Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

239. Monumental Venue

Thanks again for the patience and support! I'm eating extra healthy, being extra careful, and getting extra better with each and every day! With the main event we've all waited for just around the corner, I've gone to the trouble of trying to stock up chapters. After I'm done with my scheduled physical therapy for the next three days, I'll try to up the pace of releases when I'm done. Hope you're having a wonderful day and as always, please enjoy the chapter!


"M-Mmm...! Agh! Morning already?"


"Come in!"

"Raikage-sama, breakfast is waiting for you downstairs... along with everyone else"

After what seemed like an endless night for some, morning had arrived. The Raikage had awoken just prior to Mabui's timely arrival, fully dressed, and ready to leave for today's events

"Thank you Mabui--wait... everyone? So, are the brats up already?" (A)

"They've been active for about an hour, and have already begun eating" (Mabui)

"Up so early, they better not have been training. It's too late to be nervous at this point, it's do or die now..." the leader of the Cloud village scoffed as he fixed his appearance until it was presentable

Being the only team hailing from Kumogakure, coupled with the hundreds of foreign Genin serving as the competition, there was no better time for Team Tango to treat their bodies as one would a temple

Mabui smiled assuredly while brushing away his concerns, subtly helping him get ready. Finally dressed in his formal attire consisting of black pants and golden braces and belt on his arms and torso. A well-kept white haori covering most of his body, albeit lacking a shirt underneath

Along with the yellow, traditional hat of the Raikage, Mabui politely escorted him downstairs into the hotel dining area where their compatriots waited

"Again, you're overthinking it"

"No, you just don't think enough. Who in the hell eats THAT much grilled meat for breakfast?!"

"Someone looking to get shit done Tai"


Unexpectedly to A, Team Tango sat a table bickering without a care in the world. Not about strategy or plans for the Chunin Exam's... but of food and Rei's abnormal appetite

Completely unbothered of what today would inevitably have in store for them...

"It's still a bit much Rei"

"Et tu, Suzu?" (Rei)

"Eto... what?" (Suzu)

"Never mind..." (Rei)

Around a large circular table, both the Genin and most of the adult guards filled their bellies with warm food gifted to them by the hotel kitchen staff

The manager wanted to make sure his guests, who bought out every single room in the hotel just so they could keep the building to themselves... were well taken care of

"Looks like my concerns were unwarranted" (A)

"If one asks if another is nervous, it means said one is nervous, or so they say" (Mabui)

"Hmph! Your way of seeing right through me is as annoying as ever" (A)

"It's because I can that you'll never find a more qualified assistant than me. Still, for you of all people admitting to having trepidation before a battle is surprising" (Mabui)

"That's because I'm not the one fighting. I hate having to sit back while my subordinates risk themselves for the sake of the village. Sigh... the responsibilities of a leader I suppose. Though he never showed it, my old man must've felt like this, many times in the past" (A)


As he approached the table, the four members of Team Tango rose from their chairs in sync, proceeding to walk right past A

"Where are you all going?" (A)

"Where else old man? The arena. I want to get there early" (Rei)

"With all due respect Raikage-sama, I believe we've all had our fill of motivational speeches and lectures" (Tai)

"We know the score" (Suzu)

Taken aback at their sanguine attitude, the Genin left the building before A could even respond. He turned to Tango, the latter of whom awkwardly laughed with a light smirk

"They're not naïve kids anymore, hell, they were probably never naïve to begin with. Instead, I'll simply ask you, Raikage-sama, to see them off as you would myself, Darui and C, or any other Chūnin prior to sending them on a mission" (Tango)

"..." (A)

"Today, they carry our future on their shoulders. The last thing they need is another lecture" (Tango)


The Genin outside the front doors turned to A, who's loud, reverberating voice was enough to shake the entire hotel but... remained unfazed all the same. Nothing but confidence and resolve on their faces

"What are you standing around here for?! Move yer asses! You too Tango!" (A)

"Yes sir!" (Tai & Suzu)

"Ugh... he's like a walking PA system" (Rei)

{Not the kind of encouragement I was thinking about, but it works nevertheless} "We'll see you at the arena sir" Tango offered a bow to the Raikage before departing with his students

"I'll have some good food waiting after you win Rei!" (Mabui)

"Now that's what I call motivation! I'll hold you to that nee-san!" (Rei)


Blasting through the outer gate of the hotel, Team Tango made a beeline for the arena of the Chūnin Exam Finals...


{We're almost there... don't muck it up now} "Darui! C! Let's get moving! Ronri, you're on overwatch! DO NOT get discovered! The location is gonna be a security nightmare!"

"Sir!" (C)

"Got it boss" (Darui)

"I already have some of my lizards on site, nothing will escape my attention" (Ronri)

"Tetsuo-dono has already arrived at the coliseum. I'll be sticking with him during the entire time as we've previously discussed" (Mabui)



"Good. Let's go!" (A)




"Geez, so many of them!" (Tai)

"All the reason to not waste more time chatting. Pick up the pace!" (Tango)

{And here I thought I'd finally got away from the morning commute since arriving in this world...} (Rei)

As Team Tango trailed through Iwagakure1Hidden Stone Village, the masses only increased in quantity with every step taken

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to claim nearly everyone in the entire village, and then some, were headed in the same direction as they...

"Alright! I'm giving 1 to 6 odds any of the non-great nations don't make it out of the preliminaries!"

"To the Finals! We've got the odds! Some tough contenders on site, don't just bet on the obvious, ANYTHING happens today! Now who wants some of that action?!"

"I've got 3500 Ryō2Currency of the "Naruto" World on Iwagakure!"

"6000 Ryō on Konohagakure3Hidden Leaf Village!"

With every second, a seat within the coliseum-like location was taken, streets were blocked for village leaders who arrived one after another. Even those who failed to get a ticket inside opted to observe from the numerous rooftops circling the area

Rei stopped in his tracks upon discovering a massive crowd near the entrance of the arena. Betting, gambling, drinking... there was just as much action outside, as there would be inside the site

He found the former activity before to be most alluring

"Guess we should've expected this... who wouldn't want to make money during an event like this" (Tango)

"Still... to think they're pouring in so much money... " (Tai)

"Yeah... it's quite a bit. Hey guys, hold on for a sec, I'm gonna--Ooof!" (Rei)

Before he could join in on the festivities, Tango grabbed his collar after spotting their destination. Leading the group around the crowd to an obscure side entrance constructed for the use of contestants only

"You can place your bets later. I've found the entrance for you guys. Let's go!" (Tango)

"Tch! Just when I needed some money..." (Rei)

"I'll place the bet in your place, if that's alright with you?"

Before Rei could protest further, the group's attention was drawn to a familiar voice who awaited them just outside the entrance for Genin. The president of Mori Sp. himself, Tetsuo Mori greeted the squad with a smile as warm as the sun

"Quite the audience, isn't it? I think I can see people camping on roof tops around the arena just to get a better look" (Tetsuo)

"What are doing out here Tetsuo-dono? Shouldn't you be inside with the other VIP's already?" (Tango)

"Ugh! Please. Most of them are so snobby, spoiled brats in adult bodies. Half of them do nothing but brag about their wealth, while the other half constantly talk out of their asses. I had to get a break, plus I'm waiting for your cousin, Rei-kun" (Tetsuo)

"So nee-san's the one accompanying you. Makes sense, can't have one our most esteemed patrons getting hurt or nabbed here" (Rei)

"Hehe! Shō-san's been doing a great job of guarding me so far, but I figured he and his men deserved a break. I managed to get them seats in the crowd to enjoy the event. Anyways, I have something for you guys" (Tetsuo)

Tetsuo pulled two locked, black boxes and presented them to Tai and Rei. When asked why to them in particular by Tango, Tetsuo replied that he already provided his "other" gift to Suzu some time ago

"These devices were commissioned a bit late by my team of engineers. Inspired a bit by some recent gossip that just so happened to reach my ears. Despite my complaints, those rich snobs do say useful things now and then" (Tetsuo)


"Uh...?!" (Tai)

{They finished the schematic I sent them faster than expected. But what's that Tai's box? I don't remember designing those... gloves?} (Rei)

"Rei-kun, what I've given you shouldn't need explanation considering its simplicity. As for Tai-kun, this was forged after my  team had another look at our work with Hikaru-dono on the... well, I won't say it out loud now. As for you Suzu, I trust you know what to do with those... correct?" (Tetsuo)

"Of course. On behalf of my village, I thank you once again, Tetsuo-san" (Suzu)

"My pleasure. Now quickly, close those boxes before someone sees them" (Tetsuo)

Following his instructions, the ensemble glanced around for any prying eyes before continuing with their conversation

"Tetsuo-dono... do you have any idea of what we should expect?" (Tango)

Frowning somewhat, he offered an ambiguous response "Sorry Tango-dono. That particular subject is something most aren't keen on discussing. You may not be able to see it with the energy out here, but there's a lot of tension in the air. The sheer number of behind-the-scenes dealings would leave you staggering if I revealed them all" (Tetsuo)

"I'll bet. Just like Iwagakure's dealings with Ishigakure4Hidden Rock Village and the Land of Flowers... everyone wants something" {Then again, we're no different} (Tango)

"I don't know much about Ishigakure, but I can say the subject of the Flower country is a particularly sore subject for this village. Iwa is going to do their best to impress the Flower Daimyō if they even want a chance at resuming their produce trade... something a village with harsh terrain like this desperately needs" (Tetsuo)

"Which means, they'll be going all out from the start. Great" (Tai)

"Everybody's got a stake in this. It was to be expected not just from Iwa. We simply need to do the same" (Suzu)

"What of the Gokage5The Five Shadows?" Changing the subject entirely, Rei presented a new query

Tetsuo closed his eyes for a brief moment before turning towards arena once again

"They're in the village, but they won't arrive until the exams actually begin. And with hundreds of Genin set to go through the preliminaries, things won't get heated until the numbers dwindle down and the actual Finals begin" (Tetsuo)

"Hundreds... any idea as to how exactly they're going to shrink the numbers down?" (Tango)

Shaking his head "No clue. But if I had to guess, I'd say battles with more than one opponent are in your immediate future-?!" (Tetsuo)


The conversation was put on hold with the sudden eruption of daytime fireworks. Or rather, Iwa-nin stationed at various locations using Doton6Earth Style to launch and explode painted rocks in the air

Sounds of fester and exhilaration burst from the masses in response! It was signal to everyone that the Finals were about to begin!

"And that's all the time we have kids, I need to get back inside, and I suggest you do the same. Rei, do you have a bet you'd like for me to place?" (Tetsuo)

"Yeah. All the money I have left in my wallet... on one of us making it to the final round" Rei said confidently after handing Tetsuo what cash he had left in his pouch

"!" (Tai & Tango)

"Heh!" (Suzu)

"Hahahaha! Now that's the attitude I like to see! Each team is granted a private booth with their respective squad captains, so feel free to converse with each other when you're inside" (Tetuso)

"Thank you for everything, Tetsuo-dono. Please give Dev R my regards as well" (Tango)

"Heh... Of course" (Tetsuo)

{"Dev R"? Guess they shortened the moniker for convenience when I wasn't aware. Shouldn't be problem, especially if you consider me using the English letter "R" for anonymity. Don't think I've ever been so happy everyone around me only speaks Japanese in my life than now} (Rei)

"Take care, and good luck! I'm counting on you to give me some good advertising with those gifts of mine!" Waving as he darted back inside, the bookish-looking company president left as quickly as he arrived

"We should follow in suit... You guys ready?" (Tango)

"Ready to get this over with and go home" (Suzu)

"Ditto" (Tai)

"..." (Rei)

With nothing more to say, it was finally time for action!

But just as Tango, Tai, and Suzu were getting pumped up, confusion met their faces as they noticed Rei, seemingly staring with a blank face into the distance. None of them could make out what he was particularly focused on

"Rei? What is it?" (Tango)

"Oh, just wondering Sensei... do you think we can...?" (Rei)

"What?" (Tango)

"Just, that one particular stall is looking good. Think we can get a bite before going in?" (Rei)

"..." (Tango)

"..." (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"...I'll take that as a, no?" (Rei)


In that moment, it was if all the sound around them, save for the wind, had disappeared...

"NO!!!!" (Tango & Tai)

"Sigh..." (Suzu)

"Oh well, let's get moving" Rei nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders before entering first

"A-Ah?! Hey! Don't go in alone!" (Tai)

"He really does only think about food..." (Suzu)

As Tango was the last to enter, he stopped at the entrance and contemplated...




"Raikage-sama... maybe we should be worried after all?" (Tango)


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