I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 177


It was Cognac who, after a third day of sightseeing, waited for Phee, who had returned to the fort, to block this path in the royal family.

“Female face! Fight with me and the bow!

I had already broken up with the troop leaders and soldiers, and there were only apprentice knights around me, but I get a little annoyed.


For once, I’ll ask.

“Why, you can keep pulling back!

Apparently, poker was pulling his tail last night.

Winning and losing is hard like this. Winning can make your opponent mucky.

“We’re in a bow practice field at six o’clock after this! Don’t run away!


Fee took on Cognac’s challenging letter lightly.

After Cognac left, Raimier looked surprised and asked.

“Are you sure? Heath.”

It’s unconditional for Fee to take on every dispute like this.

To tell the truth, I didn’t even want to take Fee. I basically don’t want to stand out on this expedition.

But if I didn’t take it, it would have stood out even more.

“There’s nothing wrong with losing. And if you refuse, you’ll always be challenged to battle.”


A cousin dug up stray black history snaps her face blue.


Fee rushes to follow Couinu, who apologizes after a long time.

“You don’t have to apologize for anything. It was definitely very annoying at the time, but thanks to that, I met Cousin, and now I think it’s a good idea.”

“Heath, you’re not really following me.”

Slad looks blue and penetrates.

Anyway, I had to go to a designated place more than I got the battle. Slad asked the soldier on the street and quickly found out where the practice area was.

The four of us head to the place.

The bow practice area was a building long built on the side, placed in the garden of the fort.

Only the part where the archer stands is covered in the roof, the others are blown, but the nets are stretched multiple times so that there is no danger.

Coming to the entrance, he noticed a boy of a tall apprentice knight standing.

Is it higher than Fee and as much as Raimier? I do think he was a boy called Hyral in the south quarters.

Heiral stops looking at the Fies, and he approaches us with a fast leg.

“Did you take another battle with Cognac”

The way he sighed didn’t feel like he was being directed at Fee, and that attitude didn’t seem to be on Cognac’s side.

“Well, it was going to be a hassle.”

Fee tells honesty.

Or it’s already been a pain in the ass.

Heiral arrived with one sigh and told Phee.

“Then I’ll advise you. Don’t use the bow he gives you. I had chosen a few cleverly slightly distorted bows to come first. Shoot with it and you’ll lose your aim. He’s from the same hunter’s village as me. I’m familiar with that.”

“What’s that!

“You’re cowardly!

Raimier and Slad are angry at Heiral’s brilliant cognac attempt.

I see, I’ve challenged this battle with confidence not only in poker, but also in bows. Plus, now he’s even trying to work fine to win.

As for Fee, he was rather impressed with his obsession with winning that far.

Well, but what you kindly taught me might not have meant much to Fee.

“Why did you tell me?

More interesting than that was Heiral’s behavior.

He should also be an apprentice knight in a southern quarters. There is at least no advantage to taking sides with Fee.

“There’s no big reason. It’s just that he’s sloppy, but he’s trying to beat around and distract the leader in the south quarters and all sorts of places. I just don’t like that guy doing that.”

That’s all, you’re not interested in the game, Heiral left the practice field.

The Fees go inside the practice area. The door to the warehouse where the bow seemed to be located was closed.

Laemier tells Fee.

“Shouldn’t I force you to go inside and keep one?

“Bullshit. Bullshit.”

Fee smiles to reassure Raimier.

Raimier looked anxious to see if she was really okay.

Moving into the back of the building, Cognac was waiting.

There are other boys in the south quarters and apprentice knights in other quarters. Hazel and the others looked at this one with a worried face.

“Hehe, I’m tired of waiting, little suke. You look like a woman, so I thought you ran off scared.”

Cognac, who regained an invincible laugh, said that as he watched Fee.

It was only six o’clock before the appointment, but Phee didn’t say anything just to flush out his words. I don’t want to stand out this time. It only competes silently.

You didn’t like that calm, for a moment, Cognac’s face creases.

“Well, it wasn’t until today that I was clear. The rules are simple, masculine and one-shot. It’s better to aim over there and let go of the arrows and hit the center more.”

A one-shot battle was another round of readiness.

Before I realized the bow distortion, I guess I was going to put on a battle.

“You didn’t bring the bow anyway. I got you ready. Take whatever you want.”

That said, Cognac points to a bunch of bows he made the boy next door hold.

I purposefully prepared more than one would be to give them the illusion of their own choice.

Fey sighed in her heart wondering why she wouldn’t use this mind around for something else.

“It’s okay, ’cause I’m bringing mine”

That said, Fee took the black bar-shaped thing out of her back.

When paired with the heel, it quickly becomes bow shape.

“Did you bring that?

I look familiar with that bow. Couinu looks surprised.

“Eh heh, it’s actually an improved one. I grew up to be able to fly like a normal bow.”

Fee, who is able to show off his secret weapon and is in a slight mood, explains to Couinu with his throat and face.

This is a piece of confidence I made with Mr. Garouge.

“Could it be he’s bringing other hidden weapons…?


Fee is in a good mood to get the reaction he wants from the cooinu.

Slad and Laemier were not so familiar with Phee’s concealed weapon circumstances that they were surprised to say nothing.

Until Cognac and the boys in the south quarters, who knew nothing about Fee, it suddenly solidified as it was.

Leaving those boys alone, Phee pulls a string that he could already pull in practice over and over when he stands in the shooting place.

Arrows released with a comfortable concentration pierced the one in the middle quite a bit.

“Yes, it’s Cognac’s turn.”

Fee tells Cognac that it remains solidified.

“Hih, you’re cowardly! I didn’t know you were bringing a bow like that!

“You didn’t have a rule about which bow to use. Or if I don’t use the bow you prepared, something will happen to you?


Digging the grave, Cognac shuts up.

Then hold the bow, and when you travel to the location of the shooting, whine as you tell yourself.

“Damn… you can win without that trick but with my arm…”

In fact, it can be somewhat inferred that Cognac’s bow is highly skilled.

It can be seen that the bow he holds does not belong to a mass produced product as it is in the training field, but is beautifully made, lustrous, and quite good.

And basically, the Knight apprentices fighting with swords, few of whom are bringing bows to this expedition.

That is about him and Hyral, and then Phee with a foldable bulky bow.

But no.

My spirit is upset.

That he was torn with a bow that Phee had never seen taken out, without his own measures fitting in. In response from Fee, I also guessed that the measures were already out of order.

As a result, Cognac’s mind was now shaking tremendously.

The bow mirrors the mind like a mirror.

Fee was remembering the words of Parwick who taught me the bow.

The sound of the strings ripping air rang, and the arrows released went from the center of the target to a large extent.

It was a win for Fee without even having to see it close by.


“Ma, wait!

Cognac stops Phee from walking away.


Fee’s response was cold.

I just need to use even cowardly means to be persevered so far and respond warmly.

“I can’t believe we got a fight like this! The battle of the original knight is a battle with swords and swords!

Fee replied with a sigh.

“So if you really want to be the last one,”

Normally, I’m just running away with all my might without even listening.

But he said he was on an expedition. But we have to cut the first precinct.

“Naturally! Tomorrow, me and you will have a one-on-one fight!

That’s why the battle ended on the third day.

I’ve already won two, but I won’t even say Phee because it’s confusing.

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