Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

71. You Want Me To Go Where?!



"The f*ck did you just say?"

[Not the reaction I was expecting...or maybe it was?]

"You're telling me the solution for preventing my potential ejection from this body is to find one of the most mysterious, hidden, and dangerous places in this entire world?"

[That's correct]

"I thought we were past you dicking around with me Notitia"

[Oh, we'll never get past that. But this little tidbit comes straight from the "other"]

"Was the 'other' high or something?"

[If it was, I wouldn't know]

"Shit. I wanted good news Notitia. That's not good at all, goddamn it!"

[ this point I'm actually starting to feel bad for always delivering bad news to you]

After complaining a little more, Rei decided to move on

"Humph! 'Fair game' my ass. Alright just tell me, how does going to Ryūchi Cave help me?"

[If you're gonna understand, we need talk about barfy-mc-barfsalot]



"...What does Orochimaru have to do with this?"

[Surprised you managed to get that]

"Even when skimming over a comic book you pay little attention to, there are some details you just can't forget. And NO ONE could ever forget him"

Rei thought back to his time reading the the "Naruto" comic books. In particular, the many appearances of Orochimaru and his grotesque habits of regurgitating objects from his mouth and snake-like abilities

[You know Orochimaru had a lot of crazy abilities right?]

"You mean those weird powers he gained from all the immoral experimentation he did on innocent people, I remember. He was the textbook psychopath of the series who got off way too lightly. Why?"

[His greatest powers like reconnecting his severed body with snakes, transforming INTO snakes, regurgitating new bodies free of damage, and stealing bodies. All of these powers stem from what is known as, "The Power of the White Snake"]

"You're saying that power is gonna help me? I thought you wanted me to go to Ryūchi Cave?"

[Orochimaru created that power after discovering the Ryūchi Cave]

"Where you going with this?"

[Your current problem is one of the soul. And the only type of Ninjutsu known to man that deal with souls are classified as "Tensei Ninjutsu1Reincarnation Ninjutsu". Orochimaru's ability to steal bodies, the "Fushi Tensei2Living Corpse Reincarnation" Jutsu, is a prime example of these forbidden techniques]

"These...'Tensei Jutsu'. They can help me deal with the soul of 'Rei'?"

[They're your best chance. At least, that's what the "other" said]

"He created 'The Power of the White Snake' after going to Ryūchi Cave...are saying I might find a hint there?"

[Maybe. You see while impressive as it is, the "The Power of the White Snake" is just an artificial imitation of the REAL power he sought at Ryūchi Cave. Due to his body being unable to handle becoming a sage. He correctly assumed it was connected with the character Jugo, and his clan's unique ability to passively absorb the power of nature and transform their bodies]

"And what was this so called 'real' power he sought?"

[Unknown. The author never clarified it in the comic and before I could ask the "other" any further, the connection was cut. The last words it muttered were..."Dragon God"]

"Dragon God..."

[And while he couldn't obtain this power, just studying it served as the foundation for his most powerful Jutsu. More importantly, all of his "Tensei Jutsu". Now do you understand the importance of finding Ryūchi Cave?]

Taking in all this new information, Rei stopped to ponder before responding again

"...His body couldn't handle that power, which is why he failed and had no choice but to create an imitation. However, with my Ōtsutsuki body, I could succeed and gain more power than he ever did"

[Which is more of a boon than you realize, and I'm not just talking about "Rei's" soul. Most don't even realize how dangerous Orochimaru TRULY is. Potentially he's probably one of, if not the most, powerful character's around at the end of the series. And he still didn't obtain this unknown power!]

"I thought he gained Jugo's Kekkei Genkai when he was 'reborn' from Kabuto's flesh?"

[Jugo's clan ability, "Sage Transformation", is a result of this unknown power. A SMALL part only. Even at the end, Orochimaru remained a "Snake", never becoming a "Dragon"]


[If you're still hesitating, lemme give you some incentive. The goal of this "game" is to survive after all. You certainly wouldn't be missing out on anything by going to Ryūchi Cave and surpassing him]

"So I'm to end up like his lap dog Kabuto?"

[Hardly. Despite his success at becoming a sage, the "other" told me Kabuto only deluded himself into believing he became a true "Dragon". He, like Orochimaru, had failed to "Shed his skin". You must succeed where they failed]

"If I do..."

[If you do, the "other" stated you'll become a being unlike any other in this world. The possibilities are literally endless]

"...Oh my god..."

[ finally get what I've been "hinting" at]

Shock bombarded him with this sudden revelation. The answer he had been seeking for so long was now within reach

"That's how I beat this crazy game..."

For years, Rei had been moving forward with firm resolution, but no destination in mind. What EXACTLY did he need to do to go back home? He understood the requirement of being "strong" in order to win, but there was always a feeling of being adrift looming over his shoulders. A feeling that's being gnawing at him lately to an ample degree


But now...with a clear destination in sight, Rei couldn't help becoming more elated. His demeanor changing for the better

"Basically...I need to be a stronger, smarter, less gross version of Orochimaru. That's what the 'other' is telling me to do in order to deal with all my problems?"

[Pretty much, yeah]

"Alright, I understand. Should I use a lifeline to find Ryūchi Cave?"

[I...would not recommend it]

"Why not?"

[After some discussion, debate, maybe a little quantum computing on the side, both the "other" and I have come to the conclusion you'll be able to find Ryūchi Cave on your own]

"Really? And how long will that take?"

[Continue on your current path and it's guaranteed it'll be found before the main story starts, I can tell you that much]

"That's a very wide margin. I'd like for it to be found as soon as possible"

[Not in your best interests. Even if you found it tomorrow, there's no way your "current" self could handle such power. Orochimaru in his prime couldn't remember?]

" I'm to continue building a solid foundation?"

[Indeed, the groundwork that was laid out by the First Lifeline you used]

"Wait, that's way too convenient to be a coincidence. Were the instructions of the 'other' during that Lifeline all for this?!"

[Maybe. I did say in the past when the "other" takes over during a Lifeline request we gain a form of "Ni-Omniscience". Perhaps it knew all along it'd come to this]


[But as I am now, I couldn't tell you. The "other" is currently unresponsive so you couldn't use a Lifeline now anyway]

"I guess can't complain. They're my most precious resource and I only have four of them left"


"But what about 'Rei'?"

[The "other" has informed me while reactions from "Rei's" soul may be violent, they're not enough to force you out of the body. However, it will prevent you from reaching your full potential with chakra until you've casted his soul away. The best way to alleviate this pain for the time being is to increase your power, which strengthens your soul]

"Reinforcing my soul's resistance to foreign assaults...I had theorized increasing my chakra reserves was something I needed to do. Okay, I'm off to the Ten-tails"

Rei got up from his bed and took out another one of his Reverse Summoning pots

[Good man. About to turn nine years old in a few days and your chakra's almost at Naruto's level when he first became a Genin. I'll inform you when the next Lifeline is available for use. Try not to get killed in the mean time]

"I'll make an effort, but I've come to realize this world really tries its best to kill you"

After Notitia's voice disappeared, Rei returned to his lab to increase his power with the Ten-tails

{One step at time...}




Back in Kumogakure

In the middle of the night, a ninja was in his home, gathering his belongings with an ecstatic expression

{Finally...I finally have a chance! The "Company" has indeed come through for me!}

While placing some of his effects in a bag, the door to his room opened. Walking inside was a young boy, speculating what the man was doing

"Uncle, I heard a noise. What's going on? Why are you packing?"

"Ah...sorry if I woke you up. You see, there's been a development at the top, which has granted me an opportunity I've wanted for years"

"Opportunity? Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes. Something I've wanted for a long a time. A chance to go behind enemy lines and retrieve an 'asset' this village has coveted for years"


After he finished packing, the man stood in front of the boy. Got down on one knee and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders before smiling

"Just like you, I've been itching for some payback against an enemy that has wronged me"

"...Ugh! Don't remind me. I get so mad when I think about those two!"

The boy's face distorted with anger as he recalled an unpleasant memory

"Then you should do as you taught me and make them suffer Uncle!"

"Hahaha! Good lad, I certainly have something in mind. Oh! By the way..."


"Those two that wronged may be getting your vengeance on them sooner than you think"


"You see, this 'opportunity' also grants me the chance to make their lives difficult as well"

Hearing those words, the boy made a twisted smile as the pair laughed

"Thank you Uncle"

"Anything for my precious nephew. Now, return to bed. I'll see you when I get back"

"Okay. Good night"

The young man returned to his room and went to bed as the uncle left the house


Placing his hand on his face, he couldn't hide the wide, sinister grin he was wearing








"...that power will be mine!"


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