Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

223. Arrangements

Might sound out of nowhere but, thanks for all your support everyone. You're the reason I can continue to write this fun little story of mine. As always, please enjoy the chapter!


"First off, I'd like to offer you all my congratulations on passing the second exam. Not an easy feat it is, surviving Purgatory, but you did...and now only the worthy stand before me. From here, Kitsuchi and I will explain next steps for the final exam" (Ōnoki)

"Listen up! First and foremost, the next phase will not commence until one month from now! That's right, you lot will have thirty days to prepare for your finals" (Kitsuchi)

The Genin audience responded with clamoring, many expecting and ready to begin the next test now. Even with Iwagakure's1Hidden Stone Village measures to reduce the overall number of participants, the initial amount began in the hundreds

Sensing the bewilderment from everyone, Kitsuchi and Ōnoki continued their explanation about the upcoming phase...

"Everyone who came here should understand the purpose of the final exam. For shinobi villages to showcase their most talented shinobi as representatives to promote their village's efficiency" (Kitsuchi)

"The moment this tower's doors had closed, messages were sent out to your respective Daimyō's and village heads. Correspondence detailing the first exam's written scores, those who failed or passed the second exam, and the schedule for the final exam. Obviously, executing such a wide range of summons cannot be done in a day, thus the month long break" (Ōnoki)

{So Raikage-sama will probably know in a few days... Good. Being the only Kumo-nin in a foreign village has constantly kept me on edge...} (Suzu)

{From the looks of it, we're not having preliminaries. But do they expect the final to go? Despite "thinning the herd", there are still dozens of Genin here...} (Rei)

Kitsuchi spelled out the break's secondary purpose, to give the present participants here, a satisfactory period of preparation. Many had clashed in the Canyon, revealing their techniques, strategies, and fighting styles 

Now was the time for them to, for better or lack of words... update their arsenals

"These measure are for the sole purpose of ensuring impartiality and fairness..." (Kitsuchi)

{Hmph... impartiality and fairness my ass} (Tai)

{What a load of bullshit. Granted, I'd probably do the same, but still...the sheer audacity of these guys. I can see how Ōnoki would end up in business with a f**ked up mercenary group like Akatsuki} (Rei)

Ōnoki's lecture about the exams remained ongoing, alluding to its history and significance. All the while sharing as few details as possible about the final exam. Despite all the talking, the only facts the audience could take away from the Tsuchikage was the final exam being held in a "unique" tournament form


As if waiting for him to finish, the building abruptly began to shake, almost as if something had just collided with it

"Oh! Looks like we're here. Kitsuchi, I'll leave the rest to you" (Ōnoki)

"Yes sir. Ahem! With that, this exam is officially over. Please make your way out of the building. Your respective sensei's will guide you...dismissed!" (Kitsuchi)




"Huh...didn't see that coming" (Tai)

"Really? Considering Genbu and the entire ISLAND on his back, you'd think we of all people here would be the first to catch on " (Rei)

"Fair point" (Tai)

After exiting the pagoda, everyone unexpectedly found themselves out of the canyon...and back in Iwagakure

It was revealed that under the pagoda tower dwelled an impossibly sized gopher. Entrusted with moving the tower through the canyon for generations, away from the rabid beasts the village could not control

However, there was no time to admire the creature, the clock for the next phase was already ticking. With much haste, Tango escorted the team back to their hotel

Along the way, the Kumo Genin trio couldn't help but notice the streets of Iwagakure were drastically different than ten days ago

"It's not just shinobi who benefit from the exams. This is an opportunity for merchants of every possible variety to make a profit. In the next thirty days, this village will continue to host more and more foreigners with cash to spend, and an eagerness to observe your performance" (Tango)

"You're right...look guys. I can even recognize some from different nations. These guys wasted no time getting here" (Tai)

"Had to book a reservation I guess. Soon enough, this place is gonna meet its capacity in occupants" (Rei)

"Speaking of occupants, we're back. Hurry inside, there's much we need to discuss" Tango said as he gestured his students to run upstairs


{Hm? I know this chakra...!} "Tango...he's already here?" (Rei)

"?" (Tai & Suzu)

"Can't hide anything from you, as usual. Truth be told, he arrived about three days ago, but hadn't officially entered the village until today. This was the only way he could bring all of these...guards with him" (Tango)



"?!" (Rei, Suzu, & Tai)

"Excellent job you three! I haven't been this happy in a while!"

Unexpectedly, a man burst from the room next to theirs and hugged the students with much enthusiasm. It was none other than the Land of Lightning's Daimyō! He had finally arrived in the Land of Earth!

Eventually letting go, he patted each of them on the head with great pride and joy

"D-Daimyō-sama?!" (Tai)

"Come in! Come in! I'll explain later, but first, I've got some friends you might wish to see!" (Daimyō)

"Hey guys! You kiddies keep getting bigger!"

The Daimyō wasn't only the surprise, after being forcibly dragged into his room, they were greeted by several Chunin and Jonin from Kumogakure. Some of whom they were already familiar with

"Funsui! Ronri!" (Tai)

"What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be with Hikaru?" (Rei)

Along with the Daimyō's surprising entrance, the team was surprised to see the two right-hand men to Hikaru, Kumogakure's best ship captain, here in their hotel. After suffering serious injuries, during the bombing in Hōzuki-jō with the now deceased Toroi and Osoi, the pair had been placed on recuperative leave

The laidback Funsui had lost all sight in his left eye, now wearing a eyepatch to cover it. The stern Ronri suffered several burns on his left torso, arm, and neck

"Forget Hikaru, is it okay for you to be on your feet?" Suzu shared her concerns after gazing at their scarred figures

"Heh! If I stayed in bed any longer, I'd go crazy! Granted, my eyesight's not what it used to be, but I've already adjusted. The moment the captain acknowledged I could still serve under him, I went straight back to work. Besides, this eyepatch now makes me look the part of one who regularly battles at sea, kekekeke!" (Funsui)

"Not as I would put it, but we're of like mind. If I'm breathing, I'm working, no questions asked. Now, as for how we're here now, the story went like this..." (Ronri)

The Daimyō had left not long after Team Tango's departure from Kumogakure. As this event was not only the biggest Chunin exams in history, but the first multi-country one to take place after the 3rd Shinobi World War

Trust went a long way, and everyone was on edge. It didn't take a genius to know Iwagakure would only allow participants for the first and second exams, and their teachers, to enter and stay in the village

Just two to three days prior from today, the Daimyō had arrived just outside of Iwagakure, settling in a obscure town a few kilometers southeast of the village. And while being a diplomat with an invitation, he decided to wait before entering the village. As for why, it was to bring this batch of shinobi from Kumogakure with him

As long as a Genin squad made it to the third round, their leaders and important officials were allowed to take lodge in the village

"But the results just came out, how did you know we passed?" (Tai)

"We didn't" (Ronri)

"Huh?" (Tai)

"We had faith you would. And not just us, everyone back home is moving with the assumption you guys would pass the first and second exams...even Raikage-sama" (Funsui)

"!" (Tai)

"Everyone..." Suzu smiled while thinking about her home, and those she knew were waiting for her

"Hmph... guess that stubborn old man hasn't gone completely senile yet" (Rei)

"R-Rei... you've got to stop talking about him in such a manner. He's not even that old" (Tai) 

"Your passing served as a nice loophole to bring in back-up on the premise they were here to guard the Daimyō. But now, we can work on making this hotel our territory. Since we already booked all the rooms, and the manager is in fact, one of Karai's contacts...anyone else who comes here can be treated as an enemy" (Tango)

"This place has become a nice little fortress for us. And soon, more will be on the way. Tetsuo Mori himself should arrive within the week. He's already accepted our offer to stay in this hotel with us" (Daimyō)

{As I asked him to. And while it's great to worry less about those who seek to sabotage us during this month long break, there's still one thing on my mind...} "This place is great and all, but where are we supposed to train?" (Rei)

"!" (Daimyō & Tango)

Keeping their techniques a secret was paramount. The hotel was never an option, and practicing inside the village was a non-starter, they needed a safe and secure location to focus on improvement

With his reasonable query, the adults merely smiled at one another

"We already have a solution for that, but before we get to that...there's other matters we need to discuss" (Tango)

"Such as?" (Suzu)

"Many things concerning protocols. What you can, and still CANNOT do during your stay here" (Ronri)

{Figures as much. There are plenty of people who want us, the competition, out of the picture. But I have stuff to do, mainly concerning as to what's happening inside me right now} "New strategy then?" (Rei)




"Yup. Let's get to work..." (Tango)


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