Hermione, but also Meowth showed great energy after the game started. He lay on top of his head and waved his front paws wildly as if fighting, saying " She even shouted "meow, meow, meow, meow" and refused to listen.

(The truth of the matter is that this morning, when Meowth went to the kitchen to ask Red for canned dried fish, he passed by the Gryffindor common room and was about to go back to his room. He saw the kid who opened the betting betting in the flying lesson last time. Classmate Hei, the other team is taking advantage of the situation and is beating the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams. The results of the game, in which the column with an absolute advantage of more than 100 points leads to victory, actually has 20 times the odds!

Good guy, Meow Meow, who was watching on the spot, pressed up his can of dried fish. If others didn’t know, how could it not know?With that broomstick made by Rudy and the others, how could Gryffindor lose to this wave of flying dragon riders! ?Isn’t that a massacre?It can even imagine the piles of canned dried fish waving at it! ....)

In just a moment, Gryffindor had already beaten the Slytherin team with an absolute advantage of 50 to 0.

Marcus, the captain of the Snake Team, originally wanted to repeat his old trick, but the problem was that he found that every time he and his teammates tried to attack the opponent's chaser girl, the opponent's silver broom could always pull away in an instant. They were so far apart that they couldn't even touch her!Not to mention grabbing the ball.

What's even more outrageous are those damn twin brothers!The two of them chased the Bludger all over the place, just like the two mobile turrets. As long as they wanted to do bad things in groups, a Bludger would hit them hard!

There was no other way. After being beaten several times and losing two team members, they could only give up the dirty tricks that had been tried and tested in the past.

In the teacher's seat in the stands, seeing Gryffindor crushing the Snakes one-sidedly, Professor McGonagall couldn't suppress the excitement on her face. She almost stood up and cheered loudly, but there was nothing she could do. She was a professor. You have to pay attention to the impact...

However, you can't shout loudly, but you can sneer and sneer in a low voice!

Secretly glancing at Snape beside him from the corner of his eye, Professor McGonagall suppressed her ecstatic voice and asked calmly: "Oh, Severus, your team is very strong this year."

"You can actually withstand our attack for so long. It looks like you will die. After the end, Wood will have to train hard~"

Snape kept a dark face and said nothing, roaring madly in his heart that the old woman McGonagall was shameless, but he only regretted that his team was really useless. Facing the fierce attack of the Lions, he was completely unable to parry. The team's formation was almost in disarray.

Seeing Snape's gloomy face and not replying, Professor McGonagall was so happy that cracks finally appeared in her heart after so many years of obsession!

Secretly observing the feud between the two families, Flitwick and Sprout chose to remain silent and forbearance, joking, how could they participate in the war?Going up there and being ridiculed?

With the speed that Angelina showed when she asked the three to attack just now, who can catch up with her! ?

Shady!This is absolutely shady!This broom is absolutely illegal!



[Sports tickets...]

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