I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-2 Experimentation With Creation

Now that I’m in the new body I created I decided that I should see what I can do with my new power. Feeling hungry I decided to see if I could create food and not even a second later I already have a nice pepperoni pizza in my hands. While I ate I brainstormed ideas to try out with my new power.

Since my power has no limitations I should be able to create new superpowers… Or at least I think I should be able to. If not, maybe I can make a pill that when eaten gives you a certain power? I’m pretty sure that I should be able to create things that don’t exist. I’d love to try out some of those things in sci-fi movies. Last on my to-do list is to see if I can create life. I’ve always wanted an adorable little sister.

When I finished eating a delicious pizza I started experimenting with my ideas. First I tried creating a superpower that can make you invisible. It failed immediately, but why? I can tell that the superpower was created but I can’t go invisible. Is it because I only created the power and I don’t actually have the ability to go invisible? So I tried making a pill that when eaten gives you the ability to turn invisible and it worked. What was even nicer is that I can also make objects turn visible and invisible at will.

Next I set out to create things that either don’t or can’t exist. Though I guess I already succeeded by making pills that give you superpowers, but that isn’t that fun. So I decided to try making an energy sword that can slice through anything and deflect bullets. Though I don’t want to accidentally hurt myself so I decided to first make a pill that makes you immortal when eaten. The energy sword works perfectly, almost too perfectly. My bed is kind of cut up into tiny pieces right now. Oh well I’ll just have to create a new bed. 

With my other experiments a success I was ready to try creating a little sister. I could easily imagine what the adorable girl would look like so I created a body pretty easily. But then came the hard part. I had to figure out how to make her personality and figure out how to make her act like a human rather than a robot that only acts according to its code.

I decided to first attempt to create her personality. I already knew that I wanted her to be really sweet and precious so I imagined actions that go along with that type of personality. Then I tried to create a pill that when eaten would give you that personality. It worked but she still didn’t think like a human and instead only responded to certain things like a robot.

I spent hours trying many different things. I tried being really simple and making a pill that makes you think like a human. That didn’t work because thinking like a human was too vague a thing to create. I tried being really complicated and giving her many different ways to think but doing that just made her act like a robot that was overloaded with information.

It took me until night time to realize my mistake. When I created her body I was thinking of creating her personality then giving it to her body, but that type of thinking was wrong. My mistake was such a stupid one and it barely took me any time at all to fix it. What I had to create instead was “A human little girl with a really cute personality.” I’m kind of confused on the difference between the two and why one works and the other doesn’t, but I guess that’s just a normal programming experience.

I was so excited when she finally woke up and began to speak. “Miss where am I?” Ah shit I forgot to give her a past.

Since I wanted her to be my little sister I was going to give her memories of living with me, but I soon realized the problem with that. I’m technically dead and there’s also the problems with the legal records. So I created a smart computer that had access to every file on Earth and had it create a new identity for me and my soon to be little sister. My new name is Sophie Hifumi. It doesn’t roll off the tongue that well but I took it from a name generator because I was lazy so oh well and my little sister will be Annette Hifumi.

Next I created two pieces of candy that would give us memories of a fake past. Since I already had memories I would be able to tell they were fake but Annette’s brain should accept them as her own memories. We both ate the candy and I “remembered” memories of living in another and moving here after our parents died. I looked over at Annette to see if it worked for her.

“Big Sis, is something wrong?”

Yes! I have an adorable little sister and I can now die happy. Oh wait, I made myself immortal. I can't die. I made another candy to make Annette immortal while saying, “Nope nothing wrong Annette just admiring how cute you are.”

She blushed from my compliment and was about to say something when her stomach grumbled. I said, “How about we go get something to eat.” I then set out to make the best dinner of my life for my new adorable little sister.

Fun Fact: The name Sophie Hifumi was actually taken from a name generator because I'm bad at coming up with names.

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