Chapter 25: Chapter 26
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Sighing quietly, I look at the people gathered in the hall. No one makes an extra sound, anxiously awaiting my words. The light of the lamps illuminates my figure, dressed in a blue superhero costume, with a relatively uncomfortable cape behind me. On my face is the regret with which I occasionally peer at the glass coffin where the body of Blink supposedly lies. The real body, or rather the remains, are now on the sixty-seventh floor, in a laboratory. Wout didn't bother to deprive himself of the potential discoveries that a superhero corpse could provide. My face twisted slightly in disgust, though I tried not to show any true emotion. But it's time to begin, the cameras have been rolling for some time now, the live feed is on.
- I want to inform the people of America that Black Noir has conducted a special operation and neutralised the super-villain known as Nakib," I finally said, raising my head. The people sitting in the audience started to clap, but stopped when I raised my hand, calling for silence. - Unfortunately, that doesn't mean there won't be more victims. And the proof, sad as it may seem, is before us. Today, we mourn the fallen member of the Seven, the Dread One.
I slowly look round the faces of the audience of this production, the emotion on them. Among them there are those who are truly grieving, like the same teenage son of a superhero who died a less than honourable death. And some came here just to watch me and the rest of the team. Well, what can I say? Anything the customer wants, as long as they paid that much money for the ticket. Yes, they paid a lot of money to attend this ridiculous show, which by the same ridiculous mistake is called a wake. Only the relatives of the deceased, of whom there were only a couple of people, were spared.
- Mrazius was murdered in cold blood by a cartel super-villain called El Diablo. As he left, Mrazius said to me, as if he felt it: "Homelander, if anything happens, tell my son Maverick that I love him. And added: Find those super-villains and stop them! - He said cheerfully, watching the audience's reaction as he approached the coffin. - And I promise you, Maverick, and all the sons and daughters of our great nation, that I will stop them. For you, for America... - Touching the coffin with his hand, a look of sorrow on his face. - And to a dear, old friend. Farewell my brother, and thank you.
I hung my head and closed my eyes, waiting for the stage to darken and the music to begin. Then I left the stage, turning my attention to Starlight, who was singing a heartfelt song that was sure to move the audience. What contributed to the beautiful voice of the girl that sang at various competitions since early childhood. Her mother dragged her to various circles, as Annie explained to me later. This song will be promoted very actively, so that none of the radio stations will do without it. Madeline is hoping for a Grammy, which she wants to build on.
After the show, Annie and I walked out to the crowd of people crowded behind the fence, waiting for Homelander and Starlight. They didn't have enough money to get in. I smilingly walked up to them and signed autographs for a few lucky fans, even hugging a crying Mrezny fan. And all of this was captured by the camera while the man showed off his acting talent. Yes, nothing happens by accident, everything is already paid for and planned in advance. Vought plans to make good money on the jump in sales of various merchandise, taking full advantage of the situation. And the forecasts are extremely optimistic.
After we finished talking to the fans, Starlight and I held hands with David, the reporter. He was the only reporter at the event, as they thought it would be best. Naturally, David worked for Vought News and nothing unnecessary, much less compromising, would leak onto the TV screens.
- Homelander, Starlight," the reporter nodded, bringing the microphone towards us. - How's everything holding up in the tower?
- I'm not gonna lie, we're having a hard time. It is.
- But he's the flint," Starlight joined the conversation. - He brought us together and told us that we're more than a team, we're a family and we need to pull together.
- Thanks for the kind words, Starlight.
- Thank you, I don't know what we would do without you. - She's answering, just like we taught her.
- Isn't she cute? - I asked him, taking her by the waist.
Then there were questions on distracting topics, praise for Annie, for the song. Questions about Train-A, who hadn't been in public for a fortnight. Thankfully, Reggie's health is improving. Even started working out by doing some running. Will soon start pulling an entire train like he did a few years ago. I was sure of his success in getting in shape.
Finished with the interview, we headed to the car that would take us to Vaught Tower. Starlight said goodbye to me to get some rest, and I went to Stillwell's. All the rehearsals before going out, the way everything would be furnished, the cosmetic changes to the text took a long time. And having started for us with a take in the evening, ended only by ten o'clock in the morning, or rather right now. I can stay awake for almost a week without any discomfort, but Annie is much less resilient.
- Good morning. You look beautiful today, Madeline. - I said to the woman standing right in front of me when the lift doors opened.
- Good morning, Homelander," she replies with a smile as she steps inside and presses one of the buttons. - We need to go downstairs.
- What's this about? - I ask her, remembering that she's often been interested in Homelander's opinion before... and not only. and more. I suspect this is the moment when I'm rewarded by the fact that I have something to contribute. It's very Stillwell.
- We're choosing how we're going to publicise our partnership with the US Army. A focus group will help us with that. I think you'll find it interesting.
- I see," I answer her without much enthusiasm, which she obviously noticed but didn't comment on.
The lift stops on the right floor and we get out. We walk down the corridor for less than a minute to enter a room with glass through which we can see and hear what is going on in the next room. Gathered there were women and men, ranging in age from about thirty to forty. And in front of them was a female employee whose purpose was to suggest various names and slogans, asking how the gathered people felt.
- So, what about this kind of inscription? - She points to "super-terrorist," on a whiteboard.
- Terrible. - One of the women responds, raising her hand.
- Why is that?
- It's very scary, and it makes you want to hide. It makes me anxious.
- Okay, and the super-villain?- That's more optimistic. It sounds more exotic. - The woman nods.
- It's just as I predicted," Madeline smiles, turning to me. - And you didn't agree with me.
- Still, the term 'super-terrorist' sounds more formal and less silly. - I object to her. It's not like we're in a goddamn comic book to call criminals villains. It's just kindergarten.
- Have you forgotten what kind of audience we're working for, John? - Stillwell answers me softly, remembering my name. - Teenagers don't like formality, they prefer something light and unencumbering. They don't want to think about the reality you're suggesting.
- Good. - I sighed, not understanding why I'm here at all if my opinion is not going to be taken into account. - Except I don't see teenagers among them.
- Because they're the ones who'll be giving money to those teenagers for films and merch. - Madeline grins.
- Now let's move on to the posters, - the woman pointed at two prepared posters. - Which one do you prefer? Save America?
None of the focus group participants raised their hands, and they didn't seem to like this poster much. Too patriotic?
- Right. What about, um. Save the World? - The woman is surprised to see everyone raise their hands. - Unanimously.
- I wonder who from?
- From the super-villains," Madeline answers me confidently when she hears me say the words. - The Seven will save the world from them!
- If you say so. But as far as I know, there are only six of us on the team right now. - I remind her of the circumstances.
- I'm aware of that, Homelander," Madeline nodded, sighing softly. - And the problem is practically solved.
- Really? Where's the list of candidates? - I'm surprised at what the woman says.
- There won't be a list of candidates this time," she says, and decides to add for good measure: "Stan Edgar wanted it that way.
- Oh, if it's Stan Edgar's wish, should I bring him slippers, too, like a dumb dog? - I look at her irritated.
- Don't exaggerate. If the candidate doesn't suit you, I'll give you a list of other candidates," she decides to compromise on the situation. - But I assure you, you'll like her.
- So it's a superheroine? - I'm interested in what she said. That's interesting.
- It is. And she's very strong, and she flies," she lists the advantages of a potential newcomer. - So, do you agree?
- I'll take a look at her. When can I see her?
- The day after tomorrow.
- I see. Well, I'll leave you to it.
- We're almost finished," Madeline smiled. - Get a good night's rest before the shoot tomorrow, and I'll send you the script.
- I will," I gave her a strained smile. - I'll look forward to it.
Leaving the room, I sighed with relief as I headed for the lift. Those ten minutes had exhausted me more than ten hours of working on Mretya's wake. It certainly wasn't my thing. I wondered what Becca had made for lunch. Though why guess? Better to find out in person. I smile at my thoughts, anticipating a hearty, and most importantly, delicious home-cooked meal. I have to hurry before the anticipation makes me drool.
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