Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

74. An Underhanded Move [2]


About to lose all self control, Dodai screamed at the man before him. The ninja in particular looked at Dodai with a cold glare

"Careful Dodai. Regardless of how temporary it is, I'm still the leading the authority in this village. MIND. YOUR. TONE" (Head Ninja)

"I will not-?!" (Dodai)

Before he could say another word, Tekkan held him back and shook his head. Indicating he shouldn't continue any further

"Kuh!" (Dodai)

{Dodai-senpai...} (Toroi)

The Head Ninja stood up from the Raikage's desk

"Their team could be in serious trouble and disregarding the risk of jeopardizing the peace signing might be our best option. But none of you can deny the possibility they're fine and heading back home as we speak. You have no evidence support either scenario. By sending a small team, we can verify what's true and what isn't without causing problems. It's without a doubt the smartest course of action. A decision I'm sure the top officials would agree with" (Head Ninja)

{With that argument, they wouldn't back us no matter how much we ask for their help. There's nothing we can...} (Toroi)

Still wearing a condescending smile, he patted Dodai on the shoulder before making his way towards the exit

"Stay or go, the decision of taking this mission is up to you. It's not like you'd be risking your life just to verify their status. Like I said, your only job is observe and report, a small price to pay for ascertaining the fate of friends and family right?" (Head Ninja)

{This bastard...!} (Tango)

{Because Raikage-sama isn't here I can't do anything!} (Dodai)

Arriving at the doors...

"You certainly wouldn't leave anyone behind right Sano-kun? My nephew has spoken a great deal of your character" (Head Ninja)

"?" (Tango)

"...Nephew?" (Rei)

...that smile turned into a wide, sinister grin

"Oh surely you remember him? He told me you and Suzu-san became REAL close at the academy. My nephew...Sekiei" (Head Ninja)

"!" (Tai)

{Oh no...this is all my...!} (Suzu)

Talking under his breath with a cold tone so small, no one could hear him

" that's what this is about..." (Rei)

Rei gripped his fist in silent anger. It was incredibly difficult for him not to react to the Head Ninja's provocations as his disgraceful behavior reminded him of someone he hated in his old world

Suzu was more troubled than angry. Fidgeting at the thought her actions could have potentially cost Rei his only remaining family member

"He often talks about you and Suzu, maybe we'll visit some time in the future. Sekiei and I have been eager to repay you two for the 'kindness' you showed him at school" (Head Ninja)

After opening the doors, he bid his farewells to everyone in the office

"With that settled, I'm off to Konoha. Best of luck to all of you!" (Head Ninja)

Just as the doors closed, they could hear him laughing down the hall, despite all of the noise the scrambling staff were making in the building

BAM! Dodai slammed his fist into the wall the next to him

"That underhanded, smug son of a bitch! He gets a little taste of power after the Raikage is gone and thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants! I swear he won't get away with this!" (Dodai)

"You're not the only one who's frustrated Dodai" (Tekkan)

Glaring at him "If you believe that, why the hell did you stop me earlier?!" (Dodai)

Toroi stepped in between Dodai and Tekkan

"Senpai! Don't take it out your anger on know his hands were tied" (Toroi)

"..." (Dodai)

"The office of the Daimyō has no real authority over the Shinobi. The majority of militaristic affairs are overseen by the reigning Kage, you know this. Plus, Tekkan-dono isn't even the active Daimyō, just his assistant" (Toroi)

"Not to mention we still don't have any actual proof Yugito-sama and her team are in danger" (Tango)

Calming down, Dodai bowed his head to Tekkan

"Haa...sorry Tekkan-dono" (Dodai)

"It's no trouble. But Tango-dono is right, if we tried to bring this case to the top officials and undermine that guy's orders, it would've come back to bite us" (Tekkan)

"That man is a disgrace to Shinobi, completely undeserving of his rank and title!" (Dodai)

"Agreed, but that doesn't change the fact we're stumped. What are we supposed to do?" (Toroi)

"We-" (Dodai)

"We take the mission" (Rei)

"?!" (Everyone else)

Rei folded his arms and glanced at the door the Head Ninja just went through

"It's not like we really have much of a choice. Ignoring it could lead to their deaths" (Rei)

After a brief pause, Tai was the first to speak up

"We're just checking in on them, that's the least we owe our comrades. Right...Tango-sensei?" (Tai)

"...If ALL of you are okay with this, I'll accept this mission" (Tango)

Tango said as he glanced at Suzu, the only one who didn't speak out. In her usual quiet voice, she broke her silence

"We...we have to go" (Suzu)

"In that case, we'll take this mission. Dodai-senpai, please wait for our response after we head out" (Tango)

"...You understand the risks of this mission...and I'm not talking about just you..." (Dodai)

"Yes sir, I understand" (Tango)

Dodai looked at the three Genin

"And what of the rest of you...are you prepared as well?!" (Dodai)

"YES SIR!" (All of them)

Content with their resolve, Dodai gave his seal of approval before speaking to Tekkan

"Tekkan-dono, they're going to need your help" (Dodai)

"I already know what you mean. Tango-dono, I'll meet you and your team by the western gate in one hour, that should be sufficient time for you to prepare I trust?" (Tekkan)

"Of course" (Tango)

"Toroi! Should they confirm Yugito's team is in danger, they'll need a fast squad ready and waiting to back them up" (Dodai)

Toroi smiled and hit his chest

"My team's already on standby. They're the best of the best!" (Toroi)

Tango turned around and addressed the Genin

"Like he said, the western gate in one hour! Go to your homes, get your gear, and be there on time!" (Tango)

Nodding their heads, the team left the room as Dodai gave more details about the mission




Outside the office

The three made their way out of the building before Suzu spoke

"Guys..." (Suzu)

"Hm? What's up?" (Tai)

"I...I apologize" (Suzu)

Surprised "Huh? That was out of character..." (Tai)

"For what?" (Rei)

"The only reason we were selected for this mission is because-" (Suzu)

"It's because that guy, like his nephew, is an asshole. None of this is on you" (Rei)

"Yeah. Plus, as I recall, you weren't the only one who 'annihilated' Sekiei during our graduation test" (Tai)

Said Tai as he leered at Rei

"As I told Tai years ago, whenever I see someone really stupid, I have this sudden urge to hit them" (Rei)

"Because you're a closet sadist" (Tai)

"You're too young to use that word. But anyway, Suzu!" (Rei)

"Hm?" (Suzu)

"The utter humiliation and beatdown you and I, mostly you, dealt to Sekiei and his idiot friends was COMPLETELY worth it" (Rei)

"But we're paying for my-!" (Suzu)

"COMPLETELY, worth it" (Rei)

"Only now we're forced to go on this likely dangerous-!" (Suzu)

"Worth it" (Rei)

" can't just-" (Suzu)

"Worth. It." (Rei)

"...Rei" (Suzu)

"W.O.R.T.H. It" (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

"Just accept the fact Rei's totally evil. That's how I make it through the day" (Tai)

Giving up, Suzu decided she'll apologize with her actions, and not her words. Resolving to ensure Mabui, Yugito, and any other member of their squad doesn't get killed. Seeing her complexion change for the better, Rei smirked

"Now that's a better a look" (Rei)

"Mm" (Suzu)

"Hehe" (Tai)

"Since our 'friend' has gone to all of this trouble to inform me my cousin might be in danger, I see no reason why I shouldn't take the initiative and find out for myself" (Rei)

"After we complete this mission, we're definitely going to 'Sake & Yaki'. I'm going to flirt with Akina, and you two will keep all smart-ass comments to yourselves" (Tai)

"You do realize flirting with an eleven year old is just that, flirting" (Suzu)

"The way you're going, it's pretty much guaranteed you'll be single for the rest of your miserable life" (Rei)

"This coming from guy whose only passion is training!" (Tai)

"Yeah, but the difference between the two of us is when I grow up, being single will ACTUALLY be a choice" (Rei)

"...You see this right here? I don't wanna hear none of it when we get back home and see Akina" (Tai)

The trio arrived at a crossroad and separated

"Here's where we split up! See you in hour!" (Tai)

"Don't waste any time! We need to move fast on this mission so just grab all the essentials!" (Suzu)

"Way ahead of you!" (Rei)


Rei, now to himself, dashed a full speed to his home

"Okay. To-do list. Save nee-san and her team. Make it back home alive. And ensure that bastard suffers for all the bullshit he's putting us through. Simple...right? But...that's not what's bugging me..." (Rei)

Rei thought about the detail that Yugito, a Jinchūriki, was in danger. Worrying about whose handy work this belonged to, dreadful speculation sprouted in his brain









"I really hope the perpetrators responsible for this aren't who I think they are..."


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