Chapter 1084

Chapter 1076 – [Extra 6]

Chapter 1076 [Special episode 6]

A fleet of ships docked in Shanghai. Before unloading, the passengers on the ship went ashore first.

There are no pure passenger ships today, and if you want to travel overseas, you must take a cargo ship along the way.

There are some passengers who are very arrogant on this trip, and the sedan chairs are waiting at the cabin door before they show up. Then he came to the deck in a sedan chair, and even when he disembarked, he sat in the sedan chair all the time.

At the forefront of the entire team are four servants holding machetes, followed by four servants holding long sticks. These eight servants are all wrapped in turbans, only the difference between long robes and short robes, and the caste should be similar.

Later, a servant was also wrapped in a turban, holding a water jug in his hand, and his status was higher in terms of clothing patterns.

Beside this person, there are several servants, both men and women, all holding daily necessities, obviously responsible for daily life.

Immediately there was a big sedan chair carried by four people, whose shape was very different from Chinese sedan chairs. It has a long, curved dome, and a metal frame covered with curtains. The owner is lying on his side in a sedan chair, with a layer of soft velvet underneath.

Velvet, also known as Zhangrong, is originally produced in Fujian. It is very expensive in China, and the price of trafficking it to South Asia is very outrageous.

The four bearers, of lower caste, are not qualified to wear headscarves, and they have no robes on their bodies, only wearing short clothes and shorts.

Behind this long sedan chair, there are two short sedan chairs, each with a female family member sitting there.

Further back, there are several servants, all wrapped in turbans and carrying long sticks.

With such ostentation, walking on the pier, it immediately attracted a burst of sideways glances. It’s not that there are more ostentatious ones, but when disembarking, they always sit in sedan chairs, which is the first time in Shanghai Port-they are not afraid that the bearers will stumble and step on the air, and people and sedan chairs will fall into the sea.

Of course, Fei Wenwei, a prostitute, has returned to China. The two female relatives in the sedan chair are his third wife and fourth wife.

As for the first and second wives, they are staying in Bangladesh to give birth because they are already pregnant.

While walking, the team suddenly stopped.

Fei Wenwei lay on the long sedan chair and asked, “Why don’t you leave?”

The leader of the servants holding the kettle hurried to the side of the sedan chair: “Master, we don’t know the way.”


Fei Wenwei pretended to encounter an accident, his expression was a little embarrassed, so he could only say: “Go to the right.”

A group of people came to the inn. Before getting off the sedan chair, there were servants laying blankets on the ground.

Fei Wenwei stepped on the carpet, stepped into the door of the inn, and said to the innkeeper, “A few rooms, and then help me buy a boat ticket to Hukou.”


Seeing the big customers coming, the big shopkeeper stepped forward to greet them in person.

The shopkeeper asked: “Can the guest officer bring the deed?”

Fei Wenwei took out a copy of his household registration to register, pointed behind him and said: “These are my family members, and they have no domestic guides.”

The big shopkeeper wrote down the situation according to the rules, and said while writing: “It turns out that you are a nobleman who does overseas business, disrespect, disrespect!”

“It’s easy to say.” Fei Wenwei smiled while shaking his folding fan.

The two wives also came to Fei Wenwei’s side. Their fair-skinned and beautiful exotic styles made the shop assistant next to him a little distracted.

The shopkeeper asked: “The honorable guest’s surname is Fei, and he is going to Jiangxi, but is he from the Fei clan?”

Fei Wenwei bragged about his identity: “That’s right, and it’s not. My grandfather and His Majesty were servants in the Fei family, and they lived in the same courtyard for several years. Your Majesty raised troops, and our ancestors also served as dragons.”

The shopkeeper hurriedly bowed to see him: “It turns out that he is the son of Fei Ge’s hometown.”

Fei Wenwei shook his head and laughed: “No, no. My grandfather and Mr. Fei Ge are just childhood friends. But, speaking of chance with His Majesty, my grandfather met His Majesty earlier than Mr. Fei Ge. “

Although he didn’t know who Fei Wenwei’s grandfather was, but once he said this, the shopkeeper already knew how powerful he was.

The big shopkeeper asked: “Master, is he returning from a job report overseas? If you plan to play in Shanghai, I can send a buddy as a guide.”

“Forget it, I haven’t been home for many years, and now I just want to return home quickly,” Fei Wenwei said, “I was only a small official in Bangladesh. Later, I also resigned from the official position and started a joint venture with His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess. We bought a property in Bangladesh, just 10,000 mu of fertile land and a few shops.”

“Great work!” The shopkeeper enviously said.

Fei Wenwei took the opportunity to say to the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper: “The land of Bengal is far away in Tianzhu, and there are opportunities everywhere. If you have relatives who are down and out and are willing to go to sea to ask for a living, you can go there with me. Don’t say anything else, you can guarantee food and clothing. If you mix well, you can buy land property.”

Everyone didn’t believe it. Even if there was such a good thing, Fei Wenwei couldn’t take the initiative to say it.

Fei Wenwei said with a smile: “When I returned to China, Mr. Xia, the governor of Bangladesh, had a long talk with me. There were few Han people there, and he encouraged immigrants. He asked me to go back to China to promote more. You can also help promote it. If you are willing to go to Bangladesh Yes, after the Lantern Festival next year, I will wait for me here. I guarantee my grandfather’s reputation, as long as I live in Bangladesh, I will guarantee that I will have no worries about food and clothing. Those who don’t know how to farm will work in Bangladesh. Those who know how to farm will be given land directly by the governor! “

As he spoke, Fei Wenwei said it loudly again, asking the diners in the hotel lobby to help promote it.

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, not only about immigration policy, but also about business opportunities in Bangladesh.

Fei Wenwei bragged half-truthfully: “I might as well tell you that Bengal is a fertile land, and fertile land is everywhere. But most of the fertile land is in the hands of Tubang princes. The two governors, Zheng and Xia, although Some land has been confiscated, but there are not enough Han people to cultivate it. Now there is a shortage of people and no shortage of land. Thousands of immigrants have immigrated in the past few years.

A merchant asked: “How to deal with the original foreign landlords?”

Fei Wenwei said with a smile: “The landlords of the confiscated land have long been killed. Those Tubang princes actually helped the Mughal emperor fight and offended our Celestial Dynasty to death. There are not enough Han people to confiscate this land. It can be handed over to foreigners for farming. The governor is not at ease, and he can’t wait for the Han people to hurry over.”

“Will you be able to divide the fields when you go there?” the shop assistant asked.

Fei Wenwei said: “In the first few years, it was regarded as tenant farming. After three years of cultivation, the Governor’s Mansion issued the land deed, and then paid a little more tax every year to redeem it.”

It turned out that the land was not given away for free, but the good land was bought in installments through tax payments.

It seems that the conditions are more stringent, but everyone is more at ease, after all, there is no free lunch in the world.

Some local people have already planned to go home and spread the news, so that the poor children in the village will form a group to go out to sea.

From Shanghai to Hukou by boat, Fei Wenwei must promote it every time he docks. One is to pretend to brag about oneself, and the other is to fulfill Governor Xia Wanchun’s entrustment.

He returned to his hometown in Qianshan, and will continue to promote.

Immigrants from other states and counties can be resettled along the coast. As for the fellow villagers from Qianshan, Fei Wenwei will personally arrange to help them gain a firm foothold in their “turf”.

As the family business grows bigger and bigger, Fei Wenwei, who is a prostitute, becomes more and more guilty.

Because he is in the border area of Bangladesh, where the Han population is negligible. In the event of a riot, the governor could not send troops to rescue him, and he might be chopped into pieces by the natives.

It is necessary to organize more fellow villagers to go there and help them settle down so that they can help each other.

Bringing two wives and twenty or thirty servants, Fei Wenwei swaggered back home.

When he arrived in Hekou Town, Qianshan County, Fei Wenwei appeared in a sedan chair, which immediately caused a great commotion.

After all, this guy is a prodigal son. He was penniless when he left his hometown, and he got rich again after a few years.

Immediately, there was a boy who used to hang out together, who ran away from the shop in the town and made a close call: “Fifth Brother Fei, do you still remember me?”

“Haha, You San, why don’t I remember?” Fei Wenwei laughed.

You San flattered and said: “Fifth brother has done a great business, he is really promising, and I hope that fifth brother will support him in the future.”

Fei Wenwei said: “If you dare to go out to sea with me, I guarantee that you will eat well and drink spicy food.”

“Really?” You Sanxi was delighted.

Fei Wenwei said: “If you go to four miles and eight villages, if you can attract 50 good families, we will go to Bangladesh together. Among other things, you will definitely get 500 mu of land. The rest of the good families will each have 100 mu of land. The land is nothing to worry about!”

This guy is going to play a big game, and what he said is unreliable, but it’s not pure deceit!

In Bangladesh, the Chamindar system is implemented.

The entire area has about 25,000 villages, divided into more than 1,600 land tax areas.

A large land tax area is in charge of collecting taxes by a big Chai Mingda. As long as the governor (formerly the emperor) pays the full amount of taxes, the rest of the taxes can be pocketed. Below the big Chaimindar, it is divided into several small Chaimindar and Tarukdar.

Agricultural taxes are subcontracted layer by layer, and even the governor (or emperor) can’t figure out what’s going on below. Da Chai Mingda also didn’t know what happened to Xiao Chai Mingda.

This kind of regional tax right can be inherited, bought or sold, or rewarded by the governor or prince.

Even, it can be rented out temporarily.

For example, some guys who took refuge in the Mughal emperor were deprived of the right to pay taxes by Zheng Sen. The tax-contracting rights in those areas were rented out by Zheng Sen to other princes of the country, who could take back the tax-contracting rights at any time.

As for a certain piece of land, no one can figure out who it belongs to, because there is no title deed at all!

Anyway, my grandfather and father are cultivating this land, so this land will be cultivated by me. In other words, my grandfather and father reclaimed the wasteland, so the right to cultivate this wasteland is mine. But in principle, farmers only have the right to cultivate, and the ownership of the land used to belong to the emperor, but now it belongs to the governor’s office.

There is no land deed, no yellow book, and it is assumed that someone can cultivate a certain land.

A small Chai Mingdaer is responsible for collecting the agricultural tax of one or several villages. They then hand over the agricultural tax to the bigger Chaiminda, and pay it layer by layer without interfering with each other.

Historically, the British colonists were fooled, unable to know how many farmers and land they had mastered, and could only deal with some big Chamindars. They tried to implement a more advanced landlord ownership system, but failed. Then he forcibly collected the rights of Chaming Daer and auctioned off the right to cover taxes, but because the tax amount was too high, it could not be auctioned at all.

Finally, the British capitulated.

Fei Wenwei claimed that he had 10,000 mu of fertile land, but in fact he only had the right to tax the 10,000 mu of fertile land. And the method of obtaining it is extremely disgraceful, part of it comes from the dowry of the four wives, and part of it is obtained by cooperating with the four father-in-laws.

He returned to China this time, intending to recruit hundreds of fellow villagers and lead them to seek more tax-contracting rights.

If you can get the tax right from the governor on credit, then you can rely on credit. If it is not enough, then ask the governor to help you get a loan and buy it at a low price through buying and selling (the governor can cooperate with the tax increase to force some Chamindars to go bankrupt).

Why did Governor Xia Wanchun cooperate?

Of course, the tax subsidy system is too backward, it is inconvenient to manage population and land, and it is not convenient for the governor to squeeze the colonies.

Zheng Sen and Xia Wanchun had discussed that the old system should be maintained in the face of the aborigines, and the landowners and self-cultivating peasants would be born through Han immigration.

Fei Wenwei learned about the policy, and planned to drag his fellow countrymen over there, so that everyone would be Chai Mingdaer. Even ordinary farmers, as long as they follow him, they can get the tax right of 100 mu of land. Then through various means, cooperate with possible immigration, or reward native servants, transform the right to tax payment into land ownership, and finally become a landlord recognized by the Governor’s Mansion.

As long as the land is not occupied indiscriminately, this practice will not arouse the dissatisfaction of the princes of the Tubang, but only encroach on the interests of the tax collectors and farmers. Even, you can join hands with the Tubang princes to get more benefits together.

The premise is that you must have the strength to collect taxes!

Currently Fei Wenwei is collecting taxes, relying on the support of the governor on the one hand, and on the other hand relying on the reputation of the four father-in-laws. This has reached the limit, and we must bring more fellow villagers to the past, so that each fellow villager can develop his strength, and only by uniting can we continue to grow.

Fei Wenwei asked You San to help with publicity. The more people he recruited, the better. Even street hooligans who don’t know how to farm can be brought to Bangladesh as tax collectors.

This guy returned to his house, and his mother and two brothers had already received news of his return.

“Mother, I have tens of thousands of acres of fertile land overseas. Don’t be afraid of me coming back to fight for the family property,” Fei Wenwei said with his head held high, and he roared awesomely when they met, “This is my wife and concubine and my servant, and there are two wives and concubines. I’m already pregnant, so I couldn’t bear to travel and didn’t bring it back. I, Fei Lao Wu, am not a prodigal son, I started from scratch overseas and became a master!”

The mother and the two younger brothers looked at each other when they saw the battle.

At this moment, the clerk of the Fei family’s store in Ehu Town quickly ran and said, “Ma’am, the old man and the old lady have returned home!”

The old man is Fei Yinghuan, whose title was elevated to Duke.

Of course, Fei Yinghuan’s Duke is an honorary title, after all his son Fei Ruhe is already a prince. After Fei Yinghuan’s death, the second son can inherit his original Marquis.

Hearing that Fei Yinghuan returned home with his wife for the elderly, everyone rushed to greet him, even ordinary farmers went to pay their respects.

Fei Wenwei, who was going to pretend to be aggressive, was suddenly interrupted.

He said to his Bengali wife and servants: “Put down the sedan chair quickly, and go with me to see the Lord!”

(The whole family is positive, and Lao Wang seems to be positive too. But there is no fever, but a low temperature for several days in a row, and the body temperature is often below 36 degrees. Except for fatigue and lethargy, there are no other symptoms. Moreover, the allergic rhinitis has been inexplicably cured for the most part. Everyone, take defensive measures, and try to stay as late as possible if you can.)

(end of this chapter)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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