Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

227. Auspicious

I've been planning the upcoming chapters since the start of the novel! Please enjoy!

P.S. Still stuck with my phone to write these (Apologies in advance for any errors ><!)


The mysterious voice which greeted Raymond Parker upon his initial rebirth in this world. Constantly whispering in his ear as it offered advice, direction, and purpose...whether he wanted it or not

"What is this thing?" These words have echoed in Raymond's mind in the years since his rebirth in this odd world

Every time he believed clarity would come, the entity would simply throw another curveball in his direction. Enigmatic to the letter, the more he learned about it, the less he understood

{What exactly are you... the original "Rei Sano", or Notitia?}

[Hmmm...I guess you could say I'm--no, we're both. As for what I am exactly, there are plenty of nametags you could put on it. Ghost, memory, shadow, echo, leftovers... but "Artificial Remnant" is the closest you'd probably get]


[We're all that remains of original "Rei Sano" in this world...besides you that is. Although, with your completed alien body, that's a bit of a stretch]

Raymond's thoughts preoccupied on every bit of information he acquired from his interactions with the being in front of him over the course of the past nine years. The hints of someone "creating" it to guide him

It's presence in this white space, a world born through the In'yōton1Yin-Yang/Shadow & Light Style. A nature transformation Raymond still didn't understand how he managed to have in the first place

It's connection to Rei Sano, the boy himself, and most of all...

{When I think about Yin-Yang, I think about Destruction & Creation...the latter in particular. Are you a-?}

[A manifestation of will? Yes... that is the entity, known as "Notitia", standing in front of you now... my true identity]

Raymond started grasping his head in frustration and confusion. These revelations, which were coming one after the other, brought him new levels of stress. If there was anything he feared in this world, it was the unknown, hence his obsession with keeping the original timeline on track

And Notitia, nothing was more "unknown" to him than it...

{How? None of this makes any--! HE WAS THREE! When I replaced him... How could a three year-old child, a destined nobody, even manage to perform "Will Materialization"?! How could he create you, a copy of himself to "guide" me?!}

[He couldn't... alone that is. The original--er, "me" had help]

{What? Who? Who helped him? And why?!}

[Before I get into that, there's something we need to go over first]

{Are you kidding me?} Raymond folded him arms in clear dissatisfaction, feeling he'd long been patient. Sensing this, Notitia aptly addressed his complaints, for it was on borrowed time

[Now that the melding of the "Rei's" and Isshiki's chakra within you has begun, faster than I anticipated mind you, my time here is coming to an end]

{You mean...?!}

[This is the last time you and I will converse with one another. I promise you'll get your answers, though I can't guarantee you still won't have more questions by the time this is over...]


[Now, I reckon on you'd like to know exactly what this place is. See all those other areas? They're different spaces, like the one we're sitting in now. A Mental Plane, Inner world, "Soul space", call them whatever you want. The reason you can control this one is because it belongs to Raymond Parker]

{I figured as much. This power never belonged to me in the first place. I "inherited" it from someone or something else, presumably whoever brought me here. So Kisshōten is...}

[It's true nature is a mass conglomeration of different minds, with one unknown master connected to all in these, "Auspcicious Heavens". The very same master who, for all intents and purposes, is a Yin-Yang user]

For the longest time, Raymond had moved with the incorrect assumption this plane was none other than Isshiki Ōtsutsuki's Daikokuten2Great Black Heaven dimension, as a result of incorporating his DNA.

Now remembering no living creature, including him, could possibly enter said timeless dimension...he came to a new conclusion

This "him" standing here now was simply a projection of his consciousness. Similar to Jinchūriki like Killer B and Naruto, whenever they talk to the Tailed Beasts within them

{If you consider my "altering" of materials always occurs outside this place...I've probably been scanning objects with chakra, before displaying the results in my mind here. Then once I've decided on what to do, I give my instructions to the "Black Gem", who takes over before creating and doing what I cannot on my own...}


Soon as he mentioned it, the mysterious Black Gem appeared out thin air, hovering besides the ethereal Notitia

[It's so easy explaining things to someone smart. It was also thanks to this little guy here that I was able to meet and put you under that illusionary fight]

{Hold it. You said only I could control this place, considering it's my--um..."Soul Space"?}

[Wrong. I said this plane can only be controlled by its owner, Raymond Parker]

{Yeah, me. Not--hold on, this thing is...?!}

[Bingo. Unintentionally created by you through supposed same "Will Materialization" used to make me, this Black Gem is a manifestation of your subconscious mind. Born the day you used Yin-Yang Style for the very first time, do you remember?]

{Of course I do...}

He could never forget such a day. His mission to rescue Team Mabui, it was the very first time he lost control, massacring the rouge branch of ninja from the Fūma clan. All this time, it had been "Neo-Rei", or rather, the Black Gem who protected Raymond

{As for why it's so much more powerful than me...}

[As an accomplished scientist yourself, you should now understand why it performs so much better than you when it's in control]


In any human brain, the subconscious mind surpasses the conscious one by leaps and bounds. Capable of processing absurd quantities of information from one's senses, and translating them back to the brain in an instant

However, Raymond was concerned with something else

{The being responsible for bringing you here possesses the Yin-Yang style... and said power latched on to me when I was reborn in Rei's body. So whoever it is, they're connected to an Ōtsutsuki, likely Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, in some manner}

[Unfortunately, I don't have an exact answer for that one]

According to research he acquired in Kumogakure's library thanks to Pyua's help, together with Notitia's knowledge, Raymond determined Yin-Yang style cannot be learned, only inherited. Chakra in its purest form, a power exclusive to Kaguya's Ōtsutsuki's bloodline. Momoshiki, Kinshiki, not even Isshiki Ōtsutsuki could use it

Only her two children, and those who've acquired both powers of their descendants, the Uchiha and Senju clan's respectively... have even the slightest chance of obtaining it

[Raymond. Given what I know...I don't think it was an Ōtsutsuki who brought you here]

{What premise do you base that on? And how do you know any of this to begin with? Hell, the latter should've been my first question...}

[During the exchange of souls of you and Rei, the two of you were one for a brief moment in time. You became an anchor for Rei to latch on to, slowing his ascension to the "Pure World". It was then a mysterious voice called out to him, who somehow knew everything that was going to happen, what would happen, and informing him there was nothing he could do. Like a "Helping Hand" to soothe him from the reality that he was going to die, showing him how to use the Yin-Yang nature you gained to leave his will behind. And thus..."I" was created]

{Since we were one, he could use my power, just like how I've used his chakra. This unknown individual who helped you... I'm supposed to find them, right?}

[Yes. That's what I'd like you to do]

{And this person, or thing...they wouldn't happen to live in Ryūchidō3Dragon Ground Cave, would they?}

[Again. I love working with smart people. Makes things so much easier]

For years, Notitia had adamantly reminded Raymond to seek out Ryūchidō, to the point it became increasingly obvious there was more to it than simply learning Senjutsu4Sage Techniques. It had a purpose for Raymond, but wouldn't say what it was

Everything was finally coming to light, now that its time was almost over

[The questions I can't answer, maybe this "Helping Hand" can. I honestly don't know. But this person has definitely made their intent to meet and aid you obvious. Which is why you'll need all the help you can-! What are doing?]

Raymond held his head in palm before chuckling in an unsettling matter. Eventually, he took a long, deep breath before delivering one of the most coldest stares he'd ever given to someone in this life...or the last

{So all that talk in the beginning...this so-called "game", the possibility of me going back home. It was all... Bullshit?}

[...Raymond. I don't have the power to send you back, but maybe the one who helped us-]

{An unknown stranger... that's very f*cking assuring. I'm placing everything I have, on the odds of a stranger. Haaa... then again, it's really no different from how I started off here}

[You can't just survive, I need you save this world]

{From what? Madara, Kaguya... they wanted to take over the world, not destroy it. Hell, Kaguya tried turning humanity into Zetsu for the sole purpose of defending it from the rest of her clan...!}

[So you don't care what happens to them? To the people, the village, your friends? All that talk in the Canyon about caring for them...was that Bullshit?]

{That's... ugh! Damn you...}

[Look, I get it. This whole situation is completely unfair. Even if you succeed, there's no guarantee you'll be able to go back to your world. But... isn't it worth trying? I'd think you all of people would understand that having some odds...are better than none]

Raymond fell on his back and contemplated. He truly wished to go back home, for his experience since being reborn had caused him to see things in a new light. A different perspective on life, giving him new motivation to "fix" some things back in his original world

But he could never take those steps if he couldn't go back. Giving him hope, only to take it away again... it was the last thing he desired. A part of him considering giving up now was the safer option, to spare him from the heartache


{Since when do I play it safe?}


{Never mind... f*ck! Just tell me what it is that warrants such concerns. Who is it that threatens this world?} 

Raymond sat back up and stared back at Notitia who, smirked a bit, satisfied with his response

[As I'm sure you've noticed, Every now and then, I'd sound and act different. LiKE tHis...]

{Yeah. Your weird robot voice. Typically, whenever a Lifeline was involved}

[That's me sensing the "presence" of the one who brought you here. Sometimes, I'd feel what it was feeling. It has a distaste for much, both human and alien alike. I could feel determination, coldness, and pure anger. I don't know what it wants, by I do know one thing Raymond... it's not your friend]

{Well that's f**king ominous... and obvious. Considering it decided to kill a child}

[About that, I believe you coming here was mistake, or an accident]

{What makes you think that?}

[All those Mental Spaces in the distance belong to those who are currently active in the world. Each and everyone equipped with a "Guide", a tiny piece of formless Will like myself, to send out instructions to these puppets. Kisshōten, being the net that connects them all. The one pulling all the strings, I simply refer to it as, the "Interloper"]

{Catchy. You said I was an accident, is that why I don't have a "Guide" of my own?}

[I'M your guide. Remember the one who aided Rei in creating me? They somehow were able to remove the Guide you would've had, but not before giving me access to all of its capabilities. In other words, I obtained it's connection to the others, but I've barely utilized it]

{Why not?}

[To keep you hidden! When I connect to others, I gain access to all of their information, these agents placed all over the world, all that intel comes pouring into me. But it also means risking the Interloper discovering your existence. It's safe to assume that of right now, it remains unaware you hail from another world entirely]

{Now I get. It was through utilizing this information, along with aid from the mysterious Helper, that you were able to locate Isshiki when no one else could}

Raymond instantly understood what this meant. The only times Notitia connected to this conclave of souls, these "Auspicious Heavens", is when a Lifeline was used. Functioning like a hive mind, Notitia's capabilities were vastly enhanced whenever it rejoined the hive, it's "sight" improved immensely

However, it was also a danger. For the more it was used, the more likely Raymond's existence could be discovered. Hence its reason to give him a limited number of uses

{It's like creating a secure channel or a VPN, but there's always the possibility of you being influenced... your "other" side.

[Yes. My initial goal was to make you stronger. And whenever I got to close to the source, I would change temporarily. Turning me ruthless and cold...just like the Interloper. I'll spare you from the details, as they'd only serve to incite you]

{All these people with Guides... Is this the reason for certain "Ripples" being formed? In places I've never been or could possibly influence? Because others are, going off script?}

[Yes. "Ripples", distortions in the original timeline, I warned you about them because each one has the potential to catch the Interloper's attention. It recognizes its influence might change things, so it usually ignores most of the small ones. But when a big one occurs...]

{I get it. I make too much noise, I'm likely to be discovered. Then only God knows what'll happen to me, considering it's powerful enough to reach into other worlds... albeit not intentionally. Hm?!}


{If this Interloper is so powerful...why does it need to rely on others? Why is it sending these guides out, whispering into the ears or random people to do its bidding? Overall, what does it hope to accomplish in the first place?}

[I don't know what it wants, just that it's dangerous and needs to be taken off the board. As for its reliance on others, I suspect it cannot directly operate in this world. I think it's like you...]

{'re not suggesting-?!}

[Yes. There could be one, and maybe even more. Not just the Interloper, the Helper who aided "Rei" in creating me... I don't have a definitive answer. What I can say for certain is...]





[You're definitely not the only one here from another plane of existence. Others like you, are here as well...]

NO WAY am I leaving you guys with a cliffhanger-kun like that! Next chapter is coming quick, so stay tuned!


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