Chapter 1058

Chapter 1052 – 1048【Li Bai’S Birthplace】

Chapter 1052 1048 [Li Bai’s Birthplace]

Aksu region is the exiled Baishan faction and Zhuo murdered the governor.

In the Kashgar area, Yao Levas, who killed his father and usurped power, is also engaged in religious struggles. He had only introduced the Black Mountain School for more than ten years, and there were still a large number of remnants of the White Mountain School among the people. When they first publicly rebelled, they purged a group.

Historically, Yao Levas was assassinated. The Great Khan of the Junggar bribed the remnants of the Baishan faction, and assassinated Yao Legas in public in a way of burning jade and stone together.

Another space-time Junggar was able to rise, thanks to the civil strife in the Yarkand Khanate. The Baishan faction even actively became the leading party, voluntarily following Galdan’s army, bravely captured the city of Yarkand, and killed all the followers of the Black Mountain faction in the city.

To tell the truth, if the Datong army killed the nobles without seeing them, they could easily recruit tens of thousands of Baishan faction troops, and then take these troops to attack the Black Mountain faction.

Hearing that the Han army had occupied Aksu, Yao Levas was a little flustered.

Because of the escaped nobles, the Han army was described as “zhenni” (devil, elf). It is said that Jiang Liang, the commander-in-chief of the army, is a “big town nun”, and the other Datong soldiers are all “small town nuns”. Everyone can use evil magic, and they can also summon meteorites to crush tens of thousands of enemy troops.

Yao Levas certainly doesn’t believe this kind of nonsense, but he also knows the strength of the Han army.

The mission that escorted Aqiyu back to the country brought cavalry through Kashgar. The horses are handsome and well-equipped, so they are not very easy to mess with.

But Yao Levas annexed his father’s tribe, and now there are a large number of nobles armed, who were frightened by the Datong army and came to him. He has more than ten thousand “elites” in his hands, thousands of miscellaneous garrison troops, and tens of thousands of serf soldiers.

With such a powerful army, how could Yao Levas be willing to escape?

Yes, run away.

Yao Levas never thought of surrendering, at most he was running away. With his strong strength, he can’t get along in Kashgar anymore, and he can escape to Central Asia to dominate.

It’s like more than a hundred years ago, there was a pair of cousins who couldn’t get along in Central Asia, and each led more than a thousand people to escape. One fled to India and established the Mughal Empire; the other fled to Xinjiang and established the Yarkand Khanate.


This is the largest city encountered on the way from Aksu to Kashgar. It originally belonged to Aksu’s territory, but it was brought down by Yao Le Gas last year, and 3,000 troops were stationed to guard against Aksu’s counterattack.

Yao Levas gave the guard a death order, and he must stick to it for more than 20 days, so that he can recruit more soldiers to fight the decisive battle.

The city of Wushi is more than two feet high and one foot and five feet thick. It was built with rammed earth.

More than ten steps outside the city, there is a moat, and the spring water continues all year round.

The bazaar (market) outside the city was already empty, and the people, no matter what nationality, heard the news and fled. There are even Han Chinese shops here, but the Han people have to flee because they may encounter revenge from the Montenegrin faction.

The few civilians who did not run away were arrested and sent to the city to serve as soldiers. Most of them were engaged in hard labor, helping to carry supplies for the defense of the city.

The guard is called Abdullah Tif, the illegitimate son of King Yaolavas (the direct son has been killed). Now Yao Levas doesn’t believe anyone but his own son, so he throws his son to garrison Wushi city.

“His Royal Highness, the Han army is already several miles away, only a few thousand cavalry, and no infantry is seen.” The general came to report.


Although Abdullah Tief is young, he fought with his father at the age of fourteen, and he can be regarded as a veteran in the battlefield.

He only has 3,000 elite soldiers in his hands, and they are mainly infantry.

This kind of people can only defend the city, and never dare to go out of the city to fight in the field. After all, the nobles who fled said that the Han army had hundreds of artillery pieces.

But if there are really hundreds of cannons, the defenders of the city will be dead, and the city walls will also collapse.

Abdullah Tief can only take chances, hoping that those are exaggerated words of nobles.

Liang Zhen led the leading troops to approach the city, and found that the city was tightly defended, so he knew that the defender was a good fighter. He immediately divided the army into three, scattered out to sweep the surrounding villages, and got some food from the nobles who hadn’t escaped by the way.

The effect of harvesting grain was extremely poor. All the rural nobles in the Wushi area took their families and ran away ahead of schedule, leaving only a group of impoverished serfs.

A few days later, Jiang Liang came with the main force.

It is still the old routine, too lazy to fill up the moat, and set up artillery to bombard the city wall directly across the river.

At the same time as the shelling, all the cavalry detoured to cross the river, blocking the enemy’s retreat when they fled.

Abdullah Tiff looked at the cannons lined up outside the city, and his mood fell into despair instantly. He only had four cannons for defending the city, and they were antiques decades ago, but the Datong Army had tens or hundreds of cannons for attacking the city.

After two days of continuous bombardment, the city wall due east collapsed in many places.

Due to the dry climate, the rammed earth walls here are too brittle to withstand the pouring of shells.

Father asked himself to hold the Han army for twenty days, but in the current situation, he couldn’t even hold it for ten days. Abdullah Tief really wanted to abandon the city and flee, but he didn’t dare. First, he was afraid of being killed by his father for disobeying the military order, and second, the Han cavalry had gone around to the west to intercept him.

“Captain, southeast wind!”

“Hot-air ballooning.”

Following Jiang Liang’s order, several hot air balloons rose across the river. Most of the eastern city wall had collapsed, and the defenders’ artillery had been crushed under the broken wall. The defenders could only watch helplessly as the hot air balloon rose into the sky.

A guarding soldier shouted: “Jennies (devils), they have Jinnis!”

As soon as this remark came out, the defenders all changed countenance, looking at the hot air balloons in horror.


The first bomb hit ten thousand enemies, only killing and injuring a few people.

But the subsequent panic caused by the explosion caused the defenders to begin to collapse. They were already in a desperate situation, a large section of the eastern city wall collapsed, and they heard many terrifying rumors about the Han army. At this time, their tense nerves finally couldn’t bear it.

“Run away, the Jinny is here!”

Countless defenders ran towards the west, opened the city gate and rushed out. They didn’t care if there were enemy cavalry blocking them, they just wanted to escape from the city as soon as possible, as far away from those hot air balloons as possible.

Abdullah Tief did not stop it, and he was powerless to stop it.

Historically, after Yao Levas was assassinated, he was proclaimed king by the Montenegrin faction. When he met Galdan’s army, he was also defeated. It was not because of his command ability, but because Yeerqiang’s hearts had long been scattered.

Fighting among the same clan all day long, who wants to fight?

Ten years ago, if the Datong army came, they would definitely encounter stubborn resistance. At that time, Yarkand was unified and could be twisted into a single rope, but now it was divided into several forces, which were easily defeated by the Datong Army.

Almost all the soldiers defending the city escaped, leaving only a dozen loyal guards.

Abdullah Tif said to the guards: “You also flee. I must stay in the city. This is my father’s order. You also know how strict my father is. If I dare to escape from this city, I will be executed.”

Several guards bid farewell immediately, and several guards actually stayed to accompany him to die.

Three thousand defenders and more than a thousand civilians who were captured as strong men fled to the west in panic. Only two or three miles away, the Datong cavalry who had already crossed the river rushed over to kill these routs.

Especially the Yarkand cavalry was under the care of the Datong cavalry.

The infantry of the Datong Army also began to cross the river and rushed into the city, but there were only Abdullah Tief and a few guards. These guys did not commit suicide, but charged forward with knives and were shot and killed by the Datong army.

There are always a few fish that slip through the net and flee to Kashgar in a panic on horseback.

Yao Levas asked in surprise: “How long have you been defending before the city of Wushi was breached?”

The nobleman who fled back said: “The enemy can summon the Zhenni…”

“Nonsense!” Yao Levas was furious.

“Khan, it’s true,” said the nobleman. “The jinni summoned by the enemy are big, big **** that can fly into the sky. Then they drop small **** that explode when they hit the ground. A small ball Dozens of people can be killed. If the Khan doesn’t believe it, he can ask other soldiers who have escaped.”

Yao Levas certainly didn’t believe that it was the devil summoned by the Han army, but the noble said it seriously, and it didn’t seem like he was lying.

Yao Levas guessed that it was probably the secret weapon of the Han army.

“The enemy really has hundreds of artillery pieces?” Yao Levas asked.

The nobleman replied: “I don’t know if there are hundreds of doors, but there should be a hundred.”

There are a hundred guns, so how many guns should there be?

“Khan, it’s not good!” Another minister ran over in a panic.

Yao Levas asked: “What is it?”

The minister said: “A nobleman fled from Hotan, and the Han army also appeared there, with more than 10,000 cavalry. And the news was ten days ago, and now I am afraid that they are almost approaching the city of Yarkand.”

That was the South Route Army sent out by Jiang Liang, with several thousand Datong cavalry and 8,000 Qinghai cavalry.

The South Route Army attacked Yarkand City from Hotan, and the main force attacked Kashgar from the north.

Yao Levas said: “The nobleman, come with me, let’s go to Dayuzi!”

This guy is going to run away, take the army and nobles, and go to Central Asia to fight again. Anyway, Dayuzi is very weak now.

Jiang Liang led the main army to Kashgar, and found that all the nobles here had fled, and He Zhuo, who ruled the area, also ran away, leaving only civilians and serfs.

Tens of thousands of elite soldiers, thousands of miscellaneous troops, this powerful force rushed to Dayuzi, and Yao Levas was enough to upset Dayuzi.

Jiang Liang recruited general He Yudu: “You take 5,000 soldiers to recruit the various tribes of Jilighis. Tell them that as long as they surrender to China, they will no longer be oppressed. The court treats the Jilighis (Kirgiz) equally.”

The territory of the Kyrgyz people is the Kyrgyzstan of later generations.

Their ancestors lived in the upper reaches of the Yenisei River. During the Genghis Khan period, they were forced to move south. In the next few hundred years, they were bullied by various forces in turn.

What’s even more rare is that although all the people around their territory believe in the Green religion, the Giligis still maintain totem worship at this time. Historically, the people of Giligis were greened in the Qing Dynasty, and some people of Giligis also converted to Buddhism.

Yao Levas led his troops to flee to Dayuzi, and had to pass through the territory of the Kyrgyz people.

This action frightened the Gilligis, and all the tribes summoned warriors one after another. But they didn’t dare to really fight. After learning the truth, they were forced to agree with Yao Levas to cross the border.

It is said that it is an excuse to cross the border, but it is actually a way to **** it all the way!

The people of Kyrgyzstan still dare not speak out about this kind of looting. They first attached to the Chagatai Khanate, then to the Yarkand Khanate, and at this time to the Junggar Mongolia. There is no independence at all, not even a recognized leader, because the suzerain power does not allow them to have a leader.

They can only be scattered into countless tribes, farming or grazing in the mountains.

It was not easy to send Yao Levasli out of the country. Before the Jirijisi people could breathe a sigh of relief, He Yudu came with thousands of Datong troops.

This was a powerful force that defeated Yarkand. The Kyrgyz people did not dare to resist, and the leaders of various ministries sent envoys to pay their respects.

“Call your leaders, I want a meeting!” He Yudu said to the envoys.

Twenty days later, the leaders of more than 80 tribes gathered by the hot sea (Iksai Lake).

The translator conveyed the words of He Yudu: “From now on, the land of the Kyrgyz people will be the territory of Datong China. All the Kyrgyz people are also Chinese. The imperial court will send troops and immigrants to build here city!”

The leaders of various ministries were blown up instantly, and some stood up on the spot, clamoring to fight the Chinese army.

He Yudu raised his hand and said, “Quiet, listen to me.”

After a long time of quarreling, the venue finally quieted down.

He Yudu said: “First, the imperial court will not force you to convert to religion. You tribes, you can continue to worship your totem!”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of most of the leaders softened.

He Yudu continued: “Second, the tribute you bear will only be less than before. And it’s not called tribute, it’s called tax.”

“Thirdly, Atami Mansion will be set up here, which is affiliated to Anxi Duhu Mansion. Atami Mansion will be divided into several counties, and Han officials will serve as county magistrates. The leader of a large tribe can serve as the magistrate of the county. The leader of a small tribe, Can be mayor.”

“Fourth, the imperial court will not buy or sell your goods by force. Han merchants will bring in a lot of cheap goods, and your life will be better in the future!”

He Yudu said so, the leaders of the ministries believed it for the time being.

If you don’t believe me, there’s nothing you can do about it. Do you want to fight again?

The entire Kyrgyzstan was won without bloodshed.

The birthplace of Li Bai has finally returned to the embrace of the motherland.

(end of this chapter)

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