Chapter 1021

Chapter 1016 – 1012 [Russian Version Of “The Collection Of Great Harmony”]

Chapter 1016 1012 [Russian version of “Da Tong Ji”]

Stepan Razin is no stranger to China, and most of the information he heard was from Turghuts.

This guy once lived in the Torghut Ministry for two years and served as the resident diplomatic representative of the Don Cossacks. He also stayed away from the Don River and worked as a water bandit on the Volga River for several years, collecting protection fees from merchant ships passing along the way.

“Dear Khitan envoy, please convey my respect to the Khitan emperor.” Racine bowed and saluted. He spoke Mongolian fluently.

Xie Yuan smiled and said, “Hello, heroic rebel.”

Racine asked curiously: “You are a Khitan envoy, so you must be from a noble family. Shouldn’t the nobles hate rebels like me? Why do you call me a heroic rebel?”

Xie Yuan suddenly looked serious, bowed to the east, then turned and said, “Because His Majesty the Emperor of our country is also a heroic rebel. He was a slave oppressed by the nobles, and brought more slaves and poor people to overthrow the brutal emperor.” rule. In China today, no poor people are oppressed anymore, because the emperor treats all people equally.”

“Emperor Khitan used to be a slave?” Racine was very surprised.

Xie Yuan nodded and said: “Yes, His Majesty the Emperor of China used to be a slave. Many Chinese officials were slaves and poor people. They rebelled with His Majesty and created a new dynasty. I heard that you have to ask March in Moscow, and then get the tsar to improve his policy on the poor. With all due respect, you can’t succeed.”

“Why is it impossible?” Racine asked.

Xie Yuan said: “Because the tsar and the nobles are one, he will only speak for the nobles. Even if he promised you, he will definitely go back on his word, and then mobilize the army to destroy you.”

Racine said: “I believe that His Majesty the Tsar is merciful.”

Racine himself doesn’t believe this kind of nonsense.

He was purely consoling himself, because for the Cossacks, the Tsar was invincible. Even if they revolted, they could only run around and force the tsar to change his decree by causing losses to Russia.

Xie Yuan asked, “Are you literate?”

“I have studied for several years.” Racine’s parents were wealthy Cossacks, but the family property was taken over by the nobles.

Xie Yuan took out a special Russian version of “Da Tong Ji”, which has been translated into many languages thanks to the efforts of Honglu Temple and missionaries. He handed it to Racine and said, “This is a book written by His Majesty the Emperor himself. It tells how to revolt and govern the country.”

Racine took it over and took a look, only to see that the title of the book was “The Khitan Emperor Leads the Poor Uprising and the Theory of State Construction”.

The Russian translation is more straightforward and removes the traditional ideas unique to China.

The first chapter is the theory of personality, explaining that everyone is equal under the gods, and no one should be oppressed by nature.

Chapter 2 is the Three Origins, explaining that the people are the masters of the country, and the monarch, nobles and officials are only managing the country on behalf of the people.

The third chapter is the theory of land equalization, explaining that land is bestowed by the gods and should not be monopolized by big landlords. All the land of the big landlords came by **** means. Only small landlords and self-cultivating farmers earn their income by reclaiming wasteland through hard work.

Chapter Four…

Racine led the uprising troops and went up the Volga River.

Sitting in the Cossack boat, Racine began to read the Russian version of “Da Tong Ji”.

The first chapter gave him a strong impact, but at the same time made him empathize, because this theory fits the Cossack very well.

After reading the second chapter, Racine felt enlightened.

In the third chapter, Racine suddenly wanted to cry when he saw it. Cossacks were not born robbers. His grandparents belonged to fugitive slaves. They fled to the Don River Basin and worked hard to cultivate them. It was entirely through hard work that they got rich. But the damned aristocrat came and took over his family’s property and business, so he could only bring a group of people to be robbers.

The Tsarist Russian nobles are constantly occupying the Don River Basin and continuously compressing the living space of the Cossacks.

This book is just a booklet, which can be read in half a day.

The end of the book is “Brief Biography of the Khitan Great Emperor”. It tells how miserable the Khitan emperor was when he was a child, he was oppressed layer by layer, and finally led the poor and slaves to rebel, and finally established a happy country where everyone is equal.

After reading the book, Racine’s hands were shaking. Inspired by the deeds of the Khitan emperor, he felt that he could also overthrow the tsar and build a country.

Landed and plundered a small town, Racine called all the leaders of the rebel army, and also the leader of the Bashkir uprising.

He took the Russian version of “Da Tong Ji” and said: “In the far east, there is a powerful country called Khitan. How powerful is Khitan? Its capital has one million people, and it can easily defeat the tsar’s army. But twenty years ago, the Khitan emperor was also very brutal, oppressing and exploiting the poor and slaves.”

More than thirty rebel leaders surrounded Racine and listened.

Racine continued: “There was a Khitan serf who couldn’t bear the abuse of the landlord, and led the serfs and poor people to rebel. Their initial weapons were inferior to ours. They could only use wooden boards as shields and wood as spears. But They were very heroic, defeating the emperor’s army time and time again, and finally they overthrew the brutal Khitan emperor and established a country of their own.”

“Are you telling a story?” asked Mohad, the leader of the Bashkir rebel army.

Racine held up the “Da Tong Ji”: “I am not telling a story, all of this is true. The serf who led the uprising is now the Great Khitan Emperor. This is a book written by the Khitan Emperor himself. I will tell you now listen…”

Racine walked up the steps: “Man is created by…” He suddenly looked at Muhad, “Slavs, created by Yahweh. Bashkirs, created by God. No matter which **** created it Human beings, under the gods, are all equal. You have to ask, the nobles are smarter, the nobles can read and write, why are they equal to the poor? The Khitan Emperor said that personalities are equal, and the nobles and the poor only have personalities The difference. And the personality can be changed. If a person’s morality and ability do not match his status, then he is not worthy of a noble personality…”

Most of the listeners are illiterate, and they don’t know what personality is.

But they understood some things. Under the gods, everyone is equal. The people are the masters of the country, and the emperor, nobles and officials only manage the country on behalf of the people. All big landowners are immoral, and only small landowners and self-cultivating farmers obtain land through hard work.

Since the big landlords are immoral, they should be overthrown, and the land should be robbed and distributed to the poor!

Racine also made up his own imagination, telling how happy the Chinese people are. Beggars there can easily get alms. Farmers there only need to pay a small amount of taxes. The craftsmen there don’t have to bear heavy labor… Everything makes the eyes of the rebel leaders shine.

Just then, a small boat docked.

The person who came was the envoy of Tsaritsyn Governor Andrei Onkovsky. When he saw Racine, he said: “I have heard of your name. You have plundered the Volga River for many years. You ask a price, how much money do you need, so as not to go to Tsaritsyn (Volgograd).”

“Want to buy me?” Racine sneered, “Go back and tell your governor that I’m just passing through Tsaritsyn, and I’m going to kill all the way to Moscow. If he dares to intervene, I’ll surround Tsaritsyn! Get lost!”

The rebel army collected and made more ships along the way, swaggeringly approached Tsaritsyn, and even rowed past the city. The governor actually pretended not to see it.

Along the way, many poor people came to seek refuge. When they arrived in Tsaritsyn, the number of rebel troops had exceeded 10,000, and many of them were not Slavs.

The hundreds of defenders in the castle, how dare they come out to fight?

After Tsaritsyn, they ran out of food, so they decided to divide their troops to plunder, and the Cossacks and Bashkirs fought their own way. Only when the large forces are separated can the looted food be enough to eat.

Racine led his army to go northwest along the tributary, and that direction was to Moscow.

The Bashkir rebel army continued north along the Volga River to plunder the Moscow towns along the river.

Racine officially launched the uprising slogan: Everyone is equal, everyone has land, kill all boyars, big landlords and officials.

Along the way, Racine was liberating serfs.

But instead of finding a base to develop with peace of mind, he became a bandit like Li Zicheng. Countless serfs are willing to follow him, because life has long been difficult.

When plundering Voronezh, Racine met a group of political prisoners. He said to these people: “I don’t force you to join me, but anyone who follows me will become a free Cossack. I just want to Down with those boyar nobles and landowners, as for those poor people, I treat them like brothers! By the way, you should all be literate, I have a book for you to read.”

The Russian version of “Da Tong Ji” was handed over, and a political prisoner was in charge of reading it aloud.

Only after reading the second chapter, more than half of the political prisoners showed panic and fear. Because they were all of noble origin, they were exiled only after they failed in the political struggle, and they had a natural fear of beating local tyrants and dividing their land.

But soon some people were tempted. They were already on the road to exile, and their family was already finished.

They have nothing, are they afraid of a hammer?

Except for a few people who decided to leave, most of the political prisoners showed their hearts and were willing to rebel with Racine.

But these guys, including Racine, lack a clear rebellion program. They still had illusions about the tsar, they just wanted to go to Moscow, force the tsar to appease themselves, and then get a piece of land to live on. This kind of thing often happened in Russia, and many Cossacks were ordered to peace, because the tsar was unable to suppress the rebellion.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Racine to be summoned.

Because the direct cause of this uprising was that he robbed the official ship of the Ministry of Finance of Tsarist Russia! Along with the official ship, there were also fleets of great nobles and wealthy merchants, which aroused the anger of the Moscow nobles.

After advancing for more than a hundred miles to Moscow, Racine finally met the troops sent by the Tsar.

The main shooter army is all smug.

The real main force is the noble army and Cossacks. The Cossacks are also divided into many forces, some of whom are willing to serve as lackeys for the nobles.

A battle broke out between the two sides by the river. The official army had better weapons, but the morale of the rebel army was high. The rebel army only killed or injured hundreds of people, defeated the official army, and continued marching all the way.

But when he was still hundreds of miles away from Moscow, Racine became timid again.

He was still afraid of the Tsar and knew that Moscow would not be defeated. The group of political prisoners who took refuge in Racine also began to act speculatively weak, encouraging Racine to change direction and plunder. As long as more cities and towns can be destroyed and more big landlords plundered, huge losses can be caused to Tsarist Russia, and the tsar can also be forced to come to Zhao’an.

As a result, Racine really changed the direction of the march, and fought everywhere along the river. Moreover, he couldn’t afford to support so many soldiers by plundering. When he met a new serf who had come to join him, he just gave him some money and food, and then he robbed the nobles and rich people everywhere.

The Tsar finally had time to summon more troops and sent tens of thousands of troops to suppress.

Racine made a foolish move again. He divided the troops into ten and looted in all directions. It can not only make it difficult for the tsar’s army to pursue, but also cause a larger area of damage, forcing the tsar to carry out Zhao’an.

The book “Da Tong Ji” was read in vain…

However, as the Racine uprising army swept across the country, the ideas in “Da Tong Ji” spread.

In particular, a few political prisoners copied some secretly and carried them with them when they escaped, which is tantamount to preserving the seeds of revolutionary ideas.

While Racine was running around, the strong fortress was knocked down by the Torghut troops.

To be precise, it was not defeated, but the defenders themselves rebelled.

Racine also encountered many such situations. There were many fortified cities along the way. As soon as the rebels arrived, the city gates opened wide, and the defenders directly joined the uprising team.

(end of this chapter)

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