I'll know if this elf is good or not just by touching it

Chapter 25

The fairy eggs in this mall range from F-level to D-grade.

However, there are very few D grades, and Su Bai currently sees one in this area, which is an egg of an arrogant swallow.

The price given by the mall is 1.6 million, although it is a little expensive, but the D-level qualification is barely enough for this price.

But the next egg is a little outrageous, it is a fairy egg with a wrong judgment of the attributes of the mall, an E+ grade qualification pearl oyster, with a price tag of 8.8 million!

Seeing this, Su Bai probably understood that this price was basically indiscriminate in the mall, or it was a big deal.

In the future, even if the buyer hatches, the elf attribute is not right, find the mall to review, the mall will only shirk for various reasons, or compensate for a fairy egg of the same price as a perfunctory ...

After all, there is really no institution on the market that says that it can guarantee 100% what elves will hatch in the elf egg.

Consumers buying eggs here belong to the situation where Zhou Yu beats the yellow cover and is willing to beat a wish.

Perhaps there are those people in the world with extremely high vision, who can not only distinguish elf attributes, but even identify elf qualifications, but at least it cannot exist in a small place like Jiangxi City.

So in theory, no matter which area of this mall's fairy eggs, they are gambling eggs, and there is not much difference.

In contrast, those event promotion elf eggs are still a little more economical in Su Bai's eyes.

Seeing through this, Su Bai did not waste any more time, and walked straight towards the elf egg area engaged in activities.

"Our elf eggs are rigorously screened to make sure that each elf egg is healthy... Hey, handsome, what about people??? The

salesman who was still talking in front of him, turned his head, and found that the person behind him was gone, and then he saw that Su Bai had returned to the promotion area just now.

The shopping guide did not die, and continued to run over to talk: "Handsome guy, if you are not satisfied with our elf egg area, you can also choose to go to the second-generation elf area raised in this mall, we recently happened to have a batch of freshly hatched little Yorks, as well as coyote dogs, these canine elves are very docile, after you buy and accept, I believe that you will soon be able to get along with you." "

The second-generation elves raised and sold by humans also need to be selected, and not all elves can be fed by the second-generation supply.

In addition to looking at the character of this type of elf, it also depends on the level of the breeder.

Most breeders choose dogs, cats, or elves suitable for urban survival.

Because this kind of elf instinct will be closer to people, the cost of cultivation is also small.

But Su Bai was obviously not interested in this type of elf.

This time, he did not waste time with the shopping guide, but smiled politely and embarrassedly, and then continued to select elf eggs in the special price area.

Seeing that the guide was fruitless, the shopping guide could only sigh and leave silently.

Su Bai roughly checked it with his golden finger.

To say that the biggest difference between event promotional eggs and ordinary eggs is the quality of the eggs themselves.

Although the ordinary eggs in the mall are vaguely distinguished by qualifications and attributes, they can at least hatch normally.

And the event promotion egg here, there are more problems.

These eggs are problematic on the surface, they are far from ordinary elf eggs, and some look like crooked dates, full of potholes and flat.

These elf eggs you say can't hatch, not necessarily, but born out, it is estimated that they are weak and sick, or even disabled for life, if they are put in the wild, they are the ones who are eliminated by the fittest.

For true trainers, these elves are of absolutely no use whatsoever.

But it can't stand the price.

Many people will have a fluke mentality and feel that they are the child of destiny.

Ten thousand dollars an egg, what if a good elf hatches? Isn't this just making numbness?

But what about the actual situation?

[Elf egg: Little fire horse

qualification: F+

state: dead egg soaked in water, no possibility of hatching success

] [elf egg: lobster minions

qualification: F state: deformed egg, hatched lifelong unable to molt, live less than a year

] [elf egg: Libra

qualification: E-state

: core damage, no ability to think]


The vast majority of the scene are this type of elf egg.

Buying these eggs, nine out of ten people lose money.

Of course, not completely devoid of intact elf eggs.

Just like the elf egg in front of Su Bai, green and oily, the surface of the eggshell is sunken.

[Elf egg: Mushroom

Qualification: E-state:

The outer egg is deformed, but it does not affect the inner elf, and can hatch normally. This

kind of elf egg is considered to be earned if it is bought for 10,000 yuan.

But obviously Su Bai can't look at it now.

Silently looked around again and found that most of them were dead eggs, bad guys.

Only a very few can be incubated normally, but the qualifications are not high, either F grade or E grade, this kind of leakage is not picked up.

Su Bai touched more of these elf eggs and found that they were all inferior goods, and his heart was a lot cold, but with the concept of coming and coming, he didn't make all the elves feel unsteady.

Anyway, don't want money, just touch the gold finger thing.

The last few were over, and just when Su Bai thought that this experience was to palm his palm, his fingers touched a brown-black elf egg like a coconut.

Suddenly, his breathing became rapid.

[Elf egg: sweet bamboo

qualification: A

state: the surface of the eggshell is squeezed and deformed, the internal development of the elf egg is normal, hatching is difficult, and the probability of fetal death in the egg is as high as 80%....

Attribute: Grass

Characteristics: Dull

Beginner Moves: Jump, Get Harmonious Intermediate Moves:

Photosynthesis (Heredity), Point Hole (Genetics), Grass Slide (Genes)]

My Nima Mouse!

I didn't expect to be able to encounter a qualified A-grade elf egg here!

This is equivalent to casually going to the store and buying a ten-dollar lottery ticket, and then telling you the next day that you have won a hundred million!!

A-level qualification elves!

What is this concept?

Usually, the public price of the elf alliance with this qualification is hundreds of millions!

And it's still the kind of priceless.

Even those wealthy families and Heavenly King champion-level figures are extremely difficult to get this kind of elf.

But Su Bai actually met in a small place like Jiangxi City now!

The key is still eggs! It can be incubated and cultivated by anyone.

This price will increase exponentially!

The palms are shaking, the brain is shaking!

Although his heart set off terrifying waves, on the surface, Su Bai still forced himself to remain calm.

The more such a time, the more you must be calm and not give people any clues.

After all, this is 100 million yuan....

Su Bai carefully picked up the egg, then put the meow back on his shoulder, and walked towards the cash register counter seemingly leisurely.

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