I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 188


Ignoring Cain’s blow to the heart, John’s sword is waved down on Cain.

There is a smile on John’s face convinced of victory.

“Aha! I win!

Cain looked with cold eyes at John’s smile like that and said.

“Don’t be silly.”


My vision looses a lot.

Cain’s right foot was paying for John’s left foot, which he tried to step in at some point.

He is paid a weight foot, John’s body is out of balance, and the blow of his sword hits him from.

Usually I can take the mount from here, mow my neck and let it die in an instant.

But Cain saw how it was once.

Instead, he sifted a silver knife and slashed the enemy’s arm.


John tries to fight back as he is, but Cain kicks his opponent relentlessly and forces him to open his distance. Kicked out of balance, John rolled all over the ground before getting up.

Cain tramples mercilessly on the arms left on this side.

Then I observed them calmly.

(My arm is already starting to regenerate… Are you sure you’re immortal…?

Even if he destroyed his chopped arm, John’s arm was about to go back to its original, and would it be his original hand in 30 seconds?

There is no doubt that it has the ability to regenerate to the point of abnormality.

John holds the sword with his left hand and jumps again.

(What’s troublesome is the move not to think about defense…)

Cain cuts off his opponent’s face with a silver knife to the right. The left half of the face, including the eyeballs, peels.

But John doesn’t stop moving.

I try to stick my sword straight into Cain’s heart.

(But to the extent that the motion is stronger than the line, physical surgery is fine if you distance yourself at the moment of attack)

Cain strikes the enemy, knives in a flowing motion, takes John’s arm and folds it on his knees.

The cockroach sounds dull.


Then he threw his opponent far away.

(The question after that is how to defeat…)

John gets up again.

Just don’t jump again. You must have realized it was useless to barge in recklessly.

“Ha, as rumors have it, it’s very strong.”

John shrugs with a grin on his face.

It was about Fee that came to Cain’s mind. If this man takes time, he won’t be able to help her.

But as an opponent, I’m not a negligible being. Instead, if we let it go wild, we can even think that the Fees would be even more dangerous.

Don’t be in a hurry… yes I ordered my mind, but I couldn’t contain my impatience.

(Drop neck. That should stop the movement for at least a while)

To be honest, I couldn’t believe the existence of immortality or anything.

I think there’s either some species, or weaknesses exist. And the neck is the biggest steeple for humans.

Cain unleashes a silver knife and now launches an attack on the opponent from himself.

At more than John’s speed, Cain’s body approaches the target.

But a shadow appeared to interrupt there.

For a moment, Cain wondered if he was an enemy, surprised to see the person.


Naina, who was supposed to be on another assignment, was there.

Dark, long hair is soaked up in the woods, which is getting darker.

Naina looked at Cain and said.

“I’ll help, Cain.”

“Why are you here!?

As for Cain, I can only be surprised that Naina is here.

Naina answers briefly.

“Your Majesty’s orders.”

Nena takes a long needle out of the place and tells Cain.

“Let’s take down that assassin for two more than that.”

A situation that went two to one.

Even in such a situation, John groans with a grin that doesn’t seem to be in crisis.

“Is it just the two of us? That’s just how troubled I am.”

The Fees were holding their breath in the woods.

Deciding he would be caught up, he cut his gaze deep in the woods.

But I mean, I’m surrounded.

“That’s not good. We have enemies.”

Heiral informed him that there were enemies in the direction where he was still travelling while hiding the signs.

Since just now, I have been repeating this exchange about 4 or 5 degrees.

(Could be pretty besieged already…)

For now, he’s hiding himself, buying time, exploring his escape route.

If it gets dark, multiply it through the siege and increase your chances of escape.

But would it really work that well?

I guess it’s to keep the Fees away. The siege has been twitching and distancing, but it’s probably more likely that we’ll lose our escape before dark.

“Do you know how many enemies there are?

The best part of this is Hylal too.

“A little closer, we can see it from a distance.”

Everyone nods and moves once.

I approached as close as I could not find it, and Heiral told me…

“Five. There’s about five more around here.”

Apparently, the enemy is searching in equal numbers with themselves.

If you look at each one, it looks like a fighting force. But considering your opponent’s gear, you’d better assume that one head of battle is inferior. It’s hard to break through fighting that if it takes longer, there will be reinforcements.

Fee thinks a little.

And I said.

“Let’s go back over there”

Ahead of what Phee pointed out was a place in the woods where we had so far fled. That is, where the enemy’s main unit is.

“Heath, are you serious!?

“That’s where the enemy is coming after us!?

Naturally, the boys are confused.

Fee talks about his predictions.

“The enemy is separating their troops and sieging us. Running in any direction hit the enemy.

The Fies moved so far in so many directions that they grabbed the escape route, but wherever they went, they went and hit the enemy just like they did earlier.

“Sure, there are more people over there than we are. But that’s just how many people struggle to besiege us in these woods. So divided into a minimal number of people, we are stretching the siege net to the limit. I mean, we’re stretching our personnel thinly to the limit right now.”

“Oh, that means…!

I understand what Raimier is saying about Phee, and I raise my voice softly.

Plus Fee snorted.

“The number of enemy units is also kept to a minimum. The total number of opponents was 50, but I can defeat some with a horse down. Then we can barely afford the numbers anymore, as we split the troops by five. Probably only about the same number in the main unit.”

“So, but that doesn’t mean that one part of the squad is thinner than the others, does it? Isn’t it impossible to escape?

That was a good story.

“Yeah, I think every place is the same if you run away. But… if you’re going to attack, it’s your best chance.”


The boys are surprised by the words.

The boys were just thinking about how to escape this siege net.

“Attacking is just that, isn’t it impotent!? Fighting those guys just gets reinforcements right away…… If that happens, be surrounded…”

Slad is right, in an overwhelmingly inferior situation, attacking from here will only disadvantage you.

Because it’s the same number, even if the first enemy you hit can be defeated, other enemies will put on you in the meantime. As we fight it, we have more enemies, and this is utter waste.

I also understood that Phee.

“Yeah, it’s totally pointless to attack where Slad’s right there’s nothing. Just being surrounded by opponents has no advantage over here. But not the main unit. There’s the enemy commander.”

That was the point of Phee’s operation.

“The behavior of the other person I saw in the village. Troops that were highly organized, but only one of them was acting intentionally. Only that one man was lightly dressed. According to that man’s will, those guys are moving. So if we take him down, the troops will be greatly disrupted. The ability to track us falls extraordinarily. On the contrary, it may give up tracking, without the control of the will. So if you hide yourself again, I think the chances of escape will increase dramatically.”

After explaining that, Fee looks a little bitter.

I think it works as a means.

Crushing commanders even in ordinary units is an effective hand, but it’s just separated from deputizing for deputy commanders and emergencies, and it’s very indestructible with the power of the Fies.

But that unit I saw in the village, it was more of an extreme relationship. Kings and working ants.

Even if there are people who can take command instead, about a deputy commander. To the extent that it can also lead the movement, only that dubious man is moving predominantly at his own will.

If we take him down…

Think so, but at the same time it is a risky operation.

You’re in a situation where you’re running away from your opponent’s supplement, but you can cross swords with your enemies from here on out.

I can’t help it if I disagree.

In that case, Fee was going to choose an operation from the other side of the unit that would force him to escape through the siege.

“Okay, okay. Let’s do it!

“I’m still poor. Not bad.”

“Yeah, I owe it to Heath to get away with this. I’m sure this operation isn’t wrong.”

“I will fight as hard as I can.”

Raimier told me it was because of Fee, but I think Fee was because everyone believed me and followed him.

You’d be scared if it was true, but you still joined me in the stoop for my people and followed me this far.


I can’t thank you enough for that now.

That’s why I think I squeeze my sword.

This operation must be absolutely successful.

For everyone.

To survive for all.

The Fies return to the woods hiding themselves.

I mean, I didn’t hit the soldier. Perhaps they’re enclosing the position where they think the Fees are and packing the distance from behind.

And after a while, I heard him talking.

“Uh, I’m too bored. They’re not gonna catch those kids yet.”

“Shh, excuse me…”

I was complaining about the men in armor as that man I saw in the village yawned boringly.

The Fies give in in to the bushes of the overhang where they cannot be found.

The number of enemies is six, including that man. Only five armored soldiers close to imagination remained in the main unit.

The apprentice knight boys turn their gaze to check with Fee.

Fee thought.

(This number of people can go!

Fee signals the start of the operation when he nods in their gaze and shows that it is decisive.

The fies pull out their swords and pop out the bushes at once.

That man, the soldier beside Gerus, gives a surprised voice.

“Been here!?

The men thought Phee was going to escape through the woods.

I’m surprised.

But the soldiers around them quickly recovered and pulled out their swords.

The swords of the Fies and the swords of the soldiers are caught.

Four of them popped up at this time: Phee, Slad, Laemier and Hyral.

It will be a four-to-four situation.

As you can imagine, that strength was higher on the opponent if it included stature and equipment. Unexpectedly, the attacks of the Fies are taken and immediately brought to an antagonistic situation.

It’s even hard to win in equal numbers.

But the Fees were learning. That even an opponent with better strength can buy time if he is thoroughly defended in the battle against the eastern quarters.

And -.

We assumed strength was five minutes at a time when we thought of the operation, but we all realized that we were more likely to be losing in overall strength given our gear, physique, and age difference.

Even in a 5-on-5 battle, it’s more difficult for the Fees to win.

But the Fies had one exception.

Only one person is sure to outnumber the other.

It’s hard to beat an opponent as a unit even in a 5-on-5 situation. But if we were to defeat one of our targets in a five-to-five situation, it would have been possible enough for the Fees.

That trust will never waver, even if the enemy has increased from one to two.

The stop to hit the targeted enemy on the boy is complete.

Four soldiers get to the Fies, and the rest are two.

“Go! Cooinu!”

At the end of the day, the cooinu pops up, passes the route that the fies have vacated, and rushes into the enemy.

As the remaining soldiers were upset, they stood in front of the cooinu.

Fee cut off the arms of an upset enemy as he moved diagonally far beyond his opponent’s imagination.


They cut off both arms that kept their caged hands off, and the soldiers screamed and nodded their swords off.


We broke through by assaulting the first gate.

Now a totally one-on-one situation.

And in front of Couinu, who keeps running, was that man, Gerhus.

Gerus accepts the sword with which he pulls out the momentum of the Couinu. From there, two or three degrees, exchange swords.

Fee took a breath once he flew back and distance himself.

(This guy… strong…)

At least it was an unlikely strength to be just a rogue. It was firmly following Couinu’s attack. I could have been hit if I had been caught off guard.

Gerus also tells Couinu with that nasty grin.

“Hehe, you’re strong. From what I’ve seen, promising stocks compete for one or two among apprentice knights. You just called me Hope, a young man who’s stuck with the Admiral in a sword game. Nice. I’m so proud of you. I guess you’re flattered by everyone, praised, and on track when you’re strong, dude.”

Then I bruise and laugh like I look down at Couinu.

“But wow, you’re just a kid. I’ve been wandering through many times as many training grounds as you. Experience is different. I’ll teach a kid like you how to tell. Adult strength.”

Then Gerus laid up his sword and nodded his tongue with heartfelt pleasure.

Meanwhile, apprentice knights who suppress soldiers.

He had managed to defend his enemies from attack, prevent them from being hit, and keep Gerus from joining him.

An opponent who was in combination with Fee weighs in trying to squash Fee’s body in the middle of the match at last.

Naturally. Of these, Fee is the most physical and inferior. It would have felt easy to defeat.

At that moment, Fee blew the needle he had hidden in his mouth.


The needle caught the eye of the target, and from the pain the enemy took his sword away, holding his eyes steadfast.

In that gap, Fee slashed his opponent’s hand. I can’t hold my sword and take away my fighting power.

Fee quickly turned his eyes to the other enemies.

(We need to join everyone, or we need to cover the cooinu)

If that’s what you think, a soldier with his hand slashed came tackling Fee.


I avoided it, but it was dangerous.

I can’t aim the deadly part even if I’m protected by armor.

“Ya, I won’t let you…!

“Ugh, perseverance!

If you are still willing to fight your enemies, the battle will continue even if you can’t hold your sword.

Confronting Gerhus, Couinu thinks.

(Sure, this guy is strong. There shouldn’t be that much time until enemy reinforcements arrive. But here’s a chance everyone made me…… I’ll definitely knock you down!

Couinu kicked the ground with all his might.

At a much faster rate than just now, the body of the cooinu accelerates.

Gerus’ gaze, which he had spared, was completely set aside.


Couinu waves his sword with his back facing behind him at an unstoppable speed, and Gerus takes a look back.

It was too much.

Cousin attacks are defended.

But when I took it, I was upset and out of balance.

Couinu releases a series of attacks to fold there.

“Become… uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…!?

When Gerus’ situation got worse and worse, and he took his last blow, the sword finally fell out of Gerus’ hand.

The sword twirls and spins, flying across the trees.

There was a battle.

No matter how strong you are, you can’t stop the blow of a cooinu without a sword.

Even if you avoid it, the next blow will do better.

Once he exhales and inhales, Couinu sets his sword firmly in place and enters a stubborn blow.

“It’s over.”

When Couinu’s unleashed poke was protruded against Gerus, Gerus acted in a foot payment motion.


The cooinu, questionably, releases the poke at the target as it is.

Naturally. Not in time for foot payments.


It was another person who raised his voice.

The man who was getting slashed in the arm earlier.

Its face flashes and falls into the orbit of the unleashed thrust of the cousin.


Gerus grabbed the man’s helmet and turned it into a shield for Couinu’s unleashed blow.

The sword slips into the gap in his helmet, sticking it in the contents as it is, and the man dies.

“Give me a buddy…!?

Both Cooinu and the apprenticeship knights who watched him sideways shudder at his incredible behavior.

In the meantime, only Gerhus laughs.

When Couinu regained his sanity, he tried to pull his sword out of the body.

But I can’t get through the gap in my armor and catch on my body well.

“Damn, the sword……!

Couinu was in a hurry.

You can’t defeat an opponent without a sword. If we can’t defeat this guy here, enemy reinforcements will come and the plan will collapse.

That was the fatal gap exposed by the cooinu.


“Hihaha, did you see that? This is the adult experience.

Pull a spare sword from the waist of a man who was supposed to have been a carcass ally already, and look down at the cousin with cold eyes.

“Cooinu! Run!

The sword was waved down by a couinu who stuck to his sword and stopped his leg.

“Die, you fucking kid”


There was blood in the woods.

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