Chapter 33

Chapter 33 – 033【What A Seniority】

Chapter 33 033 [Such a seniority]

Fei Yuanlu, courtesy name Xueqing, nickname Wuxue, head of Hanzhu Academy, compiler of “Fei’s Genealogy”, eldest son of famous official Fei Yaonian, nephew of Ming’s youngest number one scholar Fei Hong.

This gentleman is over 60 years old, has a reputation as a scholar, and is a supervisor of Yin Guozi. He is good at poetry and has written “Jiaxiuyuan Collection”.

The next patriarch must be Fei Yuanlu!

Fei Yuanlu was painting in the principal’s room, when suddenly the door was pushed open, and Pang Chunlai dragged Xu Ying in angrily.

Put down the paintbrush, Fei Yuanlu wiped his hands with a silk handkerchief, and asked with a smile, “What kind of wind is blowing today that blows Weiran up the mountain?”

“Demon wind!” Pang Chunlai said angrily.

Fei Yuanlu was stunned for a moment, but his smile did not change: “Let’s talk about it, who made Wei Ran so angry?”

Pang Chunlai pointed at Xu Ying, and said angrily, “Your brother, you have driven my students crazy! What a child, who was still studying the scriptures with me in the morning, and suddenly became like this!”

Fei Yuanlu finally put away his smile and carefully observed Xu Ying’s situation.

Xu Ying’s eyes were dull, as if she couldn’t see things, and she kept reciting “The Analects of Confucius” in her mouth: “The Master said: ‘A gentleman is chaste but not forgiving.’ Chaste, upright and solid…”

Pang Chunlai became more and more sad when he heard it, and he shed two lines of dirty tears. He choked up and said: “This son’s family is poor, he is talented and intelligent, and it is even rarer to be self-improving. Even if he lost his mind and went crazy, he was still reciting “The Analects of Confucius”. How to seek justice for him!”

“No hurry, no hurry, let me take a look.” Fei Yuanlu reassured.

Pang Chunlai sat down on crutches, closed his eyes and rested his mind to ease his excitement.

Fei Yuanlu asked, “What’s your name?”

Xu Ying continued to memorize “The Analects of Confucius”: “The master said: ‘The way is different, don’t conspire with each other.’ For, go to the sound. The difference is like the difference between good and evil, evil and right…”

Fei Yuanlu grabbed Xu Ying’s wrist and began to take his pulse seriously.

After a long time, Fei Yuanlu sighed: “Oh, this child has hysteria, probably caused by excessive fright.”

“Is there a cure?” Pang Chunlai hurriedly asked.

Fei Yuanlu asked: “Besides endorsing all the time, does he also talk nonsense and beat people madly?”

Pang Chunlai replied: “No nonsense, just beat your brother.”

Fei Yuanlu wanted to open Xu Ying’s eyelids and observe the pupils carefully. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Xu Ying backed away in fright.

Fei Yuanlu had no choice but to follow up, leaning over his head to examine carefully. Then he went back to the desk, picked up a pen and wrote down a prescription, and called his long follower and said: “Follow the prescription, go to Hekou Town to get the medicine, there are a few herbs missing here in Hanzhu Mountain.”

“Can it be cured?” Pang Chunlai asked.

“Look at his own good fortune,” Fei Yuanlu took out another wooden box and a set of needle stones, “Brother Weiran, hold him down for me.”

Pang Chunlai got up and hugged Xu Ying, patted her back lightly, and said softly, “Don’t be afraid, my child.”

Perhaps because she felt close to Pang Chunlai, Xu Ying immediately calmed down, and she didn’t even memorize “The Analects of Confucius”, honestly asked Fei Yuanlu to inject it.

Fei Yuanlu said while getting the needles: “This boy, let him live on the mountain for the time being, and I will give him acupuncture once every morning and evening. If he is not allowed to go down the mountain, he will not be frightened again. No one here dares to disturb him.”

“Boom boom boom!”

Someone knocked on the door and said, “Master Shan, there are some schoolchildren asking to see you.”

Fei Yuanlu said, “Let them wait.”

The person who knocked on the door suddenly exclaimed: “Why are you here? You are not allowed to enter without permission!”

Fei Ruhe’s voice came from outside the door: “Sir, Fei Yuanjian’s parents are here, probably to seek Xu Ying’s bad luck… Here they are, here they are in the hospital!”

Fei Yuanlu applied the needle in a calm manner, and ordered: “Kick people out, don’t make noise in the yard!”

In the courtyard.

Fei Yuanjian’s father, Fei Songnian, and mother, Mrs. Zhang, broke in with a sliding pole, followed by a dozen house slaves.

Received an order from the head of the mountain, and several handymen stepped forward to stop him.

“Get off the sedan chair!”

Fei Songnian, Zhang and his wife quickly got off the sliding pole, and the four house slaves hurriedly supported them.

Fei Songnian has a high seniority, he is the nephew of Fei Hong, a famous minister of Zhengde and Jiajing Dynasty. His body was completely fat into a ball, and he had to pant after two steps, so it was difficult for the bearers to carry him up the mountain.

Ms. Zhang is very well maintained. She is still in her fifties. She belongs to Fei Songnian’s successor.

Fei Songnian’s main wife gave birth to four daughters in a row, and his concubine also gave birth to three daughters, not even a single one. On the contrary, it was Mrs. Zhang who had been married for many years and had not conceived. When Fei Song was about to turn sixty, she suddenly gave birth to a boy.

“The little **** who hurt my son, is it hiding inside?” Zhang asked.

Fei Yuanlu’s servant said: “The head of the mountain has an order, so don’t disturb the idlers.”

Ms. Zhang was furious immediately: “I’m an idler? Even if your mountain chief is in front of you, you still have to call me aunt!”

The servant didn’t speak, but let the servants block the door.

Ms. Zhang commanded her slaves: “Come here, beat these **** out!”

The house slaves looked around, but no one dared to do anything. This is Hanzhu Academy.

“What’s the use of supporting you?”

Ms. Zhang was so angry that she was shaking all over, she even snatched the stick from the slave’s hand, and went up to beat the school servant in person.

After all, she was the aunt of the head of the mountain, and the handymen did not dare to fight back, so they could only hold their heads on the spot.

Ms. Zhang took the opportunity to bypass the handyman and rushed to the principal’s office with a stick.

“Old lady, please come back!” Zhao Han also just arrived not long ago, so he immediately stood up to fill his seat.

Mr. Zhang asked, “Which sect and house are you from? How dare you block my way!”

“Goose Lake.” Zhao Han said.

Ms. Zhang sneered: “On the other side of Goose Lake, the highest seniority is also my nephew! Which generation are you from?”

Zhao Han did not speak.

Fei Ruhe thought for a while, then stood beside Zhao Han, cupped his hands and said, “I’ve seen Grandma Grandma.”

Academy servants can beat up, but it is inconvenient for Fei’s descendants to do it, otherwise their elders will definitely make trouble.

Mrs. Zhang looked past Zhao Han and Fei Ruhe, and shouted towards the principal’s office: “Fei Yuanlu, I am your aunt, come out and uphold justice, your younger brother is about to be beaten to death!”

“Boom out!”

Fei Yuanlu’s angry voice came from inside the room.

Fei Yuanjian’s father, Fei Songnian, seemed to understand a little bit. He rolled over like a ball, and persuaded his wife: “The doctor has already said that Jian’er was only traumatized, and her hat was not damaged. If you have anything to say, calm down…”


Mr. Zhang grabbed her husband by the ear and shouted as if he were a grandson: “My son bled so much and was almost beaten to death. Please let me calm down? Give me peace of mind!”

“Madam calm down, madam calm down!”

Fei Songnian, who was almost eighty years old, turned out to be henpecked. He was begging for mercy by his ears, and seeing the servants of the academy holding back his laughter, he suddenly felt humiliated, and broke free, saying, “How unreasonable is this, what a disgrace, it’s an insult to gentleness!”

Ms. Zhang scolded her husband: “You useless old thing, you only know how to mess with me, call your nephew!”

Fei Songnian had no choice but to call to the principal’s office: “Nephew, come out and speak.”

Fei Yuanlu sneered while administering needles in the room: “Uncle is indeed manly, I wonder if he is imitating Fang Xuanling, or is he pursuing Qi Wuyi?”

Fei Songnian couldn’t speak, his old face flushed with embarrassment.

Suddenly, Pang Chunlai pushed the door out and closed the door again. He walked up to Fei Songnian and handed over the soaked “Four Books Annotations”: “Can your lord know this book?”

Fei Songnian cupped his hands and said, “Naturally, this is the Annotations to the Four Books personally approved by Zhu Zi.”

Pang Chunlai said: “I have a student who is from a poor family and it is not easy to buy books. He is often bullied by Mr. Ling, and today Mr. Ling destroyed his books. Excuse me, does your lord remember “Fei’s Family Instructions”?”

“Remember…remember.” Fei Songnian began to sweat on his forehead.

Pang Chunlai asked: “Does “Fei’s Family Instructions” teach children to bully their neighbors and insult their classmates?”

Fei Songnian was speechless.

Pang Chunlai asked again: “Is there a book in “Fei Family Instructions” that teaches children to destroy saints?”

Zhang suddenly yelled: “You old pedant, don’t do this with me. My son…”


Fei Songnian turned around suddenly, slapped his wife, and scolded: “Shut up!”

Mrs. Zhang was beaten into a daze, and then she burst into tears, and said, “Good day, Fei Songnian, I am a wealthy lady, and I am committed to marry you as a sequel, and I will give birth to you when I am over forty years old.” Son. My son was almost beaten to death today. You didn’t seek justice for him, but you beat me instead? Do you have a conscience? Are you a man!”

Fei Songnian was extremely embarrassed, he was not right and left, so he could only persuade: “Madam, let’s go home and talk first.”

“I don’t care, I have to vent my anger today!” Mrs. Zhang kept pestering.

Fei Songnian said in a low voice: “This is Hanzhu Academy, and our Jian’er is wrong again. He destroyed the books of sages and sages, even the ancestral hall ignored him. Listen to me, don’t make trouble anymore, there is a time to vent your anger, you are still afraid.” Muddy legs from the country?”

Ms. Zhang suddenly felt reasonable, but she did not lose the battle. She pointed to the principal’s office and said, “Fei Yuanlu, you are helping outsiders to bully the elders. Hmph, wait, I will argue with you another day!”

Seeing these two old fellows leave so quickly, Zhao Han felt very abnormal.

Zhao Han whispered to Pang Chun: “Sir, they are afraid that they are going to attack Xu Ying’s family.”

Pang Chunlai thought for a while and said, “Go to Fei’s Ancestral Hall with your help!”

(end of this chapter)

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