I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 167

171. Expedition Exercises

It stopped raining for a while.

In the sky I look up, I see a beautiful blue sky.

“Wow, it’s beautiful sunny”


Next door, Couinu looks up at the sky in the same way.

It had been raining here for a while, and Fee was immersed in the cooinu room. Because of that, other apprentice knights like Gollms, Slad, and Laemier had come to visit, and it was like a haunting place, but Cooinu seemed to enjoy it too, so well, that’s fine.

Today is before noon on holiday.

The room was just the two of us, watching the rainy sky.

Speaking of which, it’s almost an expedition.


Because I couldn’t be outside for a while, my classes and days were just flexible and indoor workouts at best.

If you realize that, it is almost the day of the expedition exercise.

The expedition exercise is one in which apprentice knights are sent to several fortifications to actually experience the work done by soldiers and knights.

The squad to be dispatched consists of about 18 apprentices from various quarters.

That, too, had already been decided.

Phee’s squad has Cooinu, Laemier and Slad.

Unfortunately, Geese, Golms is another squad.

“It’s good to be in the squad with you.”


That’s what I said. I turned my face to Couinu and smiled at Fi, and Couinu nodded, “Yeah,” too.

Fee wrote with Couinu in the squad’s hopes. Needless to say, if you’re a cousin.

In the case of Couinu, his wish seemed to come true and he was purely happy.

In Phee’s case, on the other hand, it contained a slight, or perhaps even a slight, intention that squad behavior would not be too inflexible if Couinu were present.

Expedition exercises act as a group, so I have nothing to say if anyone can keep an eye on me when I get dressed or take a bath.

Of course I can only ask Couinu. I’m going to ask Couinu. No one can rely more on it than a cooinu.

I also think Fee had a bad plan to become an apprentice knight while I was thinking about that.

But it’s alright. It’s more or less alright if there’s a cooinu.

“I have to get ready for a lot of things, and we’ll go shopping this afternoon”


First it was Phee and Couinu who decided to go shopping.

By the way, being in a squad with you is just a cousin snorting “yeah” in a good mood, but I have yet to be informed of the above request. ‘Cause I’m sure Fee thinks you’ll honestly nod “yeah”.

Going away means I have a lot to buy.

Medicines, soaps and towels to get dressed, and then to freaks. I feel kind of like a hike, but I haven’t forgotten to take care of my sword either.

I have to take care of my knightly sword first.

It’s been a long time since I’ve worn a real sword in an expedition exercise. I might get a little nervous thinking about it that way.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Garouge”

So Phee gave Garuge the sword he got when he enlisted.

Garuge stroked his beard and laughed.

“Oh, leave it to me.”

and undertook. Then.

“Was it a cousin? I’ll take a look at yours.”

“What, okay?

Couinu, who was following me, looked surprised when he was called out. I didn’t think Couinu would keep the sword, either, but he was going to do it himself or ask the city blacksmith.

“Whoa, because Heath’s always taking care of you.”

“Well, please…”

The fact that he can get an admirer of the 18th Knights to see his sword makes Cooinu look red and happy on his cheeks. From the fie watching behind me, I could see him tapping the tail of his heart.

“Good for you, Couinu”


“For now, I’ll re-sharpen the blade and fix the patterned part, so come get it the day after tomorrow or so”



Fee is well, and Couinu replies firmly.

“Well, we’re going shopping now.”

“Oh, be careful.”

Fee waves loudly and says one end goodbye to the garuge.

Then he rolled out to the city with the cooinu.

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