Chapter 1056

Chapter 1050 – 1046 [Zongma Gobi]

Chapter 1050 1046【Long Horse Gobi】

Another son of Babai Khan, named Abdullah Shit, was also in the Toulent army at this time.

His father is a coward, his brother is a reckless person, and he himself is a clever little ghost.

This guy is in command of the Turpan cavalry. Seeing the number and equipment of the Datong cavalry, he feels that he may not be able to beat it. Therefore, when the cavalry fought, his private soldiers did not enter the battle at all, and only let the fanatic cavalry and noble cavalry rush to kill.

Seeing that the fanatic cavalry had not achieved an inch, but had been killed by muskets by hundreds, Abdullah Shit had the idea of defecting.

All Toulontai began to blow their bugles to urge him, so he had to lead his private cavalry to rush out. However, this guy doesn’t care about the flanking battlefield at all, but is always staring at the frontal battlefield.

He soon discovered that his brother’s artillery had been scrapped, and the former army was bombarded by Chinese artillery and its formation was chaotic.

Abdullah Shit immediately shouted: “Go around to the flank of the enemy!”

This guy seems to be walking around with private soldiers, but he is actually staying away from the battlefield. As long as the situation is not good, you can quickly flee back to Turpan, or you can go around and stab your brother in the back.

Of course, if the Chinese army weakens, he will immediately rush to the Datong army.

Anyway, just one sentence: whoever wins helps, as long as you keep your own private soldiers.

In history, this guy has been fighting until the end, and he actually became the king of Yarkand. It’s a pity that even the last king is not counted, just like the emperor of the small court of Nanming, he can only entertain himself in a corner.

But the Datong cavalry did not allow him to be in the swing position. Qin Liangyu’s grandson Ma Wannian led a division of cavalry to keep up.

Three thousand and five hundred Xiao cavalry rushed out first, intending to disrupt the battlefield and create a wall charge opportunity for the Yi cavalry who had already lined up.

Abdullah Shit’s private cavalry only consisted of three or four hundred men, all of whom wore iron armor. In addition, he was accompanied by two thousand Turpan noble cavalry. Seeing Datong Xiaoqi rushing towards him, this guy didn’t want to fight at all, and turned around and ran away with his private soldiers. He only had his own private soldiers in his eyes.

You can lose this battle, but your private soldiers must not lose.

Abdullah Shit is the commander of the cavalry. He suddenly led the troops to flee, which would definitely cause bad consequences.

At first, the nobles thought he was flying a kite. After all, it is very normal for cavalry to cruise back and forth. But gradually, something was wrong, and Abdullah Shit retreated further and further, exposing the flanks of the remaining friendly cavalry to the front of the cavalry of Datong.

Upon seeing this, Ma Wannian immediately ordered: “Blow the horn quickly, the cavalry should stop chasing, turn around and cut off the remaining enemy cavalry!”


The horn whimpered, and the cavalry who were chasing down received orders to slow down. Almost slowing down, they collectively drew a beautiful arc, turned towards the remaining enemy cavalry and killed them.

Ma Wannian shouted again: “The remaining Xiaoqi, charge from the left. Yi cavalry, charge frontally! Dragoons, retreat from the battlefield, and together with Qinghai cavalry, go around and block the enemy’s rear!”

All the cavalry of Datong moved, and the charge from the middle had already made the enemy cavalry flustered. Another dispatch of the brave cavalry was to intercept and narrow the range of activities of the enemy cavalry.

Three thousand Yi cavalry formed a wall riding, and rushed past overwhelmingly.

Even the remaining fanatic cavalry were terrified when they saw this formation, and subconsciously dodged to the side to escape.

The enemy cavalry unit was completely scattered by the rush.

The two groups of cavalry accelerated instantly, taking the opportunity to kill the enemy who had lost their organization. The enemy’s cavalry was completely cut off, and it seemed that they were only slightly inferior in number, but they were surrounded on some battlefields. One noble cavalry often had to deal with ten Datong cavalry.

Dragon cavalry and Qinghai cavalry ignored the battlefield at all, and went around the rear of the enemy infantry formation from the outside.

Abdullah Shit felt that he was doomed, and wanted to go back and stab his brother in the back. But when he found that the dragon cavalry and Qinghai cavalry were “chasing”, he was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, and he didn’t even have a chance to turn against him.

Being betrayed on the battlefield is not easy. One is the problem of communication, and the other is the problem of trust.

If Abdullah Shit does not run away directly, but chooses to backstab the whole team. It is possible that he was taken by the Chinese cavalry who were chasing him before he could attack his own brother.

In desperation, Abdullah Shit could only continue to escape.

Fleeing and fleeing, he was getting farther and farther away from the battlefield, and there were more than 800 private soldiers and noble cavalry around him. These guys simply stopped fighting and fled directly to Turpan, first releasing their father Babai Khan who was under house arrest. Whether to surrender or flee to Aksu is up to Babai Khan to make up his mind.

Toulontai has completely panicked, and the battlefield situation has changed too quickly.

The younger brother fled, the cavalry collapsed, and his rear was cut off. However, several troops of the former army were bombarded by 100 artillery pieces, and their formation was already in disarray. He could only bite the bullet and lead the whole army to charge.

You must charge, you cannot retreat, and you cannot stand still, otherwise the army may collapse directly.

In fact, there are already deserters.

Some soldiers couldn’t bear the pressure of the artillery, turned around and fled in fright, and were cut down a lot by Toulontai’s law enforcement team.

The soldiers of Turpan and Hami, under the threat of Turontai, reluctantly rushed towards the Datong Army.

“Tiger crouches forward!”

More than two hundred tiger squatting cannons were carried by the soldiers to the rear of the chariot formation.

The enemy army rushed halfway, and was bombarded by a hundred artillery pieces, and soldiers kept running away in fear. After gradually approaching, more than two hundred tiger crouching guns were divided into two groups to fire shotguns in turn, and several enemy troops collapsed on the spot.

“Bang bang bang!”

Then there was another salvo of muskets, and the thick gunpowder smoke had not yet dissipated, and the enemy troops rushing to the front had all collapsed.

Even if they can continue to charge, they will face the obstruction of the car formation, and there will be grenadiers behind the car formation.

The Xiao cavalry and Yi cavalry did not attack the enemy infantry, mainly because they were afraid of being accidentally injured by their own firepower. They focused on chasing and killing the scattered enemy cavalry, and the enemy infantry was dealt with by dragoons and Qinghai cavalry.

“Boom boom boom boom!”

Jiang Liang’s central army, the drums of war suddenly sounded.

Then there was another burst of bugles, and the big synchronous soldiers charged collectively with bayonets, chasing and killing the defeated enemy troops, and dispersing those enemy troops that had not completely collapsed.

The dragoon cavalry and Qinghai cavalry who circled to the rear also rushed towards Toulontai’s central army.


Toulontai, who was frightened by more than two hundred tiger squatting cannons, finally came to his senses at this time, and fled with dozens of horse guards.

As soon as the commander fled, the Chinese army was immediately in chaos.

The dragoons first rushed up to fire their guns, and they stopped loading bullets. Instead, they drew their knives and led the Qinghai cavalry to kill them at close range.

Qinghai cavalry is a temporary formation of miscellaneous troops. The soldiers come from dozens of tribes in Qinghai, Tibetan, Hui, Tu, Salar, Mongolian… There are more than 20 ethnic minorities.

It will definitely not work to let them fight tough battles, they must want to preserve their strength.

But it is very useful to fight with the wind. When they charged, they were more heroic than the dragoons. The chaotic Toulontai Chinese Army collapsed after being charged by the Qinghai cavalry, and then faced various ethnic minority weapons.

The dragoons didn’t bother to take care of those routs, and handed them over to the Qinghai cavalry, and turned to hunt and kill Toulontai who fled to the Gobi.

The dragoons only wore light armor, and they were extremely fast. They chased for several miles, and finally caught up with Toulontai.

This person is not only reckless, but also fearless of death. Seeing that he couldn’t escape, he reined in his horse and stopped, leading dozens of guard cavalry, and charged back towards more than a thousand dragoon cavalry.

“The warriors of Yarkand must die on the battlefield!”

Toulontai raised his spear and roared, and dozens of guard cavalry also roared, but no one escaped.

The dragoons also stopped, sitting on horseback and loading ammunition.

When Toulontai led the guards approaching, hundreds of cavalry who had already loaded their ammunition shot at the dozens of enemies one after another.

“I’m not convinced!”

Toulontai was not shot, but his horse was shot.

This is a bad fall, but he stood up quickly again. He wanted to fight a **** battle before he died, but the dragoons didn’t give him a chance, and they had to use muskets for more than a thousand or dozens of fights.

Those bodyguards and cavalry fell off their horses one after another, and there were still a few of them, who miraculously survived even with their horses. They were baptized by the hail of bullets, and they no longer had the courage to charge, so they pulled the reins and continued to turn and run away.

More dragoons loaded their ammunition and shot at the survivors, killing them all.


The dragoons came up on horseback.

Toulontai and another guard were standing back to back.

He glanced at the Datong dragoons, suddenly pulled out the scimitar, wiped it on his own neck, and left his last words before he died: “The last warrior of Yarkand finally died at the hands of the cunning enemy.”

Although this person is a little crazy, compared with other nobles in Yarkand, he still deserves a little bit of respect.

On the frontal battlefield, the disintegrated noble cavalry has been hunted down by the Datong cavalry.

The Qinghai cavalry was chasing and killing the scattered infantry. Sometimes those who had already surrendered were chopped down. Even if they were serf soldiers, Jiang Liang would not stop them—after all, if more people were killed on the battlefield, how could there be enough land for Han immigrants?

Ebedura from Hami, with two arrows stuck in his back, left by the cavalrymen.

This guy has already regretted it. He should listen to his father and surrender to the Datong Army in Hami. I was obsessed with ghosts, so I ran to Turpan and followed Toulontai to fight.

Hit the fart!


Another arrow was shot, and Erbedura subconsciously fell down, but he didn’t expect that it was the arrow hit by the horse in the crotch.

The horse sped up in pain, stepped on the Gobi stones with its front hooves, and fell forward with the horse and man.

The future King Hami had his left leg crushed by a horse. He was terrified and shouted to surrender, but he saw a few cavalrymen chasing him, drawing their bows in unison, setting up arrows, and shooting at him at a distance of two or three meters.

The military order is to keep no nobles, and the armor on Abedura’s body shows that he is a big noble.

The fanatic cavalry were all dead. They rushed too far, and those people were the first to be surrounded and killed.

The battlefield was strewn with corpses, stretching for several miles, and more than 30,000 were killed by the array. The knives of the Qinghai cavalry were all blunt.

The enemy’s rout could not escape at all, because the Datong Army had too many cavalry. At the end of the escape, they were completely unable to run. Thousands of people knelt down and begged for mercy, and those in armor were picked out and immediately executed.

The serf soldiers who could not be approved had the hope of surviving.

(end of this chapter)

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