I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 153


To the girls who stood still, Phee snapped her neck.

I feel tremendously hostile from their expression. I don’t think you’ve done anything special to get resented.

I wondered if the stranger was a wary land pattern.

“Oh, no, you have a beautiful girl you’re unfamiliar with. Being with Hera and the others means you’re new friends?

At this moment, an old woman walked down the road, and Nico hung up on her, so she didn’t seem to.

When the girls look at each other in a hurry, they dampen the upset and reply to the old woman.

“Oh, yeah. I’m showing you around town…”

“You’re a familiar kid. Leave this here to us!

“Ugh, we’re close and I’m flattered. Wow. Not even when I was younger.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m almost gonna hear that story again, so now, hey! Hey!”

“Yeah, well, you’re going to see the doctor at the waist. I’ll be waiting for you.”

The girls managed to send the old woman out to the doctor in a hurry and misled the scene.

Fee looks relaxed at the sight.

“Hey, what are you looking at!

Then he was stared back at by a strong looking child. Probably a girl named Hera.

I pull such a hella’s sleeve a little bit, and a slightly weak girl hits me in the ear.

“Hey, hella”

“What is it, Epica?”

Apparently the name is Epica.

“Look, confirm! Confirm!”

When Epica said so, Hera looked “Ah”.

And even as I stare at this one, I ask questions in a slightly freaked out way.

“You, Ki… aristocrat…? Or…?

“No, but”

Yeah, and Phee necks.

Besides, the girls gave a relieved look.

“I knew you’d be fine!

“Hela said to see if it was noble first, right?

“Deborah was the one who said things that fuelled anxiety!

“Yes! But you were all for it!

Well, my original identity is a little different from that of a nobleman, and now I’m supposed to be a child of illegal immigrants rather than civilians, and I’m not lying.

Girls who even forget to stop Phee from legging and talk cute.

A leader-like kid named Hera said, “Well, fine! If you’re not noble, nothing’s wrong with you! I said,” I cut the conversation and stared at this one again.

As for Fee, I don’t know what’s going on, so I just have to open my eyes and shake my neck.

“What the hell are you, a cooinu!

That’s what they said. Fee finally got to the point. I’m also convinced why you’re being hostile.

Perhaps the girls are fans of Cousins. It could have been an easy story to think about.

(Yeah, yeah, Cooinu has a cool face, good personality, and you’re a fan of that, aren’t you?)

Even people like Fee would be worried if a woman suddenly showed up beside them.

I nodded in my heart, trying to reassure them, and then lowered my head with my hands and greeted them in an attempt to give them a little bit of the reputation of the Couinne house.

“I’m Heath, a samurai who works at your house, Couinu. You’re from Pomera town, aren’t you? Best regards,”

“Ji, maid!?

“At your house, Cooinu!?

“That means living together!?

The girls are upset. The reaction is not very fragrant.

(Um, I just taught you that I’m a samurai, I don’t know if you can be relieved)

Fee, who had nothing special to do with Couinu and thought he would be relieved if he told her she was just a samurai, pondered over the girls’ reaction. Apparently, having a samurai near the cooinu is also a concern for them.

So to reassure them, I decided to disclose another piece of information

“Well, now is the only time I’m gonna play the Cousin Samurai.”

(I’ll stop after the holidays. You can rest assured of this)

The moment I told him so, the air solidified viscidly.

“Now… just…?

“Yes, it is.”

To reassure the Cooinnu fan girls, Fee smiles and nods.

“So this is a declaration of war…”

“What a woman… You look terribly cute…”

“Kuh, I’m in good shape because I’m a little pretty…! This is why urban women are scared!

“If you’re going out with Kuinu, we’re going to be longer! Don’t be silly because it’s a country thing!

“Yes, because I’ve seen you since you were such a little kid!

Five girls are now turning a blind eye to hostility. The clear-eyed child crouches down and shows the low sky by hand, while claiming the size where he knows the cooinu.

Apparently, the negotiations have completely failed.

(Hmmm, I don’t really have much experience talking to girls, so I don’t know if they’re exchanging stories well…)

Fee self-analyzes with a little reflection.

In fact, in the conversational context of the girls, it was Phee, who had completely unleashed a declaration of hostility.

Anyway, that was Phee I wanted to take a look at the “so little place” couinu. Probably cute, I think.

It was Phee, who had become totally hostile to the girl in town, but after this, I wonder what to do.

If you’re dealing with a man, ignore him, but you’re going where you want to be.

(Girls tell me to be nice…)

I followed Crowe’s teachings even after the gender split. It was Phee.

“You, come with me for a second.”

That’s what a girl named Hera, a leader, said.

Fee decided to keep up with it honestly. In the meantime, things better not get rough. If we talk, we might be able to solve the misunderstanding.

Fee arrives at the girls in adultery, but whispers to Hera as a girl named Epica bewildered.

“Hey, Hera. This one’s in the woods… Didn’t they tell you you shouldn’t go in now…”

“I just had a boar this time anyway! The grownups are always cheap! I’m coming! We have eyes around here, and we can barely talk! We’re gonna remind this incredible urban woman! Tell me which one is right for you, Cousin!

“Ugh, yeah……”

The fact that adults were laying low on information became a vendetta because it did not scare the girls.

I don’t know about that. Phee and the five town daughters went into the woods as they went down a path without the adults’ eyes. In order to settle the battle for a completely misunderstood cousin……

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