Chapter 3: A START to the basics pt 2

Walking in this body is hard, but thanks to this struggle I've gotten better control over this so call energy, I still can't do a komehomeha though


This energy seems to be like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it becomes

U spend most of my days watching my father swordsmanship

Often times hell give me a wooden sword, teaching me the basics, but I don't really think the sword will suit me

I'm kinda good at it though but I haven't seen either of my parents do any type of magic other than father putting his energy into the sword

I used my eyes to track the movement of his energy and tried to copy it but, I was knocked out as soon as I tried it

I've been practicing my ice magic, I don't really seem to get cold and I can freeze just a tiny portion of an area surrounding my body

"Say ahh"

This is my mom she mainly teaches me about the world, she goes on and on about her family and talks about the world on the outside

She mainly lets me select the book she wants me explain, as I can't read this language yet

This worlds is divided into five sections

First the NORTH, this section is mainly cold and is probably the highest when it comes to wealth

SECONDLY THE EAST, this is the island my parents grew up, it tends to be warm and is said to be home to MOST mystical creatures

And home to other human like creatures due to the people's friendly nature

This also means that this country is the most powerful

This all seems to come from mother's diary, so she doesn't know much about the west and the south and hopes that someday I'll fill out the diary for her

I've been practicing how to speak, it's not that difficult, but the problem arises as I don't know what age a baby's supposed to be able to speak

And suddenly knowing how to speak might not be the best move

I should try saying simple words like mama and papa to make them happy

And after that I'll ask them to teach me how to write and to teach me all about magic

"Heh heheh"

Then I'll be powerful, enough to marry an elf a vampire and a older woman

Wait wait, am I even handsome I haven't even seen myself as the only mirror here is in the bathroom and they normally brush my teeth and bathe me

However I normally use up all my energy on the sword to knock myself out as it might be embarrassing

Hmm I don't seem to have to worry as my father is handsome and my mother is beautiful

Just wait on me mirror-san I'll continue doing this until I'm tall enough

I'll save myself embarrassment and will continue growing stronger

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