I’m A Baller

Chapter 473 - New Year Greetings to the Bestie Group

Chapter 473: New Year Greetings to the Bestie Group

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After the New Year’s Eve dinner, Wang Yan began to send Liu Li’s besties New Year greetings.

From a personal point of view, they were all her friends.

But at the same time, they also occupied a layer of Liu Li’s bestie relationship, so their identities were extremely sensitive.

So, how to deal with friendship and distance?

It was a test of wisdom.

As for Lin Weiwei, Wang Yan chose to make a phone call and talk to her face to face.

“Oh my God! On such a busy day, you actually remembered to call me…”

After Lin Weiwei picked up the phone, she was a little surprised, but most of all, she was happy. Joy could not be suppressed from her voice.

“No matter how busy I am, I still miss you.”

Wang Yan smiled and replied in a serious and gentle manner. “How was your holiday?”

“It was pretty good. I was busy walking dogs and fighting chickens. It was no different from previously.”

“Hey, I was just talking about you with Baizhou. Now, you’re famous in the capital’s racing circle. Those young masters who lost money are all very impressed and praise you everywhere!

Hey, tell me about it. Who did you see in that match?”

Lin Weiwei’s chatterbox could not be stopped once she opened it. Her voice was bright and clear, and one could tell that she did not have anything to worry about.

“No one. I only know Fatty Fu, Milson, and a Red Three. I didn’t ask which young master he is, and I haven’t met the rest. I can’t remember.

“Oh, it seems that our Young Master Wang is quite cold and aloof?”

Lin Weiwei laughed.

“Let me tell you, those people who went to Shanghai are not worse than Chen Yuhang’s family. When they go out to play, they always have their noses in the air. They don’t easily submit to anyone, but now they are all being impressed by you… Haha! Are you proud?”

It would be a lie to say that he was not proud at all.

However, Wang Yan knew his exact position clearly.

“Of course, the racing circle needs to speak with driving skills. However, those people are bragging. You’d better not take them too seriously. Who would know who I am after leaving the racing field?

If it’s just a small matter, maybe they will help out. If there’s really something serious, we might have to continue confronting each other.

The capital’s circle is very xenophobic. I know what I’m doing.”

Lin Weiwei slapped her thigh. “Well done, Gouzi. You’ve seen it clearly, haven’t you?”

Wang Yan chuckled. “It’s still fine.”

“Actually, Bai Porridge said the same thing.

“Your match and the new club have long been spread outside the racing circle. Now, the second generation of the capital has basically positioned you as the leader of the second generation of the Shanghai circle.

It would be fine if you don’t mingle in the circle and do business in the future. But if you go out and play often, there’s a chance that someone will come and stop you.”

“Thank you for the reminder. I understand.”

Wang Yan nodded.

There were some things that could not be felt until they reached that level.

For example, the atmosphere in the core circles of the three first-tier cities.

The core circle of the second generation of the rich in the capital was called the capital circle. At the top level, there were people like Hong Gongzi, but they did not go out to play often, more so not to write about them.

At the bottom level, the circle of the second generation of the rich, which was made up of people from the old imperial capital, was more active to the outside world. They played a variety of games, huddled together, and thought highly of themselves. It was especially troublesome.

The circle of Shanghai was the richest, and it was no longer as xenophobic as before. However, it was more realistic, and the relationship was loose. They basically played their own games. It had been a long time since a person with strong appeal had appeared.

Wang Yan was getting closer and closer to that position.

The special district was the most Buddhist circle. They could play with anyone and did not reject anyone. However, they were not willing to get involved in anything.

Just by looking at the supercar clubs in the special district, one could tell that there were only three or five of them and they basically did not have any strong appeal.

This was because the big shots were all abroad or were just resting.

The new three circles were slightly inferior in all aspects.

Qiantang was basically the periphery of the Shanghai Circle. It had never caused any big commotion by itself.

Chongqing was a comfortable place. They drank beer and played mahjong. The most famous thing in the circle was gambling.

Chaoshan did not have a local circle, but when they went out, they were really in a group. It was as if the whole country was forming a circle — no, it was a f* king global circle. Everyone had a local association and second-generation gang for their mahjong.

This was basically the situation between 2010 and 2016. Of course, the actual situation was more complicated. It could not be explained in a few words.

That was because it was human nature to be in a group.

Mixing with society was mixing with circle. There were circles in the universities, circles in the nobility, and naturally, there were circles in the second generation.

Big circles and small circles. When it rose to the commercial and even political level, it was still the same.

Wang Yan’s foundation was in Shanghai, and he had set up a new club in Shanghai. His stance was basically fixed.

In the future, when he went to the capital or the special district, people would only think that he was a dragon that came from Shanghai, and they would not send him to the mining province.

In a sense, this was a good thing, because the second generation of Shanghai Circle had a high degree of acceptance of Wang Yan. If he continued to show off around a few more times, he might be able to attract big crowd of hundreds of people.

The downside was that if he went to play elsewhere, there might be people who wanted to step on Wang Yan.

It was mainly because of his age. People of the same age were no more than 25, and the youngest could only be 15 or 16. This was the time for restlessness.

Unless he focused on business in the future and did not go out to fool around, he would have to accept all kinds of challenges.

If he wanted to be the rafters that stood out, he would have to endure the rain and the wind. He could not avoid.

Realizing that the commotion caused by the last race was far greater than he had imagined, Fu Guige decided that he would have to behave himself when he went to the capital again.

He would have to put all his energy into the movie and film “The Enchantress” well. Only then would he be able to truly break the upper limit of Wangting Yule’s entertainment and be able to deal with the needs of the higher-level system.

Well, it wasn’t a big problem. He had never been a person who liked to cause trouble…

After boasting, Wang Yan asked casually, “They said that you’re trying to invest in something. How is it?”

“Nothing, just normal!”

Perhaps because it was New Year, Lin Weiwei didn’t want to talk about this, so she casually changed the topic.

“Okay, your sister has well received your greeting. Aren’t you going to call Nawu and the rest? Happy New Year, let’s end here!”

“Oh, then let’s meet on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. The two of us will return to the capital on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.”

Lin Weiwei sneered, “What do you think about the opening day of your stupid movie on the Valentine’s Day? You won’t be with Liu Li, and be with your two little lovers… Tsk Tsk, you’re really something!”

“I’d rather be with you.”

Just as she finished speaking, Lin Weiwei’s heart was filled with joy. The young master calmly asked back, “One of them is a C and the other is an E. What about you?”

“Get lost!!!”

The Brother Pingzhi, who had been exposed, immediately hung up the phone angrily.

The more pleasant it was at the beginning, the more awkward it was at the end.

Wang Yan had been holding back a lot recently. He was becoming more and more devilish…

Next, he should call the Little Princess, but looking at the time, there were only five minutes to midnight. It didn’t seem to be enough…

Especially since there was still a chatterbox at the end, and the conversation could be endless.

It didn’t matter, scumbag Wang had a way.

“Hello? Is this Miss Fu Yushi?”


The Little Princess was stunned and obviously couldn’t react in time.

Wang Yan smiled slyly. “I’m your Director Wang! That…”

Beep, beep, beep…

The call was immediately hung up, faster than Wang Yan had expected.

Following that, Fu Yushi sent a long message of blessings. It couldn’t even be fitted into one. It looked like a prepared script, then copied and pasted.

He glanced at it delightedly, and his smile gradually froze.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

It seemed a little non-festive to send this new year’s greeting with a thank you as the beginning.

However, at the end of the year, these two words were what I wanted to tell you the most, to summarize the year of the sheep.

They always said that I had a clear goal, that I was in no hurry.

But in fact, it is not so.

Weiwei’s undisciplined was due to the fact that she has a car and a house in the capital. Wang Xue’s calmness is because her parents are in politics, and her silly cuteness is because she is protected too well. They both were also born in a happy and wealthy family.

And I, only have one chance to make a mistake, so I do not dare to be anxious, and I do not dare to rush.

Speaking of clear goals, no one can compare to Liuli, and yet at times she is confused, too, let alone me?

Luo Luo said that I lack security. Yes, my life is surging with insecurity, even to the extent of dreams. Even when I dream, I have to be careful.

I tried to protect myself, waiting for an opportunity to be strong.

Wang Yan, you gave me this opportunity.

I do not know if it is a bit presumptuous to say so, but I really appreciate your presence.

I’ve never been jealous of Liuli, and although I occasionally feel a little sad, I’m more grateful that she brought you to me.

I’ve seen everything you’ve done for this movie.

You didn’t have to do this.

Losing tens of millions shouldn’t have affected you that much, but hundreds of millions of dollars in investment, if you wanted, you could have hunt down any top actress.

But you were personally involved, worked sleeplessly, changed the scripts, changed the number of drafts, and invited such a strong line-up to act with me.

Can I really support your ambition to make a classic masterpiece?

Sometimes, I will ask myself this.

The next moment, I will shake my head, empty my mind, and continue to sweat.

I have reason to do the best and be determined, half for myself, half for you.

Now, for me, “The Enchantress” is not just a chance to become famous, it is more like a dream, made up of your ambition and my fantasy.

It is my honor to be your friend, subordinate, partner and heroine. You are so good that I dare not say this to your face.

I even have a hunch that in 10 years, you will be the dream of all the women in the world.

Although I vaguely realize that you don’t seem to be absolutely loyal to Liu Li… but at least you are loyal enough to yourself.

This is the only thing that always scares me.

Anyway, I wish you both harmony, sweetness, deeper and firmer love to each other in the New Year.

Finally, Happy New Year.

Thank you for reading so much of my nonsense, thank you.”

After a long silence, Wang Yan actually didn’t know how to reply.

What a delicate little princess…

But she was also so strong..

Pitiful, respectable, cute.

True enough, those who could get together must have some similarities. Liu Li’s circle of girlfriends could be said to be the upper limit of the Dance Group.

So… What a pity.

After thinking about it again and again, Wang Yan only replied with one sentence.

“We’ll work hard together. When it’s over, you’ll realize that it wasn’t a dream.”

There was no “Happy New Year” because producer Wang had decided to wait until the celebration party for “The Enchanter” to wish her a happy dream.

Before he could regain his senses, his phone suddenly rang.

He looked down and saw that it was Nawu.

He then looked at the time. It was five minutes past twelve.

Alright, she couldn’t wait any longer and took the initiative to come and harass me.

After calming herself down, the young master picked up the phone. “Mo shi mo shi?”

When she heard that Wang Yan was being naughty, Nawu cried out in grievance, “Gouzi, you’re not loyal! I’ve been waiting for you for such a long time, but you didn’t even give me a text message or a phone call. I’m so angry!

At least you know how to send a group message during the Mid-Autumn Festival, even though you stole it from me…

But now, it’s all gone!

Say, did you send a group message and then leave me out?!”

The first thought in Wang Yan’s mind was actually —

It seemed that she was eating well during the holidays and she was full of energy. Could it be that the western border also had pancake rolls with scallions?

After laughing for a while, he opened her mouth to tease her.

“Actually, I was prepared to call you a long time ago, but there’s something I’m very worried about…”

“What is it?!”

Nawu immediately became nervous. Wang Yan could even imagine her shrinking her neck and shrugging her shoulders to squeeze the bear out of the ditch.

“I don’t know how to explain it to you…”

The best actor, Wang Yan, sighed sincerely.

“Aiya, hurry up and say it! I’m dying of anxiety!”

Nawu was anxious and impatient. She sounded a little like sister Yuan Yuan and was no longer so silly and cute.

“You say it. I can take it!”

“Then get ready…”

Wang Yan held back his laughter and took a deep breath. “After careful research by me and the assistant director, I felt that eating pancakes seemed a little tasteless, so I decided to cancel it…”


Nawu’s hair stood on end as she screamed.

Then, she didn’t speak for at least five seconds.


Was she too shocked and confused?

Wang Yan was puzzled when he heard a heart-wrenching scream from his phone.

“D*mn Gouzi, I’ll fight it out with you!”


Wang Yan covered his head as he felt a buzzing pain inside.

Nawu, on the other hand, turned on the machine gun.

“I’ve been eating pancakes for so long, and my whole body smells like scallions. I’ve lost my romantic encounters, my little brother, and the seniors who used to call me goddess all avoided me… and now you want to delete my scenes? !

You have no conscience! You lied to me! You hurt my feelings! You…”

Wang Yan laughed so hard that he fell. He was hammering the bed when a rough, cold, and angry roar came from his phone.

“Little b*stard! Where are you? ! I’m going to tear you apart and feed you to the Tibetan Mastiffs! If you’re a man, give me your address, I’ll…”

“Aiya, Dad! What are you meddling in? Give me the phone!”

“Reyi Nawu, don’t protect him! I…”

“I’m so dizzy! It’s not what you think! That’s my best friend’s boyfriend!”

“What? ! There’s a woman and he still dares to sleep with you?! Where is he?! I’m going to chop off his thing and feed it to the vultures!”

The young master felt a chill down his crotch. He couldn’t hold his phone anymore and dropped it onto the bed with a thud.

Nawu, Father… was uncle so cruel?

With your character, how would I bully you in the future?

“Hey, Wang Wang, let’s talk when we get back to the capital! About that, we can’t delete the show. Bye bye!”

Nawu took the initiative to hang up before Wang Yan hung up. Yes, she was a person with a conscience.

It was just that her biological father’s temper was too difficult to deal with. Just thinking about it made him feel a little scared.

The young master’s heart still had lingering fear for a long time. Suddenly, he was stunned.

Eh? !

Wait a moment!

What did I do?

I, Wang Yan, am upright in my words and deeds, righteous, wealthy, and broad-minded person. I have a wide network of friends…

Why should I be afraid of her father?

Feeling excited, he wanted to call her back at that time and asked the old uncle, “I’ll call you father. Do you dare to agree?”

After thinking about it, he remembered a famous saying among cultivators, “If you don’t do it, you won’t die.”.

Therefore, he followed his heart’s wishes and quietly put away his phone and left the bedroom.

If he was in a bad mood, he would go and play with Gou Dan!

A scattered New Year’s Eve passed by in such a calm manner… Well, a small wave was nothing!

If one day, Nawu’s father really came to look for him…

Forget it, forget it. It was the New Year’s Eve, let’s think about something happy…

Seeing that Gou Dan wanted to run, but was caught by Zhang Yao, the young master was immediately happy.

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