Chapter 1065

Chapter 1059 – 1055 [Chain Reaction]

Chapter 1059 1055【Chain Reaction】

The city of Bukhara.

Bad news came one after another. King Abdullah Aziz didn’t care at first. He thought that three thousand heavy cavalry were enough to guard the Fergana Basin.

But the soldiers and Uzbek herdsmen kept fleeing back, and finally brought the news that the governor was defeated and killed.

The whole country was shocked!

Abdullah Aziz is not a pure fool, he is somewhat similar to Tang Minghuang. He also worked hard to govern when he was young, and the Astrakhan Dynasty of the Bukhara Khanate reached its peak in his hands.

Then, he began to be self-willed, began to rule the country according to his preferences, and indulged in excessive spending and pleasure.

“How many enemies are there? How did my heavy cavalry be defeated?” Aziz personally received the fleeing light cavalry. As for the heavy cavalry, the entire army had already been wiped out, and none of them escaped in heavy armor.

A light cavalry said: “The governor asked us to stop the tribal rebels. I didn’t see how the heavy cavalry was defeated.”

Several light cavalrymen said this, and finally someone said: “I saw it. The enemy’s muskets have a dagger installed in front of them. All the infantry lined up with muskets instead of daggers. The heavy cavalry rushed over and the horses slowed down. was shot at close by by the musketeers.”

Aziz was surprised: “Did the musketeers flee in the face of the heavy cavalry charge?”

“No.” The man replied.

Aziz looked at his minister: “Who can crack this method of warfare?”

A minister who knew the soldiers said: “The horse helmets of the heavy cavalry completely exposed the eyes. You can modify the horse helmets to cover half of the horse’s eyes, so that the horses can only see the ground one step ahead. In this way, the horses will They won’t slow down, and they can only see the enemy’s weapons when they get close. At that time, the horses couldn’t stop even if they wanted to.”

“Yes, order the craftsmen to transform the horse helmet,” Aziz said, “Call out troops from all over the country, and send troops next spring to take back Fergana!”

The minister in charge of finance said: “Khan, there is not enough money and food.”

Aziz said: “Then tax it.”

The Minister of Finance reminded: “Great Khan, taxes in various places have been increased to the limit, and if taxes are increased, there will definitely be rebellions.”

Aziz said: “It’s not like raising taxes all the time, just increasing taxes for two years. In order to regain the land, shouldn’t the subjects contribute to the Khanate?”

“Yes.” The Chancellor of the Exchequer retreated silently.

Another minister said: “Great Khan, the Khiva Khanate in the west has been eroding our pastures in recent years. On the border of our country, there are also Turkmen tribes who have defected to the Khiva Khanate with pastures. If you want to march next year, you must stay Some troops, to prevent the Khiva Khanate from taking advantage of the gap.”

Aziz said angrily: “Those damned Turkmen rats don’t want to live in the mighty Bukhara, but go to the weak Khiva country. Are they all fools?”

No one dared to answer.

Of course it was the king who taxed the tribe too heavily to force the tribe to surrender to the enemy.

At this time, the Khiva Khanate was ruled by a benevolent king. Not only are the taxes very low, but they are also committed to reconciling ethnic conflicts. The leaders of all ethnic groups are very convinced of King Shiva.

Comparing the two, a fool knows who to rely on.

Aziz ordered the levy of war taxes. After the news came out, the reactions of officials and people from all over the country were more excited than hearing that the Fergana Basin fell.

The governors of various places cooperated very well, and they cooperated too much.

The king levies a penny of tax, they can collect a dime, and the specific tax collector can collect a penny.

The northwestern part of the Bukhara Khanate is full of dry grasslands and deserts. The tribes here are already struggling to survive, and suddenly they have to pay a large amount of war taxes, which directly drives them back.

Especially the tribes close to the Khiva Khanate, they took their territories and defected there.

The Wenqing King Anusha of the Khiva Khanate was overjoyed to hear the news, and quickly sent people to reward the defectors, and ordered to gather troops to prepare for battle.

Immediately afterwards, Anusha received news that China had occupied the Fergana Basin.

“Order all the armies not to cross the border, and don’t take the initiative to fight,” Anusha said happily. “Let Braha fight with China, no matter whether we win or lose, it will be good for us. Also, send someone to contact the nearby Our tribes of the Khanate of Bukhara, tell them I will not impose heavy taxes. Any race will be treated well if they come here.”

After making a decision, Anusha took out the Persian version of the “Tao Te Ching” and studied it seriously in the palace.

The Chinese version of the “Tao Te Ching” was obtained from the envoy Xie Yuan. Anusha spent a lot of money to ask a Persian scholar who had been to Nanjing to translate, and now he has to read and comprehend it repeatedly every day.

One of his sons is still studying in Nanjing at this time.

In history, it was Anusha’s continuous invasion that caused the Bukhara Khanate to lose territory one after another. The prestige of the King of Bukhara was severely damaged, coupled with the intensification of social conflicts, the Khanate of Bukhara began to fall apart, and the governor and religious leaders have separated themselves.

Now it is China who takes on this role. The loss of the Fergana Basin has disgraced the king of Bukhara, and the governor and religious nobles are starting to move.

The tribal rebellion in the northwest region disrupted King Aziz’s plan to dispatch troops.

He had to mobilize troops to suppress the rebellion first, and it was not until the summer of the second year that the rebellion was finally completely quelled. At the same time, information was obtained that the Khiva Khanate next door was secretly gathering troops, obviously planning to take advantage of the situation.

Aziz did not dare to act rashly, and sent people to the Fergana Basin to inquire about information.

The spies came back and reported that the Chinese army massacred many Uzbek tribes. However, many Uzbeks were used as hard labor for building the city, and they would be free as long as the building of the city was completed. Also, the slaves ruled by the Uzbeks were all released and became free people around the city of Khujand.

The Chinese army not only drove hard labor, repaired the city wall of Khujand, but also built the Great Wall further west of the city of Khujand, as if they wanted to completely block the entrance to the basin.

After listening to the information, Aziz was completely speechless.

At this time, to recapture Fergana, we must fight a siege at the entrance of the basin. The Bukhara army is not good at attacking cities. Although they have mastered farming techniques, they are still nomadic tribes in their bones.

And, as more and more intelligence comes back, Aziz is already terrified of China.

He heard from merchants that the Chinese army had destroyed the Yarkand country, and the capture of the Fergana Basin was only incidental. Only a few thousand soldiers came last year, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops, who are at Yarkand at this time.

How dare he fight?

Other countries may be unfamiliar with China, but the Bukhara Khanate is too familiar with China. The past hegemons of this land all started by controlling the Silk Road, and the Bukhara Khanate is no exception. Countless Chinese goods are transported here every year.

Aziz has heard since he was a child that China is a giant, and the emperor of China is the richest monarch in the world.

Considering the overall situation at home and abroad, Aziz lost Fergana by default. However, he lost his face because of the loss of the city and land. He had to find someone to vent his anger, divert domestic conflicts, and re-establish his ruling prestige.

“All the assembled troops are heading to the western border. I want to take back the lost land!”

Aziz’s target of venting was actually the Khiva Khanate next door, because he thought it was the best place to fight.

After all, twenty or thirty years ago, the Khiva Khanate was still in a state of division, and the civil war of nearly a hundred years had already destroyed the country. He ignored the hard work of the previous generation of Khiva kings, and also ignored the young heroism of this generation of Khiva kings. He, a drowsy Khan, wants to lead his drowsy army to fight against a thriving country.

This pair of neighbors and enemies, because of the emergence of the Chinese army, somehow fought the war several years in advance.

I have to say that the Bukhara Khanate is indeed powerful, and the elite heavy cavalry are invincible.

After the war between the two countries, the Khiva Khanate was defeated and retreated steadily, losing its land all the way and retreating to the city of Derian.

Frustrated during the siege of the city, some troops were left behind to besiege the city. The main force walked around the city and took the capital of the Khiva Khanate along the river. This style of play is too arrogant and does not treat the enemy as a human being at all.

Aziz personally marched, his idea is very simple, as long as the capital of the enemy country is broken, the war can be declared a victory.

Who made the capital of the Khiva Khanate, not far from the eastern border, next to the territory of Bukhara?

Tens of thousands of Bukhara troops surrounded the capital of Khiva.

King Anusha of Khiva personally went to the city to boost morale, and repelled the enemy’s attack many times in a row.

The people of Khiva, who have experienced nearly a hundred years of war, have finally been stable for 20 to 30 years, and there is also a benevolent king. The Bukhara army invaded, burned, killed and looted along the way, arousing the common hatred of the people, and even many ethnic minority tribes took the initiative to come to fight for the country.

These minority tribes, especially the nearby Turkmens, did not dare to fight directly with the Bukhara army, so they ran to plunder the Bukhara army’s food roads.

When they saw the grain transportation team, they ran away when there were too many enemies, and robbed when there were few enemies, which made the Bukhara army almost cut off the food road.

Aziz could only send troops back to take precautions, and at the same time urged the rear troops to take down the city of Derian as soon as possible.

This war has been fought from summer to early winter.

The defenders of Khiva City are almost running out of food, and if they continue to defend, they will only be able to eat people. Bukhara, as the attacker, was equally miserable, and the most deadly thing was the resurgence of domestic rebellion.

The domestic rebellion made it impossible for Aziz to continue fighting, but he was unwilling to withdraw directly. He sent an envoy into the city to say: “We can evacuate Khiva, but the Khiva Khanate must compensate for the losses and send all the food we consumed. And make sure that the Khiva Khanate will no longer take in defecting tribes.”

Anusha’s answer was straightforward: “Kill this man!”

Killing the envoy is tantamount to tearing up the face, and there is no possibility of peace.

After more than half a month, the rebel forces in the country became more and more powerful. Aziz finally ignored face and ordered the entire army to withdraw to the country to quell the chaos.

Anusha did not give in. After the Bukhara army left, he raised food as quickly as possible, and led the troops of various ethnic groups who had come to King Qin to chase the tail of the Bukhara army.

The two sides fought a decisive battle on the border between the two countries. The Khiva Khanate was originally at a disadvantage, but a nobleman in Bukhara suddenly defected.

It was the brother of the nobleman who couldn’t stand the king and decided to separate himself from the kingdom and secretly sent a letter to contact him to do things in the army.

Aziz was defeated and fled with only a few thousand elites.

The Khiva Khanate took advantage of the trend to occupy the western border grassland of Bukhara and swallowed up all the territory in the northwest of Bukhara (there is actually no value there, either it is arid grassland or a large desert).

King Aziz of Bukhara, after fleeing back to the capital, was unable to suppress the rebellion, so he could only send officials to Zhao’an.

Zhao’an was very successful, and the rebels surrendered immediately. What they wanted was to separate themselves.

Governors and Hezhuo all over the country have separated their regimes and no longer obey the king’s orders. Aziz can only control the capital and surrounding areas.

He is self-willed, and everyone betrays relatives!

Especially the Governor of Samarkand, who flirts with the Datong Army, and happily manages the Silk Road together.

(end of this chapter)

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