Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

201. Second Exam, Begin!

Heya Shinobi! Thanks for waiting! A new chapter today to up the stakes even more! Please enjoy!

(Check out the bottom! There's something I'd like to run by you guys!)


The Next Morning

Waking up from a long sleep, Team Tango rose as the sun did, early in the morning. Their sensei having already prepared a healthy, warm meal, all in preparation for what was to come next. For today marked the next step in their journey towards becoming Chunin

The four gathered around a small dining table, quietly eating, only the ticking sound of the clock on the wall was heard

Sensing the apprehension, Tango tried to lighten the mood "We've gone over everything we need to, but I'll answer any remaining questions you might have to the best of my ability"

The Genin trio ceased moving in response to his words. They'd spent all night going over contingencies and plans for any and every conceivable scenario they might face. Especially after yesterday's revelation of the "Ishi Terrorist's" participation in these exams, along with their clear intent of targeting them

"Sensei, I know there's nothing we can do about Ishigakure1Hidden Rock Village, I've accepted that. My only concern is foul play, considering they've grown quite close to the host of this year's exam, Iwagakure2Hidden Stone VillageCompared to his anger from before, Tai was far more composed this morning

He'd thought long and hard over the night, trying to come up with a means for Kumogakure to subvert this new arrangement between the hidden Stone and Rock

Tango shot down his hopes "As we discussed before, it's not cheating if you don't get caught, there's nothing we can do. My message has yet to reach Raikage-sama, so for now, we'll grin and bear it. Besides, my mind's preoccupied with something else..." 

"If it's not about Ishigakure, does it have to do with the state of the exams? Considering what we told you yesterday"

"Sharp as always Rei"

If there was one thing that surprised Tango, it was how "hands-on" their first trial was. The basis of the Chunin exam's three individual tests were derived from the formation of chakra;

The first tested one's mind, representing Yin and Mental Energy

The second appraised the body, representing Yang and Physical Energy

The third and final exam assessed both, measuring one's balance of the two. For it is the combination of both that chakra is formed, which is the foundation of shinobi

"The fact they put you through such an ordeal during the first exam...we must throw away any preconceptions we had before coming here" Tango was blunt and honest

While the Genin remained unwavering for the hardship to come, the increasing stakes only added more pressure. They'd already journeyed here knowing the future of Kumogakure depended on them, but the difficulty only seemed to grow

{He's right. I thought we'd just be cheating on a written test, like Naruto's first exam. It's become apparent my knowledge of the future isn't going to help much} Rei kept his thoughts to himself, and resumed eating

Tango smiled in assurance "Dwelling on ordeals isn't gonna help. Besides, we all knew this wasn't going to be easy. Hell, many back home still believe the village should've sent an older, more experienced team. But Raikage-sama wouldn't have chosen us if he didn't think we could hack it. So quit worrying about stuff that doesn't matter now and eat"



Tai and Suzu complied, following Rei in finishing their breakfast

Once they finished, the group performed a last-minute supply check before departing the hotel. Tango led the squad to the assigned location Iwagakure provided him the moment they passed the first exam

Waltzing through town before arriving at the most northwestern side of the village's walls. Several shinobi squads of various nations had long arrived, eager to begin

While Tai checked out the competition, Rei's attention was drawn towards something else, which wasn't missed by Suzu

"What's caught your eye?" 

"The design of the wall gate here differs from all the others I've seen since coming here" Rei noted

This area of the Iwagakure's walls was noticeably greater in height, as compared to the rest. The gate itself made of beautifully decorated stone, yet covered in numerous signs of damage. From scratches, to missing paint gaping holes, it had clearly been through its fair share of strife

Tango stopped walking, letting the Genin go ahead of him "Unfortunately, neither I, nor Karai know much as this area is one of the most heavily guarded spots in the village. Also, this is as far as I go"


"Jonin captains aren't supposed to be here, as this is your test. Remember, all you can do is rely on your minds and resolve. But most of all, each other. You're only as strong as the person next to you. Stick together, keep each other safe, and do your best"

"What of you Sensei?" Tai wondered, more anxious now that their sensei was leaving

"I have to make preparations for Raikage-sama. Any team that passes the second exam is allowed to bring their respective village leader, who in turn can bring as many bodyguards as they like. You make it through this, and we'll have more Kumo-nin here, giving us more leeway"

{True. Things have been a little too tense for my taste. I'd like to at least check out what this place has to offer before we return home. After all, what's the point of coming all the way to Iwagakure if we just stay in a hotel the entire time? Heh, this might be the one time I'll actually be glad to see the Raikage} Rei was dissatisfied with the current status quo

Always eager to widen his knowledge of the world, Iwagakure was the first Great Shinobi Nation Rei stepped foot in besides Kumogakure. There was much he could learn, but had yet to get a chance due to the possibility of sabotage by another team

After the second exam ends, the real VIP's would arrive in spades. With so many important people attending, all eyes would be on the village, which makes it a horrible time for someone to stir things up

Tango finally faced the opposite direction, but issued some final words of advice as he walked away

"One more thing, keep your interactions with those here to a minimum, if not at all. We purposely came here only a few minutes before the test begins just to avoid any potential conflicts with others"

The crowd continued to grow and grow, numerous candidates eager to begin the next exam. In spite of the eliminations during the first, there were still hundreds of Genin hailing from all over

Much to Rei's surprise, he didn't expect, nor desire this many to be present. More competition meant more problems

"May fortune favor you three" Tango patted each of his students on their heads, giving them a encouraging smile. With nothing more to say, he began his departure from the area. The trio stood in place, refusing to take their eyes off of him until they could no longer see his figure

"Guys, over there" Suzu spotted an obscure spot in the shade, an ideal location for them to wait unnoticed, until the proctors arrived. Once they sat down, Tai voiced his thoughts aloud

"I wonder what these Iwa jerks are gonna make us do this time"

"No clue, but with our luck, it'll probably be annoying. Especially if you consider thatRei pointed to several words plastered on the large gate for all to see. Not a message, but a warning...


"Those who venture here seek only one thing...decay"




After half an hour of waiting, the head proctor Kitsuchi arrived with a group of his shinobi colleagues in tow

With his appearance, every team ceased chatting, focusing all of their attention towards the large, burly man as he strutted towards the large gate door. Some were irritated with him for arriving late, not that he cared for their opinion

{Doton: Chidōkaku3Earth Style: Mobile Core!}


With a seamless use of Earth Style, Kitsuchi raised the ground below, elevating his position so all could see and hear him. Rising until the ominous warning on the door was right behind him

He took a deep breath before shouting at the crowd "Alright you brats, shut up and listen! I'm only gonna say this once, and no, I won't be answering any questions!!"

{Is it too much to ask they just write things down? That's the problem with muscle heads} Rei mused to himself

"Behind this gate lies one of the most treacherous locations within this entire country...Rengoku no Kyōkoku4Purgatory's Canyon, and you'll soon learn why"

The boys of Team Tango frowned upon receiving these words...

"Ugh...that's just what we need. More cryptic one-liners"

"It's like you're reading my mind Tai"

"Nah Rei, I'm just getting tired from all the bullshit thrown our way"

{Preaching to the choir on that one...}

"Rei, Tai, focus. Something's happening!"


The other Iwa-nin proceeded to open the large gate, opening the way outside the village walls. Once opened, the Genin were greeted with the sight of a wide wooden barricade that stretched for miles in an arc-shaped fashion opposite Iwagakure. Countless doors were place at various locations the further one would venture down either ends

"The rules of this exam is simple. You're to journey through the lands that await you beyond this wooden barricade, locate, and enter the primary objective. What the objective is, what it looks like, where it'll have none of these answers. Which begs the question, how do you find it? The answer, is with these..." Kitsuchi revealed two distinct items and displayed them for the crowd to see

His left hand held a white compass, which happened to be missing it's most vital component. Said part was in fact, held by his right hand, a black needle

"Each of you will be randomly given one of two set items, a compass, or a needle. When combined, they'll lead you towards the primary objective. In other words, you're to track down another team with the part you need, take it from them, and arrive at your destination. And before you even consider it, this is the only way to succeed, as it is fundamentally IMPOSSIBLE to get there without a complete compass"

{Survival test eh? At least THIS exam is a bit like Naruto's. Glad to know my preparation and work with Notitia wasn't for nothing}

"The time limit is 240 hours. If you're not where you need to be in ten days, you fail. Also, say you decide to chicken out and tag along with another squad from your village, you'll still fail as a complete compass is required to pass. You cannot quit during the test. Once it's over, your Jonin captains are permitted to enter and search for you...though I doubt they'll find your bodies in this place that consumes all"

The Kumo group huddled together and shared their thoughts

"If both are required to locate and enter, perhaps those items function as some sort of key?" Suzu considered all possibilities

Tai ceased his thoughts of shortcuts "Which means tampering with it is a no-go. And since following another team won't help much, it's best we find a squad with the appropriate piece as soon as possible, before rushing towards the goal"

"Agreed. The longer we're out, the worse our chances. We should also decide who is to hold the items" Rei wanted this done quickly and quietly

As various teams mumbled to themselves, Kitsuchi's colleagues waltzed through the gates and individually stationed themselves at different locations along the long wooden barricade

The head proctor continued briefing the Genin crowd

"As for survival, water and food, everything you need is in this canyon. Be advised, besides enemy teams, anything and everything will try to kill you. If your stomach starts to hurt, remember this simple truth, eat or be eaten!"


Some of the shinobi voiced their grievances, complaining about this absurd and unfair trial that awaited them

Kitsuchi ignored their protests, presenting his counterargument for them to quit if they believed it was too dangerous, as there was no turning back once they proceeded past the open gate behind him

Stepping through was no different than signing a death waver. By doing so, one acknowledges the danger and consequences. He waited for a few minutes, giving those uncertain time to opt out, though not many did

"This place is old, cruel, and pure... it reveals truth. Iwagakure once held aspirations of economic growth, we created several industrial facilities varying from mining, to farming, excavating minerals, and forging factories. All were fruitless endeavors, as true to its nature, the Canyon swallowed everything. Resources, facilities, people...and dreams" Kitsuchi turned melancholy, as if he recalled something sorrowful 

Some grew somewhat anxious at Kitsuchi's cryptic warnings, others dismissed... and Rei outright ridiculed them

{I'd chalk that up to bad choices by your dumb government, rather than supernatural superstition, but what the hell do I know? This stupid-ass world has an annoying habit of proving me wrong...} 

"With the explanation out of the way, let's begin!"

Kitsuchi had the crowd line up in single file. As each squad walked through, they were given a paper with a number, indicating which door was theirs, along the stretched out wooden barricade. Either left or right, the length of the line shortened rather quickly

Eventually, Team Tango received a paper slip directing them to go down the left side, stopping at gate number 32. An Iwa shinobi awaited them with a sealed package that contained either a compass, or a needle. Once they received it, the sub-proctor explained the door in front of them would automatically unlock once the exam begins, before making his departure

Now alone to themselves, the team said no more, instead speaking with their eyes. Though none were nearby, they decided not to open the package in order to preserve the anonymity of the "piece" they were given

Rei kept all of his senses sharp as his teammates glued their eyes to the door. About ten more minutes passed when...


A loud horn echoed in the air, and with it, the door in front of them abruptly unlocked! No longer hesitating, the team burst through, venturing into "Purgatory's Canyon"!




"Let the games begin..."


As some of you know, I'm always trying to discover the best way to make this project of mine as fun as possible. To adapt and improve, my writing style is in a constant state of change as I take in advice and/or concerns, all in order to provide you with the best experience

With recent chatter, I've learned some prefer I return to script style, with names in parentheses to identify who's talking. With this new arc, the number of characters talking and interacting with one another is going to increase exponentially, so it's a very good idea. It also makes things easier for me.

On other hand, there are those who hate script style. Some have even been very--er, "strongly vocal" about their distaste for it

So with that in mind, I'll be doing a poll for it. Emails, along with comments on this site and my Ko-fi page will also be taken under consideration for what I decide to do next

Thank you all for continuing to be the best support any growing fan-fic author could ask for. We're about to kick it to another level!!

Poll below↓

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