If I ask you to film a drama: You just want to film Collapse of the Star Railway?

Chapter 63

The logo has not appeared yet.

The audience’s comments have already filled the entire screen.

: The day after Belloberg! Start!

: Oh, why is it only 50 minutes? You little dog, can you come a little more? You look down on me. : I haven’t recovered from yesterday’s history of the immortal boat, so

I’ll watch Belloberg to calm my nerves. : When I think that Belloberg has escaped the disaster, I feel much calmer. I hope to see the story of reconstruction!

As the comments slide by.

Belloberg appears again.

However, the snow and wind that wrapped it have dissipated~.

Although the nearby mountains are still covered with ice and snow.

But at least, the blue sky can be seen.

As the train group returns to the lower level, it brings the truth to the people in the lower area.

At the same time, the news of the lifting of the blockade spreads rapidly throughout the streets and alleys.

The lower people cheered and encouraged.

That is the cry of hope.

From the perspective of the train group.

The audience saw the changes in the people in the lower area after hearing the news.

The former cable car driver is looking forward to returning to work.

And those who have stayed underground for a long time also want to return to the upper level to meet their families who have been separated for many years.

As for the children, what they most want is to see the blue sky again.

And the upper level also embraces the residents of the lower area with great kindness and effort.

The meaning of the word unity returns to Beloberg.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

Here, the consultant specially made a few frames.

It is the reunion of the people of Beloberg, a thriving scene.

The warm picture makes the audience more stable.

And then.

A few days later, Bronya gave an inaugural speech in front of all the people of Beloberg.

Became the 19th Great Guardian of Beloberg.

And here, thank the train crew for their efforts.

And the tens of thousands of people who have already gathered under the podium. Some of them are from the upper class, well-dressed.

Some of the lower class, wearing miners’ clothes, dirty.

But no matter who they are, they are all below at this moment, hooking each other’s arms, forming a dense sea of people.

A warm cheer broke out.


“Great Guardian!”

“Dan Heng!”

“March 7th!”


They shouted the names of the heroes, their eyes full of hope.


: Great! Beloberg finally sees hope.

: Haha, I guessed it a long time ago. These fifty minutes are probably all heartwarming stories, which are most suitable for people like me who like sweet things.

: I really like the scene where everyone hugs and cheers together!

: Destruction is the beginning of construction! Although the Cocolia people are a bit rotten, what they said is still pertinent. It’s just that this time the choice should be given to the people! The barrage of comments came one after another.

I feel extremely satisfied with the current situation of Beloberg.

A warm and hopeful epilogue.

It makes the audience feel as if these fifty minutes will pass by like this.

The picture starts to move up from Beloberg, revealing the full picture of Beloberg, and then continues to move up.

The outline of the planet also gradually emerges.

It seems that the camera is about to take everyone back to the train.


The screen went black.

The harsh electromagnetic sound, accompanied by the flickering picture back and forth.

All of a sudden, the audience who were originally calm were startled.

The picture of Cocolia turning into the mother of delusion.

The picture of Xing pulling out the flame gun.

The scene of Bronya covering for Xing.

The upper layer… the lower layer… all the stories that happened before, flashed in fragments.

Just as it was getting more and more intense.

The electromagnetic sound in the background suddenly quieted down.

The picture was frozen in a place full of parts and tools.

The familiar red coat and the unruly blue-purple hair.

Sambokoski was talking to the blurry TV screen in front of him.

“At that time, it was a critical moment!”

“Fortunately, I, Sambo, had an idea: I don’t need to be the protagonist, right? Let’s just be the clown with the mask!”

“It turns out that the guys at Star Express are pretty funny! You like it? Seriously? Hahaha, it’s a masterpiece!”

“Leave, no, what fun can be found in a place like Epseron where there is so much decadence and extravagance”

“The more happiness reflects human dignity, the higher the happiness”

“This is interesting.”

The camera came to Sambo.

Sambo looked like he was talking to the TV.

“Okay, say hello to my brothers and sisters in the tavern for me, and don’t forget to tell them”

“Just tell them to look forward to my next performance. I am going to bow now!”

Sambo said as he left the place with a smile.

But just as he finished speaking, he looked at the screen.

No, not the screen.

It was the audience on the other side of the screen.

“This story is dedicated to you, dear readers.”

“I wonder if you got a little joy from it?”

At this point, Sambo laughed happily, his eyes narrowed into slits.

Then, he restrained his smile and said,”If not, ah, then old Sambo will be very sad”


After the words fell, the comments were all paused for two seconds.

Then, it exploded like a tidal wave.

: Mihoyo, I advise you to be kind! You feel so scared now!

: He is talking to us, right? He is talking to us, right?

: MD! There is a traitor! Terminate the deal!

: Oh my god, you kid!

: He knows us! ? (To read the most exciting novels, go to Fly Novel Network!)

: It’s so scary, family members, why did you suddenly do this to us!

: It’s a pity that Sambo was ranked first in the last issue of the peace of mind ranking! It turns out that you are the one who hides the deepest!

: MD, how did the director come up with such a trick!

: He broke the fourth wall directly, oh my god, this is too scary.

: He popped up like a ghost, I was originally quite emotionally stable, it’s all your fault! []

Sambo broke the fourth wall.

It brought the audience an unprecedented feeling.

They never imagined that in this kind of afterword, Bengtie would hide such a deep hidden plot!

“Wow! When I was filming, I didn’t even think that I was saying this to the audience!”

“Boss, how did you come up with this idea?”

Fu Nina stared, excited about this design. At the same time, she was quite distressed.

After all, she was the assistant director of this segment.

Fu Fu, who only had the storyboard, thought that this segment was said by Sambo to someone else.

With her experience in filming, she naturally thought that this segment would be cut together with the other characters’ segments just like normal filming.

“This is the boss’s strength.……”

Linghua also said admiringly:”The script and shots given to us are not redundant at all.”

“As a result, sometimes, even if we have read the script and storyboards, it is difficult for us to guess the real scene.”

In the script, there are only the main lines and scenes. For Sambo, there are only storyboards.

They can’t guess what the consultant is thinking.


At this moment, as Sambo finished speaking, the train crew, with Bronya and others bidding farewell to Beloberg.

Just when the audience thought that the show was about to end , the screen went black again.

A voice that was obviously different from the local Beloberg voice sounded,

“Alas, I thought my life would end on this broken planet.”

“Unexpectedly, Yalilo will have the day to rebuild, and the signal is connected!”

“Haha, report to the company immediately and ask some big guys to come and liquidate this bad asset as soon as possible.”

“I want to get out of the sea of suffering soon.”

In the picture, in a space station somewhere, a man wearing a uniform with the IPC logo is looking at Yalilo outside.

He is happy.

Then he dials a special line. The name on it is: Topa.

So far.

The Beloberg chapter, the day after tomorrow: Time waits for no one, my friend.

Officially ended!

: Huh?

: There are still masters!?

: No, brother, you have finished the whole chapter! Why do you still leave so many suspense! It makes me anxious!

: That’s right, the Immortal Boat is coming soon, I am also looking forward to it, and you suddenly increase the strength of Beloberg, what should I do.

: I want to see the Immortal Boat too, what is the origin of Sambo and this space station! Mihuyou, you have to tell me! Otherwise you are a scumbag!

:I can’t sleep tonight.

The audience can’t hold it anymore.

I thought today’s episode might be the most emotionally stable episode of the entire Bengtie so far.

Unexpectedly, the surprises one after another completely aroused their expectations!

After the fairy boat, now there are these two hidden lines.

The audience can’t make a decision at all! They can only denounce Mi Huyou.


The consultant’s surprises are far more than that.

With the end of the performance list.

Supplementary materials appear.

A large number of masks suddenly tore through the cast list and occupied the entire screen.

At the same time, there was a strange and joyful laugh.



Four big words appeared.

Although it appeared in the Star God PV, it didn’t get much space, only a few seconds of screen.

But this time, the consultant gave Ahaha enough face.

“Wisdom is a piece of scrap metal, and preservation is a fool; hunting has no sense of humor, and destruction is like a madman. The star gods are all stubborn, ahaha, so embarrassing!”

Under this line of text, there is a line of ode-like text, as well as the names of the forces to which the Masked Fool and the Mourning Actor belong.

They only appeared for a few seconds.

After ensuring that the audience could scan some key information,

Ahaha disappeared with another burst of laughter.

It seemed as if it was deliberately teasing the audience.

: Damn! Wait, I haven’t taken a screenshot yet!

: Too fast! Let me watch it again!

: Joy, Ahaha, MD Sambokoski, this guy must believe in joy!

: Didn’t it stay for ten seconds before, why did it only take a blink of an eye to joy!?

The wonderful design made Sambo and joy leave a deep impression in the minds of the audience with this epilogue. Or rather, a very bad impression. The consultant also laughed very happily. Because he had planted another one in the epilogue! It was the preview pv and of version 1.1 in the original game!

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