Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

218. Whatcha Been Up To?

Going back in time to over a week ago

"There's no more time, it's coming down!"

"Damn it...!"


Destruction reigned everywhere!

"Keep moving! We're not out of the woods yet!"

Tai and Suzu fled the abandoned factory which had become nothing short of a warzone between Genin. If the second phase of this year's Chunin Exam's proved to be anything, it was certainly chaotic to an absurd degree!

The clanging of metal and bombarding explosions of battle served as clear indications of the factory's destruction. Areas of the massive, aged superstructure collapsed one after other like dominos, creating a massive cloud of dust and ash which instantly enveloped the location

Fortunately, it provided the perfect cover for the Kumogakure Genin pair to escape


Upon discovering an isolated river free from enemy combatants, the two fell on their bottoms, tired from all the running. Normally, one would be happy after escaping such a dangerous situation, but all they felt was unease

Unease...for their third teammate who was left behind

"We'll rest here for a little longer before resuming our escape. Given the number of teams I spotted, we shouldn't consider this distance as safe" (Tai)

"Escape? What are you talking about? Soon as I've regained my strength, I'm heading back for Rei" Suzu irritably stated

"Suzu...given the scale of the building, and the position he was in before we might want to consider the possibility-" (Tai)

"No Tai. Just. DON'T. There's no way Rei, of all people, would die from something like that" (Suzu)

"...Regardless of what's true, and what's not, he explicitly told us not to go back for him, remember? Going on about meeting up with us at the Primary Objective. That's what we, as shinobi, should do...stay on mission" (Tai)

Suzu bit her lip in frustration, as the young kunoichi wanted nothing the more than to fight her way back into the hostile location and find her teammate. But Tai's logic was sound, the location was too dangerous, and would likely remain so for quite some time. Their best option was to continue with the exam, take an enemy team's "Black Needle", and meet up with Rei

"Sigh... unbelievable" Eventually relenting, she choose to stick with the most logical decision, albeit very displeased

"I'm out of my depth here, so I can only do what I think is best for all of us. Are you with me?" (Tai)

"Yeah... It's just..." (Suzu)

"I know Suzu. I wanna go back and look for him too..." (Tai)


After resting for another half an hour, they continued their departure from the area




Day 4

{Fūton: Shinkūgyoku1Wind Style: Vacuum Spheres!}





"That's another team down, nicely done. Let's see what they've got..." Tai happily exclaimed as he began rummaging through their belongings

With a man down, frontal assaults against full squads wasn't ideal. Instead, they went for more of a "Guerrilla" approach, launching irregular ambushes at various locations, never staying in one spot for too long. These tactics ensured their status remained under the radar and allowed them to gather intelligence at the same time

The latter especially for a new problem arose in the days they traversed this harsh canyon since their separation from Rei...

"Aaaand, I think I found something. No wait--its...haaaaa, damn it..." (Tai)

"Again?" (Suzu)

"Mhm. Nothing but White Compasses for several days straight. I'm starting to wonder if we're in a Genjutsu" (Tai)

"Considering how many times Rei used you as a guinea pig to test his illusions, you'd know if we were under someone's influence more than I" (Suzu)

"Cheh! Now I'm not starting to miss him! But on a serious note, it would appear your initial theory checks out" (Tai)

Suzu accurately surmised days ago the exam proctors intentionally placed those with Compasses and Needles on opposite ends of the Canyon before the exam began. A means of forcing the participants to travel deeper into treacherous terrain...

"We'll have to widen our net, because this isn't working. You may not like it, but there's no other choice, we have to venture into more dangerous territories if we're to have any chance of acquiring a Needle. I'm pretty Rei has already unraveled this truth and is moving to do the same" (Suzu)

"Considering how smart that guy is, you're probably right. Okay, in that case, let's-?!" (Tai)

"!" (Suzu)


His expression saying all that she needed to hear, Suzu span around, withdrawing the kunai blade from the holster on her right leg. A single individual arrived, slowly making his way towards the incomplete team from Kumogakure

"That headband, this one's from Konohagakure2Hidden Leaf Village, enemy contact! Stay behind me Tai, I'm gonna gauge his ability with long-ranged attacks" (Suzu)

"Got it! I'll get my Ninjutsu ready just in case!" (Tai)


{Fūton: Shinkūha3Wind Style: Vacuum Wave!} Suzu dashed forward, taking the now absent Rei's place on the team as the vanguard, forming several hand seals in record time to boot!

With a deep breath, air gathered in her mouth before she span her head in a rotating direction. Spitting it out in the form of a single, compressed blade of wind covering a wide range!


"Uh?! Suzu! INCOMING!" (Tai)

"?!" (Suzu)


...This new enemy had tricks of his own. For no less than two seconds after Suzu released her attack, he'd sent a large blast of fire her way, now amplified by the very Wind-natured attack she'd just released!

"Crap! Can't dodge in time-!" (Suzu)

{Suiton: Suijinheki4Water Style: Water Wall!} (Tai)


With quick thinking and prior prep, Tai timely managed to create a protective barrier of water in front of Suzu. The resulting clash of elemental techniques created an instant fog of steam. Suzu hastily retreated backwards, reuniting with Tai as they both remained on guard, back-to-back

"Thanks for the assist, but this new guy is..." (Suzu)

"Yeah. Clearly different from what we've faced so far. We're finally moving out fodder territory, now the real geniuses are showing up...!" (Tai)

"About that... I'm pretty sure this one hails from Konohagakure's Uchiha Clan" (Suzu)

"Eh?! You serious?!" (Tai)

"Yes. His appropriate response to my Fūton was far too quick for a normal human being...but someone that can read and visibly see chakra with a Sharingan5Copy Wheel Eye is another story...wouldn't you say?" (Suzu)

" might be right. Pretty sure I spotted a hint of red just prior to his Katon6Fire Style"  {The Uchiha are renowned for their Fire-related Ninjutsu. Just great, fighting someone from that clan of geniuses was the last thing I wanted to do} (Tai)


"What are you doing?" (Tai)

"Getting rid of this fog. Unlike us, he can see his opponent, there's no reason to give him a tactical advantage. Hmph!" With a light gesture, Suzu blew away the steam fog, but Uchiha was nowhere to be found

"Where'd he go?! I don't see him!" (Tai)

"I've lost visual contact, don't think he left either!" {At times like this, Rei's sensing would come in handy. I've underestimated just how much we rely on him...!} (Suzu)


{Hm?! A change in the air?} "Ah! Tai! Above us!" (Suzu)

"I see him!" Tai took out a kunai as he spotted the young Uchiha descend from above

"Wide open! Bad decision!" {If Wind won't work, let's try Earth!} Suzu clasped her hands once again in attempts to stop the Uchiha

But just as she was about to attack...


"Hm?! Tai?! What are you-?!" (Suzu)

"..." (Tai)

...Tai held the very same kunai in his hand to her throat, restraining her in the process!


"It's over" said the Uchiha as he landed right in front of them

"Genjutsu! When did-? Uh?!" {Right. Tai said he, spotted a hint of red, meaning he looked right at his Sharingan eye! Damn...! He must've planted a suggestion in that brief window!} (Suzu)

"You're next. By the time you wake up, I'll be long gone"

"Kuh!" (Suzu)


With the wide opening his eyes, he placed Suzu under his Dōjutsu7Eye Technique, causing her to lose nearly all control of her motor functions

{Paralysis Genjutsu! Can't...Move...!} "!" (Suzu)


The Uchiha searched their pouches, trying to identify their exam piece. Eventually pulling out one of the White Compasses they acquired during their tenure in the Canyon. Despite being restrained, Suzu could see the look of disappointment on his face, realizing the item he found, was not the one he desired

{I was told not to use it but...I don't know what he'll do now that he has no more use for us!} (Suzu)

{Another one... there's something I'm not seeing. There also haven't been any signs of Iwagakure8Hidden Stone Village Genin since I started here...}

{Focus...breathe...bring it all out...from the center. And then...} (Suzu)

"A different ratio of distributed exam other words...foul play"

"N-Ngh!" {LET IT FLOW!} (Suzu)



A massive torrent of energy burst from Suzu's body!

The Uchiha jumped away in bewilderment, now in the dark for this sudden emergence of power was completely unprecedented! The one in question freed herself from Tai's grasp before grabbing his shoulder with one hand, and forming a hand seal with the other

"Genjutsu: Kai9Illusion Technique: Release!" (Suzu)

"U-Uhhh!" Tai fell on his knees. His mind befuddled after being released from the Uchiha's Genjutsu

Suzu returned her focus to the enemy, still building up more and more power as the tips of her shoulder length, raven-black hair began to turn white!

{What kind of chakra is this? I've never seen anything like it before, so pure and bright...and powerful}

"S-Suzu? What happened to the--EH?! Y-You...!" (Tai)

"I'll explain later, just be ready!" (Suzu)

"No. That's quite enough"

"?!" (Tai & Suzu)


The Uchiha removed a smoke bomb from his pouch and threw it on the ground, obstructing their sight once again. When the smoke cleared, he'd vanished as quickly as he came!

"He's...gone?" (Tai)

"...We didn't have the piece he needed, fighting us served no purpose. And in the face of someone with an unknown power...fighting them alone isn't the wisest decision" (Suzu)

"You sound like you knew he'd do that-AGH! My head hurts like hell!" (Tai)

"I planned on it. From his actions, I could tell he was smart enough to realize this wasn't a favorable position for him...he's a reasonable person" (Suzu)

"My head begs to differ..." (Tai)

"He had plenty of opportunities to kill or harm us when were under his influence. Instead, he simply looked for the exam item. Exceptional intelligence and battle instincts...he kind of reminds me of Rei" (Suzu)

"If by similar, you mean they both give out nasty, migraine-inducing illusions, then yes. They are definitely similar" (Tai) 


Suzu ceased raising her chakra, calming the powerful energy surging within her. Tai was keen to raise a few questions about it, but decided now wasn't the ideal time

"Urgh! Come on, all this noise will undoubtedly attract someone's attention. We'll talk about our next move elsewhere" (Tai)

"I'll take point, stay close" (Suzu)

"Ready whenever you are" (Tai)


The duo dashed away from the open battle zone, knowing they'd been in one place for too long. As they got further away, Suzu glanced back one last time...




{That guy was dangerous...I hope Rei doesn't encounter him anytime soon}


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