I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 27 How can rabbits eat rabbits when they are so cute?

"Dad, if you finally have time to have a good rest this time, don't be in a hurry to start a career. Just help me at home for a month. I'm really too busy. During this time, you can think carefully about what you want to do in the future. What are you doing, right?"

Jing Shu decided to stabilize Jing’s father first. The apocalypse is coming soon and he will have to brag about everything he does. It is better to wait until the apocalypse to help the country and stand within the system. Not only will he have an iron rice bowl, but the internal treatment will also be better, and he will know it faster than others. information.

"Okay, I will help my daughter with the work first. My daughter's career is about to start, how can I ignore it." The income of tens of thousands of yuan a day makes Dad Jing very excited. What he is excited about is that his daughter is more capable than him!

So Jing’s father’s daily duty is to drive Jing’s mother to work in the government 30 kilometers away in the morning in an energy vehicle. As Jingshu’s after-sales service, he is responsible for contacting the buyers of the live broadcast room and sending express mails. Sometimes he and Jing Ye repair something together and then the two People quarrel because of their different worldviews.

Time flies so fast. In December, it has not snowed yet in Wucheng, and it is still as warm as spring.

The world is heating up, and the average temperature in various regions is expected to be 9°C higher than in previous years. Guangdong and Fujian remain at 30°C, Hainan is close to 40°C, and Wucheng in the northwest is all at 21°C.

CCTV is busy in the morning banning various celebrities and confiscating their various properties; at noon, it is busy doing charity. Who has donated how much money, and celebrities and companies who have given half of their property for charity must also be praised.

In the evening, we should not only report on which country is in chaos again, but China is prosperous, but also report on reducing carbon dioxide emissions, driving less, etc. to curb global warming.

The Agriculture Channel reports on ways to remediate crops. After all, some crops sprout and grow leaves in winter, but no more fruits in spring and summer.

The Science Channel brags about the cause of this every day. Anyway, the public is right and the mother-in-law is right. Jingshu, who graduated from a third-rate art college, does not understand such advanced issues.

But Jingshu knows that as the sunlight disappears due to the collision of stars, the earth will heat up crazily, and the earth's ecology will be completely disrupted!

The four seasons will no longer exist, and terrible natural disasters ruthlessly take away countless lives. As the sun disappears, it will undoubtedly add to the misfortune and form an apocalyptic era, which people call the end of the world.

Cherish the last few days before the end of the world!

After the vegetables were pickled and filled 50 large jars, the chicken and quail eggs were vacuum-packed and marinated, and the duck eggs were pickled, Jingshu killed 60 rabbits that day, leaving only 5 rabbits in the space to breed.

Father Jing kills rabbits and needs Master Jing to skin them. The skins have many uses and are left to dry on the third-floor balcony. Jingshu is responsible for chopping it into cubes, and Jing Nai is responsible for frying the rabbit until it is golden and scooping it up.

Bloody things like skinning were left in the distance.

Jingye also put the rabbits he brought yesterday in front of the camera early in the morning to give everyone some popular science. In addition to singing and sitting on the massage chair, Jingye has another one in his morning routine. He takes out the ingredients to show off every day. For a moment, it’s just like when we take photos and post them on WeChat Moments. If we don’t show off, we won’t be happy.

The rabbits drank the diluted spiritual spring and became fat, cute, and extremely furry.

Everyone in the live broadcast room thought that today had a different style.

"Today, my sister Jing will not make pickles to send to relatives. Instead, will she send live rabbits?"

"This bunny is so cute. How much does one cost?"

As soon as she finished asking, Jingshu changed the name of the live broadcast room: For only 1,998 yuan, it will make you so happy that you can’t breathe.

Then the cute rabbits were chopped into diced rabbits by Jingshu, and they quickly turned golden. Then they were stir-fried with sea pepper, Chinese peppercorns, ginger and green onions. The bright red peppers were paired with the golden diced rabbits and drizzled with sesame oil. , sprinkle a little sesame seeds, and the fragrant spicy rabbit cubes are ready!

One moment he said, "How can you eat rabbits when rabbits are so cute?" The next moment, they turned into "Give me one!"

"My sister Jing's live broadcast room uses the freshest ingredients on the Internet, no one else!"

Put the spicy diced rabbit into a sealed 2-liter container, drain the air and keep it refrigerated for half a year without changing the taste. The diced rabbit that has been drunk from Lingquan can be stored for a year without any problem.

60 plump rabbits filled 125 sealed jars, and Jingshu sold 20 of them.

Early the next morning, Master Jing drove 50 cute fat ducks to crowd the camera. The big fat ducks quacking loudly were so cute.

Then it quickly turned into a dried salted duck that was smoked and then marinated. When the whole body is covered with yellow sauce, oily and fragrant, the fresh and refreshing salted duck with endless aftertaste is ready.

On the third day, Jingye showed more than 70 chickens fluttering in front of the camera, and then they turned into air-dried chickens, sauce-marinated chickens, vacuum-braised chickens, etc.

On the fourth day, more than 300 quails were braised, fried, roasted, dried and so on.

On the fifth day, when Jingye led two big black pigs, he attracted countless exclamations, which fully satisfied Jingye's vanity. A professional pig butcher was also invited for this purpose. The amount of the two pigs was too large, so it took two days to prepare.

Stir-fried kidneys, spicy blood clots, pan-fried pork belly with lettuce, etc. are all eaten now. Ever since Jingshu gave the whole family a drink of Lingquan No. 4 (1 drop + 1000ml water), the whole family's appetite has become surprisingly good. Of course, the effect of drinking No. 3 on her body was more obvious, and she ate more.

The large bones are boiled in soup and then frozen. On the one hand, they can be used to make stock and on the other hand, they can be used to make aspic.

Put the braised short ribs into a sealed jar and braise the pork head, ears, tongue, heart, belly, lungs, large intestine and small intestine. Pickled pig tails, pig trotters, and trotters are all vacuum packed and refrigerated.

Eight legs are used to make smoked ham. After the smoke is done, I want to eat a slice of real ham. It tastes delicious no matter how I eat it. It sucks.

Oh, by the way, Sun Yinrui’s court ruling has been handed down.

Sun Yinrui's wife wanted to get all the property in the divorce before the verdict was handed down, but the court rejected it and confiscated all the money and real estate in the accounts of Sun Yinrui and Yang Yunyun first.

Although the new national policy has just been implemented by the government and public institutions, it stands to reason that private companies like Sun Yinrui can still take advantage of legal loopholes. However, the court was very strong and directly issued a notice of judgment. It also said that Sun Yinrui was unlucky and rushed before the country to crack down on this. At this point, even if Sun Yinrui takes the case to the Supreme People's Court, the result will be the same.

Haven’t you watched CCTV arrest celebrities for corruption and tax evasion every day?

Sun Yinrui was deprived of political rights, recorded on the record, and sentenced to five months in prison; Yang Yunyun and Sun Zijian were deprived of political rights, recorded on the record, and sentenced to one month of rehabilitation; Xiaocao was sentenced to the same crime as Sun Yinrui.

The country's new policy is like this. If one person commits a crime, the whole family will suffer. The most terrifying thing is that these four words are recorded. After the end of the world, you can only receive the worst food from the government. The government also wants this group of people to starve to death and not make trouble. There is a certain labor force.

1: There are 2 updates today, posted at 19:00, and I will start ranking list tomorrow. There will be 2 updates every day, and there will be additional updates.

2: Thanks to the second uncle of Q area, Yanweierya for the reward, thanks to smile again, Confucius does not study, Eagle Chief, The Suffering Man, Wild Orchid, Yuanyuan, Mo? Yue, Blood Rose, Shui XX, that’s all. Waiting for the little cute ticket.

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