Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

199. Contemplation

Heya Shinobi. Sorry for the delay, I've just been dealing with a lot of stuff recently . Nothing bad, but very very VERY hefty. It's taken most of my time, forcing me away from a computer. To be honest, it's a miracle I even managed to get this chapter out today (Typed with my cell to speed things up).

Basically, the end of a month is when things typically get crazy for me. But I'm back, and I've more chapters on the way. Thank you for patience, understanding, and support. Especially those in the comment section! >; )

(If you'd like to know the status of the next chapter, check out my Ko-fi page!)

Please enjoy this chapter that I've rushed out like hell!



Soon as the oxygen tank reached critical pressure, combined with the heat from the chakra-sensitive wall, the metal cylinder exploded with tremendous force! Team Tango remained huddled together, heads down behind the near impenetrable desk, just hoping to stay alive after setting the tank off

Tai screamed, struggling to hold on as the relentless vibrations caused his body to tremble. Rei intervened in response, holding both of his teammates, ensuring they didn't sway too much






The floor beneath them began to crumble at its center, eventually breaking completely. Causing the water, rubble, and Genin to fall towards unknown depths

{So the exit really was under us...!} "Stick your landing carefully, don't fall on your heads!" Rei was the first to gather his bearings



Tai and Suzu followed his example


Despite the unorthodox, if not outright wild means, the team managed to land safely on solid ground...albeit somewhat ungracefully. Each of them taking a moment to sit down and catch their breath after the dangerous ordeal

While the boys were checking for any injuries, Suzu looked upwards, only to discover the room they blew up was one of many suspended above them. Like chandelier lamps hanging from a ceiling, moving in a "sliding puzzle" fashion

"What in the world...?!"

"If I were to guess, I'd say they're controlling each one with Doton1Earth Style. It must be how the door disappeared when this part of the test began" Suzu spelled out the sight to Tai

"So that's why we didn't run into any of the teams that went ahead of us! Talk about what do we do? The message said we'd pass after escaping right? Does this mean...we're finished?" 

Rei was the first the stand up "Probably, but the exams have already proven to be annoying enough as it is, let's not get our hopes up too-?!"


Without warning, a cloud of smoke erupted in front of the Genin, prompting the three to prepare for a fight

{Damn it, me and my stupid mouth! I don't recognize this chakra...} "Stay on your toes!"


"...Huh? Are you...?"

A single individual emerged from the smoke, dressed in Iwagakure shinobi attire, unfamiliar to all them, even Rei. An appearance putting him in his early-to-mid twenties, he had thick and burly features, dark-colored eyes, and a bald head covered by his shinobi headband worn as a bandana

"I am Chōseki, one of the many sub-proctors for this exam"



The blunt Iwa-nin known as Chōseki merely stood tall frowning with his arms folded, making the team uncomfortable with his sour look and rude demeanor. He clearly lacked any positive feelings for these ninja from a foreign country

Nevertheless, he proceeded with his duties...

"In case you're still wondering, you've successfully passed this first exam"

"Alright!" Tai jumped in exhilaration

"Just like that?" Rei was still skeptical

"Yes. The fact you escaped the room reveals you've understood what you needed to from the first half"

"Ah! The questions on...!"

{Now I get it. The written test's true purpose was providing hints on escaping, but not just that...} Rei realized

"The goal of this was to find two distinct qualities within those worthy of becoming Chunin; the first was to gauge your ability to gather information from even the faintest of clues. The written part held hints towards solving the problem you faced in the room above you"

"Okay... What about the second?"

"To test your mindset through even the most dire of circumstances. How you conduct yourself in hostile situations can determine whether or not you succeed or fail a mission. This type of split-second decision-making the three of you implemented to escape is what Chunin do on a daily basis!" Chōseki's voice abruptly went stern as he lectured the team

"While I can't deny the pressure got to me a bit...our team goes through this kind of crap regularly. There's no denying it...we've definitely been cursed by someone" Tai muttered under his breath

Rei heaved a sigh of relief "At least we passed, that's all I really care about" 

"And intact too. They certainly didn't make it easy with that strange room" Suzu began to relax

Observing their positive outlook on recent events, Chōseki's mouth went upwards, giving them a grin filled with nothing but foul intent

"I'll tell you something else. The truth is, the material of the room only works against chakra adhesion. Ninjutsu could've gotten you outta there easy"


"Wha--but the warning clearly told us we weren't allowed to use Ninjutsu!" Tai protested with this treatment

"Wrong. I believe the message said using it was, ill-advisedChōseki continued smiling at them in a mocking fashion

Upon learning this, Tai ranted in hi s thoughts {You mean to tell me we could've blasted through at any time?! These twisted jerks are so irritating!} 

Rei and Suzu were seemingly no better, annoyed with this revelation, and Chōseki's pompous attitude didn't make it better. They had just risked their lives to get out no more than a few minutes ago

And now this Iwa-nin was blatantly smiling in front of them, clearly satisfied with the looks of fatigue on their faces

"Had you not let fear, or uncertainty of the unknown slow you down, you could've easily blasted through the floor. Others already realized this, and broke out, though not many"

{I really want to punch this guy...} Rei seriously considered doing it




Another room had burst, and with it, a Genin squad. Understanding he wasted too much time making fun of them, Chōseki delivered his final words before departing to address the next team

"Take what you've experienced today and learn from it. Or don't, whether you little Kumo shits live or die, I could honestly care less. The exit is that way, your teacher should be waiting, now get out!" 




The genin remained where they were, as the frowned at the sub proctor leaving to address other squad

"You call that a lesson? What a shitty one"

"Let's hope we never see that bastard agai--hey! Suzu!" 

"This is the type of behavior you should expect when coming to a foreign nation during these times. Just ignore it and focus on the task at hand" Not wanting to stay any longer, Suzu went on ahead to exit

Tai and Rei quickly followed behind, entering a hallway of stairs that lead upwards. Only now did they realize the reason for the building's initial miniscule look, for the crucial facilities were placed underground

After a few minutes of walking, the group arrived at another door. Going through, they found themselves inside another waiting room. Several teams who completed the exam before them were conversing with their respective Jonin captains

"Do you see Tango-sensei? Cause I don't"

"I can sense his chakra, he's right outside the building. Come on, lets get out of here" 


Rei was more the eager to leave, but after exiting the room, they waltzed down the hallway only to meet some familiar faces...

"Uh?! This chakra is-?!"

"Rei? What's wrong?"

"It can't be...!"

...unpleasant faces

"LOOK WHO IT IS! Long time no see, ya f*ckin' brats!" an abrasive voice addressed them from the left

"No are you guys here?!"

To their dismay, it was none other than the infamous criminals, the "Konjiki Twins" who met their eyes! Including Rei, the trio were at a loss for words, flabbergasted at the sudden surprise. Tai even wondered if he was hallucinating

But the twins weren't alone, accompanied by their leader Kajūra. The group which caused them so much trouble in the past, the "Ishi Terrorists", had reunited once again

Staying true to his talkative reputation, Etoro Konjiki was the only one who spoke to them as he brashly caught Team Tango off guard

"What the hell are you criminals doing here?!" Tai yelled

"Whoa whoa, do you see any criminals here? Cause I don't. What about you Metoro, Kajūra, do you see any criminals here?" Etoro couldn't stop from giggling

"Whatever. I'm going on ahead, don't waste too much time with these brats" uninterested with Etoro's performance, Kajūra left the area first

Tai was about to unsheathe the Wakizashi2Side Sword blade on his hip when Suzu grabbed his shoulder, shaking her head in effort to dissuade him from acting hastily. The girl knew Etoro was clearly provoking them

For she, like Rei, was far more curious than battle-hungry

"Again, I don't know what you mean. But if you're talking about hypotheticals, I could go on about a certain prison break, which erased all evidence of a certain group's wrong-doings"


"Now I get it. Since you were already processed, your files were scrubbed"

When shinobi criminals are processed into the Hōzuki-jō3Demon Lantern Castle and their bounties handed out, along with a set period of time in incarceration, their file is eventually removed from the Bingo Book when deemed a non-threat. Although it depends on the degree of the criminal act, as some never have their names removed

The Ishi Terrorists were just hitting their stride when they were defeated on "Summoning Island" by Kumo forces including the late Toroi. Kids, only a few years older than Team Tango themselves. Most hadn't heard of them, and their bounty wasn't even large

The only known records of their criminal activity, besides the ones in Kumogakure, dwelled within the Blood Prison. Records that were destroyed during the "Company's" break out in preparation for the "Siege"

Tai cared little for this truth "So what! I send one message back to my village, and you bastards go straight back to-!"

"I wouldn't recommend that, poison mist brat"

"What do you say to me?!" Tai's irritation only grew

"Sorry, wrong words. Lemme try again, shitty-ass swordsman from a shitty-ass clan, does that work better?" Etoro couldn't be more condescending if he tried

"I gonna hack that cocky grin off your face, you son of a bit-!"

Rei whispered in Tai's ear in order to calm him down "Tai, Summoning Island is a secret, one Kumogakure would prefer to keep, hence it can't make a public accusation without revealing it's existence. And since they attacked us there, an island that we officially don't own instead of our village, it could all just be bottled down as simply...a minor skirmish between ninja on the northern outskirts of the continent

Etoro smirked after seeing Tai's surprised face at Rei's explanation. For all intents and purposes, these terrorists who caused them and the village no small amount of grief, they managed to get away clean


"Even more so, take a look at this" Etoro took out an item from his pocket

"That's...a headband?!"

"Ishigakure4Hidden Rock Villageis now an official shinobi village welcomed by the Five Great Shinobi Nations, and since we've rejoined ours, we're legally allowed to participate in the exams" Metoro spoke for the first time


"N-No way...!"

Etoro and Metoro shoved their way past the team, exiting the building first. But not before the former issued some last words for the trio

"We'll be seeing each other a lot in the coming days. And after the treatment you've given us..." Etoro smiled like a Cheshire cat

{Damn it...just when things couldn't be more complicated for me!}




"We fully intend on making your lives a living hell"


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